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1、乐观与悲观演讲稿英文100词 每一个乐观的人都知道,艰难和伟大的时代不会永远持续,他们已经准备好应对各种挑战。一起来看看乐观与悲观演讲稿英文100词,欢迎查阅!乐观与悲观演讲稿英文1My View on Optimistic Attitude to LifeFor the majority of people, life is full of trifles that trouble us a lot. Sure, I know that trifle exists. However, from my perspective, trivial matters are not all.Once

2、on a time, I was not optimistic about frustrations and was subject to pessimistic when confronted with trifles. However, things began to change when I was selected to be a monitor that service classmates, notice something important and sometimes organize some meaningful activities. Besides, it needs

3、 me to have enough abilities to schedule time in order to ensure that I have ample time to study.Ill never forget the very day when I failed at the mid-term exam when I was crazy and pessimistic about the trifles such as training sessions that didnt give me a second to study. Its true that score is

4、one of the most important things to a college student, so after that, I began to schedule my timeaccurately and scientifically. From the warning of the mid-term exam, I have changed a lot, and get through the final exam successfully in the end.Thanks to the selection, thanks to the mid-term exam, I

5、eventually learned the significance of optimism, which serves as indispensable components or personality and is beneficial to a promising prospect.乐观与悲观演讲稿英文2A bottle had fallen down,with half of its water pouring out. To the scene, two men respondeddifferently, one man, feeling extremely sad, his h

6、and covering his face, sighed ”All has gone!” The other seemed much more optimistic. He ran happily to raise up the bottle and said with great gratitude ”There is still some water left.”Why did the two people have such distinct reaction? It is because they judged the situation from opposite perspect

7、ives. After the bottle fell, the pessimistic observer focused on the losses thereby thinking negatively, while the other observer noticed the remaining liquid and then had a positive opinion. Actually, the fallen bottle is a symbol of unfortunate circumstances in life and the two kinds of responses

8、reflect two different attitudes towards misfortunes.Misfortunes mean obvious losses; however , they still bring latest opportunities to people with optimistic mind. From the perspective of optimists, firing a career disaster , will be a reminder of the necessity for an urgent improvement in their pe

9、rsonality or expensive sensing the signal for change, those optimists will strive to achieve personal growth, the growth which provides a guarantee to healthier career development in the future. Misfortunes are blessings in disguise and optimism can unlock the cover. Therefore, in the face of misfor

10、tunes people should adopt an optimistic attitude.乐观与悲观演讲稿英文3The Importance of Keeping OptimisticHonourable judges, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon! Today I would like to talk about the importance of keeping optimistic. When we encounter difficulties in life, we notice that some of us choose to

11、bury their heads in the sand. Unfortunately, however, this attitude will do you no good, because if you will have no courage even to face them, how can you conquer them? Thus, be optimistic, ladies and gentlemen, as it can give you confidence and help you see yourself through the hard times, just as

12、 Winston Churchill once said, “An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.”Ladies and Gentlemen, keeping optimistic, you will be able to realize, in spite of some hardship, theres always hope waiting for you, which will lead you to the ultimat

13、e success. Historically as well as currently, there are too many optimists of this kind to enumerate. You see, Thomas Edison is optimistic; if not, the light of hope in his heart could not illuminate the whole world. Alfred Nobel is optimistic; if not, the explosives and the prestigious Nobel Prize

14、would not have come into being. And Lance Armstrong is also optimistic; if not, the devil of cancer would have devoured his life and the world would not see a 5-time winner of the Tour De France. A rose may be beautiful, or maybe not; that depends on your attitude only, and so does success, so does

15、life. Hindrances and difficulties do exist, but if you are optimistic, then they are only episodes on your long way to the throne of success; they are more bridges than obstacles! Now I prefer to end my speech with the great British poet Shelleys lines: “If winter comes, can spring be far behind? Th

16、ank you!尊敬的评委、女士们、先生们:下午好!今天我想谈一谈保持乐观的重要性。 我们注意到,当在生活中遇到困难时,我们中的有些人选择逃避它们。但令人遗憾的是,这样的态度对你没有任何好处,因为如果你连面对它们的勇气都没有的话,你怎么去征服它们呢?因此,乐观起来吧,女士们、先生们,因为它会带给你信心,帮助你渡过难关。正如温斯顿?丘吉尔所说,“乐观者在每次灾难中都看到机遇;悲观者在每次机遇中都看到灾难”。女士们,先生们,困难是存在的,但如果你保持乐观,你就会意识到永远有希望在等着你,它会把你领向最终的成功。不管是历史上还是现实中,这样的乐观者总是不胜枚举。你看,托马斯?爱迪生是乐观的,如果不是

17、的话,他心中那希望的明灯就不能照亮整个世界;阿尔弗雷德?诺贝尔是乐观的,如果不是的话,那炸药和享有很高声望的诺贝尔奖就不会诞生;兰斯?阿姆斯特朗也是乐观的,如果不是的话,那癌症的病魔早已吞噬了他的生命,这个世界就会少了一位五届环法自行车赛冠军得主.玫瑰花可能很美,也可能不美,这,仅仅取决于你的态度;而成功也如此,人生也如此。困难和阻碍的确存在,但是如果你很乐观的话,那它们就仅仅是我们通向胜利之冠的漫长道路上的小插曲;与其说它们是障碍,不如说它们是桥梁!此刻,我想以伟大的英国诗人雪莱的一句诗来作为我的结尾:“冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”谢谢!乐观与悲观演讲稿英文4The cartoon aims

18、at informing us of the significance of anoptimistic mindset. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. An optimistic mindset can help us achieve our objectives moresmoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. By being optimistic. we can face challenges and surmount hardships with confidenc

19、e,keep sober and figure out effective measures even in desperatesituations. To further illustrate the importance of being optimistic, I would like to take Beethoven as a case in point: how could he, a great German music composer who became deaf at his forties,compose so many enduring and classic sym

20、phonies withoutoptimism?Accordingly, at no time should we overlook the power ofoptimism. once coming across frustrations and intending to give up,we should remind ourselves that it is optimism that will finally lead us to turn the corner. “the optimistic sees the rose, and the pessimistic sees the t

21、horn.” A philosopher once said.乐观与悲观演讲稿英文5If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view. By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the i

22、ncentive to follow through on your goals. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance.Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Dont leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mys

23、teriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way. Always believe t

24、hat good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform it into trust; learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your worry hours into productive hours. Take the energy that you have wasted and direct it toward every worthwhile

25、 effort that you can be involved in. You will see beautiful things happen when you allow yourself to experience the joys of life. You will find happiness when you adopt positive thinking into your daily routine and make it an important part of your world.如果你觉得心有余力不足,觉得缺乏前进的动力,有时候你只需要改变思维的角度。试着训练自己的思



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