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1、仁爱英语七年级上册全套题 Unit 1 Getting to Know YouTopic 1 Hello!Section A基础锤炼一、写出下列字母的相应大写或小写字母1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _二、写出下列字母的左邻右舍,请注意大小写6. _ B _7. _E _8. _c _9. _f _10. _ D _三、你知道下列缩略词的含义吗,将字母序号写在括号内( ) 11. BBCa. 公元( ) 12. CAACb. 公元前( ) 13. FAc. 英国广播公司( ) 14. CDd. 加拿大广播公司( ) 15. CBCe. 中国民航( ) 16. CAAf. 美国民用航空管理

2、局( ) 17. ADg. (英)足球协会( ) 18. DDDh. 激光唱片( ) 19. BCi. 汽车协会( ) 20. AAj. 交货截止日期四、用所给的字母写出所学的单词,并写出汉语意思21. dogo_ ( )22. ngominr_ ( )23. lcomewe_ ( )24. hkant_ ( )25. suxece_ ( )26. elepas_ ( )A.Thanks.B.Nice to meet to you, too.C.Yes, I am.D.Good morning!E.My name is Kangkang.五、选择适当的应答语( ) 27. Good morni

3、ng!( ) 28. Are you Maria?( ) 29. Nice to meet you!( ) 30. Whats your name?( ) 31. Welcome to China! 能力提升六、单项选择( ) 32. 下列小写字母中,都是一笔完成的是 _.A. a, fB. e, hC. d, f( ) 33. 下列大写字母中,都是一笔完成的是 _.A. C, GB. C, BC. G, B( ) 34. 下列大写字母中,书写时都是两笔完成的是 _.A. B, DB. G, BC. B, G( ) 35. 下列大写字母中,书写时都是三笔完成的是 _.A. A, BB. E,

4、AC. G, F( ) 36. 英语字母中唯一从左边中间起的是 _.A. cB. dC. e( ) 37. 下列小写字母中, 占两格的是 _.A. a, gB. c, eC. a, c ( ) 38. 下列字母中, 不是元音字母的是 _.A. AB. EC. C七、将下列句子翻译成汉语39. 我的名字叫珍妮。 _40. 你是迈克尔吗? _41. 欢迎来到中国!_42. 见到你也很高兴。_43. 你叫什么名字?_八、用适当的短语或句子补全对话44. A:Good morning!B:_!45.A:_?B:My name is Jane.46. A:_, are you Maria?B:Yes,

5、_.47. A:_B:Nice to meet you, too.48.A:Welcome to China!B:_.九、阅读理解 A:Good morning!B:Good Morning!A:Excuse me, are you Jack Green?B:Yes, I am. Whats your name, please?A:My name is Fangfang. B:Nice to meet you!A:Nice to meet you, too! Welcome to China!B:Thanks. 根据对话内容判断下列句子正(T)与误(F)。( ) 49. Jack Green

6、and Fangfang meet in the morning.( ) 50. Jack Green and Fangfang are good friends(好朋友).( ) 51. Fangfang doesnt know(不认识)Jack Green.( ) 52. Jack Green isnt a Chinese boy.( ) 53. Fangfang is a Chinese girl.Section B基础锤炼一、写出下列字母的相应大写或小写字母1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _二、写出下列字母的左邻右舍,请注意大小写6. _ I _7. _m _8. _q _9.

7、_R _10. _ o _11. _ L _三、你知道下列缩略词的含义吗,将字母序号写在括号内( ) 12. IBMa. 智商( ) 13. FIFAb. 情商( ) 14. IDc. 公里( ) 15. kmd. 身份证( ) 16. ame. 国际足协( ) 17. PRCf. 中国共产党( ) 18. CCPg. 上午,早晨( ) 19. EQh. 亚太经合组织( ) 20. APECi. 中华人民共和国( ) 21. IQj. 美国国际商用机器公司四、用所给的字母写出所学的单词,并写出汉语意思22. gneib_ ( )23. onwd_ ( )24. oehrtm_ ( )25. e

8、raehct_ ( )26. atdns_ ( )27. ernftonao_ ( )A.Thank you.B.Hello, Mr Lee.C.You, too.D.Good afternoon, Miss Wang!E.How do you do?五、选择适当的应答语( ) 28. Good afternoon, class!( ) 29. Sit down, please!( ) 30. How do you do?( ) 31. Hello, Miss Wang!( ) 32. Have a nice day! 能力提升六、单项选择( ) 33. 下列小写字母中,都是一笔完成的是 _.

