Unit3 Asking the way教学设计.doc

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《Unit3 Asking the way教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit3 Asking the way教学设计.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit3 Asking the way教学设计PartA (Look, read and say) period1一、教学目标:1能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:way, get, along, street, take, stop, road。2能听懂、会说、会读History Museum,kilometre, miss, crossing, No., post office并让学生感受a kilometre away, at the third crossing的用法。3能正确理解并能体验句型Can you tell me the way to ?及其答句的使用语境。4能正确理解、掌握对

2、话的内容,并能有感情的朗读对话。5引导学生在学习对话的过程中感受如何进行有礼貌的问路和指路。二、教学重点、难点:1重点:能听懂、会说、会读本课词汇,初步理解运用本课句型,能正确理解、掌握对话的内容并能流利的朗读对话。2难点:单词history, museum的读音;有感情的朗读对话并适当拓展。三、教学准备:多媒体课件,单词卡片,图片,板书四、教学过程:Step1.Warming-up.1.Before class :Listen and do Left hand right hand, clap handstouch shoulders/touch head/touch ears.(stand

3、 up ) Go ,go,go along, turn left/right.(设计意图:课前热身活动,调动学生积极性,活跃课堂气氛,主要复习left 与right)2.Greetings.Step2.Free talk.1. T:What is the date today? What day is it today? This Sunday is my mothers birthday. I want to go to Yi Xing to buy a present. But I dont know the way. Can you tell me the way to ?(板书)I m

4、ust ask the way. (揭题) Asking the way2. How far is Yi Xing from here? ( 教学how far )Its about 25 kilometres away. (教学kilometre)Thats a long walk .3. How can I get there faster?By bus. I can take bus No. 45. (教学No.=number)Step 3 PresentationT: Now I have known the way to Yi Xing. But our friend Mr Smit

5、h have a troble.1. ( 出示Mr Smith图片)This our old friend , Mr Smith.He is in Shanghai Street now.(教学 street ) He is asking the way, too . Where does Mr Smith want to go ? Lets watch the cartoon.(学生观看整篇课文动画,出示四张图片A . The cinema B. The History Museum . C. The post office D. The park,选择 B 和C)教新单词:history

6、museum post office(设计意图:本课主要内容就是Mr Smith想要去历史博物馆和邮局,但是不知道怎么走,由此引出问路话题。所以,我让学生带着“Mr Smith想要去哪里”这个总领性的问题去观看全篇课文动画,以此来初步了解全片课文。因为博物馆和邮局都是新单词,学生回答有困难,所以就以选择图片的形式让学生回答,然后学习新单词。)2. Do you know more about Mr Smith ? Please read the foreword passage .Answer the questions (1). Where does he come from? (2). W

7、here is he living now?(3). Whom is he asking ?(学生读完后,口头回答)(学生齐读)(设计意图:本课的前言部分比较简单,设计三个问题帮助学生了解Mr Smith 的基本信息和本课的主要人物)3. How is Mr Smith asking the way to the History Museum ? What are his questions ? Please read the text quickly,find out his questions. (学生自读课文,找出Mr Smith的四个问题)(板书出示四个问句)How does Yang

8、 Ling help Mr Smith ?Lets look at her questions one by one.Q1 : Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the History Museum ?T :Please underline Yang Lings answer.(学生自读,划出句子)(教学句子 Go along this street,and then turn right at the third crossing. The museum is on your left. You cant miss it结合地图动画教学)Q2: Ho

9、w far is it from here?Its about a kilometre away . T: A kilometre away . Thats a long walk .Mr Smith wants to get there faster. How to get there faster? S: He can take a bus Which bus ?S: No. 5Q3: How many stops are there ?(教学 stop) S: Only two.Q4: Where s the bus stop?(教学bus stop)(出示地图,突出显示) S: Its

10、 over there .T :Lets look at the bus stop carefully.(将站台放大) Oh ,there s a bus every five minutes.(突出显示“每五分钟一班”字样)(设计意图:这一段对话应该是课文的重点。Mr Smith问的问题看似分散,其实都围绕着怎样到历史博物馆这个中心点展开的。我以“Mr Smith是怎样问路的”请学生找出Mr Smith的四个问题,再以“杨玲是怎样帮助Mr Smith的?”来学习四个问题的回答。这样的设计可以更好更快地帮助学生掌握问路话题的主要句型,强调了话题的整体性。)4.Yang Ling can hel

11、p Mr Smith very well. Can you help Mr Smith?Lets have a try.(师生对话)Mr Smith: Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the History Museum ?Answer: Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. The museum is on your left. You cant miss it.Mr Smith : How far is it from here?Answer: Its

12、about a kilometre away. To get there faster, you can take bus No.5.Mr Smith : How many stops are there ? Answer: Only two.Mr Smith :Where is the bus stop ?Answer: Its over there.(设计意图:以整体问答的形式,来巩固刚学的句子,再次强调了话题的整体性。)5.T: Mr Smith also wants to go to the post office.(出示邮局图片)Where is the post office ?H

13、ow can he get there.Lets watch the cartoon again.(自由朗读23页课文,做选择题)(1)Where is the post office?A. Its in Shanghai Street.B. Its on Zhongshan Road.C. Its on Beijing Road.(教学road)(2)Which bus can he take?A. No. 5.B.No. 8. C. No. 9.(3)Where is the bus stop ?A. In front of the History Museum.B. Behind the

14、 History Museum.C. Beside the History Museum.(4)Which stop can he get off?A. At the first stop.B. At the second stop.C.At the third stop.(设计意图:课文最后一段没有就问路话题展开具体的对话,为避免重复,杨玲简单明了地直接告诉了Mr Smith邮局的地点和乘车路线。所以本段的设计以理解为主,四个简单的选择题可以帮助学生很快地掌握内容)Step 4 Consolidation 1.Read the text.a.Read after the tape.b.Rea

15、d the new words on the blackboard after the teacher.c.Read in pairs.(设计意图:语篇教学也是阅读教学,正确流利地朗读也是本课的教学重点)2. Yang Ling is telling Wang Bing about her conversation with Mr Smith. Read the dialogue and complete the sentences.I met Mr Smith in Shanghai Street. He wanted to go to _ _ _ by bus. I told him to

16、 _ _ No.5 and get off at the _ stop . Then he asked me how to get to _ _ _. I told him to _ _ No.9 in front of _ _ _ .(学生完成填空)T:Now boys and girls. I will go to Yi Xing this Sunday. Do you want to go with me? Now we are in Yi Xing. But where is the? Lets talk with your parterns. (根据板书提示)(设计意图:问路话题是一

17、个很实际的话题,只要是去不认识的地点就可以展开对话。结合学生实际生活, 作为课堂的延伸。)Step 7 Homework1.Listen and read Part A.2.Try to tell me the way to your house.五 板书设计 waystreetgo alongcrossingmisskilometrefasterNo.=numberstoproadUnit 3 Asking the way(图Mr Smith) Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the History Museum ?How far is it from here?How many stops are there ?Where s the bus stop? (简笔画地图) (图Yang Ling)阅读:12


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