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1、浅谈混凝土的施工过程中温度与裂缝控制By G. K. Kululanga, W. Kuotcha, R. McCaffer, Member, ASCE, and F. Edum-Fotwe美国土木工程师学会摘 要 为了防止业主对混凝土工程的索赔,就必须做好施工过程中温度与裂缝控制。本文通过多年的现场观察,通过查阅有关混凝土内部应力方面的专著,对混凝土温度裂缝产生的原因、现场混凝土温度的控制和预防裂缝的措施进行等进行阐述。关键词:混凝土;温度应力;裂缝;控制混凝土在现代工程建设中占有重要地位。而在今天,混凝土的裂缝较为普遍,在桥梁工程中裂缝几乎无所不在。尽管我们在施工中采取各种措施,小心谨慎,但


3、拉应力。后期在降温过程中,由于受到基础或老混凝上的约束,又会在混凝土内部出现拉应力。气温的降低也会在混凝土表面引起很大的拉应力。当这些拉应力超出混凝土的抗裂能力时,即会出现裂缝。许多混凝土的内部湿度变化很小或变化较慢,但表面湿度可能变化较大或发生剧烈变化。如养护不周、时干时湿,表面干缩形变受到内部混凝土的约束,也往往导致裂缝。混凝土是一种脆性材料,抗拉强度是抗压强度的110左右,短期加荷时的极限拉伸变形只有(0.61.0)104, 长期加荷时的极限位伸变形也只有(1.22.0)104.由于原材料不均匀,水灰比不稳定,及运输和浇筑过程中的离析现象,在同一块混凝土中其抗拉强度又是不均匀的,存在着许











14、作要点进行了阐述,并介绍了成型后混凝土的质量控制标准,以降低工程造价,具有很好的经济和社会效益。影响防水混凝土的质量因素很多。任何一个环节不注意均会不同程度地损失防水混凝土阻 水功能,在地下室工程施工中,采取了从模板制作与安装、钢筋制作与绑扎、混凝土的拌制和运输、混凝土的浇筑和振捣、施工缝作法、混凝土的养护与拆模以及做好回填土等方面严把质量关 方法确保防水混凝土自防水,并通过实践获得成功。 施工方法21 模板制作与安装 由于防水混凝土特别强调密实性,所以对模板的制作和安装也相应提高 了要求 ,即要求密实不漏浆,坚固不变形 ,吸水性要小 ,宜优先选用竹胶板模板或钢模板。严格控制模板间的缝隙大小

15、,超过 2 mm的必须用海绵条塞缝 ,对于板面多孔的模板一律不用,同时做好墙柱烂根防治工作,采取根部贴海绵条,底部抹水泥砂浆 ,浇筑混凝土前,先注入同标号的水泥砂浆 由于防水混凝土结构壁厚大多较薄,为保证构件的几何尺寸,常采用内外螺栓拉接的措施,需要注意的是 ,应在拉接螺栓中间设置止水铁板 ,以防止水沿着螺栓渗漏,形成引水通路。22 钢筋制作与绑扎 防水混凝土结构对钢筋有如下要求 :1)钢筋应尽可能采用螺纹钢筋 ,增加握裹力和止水能力。2)钢筋接头应尽量采用焊接接头 ,尽量少用和不用绑扎接头。4)严格控制钢筋保护层厚度。防水混凝土钢筋保护层最小厚度不小于25 mm,特别是迎水面的保护层不允许有

16、负误差,用砂浆垫块作保护层时,应用预埋在砂浆块内的铁丝与钢筋绑扎 牢固。若采用钢筋铁马架固定钢筋时,也应加焊止水铁板或固定 在垫块上,以增强防水效果,本工程用新型材料尼龙固定片有效 的防止了钢筋保护层偏差过大的质量通病。 2.3混凝土的拌制和运输由于防水混凝土要求较高的密实性,所以拌制也要有较好的 均匀性,为此应做好如下几点:1)确保搅拌时间,每次搅拌从投料到出料一般不少于 2 min。2)当使用外加剂,应将外加剂制成一定浓度的溶液后加入搅 拌机内,不得将外加剂的干粉或高浓度溶液直接加入搅拌机内, 防止搅拌不均匀而局部集中,既失去外加剂作用 ,又影响混凝土质量。3)施工过程中应定期抽查测定混凝

