A Contrastive Study of Motivation of Words in English and Chinese 词汇的理据性对比.ppt

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1、A Contrastive Study of Motivation of Words in English and Chinese 词汇的理据性对比,Motivation:In linguistics,motivation means certain relationships that exist between the form of a word(symbol)and its meaning(referent).词的理据:是指用某个词称呼某事物的理由和依据,即某事物为什么获得这个名字的原因。它主要研究词和事物命名特征之间的关系。Classification of Motivation:1

2、.Phonetic(onomatopoeic)Motivation:formed by imitating the sound in nature.It is realized in the relation between phonological form and its meaning.According to Stephen Ullmann,Onomatopoeic Formation can be divided into Primary Onomatopoeia(complete imitation of sounds in nature:cukoo,ding-dong,swish

3、,buzz)and Secondary Onomatopoeia(partly imitation of the natural sounds:quiver,wriggle,sloppy).2.Morphological(logical)motivation:Morphological motivation lies in the morphological structure of the word.That is,the meaning of a word can be inferred from the meaning of the component morphemes 词素、语素.E

4、.g.international.3.Semantic motivation:based on association made in peoples minds.Generally speaking,semantic motivation can be realized through rhetorical devices such as simile,metaphor,analogy,metonymy,etc.(rabbit ear:V字形天线;mouse鼠标,memory内存),Contrastive study of primary onomatopoeic words in Engl

5、ish and Chinese,coo(咕咕)鸽子叫声 德:kuckuck 俄:kukushka 法:coucouhowl(嗥)狼叫声mew(喵)猫叫声giggle,gurgle(咯咯)人笑声bang(砰)撞击声ding dong(叮当)金属碰撞声hem and haw(哼哈)踌躇,支吾声wheeze(呼哧)喘息声1)对于英汉语言来说,这种差异可能表现在对同一种声音的不同摹拟上,也可能表现在声音与拟声词的非对应关系上,即一个拟声词可能是对若干种不同声音的模拟,而一种声音也可能用若干不同的拟声词来描绘,buzz(嗡嗡)(蜂苍蝇等)嗡嗡声crash(哗啦)物体倾倒的声音babble(咕嘟)水沸腾、

6、涌出的声音drip-drop(滴滴嗒嗒)滴水声murmur(汩汩,潺潺)水流动声;(咕哝)低语声rat-tat(梆梆)敲打木头声splash(扑通)重物落水声whistle(嘀嘀)笛声peal(隆隆)雷声whiz(嗖嗖)子弹hiss(淅淅沥沥)雨声rustle(沙沙)风声crack(劈啪)爆裂声chatter(唧唧喳喳)不停的说话声croak(咕咕;呱呱)青蛙一个拟声词可能是对若干种不同声音的模拟,而一种声音也可能用若干不同的拟声词来描绘squeak;peep;rattle老鼠Bay,snarl,growl,howl,whine 狗叫声,2)逼真度rustle is used to imita

7、te“刷 哗啦 刷拉 飒飒 瑟瑟”;rumble for“轰隆,咕隆,咕噜”3)使用:英语基本拟声词可用作动词和名词(作介词宾语构成短语作状语)汉语基本拟声词直接作状语或与“的一声”连用作状语修饰动词。The car whizzed by him.The door banged shut.The corn leaves rustled in the wind.The car tooted.The stream went gurgling on.Thunder rumbled.The autumn wind is soughing in the tress.The rain kept pitte

8、r-pattering.Her heart went pit-a-pat.The baby is babbling out its first speech sounds.The children began to clap their hands.,The door clicked shut.She squelched bearfoot through the mud.Crickets are chirping in the grass.The door clicked shut.She squelched bearfoot through the mud.Crickets are chir

9、ping in the grass.The spring kept bubling up.The Luggage trolley rattled along the platform.His stomach keeps rumbling.The red flags are flapping in the wind.This door always creaks.The rock fell into the water with a splash.The bottle opened with a fizz.The wall fell with a crash.The dishes and bow

10、ls slid together with a clatter.The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang.The plank fell on the ground with a thump.,Contrastive study of Morphologically-motivated words in English and Chinese Category:(means of word formation)Compound,Derivation,Shortening,Abbreviation,Back-formation逆构法,Conversion

11、转化法,Blending拼缀法,Reduplication重叠法Compound:sunlight,blackboard,network,download,courseware,keyboard,broadband,artificial intelligence联合式:网络,音像,调控,评估;偏正式:代沟,软件,微机,国格;动宾式:脱贫,减肥,扫黄,打假;主谓式:自律,自测,自营,自销;动补式:理顺,走红,走俏,搞活。(汉语新词)Derivation:filmnik影迷,jazznik爵士乐迷,computernik计算机迷。Cybernaut(网迷),cyberculture,cyberso