9、A. m, nB. k, pC. l, q( ) 34. 下列大写字母中,都是一笔完成的是 _.A. N, OB. J, LC. R, O( ) 35. 下列小写字母中,书写时都是两笔完成的是 _.A. j, kB. m, pC. p, i( ) 36. 下列大写字母中,都是两笔完成的是 _.A. M, NB. P, LC. K, L( ) 37. 下列小写字母中, 只写在中间的一格的是 _.A. i, oB. m, oC. n, i ( ) 38. 下列字母中, 不是元音字母的是 _.A. RB. OC. I七、将下列句子翻译成汉语39. 请坐。_40. 这是我的妈妈。_41. 你好吗?_4

10、2. 看到你也很高兴。_43. 祝你(玩得)愉快!_八、用适当的短语或句子补全对话44. A:Nice to see you, Michael! B:_.45.A:Have a nice day!B:_.46. A:Sit down, please!B:_.47. A:Mom, _, Mr Lee. Mr Lee, _.B:_?C:How do you do?48.A:Hi! My name is Kangkang. _?B:_ Jane. 九、书面表达 请你根据汉语提示,用英语编写一段对话。假如你叫杨杨,你的好朋友林林下午第一次到你家做客,你把他介绍给你妈妈认识。要求:1、书写规范,语句通顺

11、; 2、词数:30个左右。Yangyang: _Linlin:_Yangyang: _Linlin:_Mother: _Mingming:_Mother: _Section C基础锤炼一、写出下列字母的相应大写或小写字母1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _二、写出下列字母的左邻右舍,请注意大小写6. _ v _7. _W _8. _U _9. _Y _10. _ x _三、你知道下列缩略词的含义吗,将字母序号写在括号内( ) 11. UFOa. 英国( ) 12. WWWb. 联合国( ) 13. WTOc. 万维网( ) 14. NBAd. 重要人物( ) 15. UKe. 世界贸易组织

12、( ) 16. UNf. 世界卫生组织( ) 17. EMSg. 中国人保财险( ) 18. VIPh. 不明飞行物( ) 19. PICCi. 美国职业篮球联赛( ) 20. WHOj. 全球邮政特快专递四、用所给的字母写出所学的单词,并写出汉语意思21. infe_ ( )22. adb_ ( )23. ton_ ( )24. retal_ ( )25. motorwro_ ( )26. odoeybg_ ( )A.Yes, I am. B.Good afternoon. C.Im fine, thank you. D.Good morning.E.See you later. 五、选择适

13、当的应答语( ) 27. How are you?( ) 28. Good-bye!( ) 29. Good morning, Mr Chen. ( ) 30. Are you Mr Lee? ( ) 31. Good afternoon, Miss Wang.能力提升六、单项选择( ) 32. 下列小写字母中,都是一笔完成的是 _.A. y, wB. s, tC. x, v( ) 33. 下列大写字母中,都是一笔完成的是 _.A. U, VB. Y, ZC. W, Z( ) 34. 下列大写字母中,都是两笔完成的是 _.A. T, WB. X, YC. Z, U( ) 35. 下列小写字母中

14、, 写两格的是 _.A. s, zB. t, xC. u, v ( ) 36. 下列字母中, 不是元音字母的是 _.A. OB. UC. V七、将下列句子翻译成汉语37. 明天见!_38. 你身体好吗?_39. 我很好,谢谢。_40. 不太坏,谢谢。_41. 我也很好。_八、用适当的短语或句子补全对话42. A:Good morning, Mr Lee. B:_.43.A:_, Mr Chen.B:See you tomorrow. 44. A:Good afternoon, Miss Wang. B:_.45. A:_? B:Im fine, thank you. _?A:_.九、从方框中选