17、土坍落度,施工中如遇下 雨或其他原因,砂石含水量发生变化时,应及时测定其含水率,并 调整施工配合比。4)本工程使用商品混凝土,有效的提高了混凝土搅拌质量及 各类外加剂的掺量,严格控制了混凝土水灰比及坍落度。 5)混凝土的浇筑采用泵送工艺,有效的避免了混凝土在运输过程中产生离析泌水及漏浆现象。24 施工中的注意事项 1)施工作业面的合理划分。防水混凝土浇筑应严格分层进行 ,并一次连续施工完成前后及上下层之间接头应严格控制在 水泥的初凝时间内为此 ,可将操作工人分成几个作业组同时相 向或相背而行。2)严格做到定点定量下料。根据分层浇筑高度和运输工具的车容量,严格进行定点定量方可下料,这是提高防水混

18、凝土浇 筑质量的重要一环。3)坚持开门子下料或用串桶(溜槽)下料。为防止水泥浆与 骨料分离,防水混凝土下料时自由高度应不超过防水结 构钢筋密集,当浇筑高度较高时 ,应按规定在模板上开门子下料或用串桶(溜槽)下料,防止水泥浆与骨料分离,同时也避免水泥 浆或混凝土松散地堆积于钢筋交叉处和水泥浆溅粘于模板表面,既造成后面下料困难 ,又影响结构表面光滑,成为日后渗漏隐患。4)混凝土的振捣是保证混凝土密实、防渗的重要一环, 点定量均匀下料的基础上,也应采取定点振捣,精心操作注意上 下层的衔接,既要防止漏振、欠振,又要防止过振,特别要禁止用 撬动钢筋或振动钢筋来助振的方法,这样将使前面已浇筑振实部 分的钢

19、筋与混凝土分离,造成严重后果。 5)认真做好接浆措施,及时调整坍落度。防水混凝土结构施 工中,常常是底板与竖壁分别施工,即在竖壁上做施工缝处理。在浇筑竖壁时应在接缝处先浇一层 5cm10 cm厚的同标号水 泥砂浆衔接层,以保证接缝处振捣密实。同时,随着浇筑高度的 逐步提高,应逐步减少用水量,减小坍落度防止浇筑到上部出现 骨料偏少而水泥浆偏多现象。Discuss the construction temperature and crack of the concrete lightly By G. K. Kululanga, W. Kuotcha, R. McCaffer, Member, AS

20、CE, and F. Edum-Fotwe ,The American Society of Civil EngineersThe summary , In order to prevent the owners of the concrete work of claims, we must do a good job in the construction process in the temperature and crack control,through observation live for many years, through consulting the monograph

21、about stress within the concrete, explain to concrete temperature reason , on-the-spot concrete control and measure , prevention of crack of temperature that crack produce. Keyword Concrete Temperature stress Crack Control 1. The concrete occupies the important position in modern engineering constru

22、ction. But today, the crack of the concrete is comparatively general, the cracks are nearly omnipresent in the science of bridge building. Though we take various kinds of measures in constructing, careful, but the crack still occurs now and then. Tracing it to its cause, it is one of them incomplete

23、ly that our change to concrete temperature stress pays attention to. In the large volume concrete, temperature stress and temperature control are significant. This is mainly because of the reason of two respects. First of all, concrete often appear the temperature crack in not constructing, influenc

24、e the globality and durability of the structure. Secondly, in the course of operating, the temperature change has remarkable influence that cant be ignored on the stress state of the structure. We meet to construct temperature crack in mainly, so only to origin cause of formation and treatment measu

25、re, concrete of crack make a discussion in constructing this text. Reason of a crack Have many kinds of reasons to produce the crack in the concrete, it is mainly the changes of temperature and humidity, fragility and disparity of the concrete, and the structure is unreasonable, the raw materials is

26、 not up to standard (if the alkali aggregate react), the template is out of shape, the foundation does not subside etc. evenly . The cement emits a large amount of heat of hydration when the concrete is hardenned, inside temperature is rising constantly, cause the stress of drawing on the surface. I

27、n the course of lowering the temperature , is it congeal foundation pay restrain to mix always later stage, will present the stress of drawing within the concrete . Reducing of temperature can surface cause heavy stress of drawing very in concrete too. When these draw the stress and go beyond resist

28、ing the ability of splitting of concrete , namely will present the crack . A lot of inside humidity of concrete change very light or change relatively slow, surface humidity might change heavy the violent change takes placing. Such as maintaining thoroughly, when getting wetter when not doing,contra

29、ct surface there arent deformation doing, often cause the crack too. The concrete is a kind of fragility material , tensile strength is about 1/10 of the compression strength, is it carry on ones shoulder or back limit when draw out of shape to have *104 only , is it carry on ones shoulder or back l

