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1、Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia 亚洲的沙尘暴,.单词盘点根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇1._(adj.)大量的;大规模的2._(n.)战役;活动3._(n.)进程;过程4._(n.)公民;市民,mass,campaign,process,citizen,5._(vt.)预报;预告6._(n.)大气;大气层7._(v.)重新利用;再循环8._(n.)力量;力气_(vt.)加强_(adj.)坚强的;强壮的_(adv.)坚强地9._(n.)环境 _(adj.)环境的10._(adj.)关心的;担心的_(n.&v.)关心,担心 _(prep.)关于,forecast,atmosph


3、t,scary,scare,scared,protection,protect,【品词自测】根据所给词的适当形式填空We _ feel that many factors determine whether we can succeed in our life and careers,including a _ body and a good personality.Knowing our _ is also very important.But the most important is to _ the ties with the people around us.(strength),s

4、trongly,strong,strength,strengthen,In the past year the public have shown great _ about the food safety in China,because it _ the peoples health and the safety of their lives.It is hoped that the authorities _ can really do something with the issue _ the publics health.(concern),concern,concerns,con

5、cerned,concerning,.短语回放1.砍倒;削减;减少_2.突然遭遇(风暴等)_3.一个接一个地_4.对有坏影响_,cut down,be caught in,one after another,have a bad effect on,5.醒来面对;意识到_6.吸收;欺骗;理解_7.放出,发出;分发;用尽;精疲力竭_8.不得不_9.简言之;概括地讲_10.浏览,翻阅,查阅_,wake up to,take in,give out,cant help but,in a nutshell,look through,.句式扫描1.They are often _(如此密集以至于)you

6、 cannot see the sun,and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.2._(突然遭遇沙尘暴)was a terrible experience.,so thick that,To have been caught in a sandstorm,3.Sandstorms in China _(似乎在最近几年增加了)as a result of“desertification”.4.The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slo

7、wly because the thick dust _(使得能见度很低).5.The garbage is then taken away and,_(如果可能的话),recycled.,appear to have increased in recent years,makes it difficult to see,if possible,【仿句自测】根据下面句式仿写句子so+adj./adv.+that引导结果状语从句仿写:这个故事如此有趣以至于我想再读一遍。This story was so interesting that I wanted to read it a second

8、time.动词不定式作主语仿写:为孩子提供最好的教育是大多数家长所希望的事。(provide)To provide their children with best education is what most parents expect.,make+it+adj./n.+to do.(it在句中充当形式宾语)仿写:互联网使得人们可以更容易地获取他们所需要的信息。The Internet makes it easier for people to get the information they want.if/when/whenever possible构成的省略句仿写:无论什么时间有可能

9、的话,他就会帮助那些孩子们建立信心。Whenever possible,he will help those children to build their confidence.,1.process n.进程;过程 vt.加工,处理(1)be in process在进行中in the process在过程中,在进行中in the process of(doing)sth.在的过程中(2)process sth.加工/处理某事,Reforming the current education system will be a difficult and slow process.改革现有的教育体

10、制将是一个既艰难又缓慢的过程。All the data will be processed on the computer automatically.所有的这些数据将在计算机上自动处理。I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle _ _.我在搬一些家具,在这个过程中我扭伤了踝关节。,in the,process,2.strength n.力量;力气;长处;优势(1)have the strength to do sth.有力量/意志做某事with all ones strength用全力physical strength体力(2)st

11、rong adj.坚强的;强壮的;强烈的;浓的strengthen vt.加强;巩固,He was too weak to have enough strength to talk with us.他身体太虚弱了,都没有力气和我们谈话。I pushed the car with all my strength but it didnt move at all.我用尽全力推那辆车,可它根本就不动。A good teacher knows how to make the best of the strength of his students.一个好的老师懂得如何利用学生的长处。,【辨析】理解下列

12、区别并选词填空,常用来指体力、力量、强度等,尤其指承重的力量,也可用来指长处或优势。,常指促使物体运动的力,也可指势力、武力或暴力。,意为“能力”,可指内在的或外加的力、潜在的或活动的力、具体的或抽象的力、身体的或精神的力等。,指自然界的能量;人的活力、精力,更多着眼于人的精神风貌。be full of energy精力充沛。,In the labour market,skills and experience are more important than physical _.The robber used _ to enter the bank.It is beyond his _ to

13、 give you a free ticket to the concert.We are amazed that he is full of _ at such an old age.,strength,force,power,energy,3.concerned adj.关心的;担心的(1)be concerned that.担心be concerned with.与有关,涉及be concerned about/for.担心as far as.concerned就而言/来说(2)concern n.关心,忧虑express ones concern about对表示关心/担心(3)con