12、urce,cyberpet,cyberspeak化:淡化,西化,内化,外化,优化,强化,弱化;conversion:Monkey;Package;stain;draft;snake;chicken;dog;wolfabbreviation:SARS WTOblending:modem(调制解调器)modulator+demodulator,psywar(心理战)psychological+warfaremedicare(医疗照顾制度)medical+care,motel;汉语:超市,环保,考研,影星,三讲讲政治、讲学习、讲正气,三个面向面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来。clipping:截短词E

13、d,dino,Info,1 董银燕.英汉词汇的理据性分析J.湖北广播电视大学学报,2007,(02).3 廖传风.英汉隐喻性词汇对比研究J.广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2006,(03).4 方治强.词义理据性的认知分析J.浙江教育学院学报,2007,(04).6 张维友.英汉语缀合构词法比较J.外语与外语教学,2007,(02).7 周启强.当代英汉构词手段的共性特征J.外语与外语教学,2001,(05).8 杨德霞.英汉词汇语义对比与翻译J.山西师大学报(社会科学版),2006,(S1).9 李静.从英汉词汇看语言的理据性J.苏州大学学报(工科版),2004,(03).10 叶荔,

14、李瑛.中西词汇理据中的文化差异J.康定民族师范高等专科学校学报,2007,(05).11 邢苏月.英汉新词语理据性J.西南交通大学学报(社会科学版),2001,(03).12 陈淑莹,黎昌抱.英汉新词语的产生途径与构词特点研究J.四川外语学院学报,2004,(03).13 蒋磊.英汉新词语理据分析与对比J.华北水利水电学院学报(社科版),2003,(03).14 章宜华.信息时代新词的产生与构造理据J.辞书研究,2003,(05).15 曹勇.英汉词汇理据性差异及其构词体现J.郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2007,(01).16 蒋磊.浅析英汉新词语产生的特征J.陕西教育学院学报,2001

15、,(02).,Contrastive study of semantically-motivated words in English and Chinese 具有语义理据的词的对比,Generally speaking,semantic motivation can be realized through rhetorical devices such as simile,metaphor,analogy,metonymy,etc.Metaphor:Jim was as cunning as a fox.The world is like a stage.The world is a sta

16、ge.Time is money.The customer is king.Mark Twain-Mirror of America the epidemic of gold and silver fever lie elsewhere in the maze of vaulted streets which honeycomb this bazaar.into a cool,dark cavern which extends as far as the eye can seeuntil you round a corner and see a fairyland of dancing fla

17、shes“泡沫经济”以泡沫喻指虚假繁荣的经济,“拳头产品”以拳头比喻该产品在开拓市场和商品竞争中的力量。metonymyHis pen would prove mightier than his pickax.There are two mouths to feed in my family.God bless the hands that prepared this food.I count twenty heads at the party.(metonymic),1.Sunny weather*Everyone says what a happy,sunny girl she was.*

18、I found the sunnier side of his character.*By the time he reached the outskirts of Cambridge,David was in a sunny mood.*Producers are well aware that in terms of sales,the outlook is far from sunny.2.Cold weather2.1 Frost*“I assume you can explain,”He said.There was frost in her voice.*The suggestio

19、n had been received with frosty disapproval.*a frosty reception*Her remote father quickly married a frosty snobbish woman who did not*like her new daughter.2.2 icy weather:*“You cheated me,didnt you?”he said with icy calm.*We want our children to see that we can stay apart and still be friends.Its b

20、etter this way than staying married and enduring icy silences.*She asked him to help her but he told her icily,“it is your problem,you sort it out.”,2.3 snow*Arnold was really snowed under with work.He was snowed under with thousands of letters when he was doing his television.2.4 avalanche*He was e

21、ventually buried under an avalanche of criticism.*an avalanche of greeting cards from long-lost friends.3.Cloud*They had been suffering for weeks or even months under the cloud of depression.*A cloud of grief descended on the country and the world.*That immediately casts a cloud over the future of t

22、he other player.*A cloud appeared over his friendship with the king.*Things were going treat for decades,the company was turning out thousands of barrels of whiskey.Then a dark cloud appeared on the horizon:prohibition.*Recent meetings have been clouded by serious public disagreements.*When a proble

23、m arises in a family emotions always cloud the issue.*We should not allow our personal interests and prejudices to cloud our judgment.,4.shower*a shower of publicity*For those who are successful there are showers of praise.*He showered me with presents which were delivered to the office.*They will a

24、lso be showered with gifts like cars and luxury apartments.5.wind 5.1*Muslims have not been slow to sense the winds of change blowing through the world.*with the winds of democracy blowing over Africa.5.2 breeze*The first time I appeared on television I was so terrified I didnt say a word.Now I just

25、 breeze though talk shows.*In 1985 he breezed to victory with 78%of the vote.5.3 breezy weather*He had the breezy manner of a salesman.*With breezy confidence,the owners are predicting forty million visitors.,5.4 hurricane*the hurricane of grief and anger that swept the nation*a hurricane of abuse*M