15、择适当的句子补全对话,有两个多余选项A:Hello!A. Hello!B. How are you?C. Are you Maria?D. Whats your name?E. Thank you.F. Im fine, too.G. Good-bye. B:(46) _A:Im Jane. (47) _B:Im Maria. Nice to meet you.A:Nice to meet you, too.B:(48) _A:Fine, thanks. And you?B:(49) _A:(50) _B:See you later. Section D基础锤炼一、写出含有字母a读音的大写字母

16、1. _ 2. _3. _4. _二、朗读下列缩略词,并写出它的含义5. CBA( )6. ABC( )7. FBI( )8. kg( ) 9. HK( ) 10. CCTV( )三、写出下列单词中的元音字母11. afternoon ( ) 12. name ( )13. your( ) 14. mother ( ) 15. China( ) 16. fine ( ) 四、写出下列缩略词的完全形式17. whats_ 18. Im_ 19. lets_ 20. isnt_ 21. arent_ 22. shes_ 五、用be动词的正确形式(is, am, are)填空,完成句子23. Thi

17、s _ my teacher.24. How _ you?25. _ she your mother?26. _ your mother fine?27. How _ he? He _ fine. 28. _ you Jane? No, I _ not. I _ Maria. 29. My name _ Kangkang. What _ your name?六、选择适当的应答A.Yes, he is. B.Thank you.C.How do you do?D.Nice to meet you, too.E.No, she isnt. Shes Maria.F.Fine, thank you.

18、 ( ) 30. Sit down, please. ( ) 31. Is she Jane? ( ) 32. Nice to meet you! ( ) 33. How do you do? ( ) 34. Is he Kangkang? ( ) 35. How are you? 能力提升七、朗读下列各组字母,分辨其是否包含相同的音素,如相同,请写 “S”,不同的,请写 “D”36. A, B( ) 37. E, C ( ) 38. f, h ( ) 39. s, x ( )40. K, L ( ) 41. m, n ( ) 42. p, q ( ) 43. Y, I ( )八、单项选择(

19、) 44. Good afternoon! _.A. Thank youB. Good afternoonC. Good morning ( ) 45. Whats _ name, please? Im Bob.A. yourB. hisC. her( ) 46. How do you do? _?A. How are youB. Nice to meet you C. How do you do( ) 47. Are you Li Ming? Yes, _. A. I amB. he isC. she is ( ) 48. _ he my teacher?A. IsB. AmC. Are (

20、 ) 49. _? Not bad, thanks.A. Have a nice dayB. Are you fineC. How are you( ) 50. Is he Michael? No, _. Hes SteveA. Im notB. she isntC. he isnt. 九、选择方框中的词填空,补全句子, 有多余选项nice, lets, excuse, this, how, fine, thank, thanks, have, whats51. Hello! Im Kangkang. _ your name, please?52. _ to meet you!53. _ be

21、gin!54. _ me. Are you Jane?55. Mom, _ is my teacher, Mr Lee. 56. _ are you? Im _. _ you.57. _ a nice day! You, too. 十、句型转换58. Is she Jane? (作否定回答)_59. His name is Kangkang. (就划线部分提问)_ _ his name?60. She is Miss Wang. (否定句)_ _ Miss Wang.61. Im very fine. (就划线部分提问)_ _ you?62. He is Li Ming. (改为一般疑问句)_

22、 _ Li Ming? 十一、用适当的短语或句子补全对话A:Good afternoon, Mr. Wang. (63) _B:Good afternoon, Mr. Zhang. Nice to see you, too.A:How are you?B:(64) _ Thanks. And you? A:Im fine, too. Mr. Wang, (65) _ Maria. C:How do you do?B:(66) _ Please sit down. A&C: (67) _Topic 2 Where are you from?Section A基础锤炼一、你知道这些图片是哪些国家的

23、吗,请你匹配下面的图片和国家A.B.C.D. 1. China _ 2. Canada _ 3. Cuba _ 4. the US _二、根据所给汉语意思填空,完成句子5. _ (在哪里) are you from?6. _ (他们) are from Canada.7. _ (是) she Jane?8. Li Ming _ (和) Li Gang are from China. 9. My mother is _ (从来) France. 三、用be动词的正确形式(is, am, are)填空,完成句子10. _ she Jane? No, she _. Her name _ Maria.