30、imit location when stretch out of shape to there is *104 to add for a long time to add a short time. Because raw materials even, water dust than unstable, transport and build phenomenon of emanating of course, its tensile strength is not even in the same concrete, a lot of resist the ability of draw

31、ing very low, it is apt to present the weak position of the crack. Among armored concrete , draw stress to undertake by reinforcing bar mainly , concrete bear stress of keeping just. Or reinforcing bar mix if edge position gone to to congeal present the stress of drawing in the structure in plain co

32、ncrete, must rely on the concrete oneself to bear . Require to avoid the stress of drawing or only very small stress of drawing appears of the the general design. But the concrete is cooled from maximum temperature to the steady temperature of operating period in constructing, often cause sizable to

33、 draw the stress within the concrete. The temperature stress can exceed other outsides and load the stresses caused sometimes, know change law , temperature of stress for carry on reasonable structural design and construct extremely important. Analysis of 2 temperature stresses Can be divided into f

34、ollowing three stages according to the forming process of the temperature stress: (1)It is early: Build concrete is it is it over basically to send out heat to cement to begin , generally one one day by oneself. Two characteristics at this stage, first, the cement emits a large amount of heat of hyd

35、ration, second , mix and congeal the changing sharply of elastic model quantity. Because of the change of elastic model quantity , form the remaining stress in the concrete in this period. (2)Middle period: Up till the concrete is cooled until stability temperature from cement send out heat function

36、 basically when expiring, in this period, the temperature stress is mainly because the cooling of the concrete and external temperature change cause, these stresses and remnants stresses that is formed in early days are superposed , mix and congeal the elastic mould amount that goes to and does not

37、change much during this period. (3)Later period: Operation period after the complete cooling of concrete. Temperature stress whether external temperature change cause mainly, these stresses and first two kinds of remnants stresseses are changed and added . Can be divided into two kinds according to

38、the reason why the temperature stress causes: (1)Spontaneous stress: There are not any restraint or totally static structure at the border, if inside temperature is non-linear distribution, temperature stress appearing because structure restrains from each other. For example, the body of mound of th

39、e bridge, the physical dimension is relatively large, surface temperature is low when the concrete is cooled, inside temperature is high, present the stress of drawing on the surface, present the stress of pressing in the middle. (2)Restrain the stress: All of the structure ones or it restrain exter

40、nal one some border,cant out of shape and stress not cause not free. Such as case roof beam roof concrete and guardrail concrete. This two kinds of temperature stresses draw back stresses caused to act on with the doing of concrete together frequently. It is a more complicated job to want to analyse

41、 the distribution , size of the temperature stress accurately according to known temperature. In case of great majority , need to rely on the model test or the number value to calculate. To is it make temperature stress have sizable limp to creep concrete, at the stress accounting temperature, must

42、consider the influence that creep , calculate concretly that no longer states thinly here. Control and preventing the measure of the crack of 3 temperature For prevent crack , lighten temperature stress can from control temperature and is it is it set about to restrain terms from two to improve. The

43、 measure of controlling temperature is as follows: (1)Is it improve aggregate grade mix , is it do rigid concrete to spend , mix mixture to adopt, is it guide angry pharmaceutical or plastification pharmaceutical ,etc. measure in order to reduce cement consumption of concrete to add; (2)Add water or

44、 the water to cool the broken stone in order to reduce the temperature of building of the concrete while mixing and shutting the concrete; (3)Reduce the thickness of building while building the concrete on hot day, utilize and build the aspect to dispel the heat; (4)Bury the water pipe underground i

45、n the concrete, enter the cold water to lower the temperature openly; (5)Stipulate rational form removal time, the temperature keeps warm the surface while lowering suddenly, in case that the rapid temperature gradient takes place in the concrete surface; (6)The concrete with medium and long-term an

46、d exposed construction builds a piece of surface or thin wall structure, take the measure of keeping warm in cold season; The measure of improving condition of restraining is: (1)Divide and sew and divide one rationally ; (2)Prevent the foundation from rising and falling too big; (3)Rational arrange

47、ment construction process, prevent the too big discrepancy in elevation and side from exposing for a long time; In addition, improve the performance of the concrete and improve and resist the ability of splitting, strengthen maintenance , prevent the surface from being done and contracted , especial

48、ly guarantee the quality of the concrete is very important to preventing the crack, should pay special attention to avoiding producing and running through the crack , the globality resumed its structure after appearing is very difficult, so should rely mainly on preventing the emergence of the running through crack while constructing. In construction of concrete , for raise turnover rate of template , demand concrete form removal as soon as possible that build newly often. Should consider form removal time properly when concrete temperature is higher than the temperature, so as not to cause


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