14、cerning prep.有关,涉及,She has been concerned that the children may get lost in the mountains.她担心孩子们会在山里迷路。The case is concerned with other cases.这起案子与其他案子有关。They _ _ _ _ their childrens future.他们总是为孩子们的未来担心。,are always concerned about,【点津】concerned作形容词时,意为“关心的,挂念的,担心的”,充当前置定语;表示“相关的,有关的”,作定语时要后置。例如:a c

15、oncerned look关切的神色;the authorities concerned有关部门。,4.urgent adj.紧急的;迫切的;非常重要的(1)in urgent need of急需(2)urge vt.催促,极力主张urge sb.to do sth./into doing sth.力劝/敦促某人做某事urge(sb.)on力劝,强烈要求urge+that-clause强烈要求,极力主张(从句谓语动词用should+动词原形)(3)urgency n.紧急;紧急的事,The people in the earthquake-stricken area are in urgent

16、 need of food,medicine and shelters.地震灾区的人们急需食品、药品和住的地方。Police are urging whoever witnessed the accident to contact them immediately.警方正敦促任何目击这一事件的人马上与他们联系。The public urged that the government _ _ _to prevent such cases from happening again.公众强烈要求政府采取措施来防止此类案件的再次发生。,should take measures,【想一想】有哪些动词还可

17、以像urge一样接that引导的宾语从句,从句中的谓语动词要用“should+动词原形”的虚拟语气结构?【拓展延伸】后接宾语从句时用should+动词原形的动词能这样使用的动词包括:insist,order,command,advise,suggest,recommend,require,request,demand,desire,propose,prefer,arrange等。,有些表示“建议、命令、要求”的动词接宾语从句时,从句中谓语用“(should)do”的形式。为了记住这些动词,请记住一句顺口溜:“I DROP CAPS.(我丢帽子了。)”I:insist(坚持)D:demand(要

18、求),desire(希望,想要)R:require(要求),request(要求,请求),recommend(建议)O:order(命令)P:propose(提议,建议)C:command(命令)A:advise(建议),arrange(安排)P:prefer(更喜欢)S:suggest(建议),plain v.抱怨;发牢骚;控诉,投诉;诉说(1)complain to sb.about/of sth.向某人抱怨某事complain that-clause抱怨(2)complaint n.抱怨,诉苦;投诉make a complaint抱怨,提出投诉a letter of complaints

19、投诉信,Several passengers complained to the air company about the bad service on the flight.几名乘客向航空公司投诉这架航班上的服务太差。The old man complained that the children were making too much noise.老人抱怨说孩子们太吵了。We have nothing _ _ _.我们没有什么可抱怨的。,to complain about/of,6.cut down砍倒;削减;减少A large number of trees are cut down

20、 every year.每年都有大量的树木被砍倒。By adopting the new method,they have cut down the noise made by the machines.通过采用新的方法,他们已经减少了由机器产生的噪音。,【拓展】补全下列cut短语:cut _ 插嘴;插入cut _ 切断,中断,使隔绝cut _ 剪下,裁出cut _ 抄近路穿过;刺穿,in,off,out,through,7.take in吸收;欺骗;理解;(把衣服)改小The club will not take in new members any more.俱乐部将不再吸收新成员。Don

21、t be taken in by products claiming to help you lose weight.不要被声称会帮助你减肥的产品所欺骗。I found it hard to take in what he said in the class.我发现很难理解他在课堂上所说的东西。,【拓展】补全下列take短语:take _(在外貌,性格方面)像某人take _ 记下;写下;拆下take _ 脱下;起飞;请假;(事业)成功take _ 呈现;雇用;承担take _ 接收;接管take _ 占据;开始从事,after,down,off,on,over,up,8.give out发出

22、、放出(光、热,气体等);分发;公布;用完;精疲力竭写出下列句中give out的意思:The sun gives out light and heat to the earth.()Mum gave out the candies to the three children.()The news was given out that Steve Jobs passed away.()Both my money and patience were beginning to give out.(),发出,放出,分发,公布,用完;精疲力竭,【拓展】give away赠送;泄露;出卖give bac

23、k归还;恢复give in(to sb./sth.)向屈服/让步give up放弃;让出,【点津】(1)give out表示“分发,发出,放出,公布”的意义时为及物动词短语,主语为人。(2)give out表示“耗尽,精疲力竭”时,与run out相同都是不及物动词短语,主语通常是物,而不是人,不能用于被动语态;而use up和run out of为及物动词短语,主语是人而不是物,可以用于被动语态。,【助记】,9.look through浏览;仔细审核;温习He has formed a habit of looking through evening papers in his spare