24、11. _ he Michael? Yes, he _.12. _ they Li Ming and Zhou Jun? Yes, they _.13. _ you from Cuba? No, I _ not. I _ from Canada. A.She is from Canada. B.Im from China. C.Yes, she is.D.Yes, I am. E.They are from Cuba.四、选择适当的应答语( ) 14. Is she from New York?( ) 15. Where is she from?( ) 16. Where are they f

25、rom?( ) 17. Where are you from?( ) 18. Are you from Chicago?能力提升五、选用方框的中词填空,补全句子New York, where, from, and, they19. _ are you from, Jane?20. This is Kangkang and this is Li Ming. _ are from China.21. My mother is from China _ my teacher is from the US. 22. Tom isnt from Chicago. He is from _.23. Is

26、your teacher Mr Lee _ Canada?六、单项选择( ) 24. Where are you from? _.A. Im from Chicago B. Yes, I am from China C. You are from China( ) 25. Where is _ from? He is from Canada.A. MichaelB. Miss LeeC. Jane and Maria( ) 26. Is Maria from Cuba? Yes, _.A. shesB. she isntC. she is ( ) 27. Where are _ from? _

27、 are from the USA.A. you, IB. she, SheC. they, They( ) 28. Chicago is in _.A. ChinaB. the USC. Canada七、句型转换29. Are you from New York? (作肯定回答)_30. Are you from Toronto?(作否定回答)_31. He is from Canada. (否定句)_ _ from Canada. 32. My teacher is from the US. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ from the US?33. Maria is from Cuba

28、. (就划线部分提问)_ _ _ from?八、用字母ah把下列的句子排成一个完整的对话,将序号写在括号内( ) Yes, I am.( ) Im from Canada.( c ) Nice to meet you.( ) Excuse me. Are you Jane?( ) Oh, are you from Toronto?( ) Where are you from, Jane?( ) No, Im not. Im from Vancouver. ( ) Nice to meet you, too.九、阅读理解 I have five new classmates at school.

29、 They are from different countries(不同的国家). Alice is from England. She lives in London. Bob is from the US. He lives in New York. Cindy is from Australia. She lives in Sydney. Frank is from Canada. He lives in Toronto. Helen is also from the USA, but she lives in Washington. DC. I think we can be goo

30、d friends. 根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)与误(F)。( ) 34. Alice is from London.( ) 35. Cindy is from Canada.( ) 36. Bob isnt from Washington. DC.( ) 37. Frank is from Toronto. ( ) 38. Helen and Bob are from different countries.Section B基础锤炼一、你认识下列的国旗吗,请匹配下列的图片和国家名称A. B. C.D.E.F. 1. Canada _2. Germany _3. England _ 4

31、. Brazil _5. France _6. the US _ 二、选择下列每组词中音节不同的单词( ) 7. A. KoreaB. CanadaC. Brazil( ) 8. A. EnglandB. GermanyC. Japan( ) 9. A. ChinaB. CubaC. Canada( ) 10. A. BrazilB. FranceC. England( ) 11. A. CubaB. CanadaC. Germany三、下列句子中,在音调相同的句子前面的括号内写S,不同的写D( ) 12. A. Where are you from? B. Are you from Engl

32、and?( ) 13. A. Is she from Brazil?B. No, she isnt. ( ) 14. A. Where is he from?B. Hes from France.( ) 15. A. Whats his name?B. His name is Michael.( ) 16. A. I am from China.B. Jane is from Canada.四、根据句意及所给图片,用适当的词补全对话17. A:Whats _ name?B:_ name is Ronaldo.A:_ is he from?A:_ from Brazil.18. A:Whats _ name?B:_ name is Jones.A:_ is she from?A:_ from the US.能力提升五、选用方框的中词填空,补全句子his, her, England, what, where19. _ is your name, please?20. My teacher is from _.21. _ name is Bob and hes from Germany.22


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