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1、B. BSCI Mandatory Social Requirements B. BSCI强制性的社会责任要求B.1 Management Practice B.1 管理实践 B.1.1 Valid certificates, including those of subcontractors (provide copies) 是否能提供有效证明文件,包括分包商的文件(请提供副本) ISO 900X、SA8000 、ISO 14001 Other certificates or social audit reports, if yes, which and from 。what organis

2、ation?是否有其它认证或社会审核报告呢?如果有,属于哪种及由哪一机构頒发?B.1.2 Has a senior management representative been appointed who, irrespective of other duties, is responsible that the BSCI social requirements are met? If yes, please note name and position: 公司是否委任了一名高级管理层代表,在处理其职务以外,专责令公司符合BSCI社会责任的要求吗? 如果有,请列明其姓名和职位:Name(s):

3、 Mr. Lin Zhiqiu Position(s): Administration Department DirectorB.1.3公司内是否有一位或多位合资格人士,专责更新及执行法律条例,特别是针对经常修订的薪酬和安全条例吗?如果有,请列明其姓名和职位:Name(s): Mr. Lin Zhiqiu Position(s): Administration Department DirectorB.1.4. Has the company appointed a qualified person / qualified persons on the operational level fo

4、r implementation and checking compliance with the BSCI social requirements including health and safety? If yes, please note name(s) and position (s): 公司是否已经在业务运作级别中委任一位或多位合资格人士,负责执行和核查公司是否遵守卫生及安全等BSCI社会责任要求呢?如果有,请列明其姓名和职位:Name(s): Ms. Wang Hua Position(s): Company Management Department Manager B.1.5

5、 Are executives, management and staff aware of the legal rights and duties under labour legislation?行政人员、管理层和职工是否知道他们在劳工法例下的合法权利和义务呢?B.1.6 Is there ongoing communication about social requirements between staff and management? 职工与管理层是否一直有就社会责任要求进行沟通呢?B.1.7 Is there a system in place for anti-corrupti

6、on/anti-bribery for all business activities? 对于所有业务活动的反腐败/反贿赂,公司是否有适当的体制? B.1.8 Is a system in place to identify specific risks for health and safety of the employees and prevent recurrence of work accidents? 公司是否有判断危及员工健康及安全的特殊风险和预防工作意外再次发生的机制存在?B.1.9 Is a cost accounting method in use? 是否采用成本会计方法呢

7、? B.1.10 Is a capacity planning method in use? 是否采用产量策划方法呢?B.1.11 Has the company established and does the company maintain appropriate procedures to recruit subcontractors based on their ability to meet the BSCI social requirements? If yes, please describe: 公司是否已经确立和维持适当的程序,利用分包商遵守BSCI社会责任要求的能力,作为聘

8、用原则呢?如果是,请说明:B.1.12 Does the company maintain appropriate records of subcontractors commitments to social accountability, including, but not limited to the written commitment to 公司是否保留分包商致力遵守社会责任的适当记录,包括,但不限于书面承诺去:a) conform to all BSCI social requirements?a) 遵守BSCI的所有社会责任要求?b) participate in the co

9、mpanies monitoring activities as requested by the BSCI social requirements? b) 根据BSCI的社会责任要求,参与公司的监察活动?c) promptly implement remedial and corrective action to address any non conformance identified with regard to the BSCI social requirements?c) 立即执行补救及纠正行动,针对所有未能符合BSCI社会责任要求的问题?d) promptly and compl

10、etely inform the company of any and all relevant business relationship(s) with own subcontractors? d) 将任何与本身分包商的商业关系立即及完整地通知公司?B.1.13 Has the company established a system to monitor the subcontractors social performance? 公司是否确立了系統來专门监察分包商的社会责任表现?B.1.14 Does the company maintain reasonable evidence t

11、hat the subcontractors continuously improve conditions to meet the BSCI social requirements? 公司是否保留了确凿的证据,证明分包商不断作出改善,以符合BSCI社会责任的要求呢?B.2 Documentation B.2 文件证据文件证据文件证据文件证据 B.2.1 Has the company a valid business licence? If no, what are the reasons? 公司是否已取得有效的商业牌照呢?若答案为否,其原因何在呢?B.2.2 Are all necessa

12、ry official approvals available to run operations, machinery etc?If no, note what is missing: 有关业务、机器的运作是否已取得必须的官方批准呢?若否,请记下所缺欠的部份:B.2.3 Is a written policy available in the company that describes the social responsibility of the company especially with regard to child labour, female employees, disc

13、rimination, forced labour, working hours, compensation, working conditions, health and social facilities, safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining? Please attach a copy. 公司是否能随时提供描述社会责任的书面方针,特别是针对童工、女性员工、歧视、强迫劳动、工时、赔偿、卫生及社会设施、安全、结社自由和集体谈判?请附上副本。B.2.4 Has the company a written commitm

14、ent to their employees to comply with the BSCI Social Requirements including legal requirements in the country of operation and has this commitment posted in the location together with the BSCI Code of Conduct visible to all employees in relevant languages or attached it to each employees contract?