26、any small businesses will not survive the economic hurricane.5.5 whirlwind*The article set off a whirlwind of speculation.*The next day they flew to Washington DC where they began a whirlwind of public appearances.*After a whirlwind romance the couple announced their engagement in July and were marr

27、ied last month.5.6 Storm*The photos caused a storm when they were first published in Italy.*They put on a show of unity for their first public appearance together since the storm broke.*He thought he had weathered the storm over his affair with the actress.*There has been a storm of criticism follow

28、ing the publication of his comments.*The film caused a storm of controversy.*Its nearly twelve months since the film took America by storm.,*Windows has taken other computer markets by storm.*She stormed,“Dont you know who I am?”*He stormed off to the bathroom and slammed the door behind him.*A stor

29、my relationship,argument,or situation.*Stuart and Sarah admit their working relationship was stormy at times.*.his stormy first marriage.The couple had had a series of stormy arguments and the police had been called in recently.6.lightning*Two days ago,they launched a lightning raid into enemy terri

30、tory.7.thunder*the thunder of the sea on the rocks.*The horses thundered across the valley floor.*Nonsense,”thundered the Commissioner.*His speeches were greeted by thunderous applause.*Sharpes thunderous voice startled the nearest men.,Dragon:The old woman is a real dragon!Dog:走狗;狗腿子;狗仗人势;狗急跳墙;狗拿耗子

31、;狗颠屁股;狐群狗党;狗头军师;狼心狗肺;狗嘴里吐不出象牙Top dog Help a lame dog over a stile.Dogs do not eat dogs.Every dog has his day.,Summary:Since the meaning of a word is highly influenced by culture,history,social system,and even peoples way of thinking,this contrastive study should be mainly made in cultural-related wo

32、rds.源于神话、宗教的词语源于文学名著名篇的词语源于历史事实、风俗习惯的词语源于地理环境、生活生产方式的词语源于政治制度、教育体系、体育运动、意识形态的词语动植物名词颜色词Mr.Brown is a very white man.He was looking rather green the other day.He has been feeling blue lately.When I saw him,he was in a brown mood.I hope hell soon be in the pink again.,A Contrastive Study on Cultural C

33、onnotations of Basic Color Terms between English and Chinese,Chapter One Introduction1.1 Definition of Basic Color Terms1.2 Definition of Cultural Connotations.1.3 Possibility and Necessity of the Contrastive Analysis 1.3.1.Possibility 1.3.2.NecessityChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Study on Colors

34、in Foreign Countries2.1.1 Epistemic(认知的)Orientation2.1.2.Linguistic Orientation2.2.Study on Color Terms in ChinaChapter Three A Contrastive Study on Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Terms between English and Chinese3.1.Principles of Studying Color Terms3.1.1 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis萨丕尔沃尔夫假说 3.1.2.

35、Berlin&Kays Theory of Basic Color Terms,3.2.Contrast of Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Terms between English and Chinese.3.2.1.Black and黑3.2.2.White and白3.2.3 Red and红3.2.4Yellow and黄3.2.5.Green and绿3.2.6.Blue and蓝3.2.7.Purple and紫3.2.8.Gray and灰 3.3.Comments on Similarities and Differences in

36、 TheoryChapter Four Causes for Similarities and Differences 4.1.Causes for Similarities 4.2.Causes for Differences 4.2.1.Perception4.2.2.Environment4.2.3.Philosophy4.2.4.Religion4.2.5.Other Causes,Chapter Five Implication 5.1.Implication for the Relationship between Color terms and Culture 5.2.Impli

37、cation for the Use of Color Terms in Cross一cultural Communication 5.3.Implication for Learning Color Terms in Second Language Learning 5.4.Implication for Translation of Color TermsChapter Six Conclusion.Bibliography1.包惠南,包昂,2004,中国文化与英汉翻译,外文出版社。2.程立,程建华,2000,英汉文化比较辞典,湖南教育出版社。3.常敬宇,2002,汉语词汇与文化,北京大学

38、出版社。4.邓炎昌,刘润清,2003,语言与文化一一英汉语言文化对比,英语教学与研究出版社。5.邓颖玲,“英汉颜色词的非完全对应”,湖南师范大学社会科学学报,1997(5)。6.洪庆福,2004,儒学兴衰概要,上海教育出版社。7.蒋栋元,“论颜色及颜色词的文化差异”,四川外语学院学报,2002(3)。8.李延林,潘利锋,郭勇,2003,英语文化翻译学教程,中南大学出版社。9.刘云泉,1990,语言的色彩美,安徽教育出版社。10.骆峰,2004,汉语色彩词的文化审视,上海辞书出版社。Culture and Teaching of Color Terms Culturally Loaded Words in English and Chinese 颜色词的文化与教学A Contrastive Study on the Connotations between Colors and Cultures英汉文化词语对比论颜色词汇的文化内涵,


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