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1、Unit 3 Computers,.单词速忆1_ vt.解决;解答2_ vi.&vt.发信号n.信号3_ n性格;特点4_ n目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分5_ n金融;财经,solvesignalcharactergoalfinance,6_ adv.无论如何;即使如此7_ vi.出现;发生_(过去式)_(过去分词)8_ vt.&vi.打字 n类型_ n打字员9_ vt.&vi.探索;探测;探究_ n探险家;勘探者_ n探索,anyhowarisearosearisentypetypistexploreexplorerexploration,10_ vt.计算_ n计算;盘算 _ n计算器1

2、1_ n工艺;科技;技术_ adj.科技的12_ n应用;用途;申请_ v应用;涉及;申请_ n申请人;求职者,calculatecalculationcalculatortechnologytechnologicalapplicationapplyapplicant,13_ n智力;聪明_ adj.智能的14_ adj.私人的;个人的_ adv.就个人而言;亲自 15_ adj.总的;整个的_ adv.完全地;整个地16_ adj.电子的_ n电;电学,intelligenceintelligentpersonalpersonallytotaltotallyelectronicelectri

3、city,17._ adj.简单的 _ adv.简单地 _ vt.简化 _ n.简单化,simplification,simple,simply,simplify,18._ v.操作;运转;动手术 _ n.操作;运转;手术 _ n.(电脑)操作员;接线员,operate,operation,operator,19._ adj.真实的 _ adv.真正地;事实上 _ n.事实;真实 _ v.实现;意识到,realize,real,really,reality,20._ vi.出现;显得 _ vi.消失 _ n.外观;外貌;出现 _ n.消失,disappearance,appear,disapp

4、ear,appearance,.短语快译1_ 处理;安排;对付2_ 看守;监视;照管3_ 弥补;化妆;编造;构成4_ 人类 5_ 从时起,deal withwatch overmake uphuman racefromon,6_ 结果7_ 在某种程度上8_ 在的帮助下9_ 毕竟10_ 总共;总计,as a resultin a waywith the help ofafter allin total,词汇和短语运用,1.Use a _to _ the cost of the vacation so that we can make a budget by _.(calculate)2.To p

5、ut it simply,the forms should be _ to make things _.(simplify),calcuator,calculate,calculations,simplified,simple,simplify our task简化我们的工作simplified Chinese characters简化的汉字,a simple task简单的任务to put it simply简单地说,简言之,as far as I am concerned 就本人而言,3.John is very _.He showed high _ from an early age.(

6、intelligent)4_(person)speaking,its worth all the efforts.He was an ambitious man with a strong _.,intelligent,intelligence,Personally,personality,5.All the _ should hand in _ forms tomorrow.(apply),applicants,application,apply(to sb.)for sth.(向某人)申请某物apply A to B 将A运/使用于Bapply to 适用于;运用你可以向领事Consul申

7、请签证visa。You can apply to the Consul for a visa.这项研究成果能应用於新的技术开发方面.The results of this research _ new developments in technology.我所说的只适用於你们当中的一部分人.What I have said _some of you.,can be applied to,only applies to,6.I cant see the _ behind your argument.Please make it more _ because anything _ will cau

8、se confusion.(logic)7.My wallet _.Someone had stolen it.The sudden _ of a policeman caused the thief to run away.(appear),logic,logical,illogical,disappeared,appearance,appear v.出现,似乎seemIt appears/seems that/as if Sb.appears/seems to do sth.happen It happens thatSb.happens to do sth.完成句子:(1)船出现在水平线

9、上.A ship _ on the horizon.(2)似乎他已经辍学了。_ he has dropped out of school.He _ out of school.,似乎,碰巧,appeared,It appears/seems that,appears to have dropped,8.Columbus,one of the great _(探险家),discovered America but did not _ the new continent.(探索)9.There are no simple _ to the problem of overpopulation.(so

10、lve)10.The earth is nothing but a very small planet in the endless _(universal),explorers,explore,solutions,solution to sth.的答案/解决办法,universe,11.用total的适当形式填空The company used to have 230 clerks in(1)_ and their income totaled 50,000 yuan per year.But last year things changed(3)_ and the products cou