24、time.他已经养成了在业余时间浏览晚报的习惯。Please look through your paper before you hand it in to avoid possible mistakes.为了避免可能的错误,请在交试卷前仔细检查一遍。,【拓展】补全下列“look+prep./adv.”短语:look _ 回头看;回顾look _ 查阅;仰望look _ 调查;窥视look _ 当心,注意,留神look _ 瞧不起look _ 敬仰;尊重,back,up,into,out(for),down on/upon,up to,【真题链接】2009湖北,21Would you ple

25、ase _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?A.look around B.look intoC.look up D.look through【解析】选D。考查look短语。句意:你能不能帮我看看这份试卷,看有没有明显的错误?look around环顾四周;look into调查;look up查找;look through审核,仔细查看。,10.Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of“desert

26、ification”.由于荒漠化,中国近年来发生沙尘暴的次数明显增加了。句中的to have increased为不定式的完成式结构,表示发生在系动词appear之前。不定式结构经常出现在seem,appear,happen,pretend等动词之后,根据不同的语境,不定式可采用一般式(to do),一般式的被动式(to be done),完成式(to have done),完成式的被动式(to have been done),进行式(to be doing)等形式。,In order to win votes from the common people,they have to at le

27、ast appear to have the common touch.为赢得普通民众的选票,他们至少要看起来很亲民。The soldiers seemed to be digging up something valuable there.士兵们似乎正从那里挖出什么值钱的东西。They _ _ _ _ _ the truth.他们似乎已经了解了真相。,appeared to have found out,【点津】(1)appear/happen/seem to do可以转化成用it作形式主语,以that引导的名词性从句作真正主语的形式:It seems/appears/happened th

28、at.(2)在转化过程中要注意各自不同的时态形式的转化。例如:He seems to have studied English for nearly 6 years.It seems that he has studied English for nearly 6 years.,11.The garbage is then taken away and,if possible,recycled.然后把垃圾带走,如果可能的话,进行回收利用。句中的if possible为状语从句的省略句,相当于if it is possible。,状语从句的三种省略情况:(1)在由when,if,unless,o

29、nce,though,although,even if/even though,until,as if,as等引导状语从句时,如果状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语动词部分含有be动词,可将状语从句的主语和be动词省略。(2)在when/whenever/if it is possible/necessary结构中将it is省略,构成常见的when/whenever/if possible/necessary结构。(3)if any如果有的话;if so 如果是这样的话;if ever如果曾经有过的话;if not 如果不这样的话。,Put on more clothes.If n

30、ot,you will catch a cold.多穿些衣服。如果不这样的话,你会患感冒的。_ _,well deliver the furniture to your house this afternoon.如果有必要的话,我们会在今天下午把家具送到你家。_ _ _,the father pretended to be happy with the result.尽管非常生气,父亲还是假装对结果非常满意。,If necessary,Though very angry,【真题链接】2009江西,35Some of you may have finished unit one._,you ca

31、n go on to unit two.A.If you may B.If you do C.If not D.If so【解析】选D。考查省略句的用法。句意:你们有些人可能已经完成单元一了。如果是这样的话,你们可以继续单元二的内容。If so=If you have done that,意为“如果是这样的话”,与语境相符。,(1)make+it+adj./n.+to do结构中对it的考查(2)be caught in的用法(3)so.that与such.that的区别,1.2010辽宁,33The fact that she was foreign made _ difficult for

32、 her to get a job in that country.A.so B.much C.that D.it【解析】选D。考查it的指代用法。句意:她是外国人的事实使得她在那个国家很难找到工作。the fact作句子的主语,that she was foreign作the fact 的同位语,made作谓语,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是for her to get a job in that country,difficult是宾语补足语。,2._ in the heavy snow,the couple had to walk home,leaving their car behind

33、.A.Caught B.Having caught C.Catching D.To catch【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词作状语。句意:由于遭遇大雪,这对夫妇只能丢下他们的汽车,步行回家。Caught in the heavy snow在句中为过去分词短语作状语,相当于Because the couple were caught in the heavy snow,其中的be caught in短语用作状语时,要用过去分词,而B、C、D均为主动形式,且D选项表示将来的动作。,3.选词填空(so/such.that.)He has made _ great progress _ the teachers are pleased with him.He had _ little education _ he was unfit for this job.,such,that,so,that,


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