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1、十万政商产学精英读者,唯一定位精神生活方式高端杂志国家大剧院,2010 Media Kit广告刊例,理想的人物不仅要在物质需要的满足上,还要在精神旨趣的满足上得到表现。-黑格尔,拥有财富,拥有地位,拥有名声 还拥有在世界最大的穹顶下的一个精彩夜晚看起来,没有什么比这更理想的了对伟大的和不甘平庸的品牌来讲,这样的客户也是令品牌倾心的理想人物,在2008年,国家大剧院的诞生,与这辉煌的建筑相映,21世纪人类能够创造的最精彩的表演艺术在这世界最大的穹顶下每晚闪耀,在这个51100万平方公里的星球上这样的建筑也只有一座,艺术与科学是人类文明中感性与理性的两个极端在这里6475吨的钢结构和212.2米的


3、关、地方行政机构局级以上领导各国驻华使馆国内大型企业及驻华国际企业总部国内外新闻单位世界同等级大剧院国内外艺术协会组织国内外顶级艺术院团国内外顶级艺术院团全球顶级艺术大师,读者描述,15:00 PM,一间倾泻午后阳光的办公室望向CBD,一本国家大剧院,一盏清茶,一张门票,一份期待的心情18:50 PM,长安街,他的手轻抚过座驾内胡桃木的面板,按下钛合金的按钮,第五交响曲的第三乐章令他的心在飞驰19:30 PM,在世界最大的穹顶下,国家大剧院歌剧院,在中国红无处不在的浸润中,他在观看威尔第的奥赛罗,和他在一起的,是歌剧院里2398颗对艺术同样崇敬的心22:00 PM,驶向香山,依然是豪华舒适的座

4、驾中,副驾座位上,一本摊开的国家大剧院折向第88页,而一个宏伟的计划已经在心中成型,国家大剧院读者性别比率readers gender rate:男75%:女25%The gender ratio of National Center“s readers of male to female is 75 to 25.国家大剧院读者年龄比率readers age rate:18 2 5岁:6%2 63 5岁(核心读者):55%3 645 岁:21%4 665 岁:18%The ratio of National Center s readers of age 1825 is 6%.The rati

5、o of National Center“s readers of age 2635 is 55(Core Reader).The ratio of National Center“s readers of age 3645 is 21.The ratio of National Center“s readers of age 4665 is 18.,读者分析,国家大剧院读者性别以男性为主,在高端杂志中,读者年龄更趋向成熟,拥有更多的社会财富和更高的社会地位,国家大剧院读者年收入比率 readers income rate:4万元以下:5.5%4 8万元:18.4%812 万元:32.5%12

6、30 万元:28.6%30 万元以上:15%The ratio of readers annual revenue of rmb40,000 below is 5.5.The ratio of readers annual revenue of rmb40,00080,000 is 18.4.The ratio of readers annual revenue of rmb80,000 120,000 is 32.5.The ratio of readers annual revenue of rmb120,000 300,000 is 28.6.The ratio of readers a

7、nnual revenue of rmb300,000 above is 15.国家大剧院读者受教育程度比率readers educational rate:大学本科以上文凭:76%大专以下文凭:24%The ratio of readers education of bachelor degree and above is 76.The ratio of readers education of associate degree and below is 24.,读者分析,发行渠道Distribution Channel,高档住宅 5%Upscale housing,写字楼 6%Office

8、 Buildings,市场推广 2%Marketing Promotion,其他 3%Others,会员邮寄 46%The member mails,高档俱乐部&会所 8%Upscale club,渠道描述 国家大剧院所有会员政府机构北京、上海、广州、天津、重庆、南京、武汉、深圳、大连、成都等文化中心城市的高档演艺中心、社区、写字楼、时尚场所,政府官员邮寄 30%The Gov.Official mails,国家大剧院,策划推广Integrated Communications,内容合作栏目合作(冠名、贴士)人物访谈(名人体验、专家访谈)大片拍摄(静物、人物)产品介绍(直观介绍、类比介绍)大型

9、活动我们的专业团队凭借丰富创意进行活动策划,充分利用国家达剧院独特的推广平台,为您提供最佳的传播服务 人物评选,颁奖典礼企事业单位公关专场演出政府机构进京文化推广顶级演出冠名赞助政商产学联谊活动广告专册其他各式异形广告特殊形式表达特殊内容,表现非一般的视点,全方位的品牌服务策略,立体式的杂志合作展现Strategy of all-directional service by the brand,three dimensional cooperation for the magazine,国家大剧院,焦点大剧院,包括大剧院在内的国内国际演艺焦点事件的独家深度报道。,发生在大剧院内的文化事件,热点

