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1、8th AMC 10 A 20071. One ticket to a show costs $20 at full price. Susan buys 4 tickets using a coupon that gives her a 25% discount. Pam buys 5 tickets using a coupon that gives her a 30% discount. How many more dollars does Pam pay than Susan? (A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 15 (E) 20 中文:一张展览票全价为20美元。Susan用

2、优惠券买4张票打七五折。Pam用优惠券买5张票打七折。Pam比Susan多花了多少美元?2. Define ab=ab - b2 and a#b=a + b - ab2. What is ? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 中文:定义a b=ab-b2 ,a # b=a + b - ab2。求的值。3. An aquarium has a rectangular base that measures 100cm by 40cm and has a height of 50cm. It is filled with water to a height of 40cm. A brick w

3、ith a rectangular base that measures 40cm by 20cm and a height of 10cm is placed in the aquarium. By how many centimeters does that water rise? (A) 0.5 (B) 1 (C) 1.5 (D) 2 (E)2.5 中文:一个养鱼缸有100cm40cm的底,高为50cm。它装满水到40cm的高度。把一个底为40cm20cm,高为10cm的砖块放在这个养鱼缸里。鱼缸里的水上升了多少厘米?4. The larger of two consecutive od

4、d integers is three times the smaller. What is their sum? (A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 12 (D) 16 (E) 20 中文:2个连续的奇整数中较大的数是较小的数的3倍。它们的和是多少?5. A school store sells 7 pencils and 8 notebooks for $4.15. It also sells 5 pencils and 3 notebooks for $1.77. How much do 16 pencils and 10 notebooks cost? (A) $4.76 (B) $5.8

5、4 (C) $6.00 (D) $6.16 (E) $6.32 中文:在一个学校商店花4.15美元可以买到7支铅笔和8个笔记本,花1.77美元可以买到5个铅笔和3个笔记本。问16支铅笔和10个笔记本需要多少钱?6. At Euclid High School, the number of students taking the AMC10 was 60 in 2002, 66 in 2003, 70 in 2004, 76 in 2005, and 78 in 2006, and is 85 in 2007. Between what two consecutive years was the

6、re the largest percentage increase? (A) 2002 and 2003 (B) 2003 and 2004 (C) 2004 and 2005 (D) 2005 and 2006 (E) 2006 and 2007中文:在Euclid高中,2002年参加AMC10的学生有60人,2003年有66人,2004年有70人,2005年有76人,2006年有78人,2007年有85人。在相邻的哪两年中人数增长的百分率最大?7. Last year Mr. John Q. Public received an inheritance. He paid 20% in f

7、ederal taxes on the inheritance, and paid 10% of what he had left in state taxes. He paid a total of $10,500 for both taxes. How many dollars was the inheritance? (A) 30,000 (B) 32,500 (C) 35,000 (D) 37,500 (E) 40,000 中文:去年Mr. John Q. Public收到了一笔遗产。其中20%用于交联邦税,剩下钱中的10%用于交州税。交这两种税款一共需要10,500美元。问这笔遗产共

8、多少美元?8. Triangles ABC and ADC are isosceles with AB=AC and AD=DC. Point D is inside ABC, ABC=40, and ADC=140. What is the degree measure of BAD? (A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 40 (D) 50 (E) 60 中文:ABC和ADC是等腰三角形且AB=AC,AD=DC。点D在ABC内,ABC=40, ADC=140。问BAD的度数是多少?9. Real numbers a and b satisfy the equations 3a=81b+2 a

9、nd 125b=5a-3. What is ab? (A)60 (B)17 (C) 9 (D) 12 (E) 60 中文:实数a和实数b满足等式3a=81b+2 和 125b=5a-3,问ab的值是多少?10. The Dunbar family consists of a mother, a father, and some children. The average age of the members of the family is 20, the father is 48 years old, and the average age of the mother and childre

10、n is 16. How many children are in the family? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6 中文:Dunbar一家的家庭成员包括爸爸,妈妈和几个孩子。他们的平均年龄是20岁,其中爸爸48岁,妈妈和几个孩子的平均年龄是16岁。问家中有多少个孩子?11. The numbers from 1 to 8 are placed at the vertices of a cube in such a manner that the sum of the four numbers on each face is the same. What is

11、 this common sum? (A) 14 (B) 16 (C) 18 (D) 20 (E) 24 中文:数字1到8被放在立方体的8个顶点上。使每面上的四个顶点代表的数字和相同。问每面上的四个顶点的数字和是多少?12. Two tour guides are leading six tourists. The guides decide to split up. Each tourist must choose one of the guides, but with the stipulation that each guide must take at least one touris

12、t. How many different groupings of guides and tourists are possible? (A) 56 (B) 58 (C) 60 (D) 62 (E) 64 中文:两位导游带领六位游客旅游,导游决定分开带路,每位游客必须选择一位导游,且规定只能选一位导游,又每位导游至少要带领一位游客,由导游和游客组成不同团 体总共有多少种可能组合?13. Yan is somewhere between his home and the stadium. To get to the stadium he can walk directly to the sta