11、ld not be sold out.Most of the workers became out of work,which made them in(4)_ despair.,total,total,totally,total adj.整个的,全部的,完全的n.总数,总额 v.共计,总数达(1)There are over 4,000 students in total in our school.(in total意为altogether,in all)(2)Why?The room is in total darkness.(total作形容词,等于complete)(3)The to

12、wn was totally destroyed after the earthquake.(totally是副词,等于completely)(4)Imports totaled 1.5 billion last year.(total作动词,意思是“共计,总数达”),12.根据语境猜词义(1)New problems will arise one after another in future.(2)Accidents often arise from carelessness.arise vi.出现,发生(arose,arisen)arise from/out of 由而引起;从中产生注意

13、:(1)arise为不及物动词,没有被动语态。(2)arise 作“呈现;发生;出现”之意时,主语多为一个抽象名词,如 argument/problem/quarrel/question。,出现,(从中)产生,翻译:(1)出现了新的困难。A new difficulty has arisen.(2)误解往往起因于语言问题。Misunderstandings often arise from/out of language problems.,arise,rise,raise,arousearise vi.出现;发生;起因于(arose arisen)rise vi.升起;起身;增长;上升(ro

14、se,risen)raise vt.举起;提高;饲养arouse vt.唤醒,激起arouse ones interest/sympathy激起兴趣/同情,完成句子:(1)The sun has not yet _.(2)Quarrels _ among the audience.(3)_ your hands if you have any question.(4)His sufferings _ our sympathy.,risen,arose,Raise,aroused,Mary _ her Chinese level by_ early to practise,which _ her

15、 interest in Chinese.From the experience,she comes to realize that when a problem _,what she should do is to meet the challenge.,has raised,rising,arouses,arises,13.阅读下列句子,注意make up的意思(1)It usually takes her an hour to make up every morning before she goes.(2)Our association(协会)is made up of people

16、from all walks of life(各行各业),or people from all walks of life make up our association.A makes up B.组成,构成=B is made up of A.=B consists of A.由组成(3)Do not try to make up any excuse(借口).(4)She is amazing.She can always make up interesting stories in a short time.(5)You must work hard to make up for the

17、 lost time.,(化妆),(构成),(捏造),(编出),(弥补),翻译:(1)这个医疗队由10名医生和6名护士组成。The medical team is made up of 10 doctors and 6 nurses.=The medical team consists of 10 doctors and 6 nurses.=10 doctors and 6 nurses make up the medical team.(2)勤能补拙。Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence.,14.根据语境猜词义(1)In a way

18、,his English has improved.(2)A bad thing can be changed into a good thing in a way.,在某种程度上,从某种意义上说,way的词组in a way(in a sense/in one way/in some way)在某种程度上,从某种意义上说挡着某人的道;妨碍某人在(去.的)路上 顺便说一下 in this/that way in many ways in no wayall the way lose ones way make ones way(to)feel ones way push ones way,in

19、 the/ones wayon the/ones way to by the way 以这种/那种方式在很多方面一点也不;决不一路上;一直;始终迷路朝去摸索着前进挤着前进,完成句子:(1)The work is well done _.(在某种程度上)(2)Im afraid your car is _.(挡道)(3)_,what has happened to all the money I gave you.(顺便说一下)(4)A heavy storm is _.(在路上)(4)She didnt speak a word to me _.(一路上)(5)_ am I going to

20、give in.(一点也不,决不),in a way,in the way,By the way,on the way,all the way,In no way,15.学习课文句子After all,with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything,using my intelligence is what Im all about!(P23)不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切!,after all 毕竟,不管怎样above allfirst of allin allall in al

21、lat allnotat all完成句子:(1)他到底还是成功了。He succeeded after all.(2)别怪他打碎那个花瓶,他毕竟是小孩子。Dont blame him for breaking that vase;_.,最重要的是首先总共总的说来根本,究竟 根本不;一点也不,after all he is a child,【即时巩固】用all的相关短语填空_,the lecture was a great success.There were twelve of us _ for dinner.Honestly speaking,I dont like it _.,All in