10、内幕,独家资讯。,世界大剧院,图文并茂地介绍世界著名剧院,让读者以感性的方式认识全世界的顶级剧院,突出国际感。,事件大剧院,人物大剧院,大人物的故事,大人物的性格,大人物的“另一面”。强调独家性。,推介开幕国际演出季里最重量级的演出项目,突出现场感。,舞台大剧院,声音大剧院,每期三到四位专栏评论家的固定版块。这些专栏作家的人选包括:国内最著名的演出评论家;国内非演艺界的知名人士(如作家、学者、社会名流等);国外著名艺术专栏评论家;国家艺术家。,看板大剧院,全世界各大剧院的独家演出信息,一目了然。,国家大剧院10年度广告价格 Advertising Rate 2010,国家大剧院10年度广告价格

11、 Advertising Rate 2010,广告尺寸 Material Request,(需按出血尺寸制作菲林),280,其他尺寸注:出血各边加3mm,广告刊登须知 General Conditions,国家大剧院杂志为月刊,截稿时间为每月7日,每月22号出版广告订版:可提前预订版位,但以签订合同为准,对于同样要求版位的客户,先签订合同者优先。广告电子文本,需在截稿日前发送到杂志广告部;广告菲林片及打样需于出刊前两周前送至杂志广告部;对于特殊广告形式,广告菲林片及打样需于出刊前20日送至杂志广告部。全部广告须经本刊认可,本刊有权需要安排广告版面拒绝任何广告;广告客户须按中国广告法规定交验有关


13、责。,The magazine is a monthly publication,on the 22th of the preceding month.The deadline of content is the 7th day of each month.Position reservation is available,but subject to the signed contract.For customers requiring same position,the one signs contract earlier shall have the priority.Electroni

14、c text of advertisement shall be sent to the advertising department before the deadline.Advertising film and sample shall be sent to the advertising department 2 weeks prior to the publication date.For special advertising format,the film and sample shall be sent to the advertising department 20 days

15、 prior to the publication date.The editor office has the right to design the layout of page according to the contents of articles;All the advertisements must be accepted by this magazine and the magazine has the right to refuse any advertisement.The clients of advertisement must hand in their identi

16、ty-proving documents for check as required by Advertisement Law.This magazine shall be responsible for no errors that should appear either in word or picture materials of the advertisements.This magazine accepts no revision of the materials submitted through telephone and any revision must be made t

17、hrough explanation in written form.If no new word information of the advertisement is received by the deadline of accepting word materials of advertisement,this magazine shall have the right to reuse the sample of the advertisement of the previous version and clients of advertisement in full by the

18、original price.If the clients or company of advertisement cancels any part of the order,the price and the originally fixed space for publishing advertisement shall not be in use any more.This magazine shall have the right to dispose the advertisement materials after the advertisement is published.If

19、 the materials are concerned to be returned,the client or company of advertisement must notify the magazine in written form and under the condition that necessary care is given to the materials,this magazine shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to the advertisement materials.The client of

20、 advertisement must provide the separation negatives in the right size and with the correct designing version as required by this magazine.This magazine shall not be responsible for the insufficient time for verifying the printing sample or other printing mistakes if such occurrences are due to the

21、delay in providing the word or picture materials by the client of the advertisement or its agent.,技术要求 Mechanical Requirements,菲林要求:4色分色片,175线,配套打样2份。所有广告文字内容距刊物订口5mm,距切口8mm。希望客户提供广告光盘和打样,以便出现问题时进行更改,电子文件最好为可改动文件。封面用纸:200g铜版纸,内页:105g铜版纸,内页硬插为:200g铜版纸。,Film requirement:4-color separation filter,175 s

22、tring/inches,with 2 printed samples.All advertisements writing content is apart from the publication to subscribe mouth 5mm,is apart from margin 8mmCustomer provides the advertisement compact disc and sample,in order to has time the problem carries on the change,the electronic document is best for m

23、ay modify the documentCover paper:200g art paper,in page:The 105g art paper,in the page hardly inserts is:The 200g art paper,联系我们 Contact us 国家大剧院广告部:E-mail:联系电话:(010)65661923 地址:北京市朝阳区西坝河南路金泰大厦26层邮编:100005广告事务:联系人:董蕾 65661923手机:13910251170,国家大剧院杂志由国家大剧院主办,国家大剧院、北京日报报业集团联合出品,北京华娱星空文化传媒有限公司承办。北京日报报业集



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