13、dium, or else he can walk home and then ride his bicycle to the stadium. He rides 7 times as fast as he walks, and both choices require the same amount of time. What is the ratio of Yans distance from his home to his distance from the stadium? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 中文:Yan站在他家和运动场之间,要到运动场。他可以直接走路到运动场,或

14、他走路回家再沿原路径骑自行车到运动场。骑自行车的速率是走路速率的7倍,两种方法所花的时间都相同。问Yan站的位置到他家的距离与到运动场的距离之比值是多少?14. A triangle with side lengths in the ratio 3:4:5 is inscribed in a circle of radius 3. What is the area of the triangle? (A) 8.64 (B) 12 (C) 5 (D) 17.28 (E) 18 中文:一个三角形的外接圆半径是3,且其三边长之比是3:4:5。问此三角形的面积是多少?15. Four circles

15、of radius 1 are each tangent to two sides of a square and externally tangent to a circle of radius 2, as shown. What is the area of the square? (A) 32 (B) 22+12 (C) 16+16 (D) 48 (E) 36+16 中文:如图所示,四个半径是1的圆分别与正方形的两边相切且与一个半径是2的圆外切,这个正方形的面积是多少?16. Integers a, b, c, and d, not necessarily distinct, are c

16、hosen independently and at random from 0 to 2007, inclusive. What is the probability that ad - bc is even? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 中文:从0 到2007中任意地选出整数a,b,c,d,它们不必都相异,问adbc为偶数的几率是多少?17.Suppose that m and n are positive integers such that 75m=n3. What is the minimum possible value of m + n? (A) 15 (B) 30

17、(C) 50 (D) 60 (E) 5700 中文:设m和n为正整数且满足75m=n3。问m + n所有可能值中的最小值是多少?18. Consider the 12-sided polygon ABCDEFGHIJKL, as shown. Each of its sides has length 4, and each two consecutive sides form a right angle. Suppose that and meet at M. What is the area of quadrilateral ABCM?0000 (A) (B) 16 (C) (D) 20 (

18、E) 中文:如图所示,十二边形ABCDEFGHIJKL中每边的边长都是4,每两邻边都互相垂直,设与交于M点,问四边形ABCM的面积是多少?19.A paint brush is swept along both diagonals of a square to produce the symmetric painted area, as shown. Half the area of the square is painted. What is the ratio of the side length of the square to the brush width? (A) 2+1 (B)

19、3 (C) 2+2 (D) 3+1 (E) 3+2 中文:如图所示,沿着正方形的对角线以油漆刷子刷出两个对称于对角线的全等涂色带状区域。如果图中涂色区域的面积是正方形面积的一半,那么正方形边长与油漆刷子的宽度的比值是多少?20.Suppose that the number a satisfies the equation 4 = a + a-1. What is the value of a4 + a-4? (A) 164 (B) 172 (C) 192 (D) 194 (E) 212 中文:设数a满足等式4 = a + a-1,问a4+a-4的值是多少?21. A sphere is in

20、scribed in a cube that has a surface area of 24 square meters. A second cube is then inscribed within the sphere. What is the surface area in square meters of the inner cube? (A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 9 (E) 12 中文:一个表面积为24平方米的正立方体内有一个内切球,且球内又有一个内接正立方体,问球内的正立方体的表面积是多少平方米?22.A finite sequence of three-digi

21、t integers has the property that the tens and units digits of each term are, respectively, the hundreds and tens digits of the next term, and the tens and units digits of the last term are, respectively, the hundreds and tens digits of the first term. For example, such a sequence might begin with te

22、rms 247,475, and 756 and end with the term 824. Let S be the sum of all the terms in the sequence. What is the largest prime number that always divides S? (A) 3 (B) 7 (C) 13 (D) 37 (E) 43 中文:考虑有限数列,每项均为三位数,且具有下列性质:每一项十位数字与个位数字分别是下一项的百位数字与十位数字,最后一项的十位数字与个位数字是第一项的百位数字与个位数字。例如,247,475,756,824就是一个这样的数列。

23、用S表示这种数列各项的和。下面哪一个数是一定可以整除S的最大质数?23. How many ordered pairs (m, n) of positive integers, with m n, have the property that their square differ by 96? (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 9 (E)12 中文:有多少个正整数对(m, n)满足m n且它们的平方差是96?24. Circles centered at A and B each have radius 2, as shown. Point O is the midpoint of

24、 , and OA=2. Segments OC and OD are tangent to the circles centered at A and B, respectively, and is a common tangent. What is the area of the shaded region ECODF? (A) (B)84 (C) 4 (D)4+ (E)82 中文:如图所示, 以A, B为圆心、以2为半径的两个圆。点O是的中点,且OA=2, 线段OC与OD分别切A及B于C, D两点,且是两圆的公切线, 问阴影区域ECODF的面积是多少?25.For each positive integer n, let S(n) denote the sum of the digits of n. For how many values of n is n + S(n) + S(S(n) = 2007? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 中文:对每一个正整数n,以S(n)表示n各位数字之和,问使得n + S(n) + S(S(n)=2007的n有多少个?


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