22、 all,in all,at all,16.根据语境猜词义(1)She flashed the torch as a signal.(2)He seems to be signaling.,信号,发信号,signal vi.&vt.发信号 n.信号signal for 用信号传达(某信息)signal sb./sth.to do sth.向示意做某事完成句子:(1)潜水艇发出求救的信号。The submarine _.(2)她举手示意车停下。She _ by raising her hand.,signaled for help,signaled the car to stop,17.根据句子

23、填空He knows _ to deal with man but when he meets women,he doesnt know _ to do with.,how,what,deal with VS do with“处理,安排,对付”deal with 常与how连用。do with 常与what连用完成句子:(1)我不知道如何对付这些调皮的孩子。I dont know how _.(2)这个箱子你打算如何处理?What will you _?,to deal with these naughty children,do with the box,【即时巩固】语法填空 Anyhow,

24、I dont know _ to deal with the tough problem that arose the other day.I have known _ to do with the homework the teacher asked me to do just now.I think we could set out to make a deal _ the firm.,how,what,with,18.学习课文句子I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web.我能通过万维网和

25、其他人分享我的知识。完成句子:It is generous of you _(跟别人分享食物).True friends ought to _(同甘共苦).,to share food with others,share happiness and sorrowshare joys and tears,19as a result 结果【考点激活】_,the plants are growing somewhere.结果,这种植物到处生长。(2014课标),As a result,(1)as a result of由于;作为的结果without result毫无结果地(2)result from

26、由引起result in导致;结果,【知识建构】,【图解助记】,【即时巩固】一句多译懒惰导致了他的失败。He failed _ his laziness.His laziness _ his failure.His failure _ his laziness.,as a result of,resulted in,resulted from,重点句型,1.说出下列句子go by的中文含义:(1)Youve missed the bus;it just went by.经过(2)If you ride a bicycle,you must go by the traffic rules.根据判

27、断、按行事(3)When he made up his mind,the opportunity had gone by.失去机会,连词,介词,go by As time went by,I was made smaller.(P18)随着年月的变迁,我被制造得更小了。=With time going by,as time goes by=with time going by再比较下列两句:As our life improves,we find more and more time entertaining.With our life improving,we find more and m

28、ore time entertaining.翻译:随着时间的流逝,他们变成了好朋友。As time went by,they became close friends.With time going by,2.I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.(P18)我发育缓慢,差不多两百年后,查尔巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。It takes/took some time before.过了多长

29、时间才It takes several years before a newspaper starts to make money.一份报纸要赚钱需要好几年时间。,Ittake/besome timebefore 要花多长时间才Itnottake/besome timebefore 不久就;过不了多久就翻译:(1)她的病需要很长时间才能痊愈。It will be long/take a long time before she recovers from the illness.(2)过不了多久他们就习惯了这儿的生活。It wasnt long/didnt take a long time b

30、efore they got used to the life here.(3)用不了多久我们就会见面的。It wont be long before we meet again.(4)又过了七年他们才结婚。It still took seven years before they got married.,常用一般过去时和一般将来时。,3.And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it!我的存储量变得如此之大,连我自己都不能相信!(1)so.that.句型的常见形式:soadj./adv.thatclausesoadj

31、.a/an 单数可数名词thatclausesomany/much/few/littlen.thatclause(2)such.that.句型的常见形式:sucha/anadj.单数可数名词 thatclausesuchadj.复数可数名词/不可数名词 thatclause注意:当so/such放在句首时,主句要用部分倒装。,完成句子:(1)她兴奋得睡不着觉。She was _ she couldnt go to sleep.(2)天气如此热,谁也不想干活。It was _ nobody wanted to do anything.(3)他跑得那么快以至于我赶不上他。(倒装)_I couldn

32、t catch up with him.,so excited that,so hot a day thatso hot a day thatsuch a hot day,He ran so fast thatSo fast did he run that,.单句改错1As far as I know,the physics problem has solved so far.2The gas price is rising up,which makes a great number of drivers very worried.,been,3Knowing my brother didnt know what to deal with the problem,I decided to help him.4As time went by,the computer is becoming more and more intelligent nowadays.5Our life is becoming more and more convenient as a result technology.,how,goes,of,


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