15、公司是否已向雇员作出书面承诺,表明会遵守BSCI社会责任要求,包括业务所在国家的法律要求呢?这些书面承诺是否与BSCI行为守则一并张贴在所有雇员都看得到的地方?当中使用的语言又是否让雇员明白呢?每份雇佣合约是否也附上这份书面承诺呢?B.2.5 Do personnel data files with the following components exist? Please attach a copy (sample). 个人数据是否包含以上文件呢?请附上副本(样本)。 Working contractB.2.6 Is a time record system in place where

16、the beginning and the end of a workday is registered for each individual employee? Please attach a copy (samples)登记每名雇员上班及下班时间的记录系统是否存在呢?请附上副本(样本)。B.2.7 Do the employees receive payslips? If yes, please attach a copy.雇员是否获发工资单呢?如果是,请附上副本。 B.2.8 Does documentation on payments to social insurance fund

17、s exist? If yes, please attach a copy.记录支付社会保障基金的证明文件是否存在呢?如果是,请附上副本。B.2.9 Do wage lists exist? If yes, please attach a copy.工资表是否存在呢?如果是,请附上副本。B.2.10 Is documentation available on pregnant women and maternity leave which was granted in the past if applicable-? If yes, please attach a copy.记录过去有关怀孕女

18、员工及其产假的证明文件是否存在呢(如适用)?如果是,请附上副本。B.2.11 Do work rules exist and are they工作规定是否存在,而它们是否 a) documented?a) 以文件记录呢?b) legally allowed?b) 法律上允許呢?c) understood by the employees? c) 让雇员明白呢? d) equally applied to all employees? Please attach a copy.d) 一视同仁地适用于所有员工身上呢?请附上副本。B.2.12 Is documentation on health a

19、nd safety training (e.g. fire protection) available? If yes, please attach a copy as an example. 是否有现成文件记录了卫生和安全训练(例如是火警保护)呢?如果有,请附上副本为例。B.2.13 Is documentation on all hazardous chemicals in use available (especially safety data sheets)? 是否有现成文件记录了所有使用中的有害化学品呢?(特别是安全资料表) B.2.14 Are certificates on f

20、irst-aid qualification available?是否随时可提供有关急救资格的证书呢?B.2.15 Are inspection documents for lifts and machinery available? 是否随时可提供有关电梯和机器检查的文件呢?B.2.16 Are documents available to prove that the water is drinkable? 是否随时可提供文件证明饮用水可以饮用呢?B.2.17 Is documentation available on comments on social issues made by o

21、fficials or any social audit including corrective actions? If so, were those comments/corrective actions put into effect? Please describe and attach a copy. 是否有官员评论社会责任问题的现成文件记录,或是包括纠正行动在内的社会责任核查呢?如果有,那些评论或纠正行动是否生效呢?请加以描述并附上副本。B.2.18 Does the company keep records of accidents and injuries? 公司是否保留了意外

22、和受伤记录呢?B.2.19 Do the security guards have an employment contract which describes their duties?保安人员是否拥有一份描述了其职责的雇佣合约呢? B.2.20 Is there a written agreement with a union or any other representation of the workforce? If yes please attach a copy.与工会或任何劳工代表是否曾达成任何书面协议呢?如果有,请附上副本。 B.3 Working TimeB.3 工时B.3

23、.1 When do regular daily working hours start and end? (Fill in for every shift) 固定工作时间在甚么时候开始和结束呢?(请填写每一班次) (Fill in for every shift) 每日的休息时间在甚么时候开始和结束呢?(请填写每一班次) B.3.3 What is the regular number of working days per working week?每星期固定工作多少天?B.3.4 What is the regular number of working hours per workin

24、g week?每星期固定工作多少小时?B.3.5 How many overtime hours did the person with the highest amount of overtime work last week? 上周加班工作最多的员工超时工作多少小时?B.3.6 What was the average amount of overtime hours per week?每星期平均超时工作多少小时?B.3.7 What was the average amount of overtime hours per week during peak seasons?旺季每星期平均超

25、时工作多少小时?Per the management communication and production record, no obvious peak season in recent one year.B.3.8 Does the company comply with the national statutory regulations with regard to:公司是否按照国家法定条例,遵守:a) the maximum amount of daily overtime hours?a) 每日最多加班工时的规定?b) the maximum amount of weekly

26、overtime hours?b) 每星期最多加班工时的规定?c) the maximum amount of monthly overtime hours? c) 每月最多加班工时的规定?If not please describe:若答案为否,请说明之:B.3.9 Do employees work overtime of their own free will?雇员超时工作是否出自其意愿呢? If no: If overtime is demanded by management to meet short-term business demand (non-voluntary over

27、time), is there a basic agreement with the union, or in case of non-unionized companies a basic agreement with the employees representatives or each individual employee? Please attach a copy.倘若管理层要求雇员超时工作以达到短期业务要求(非自愿超时工作),是否与工会达成协议呢?在没有工会的公司,资方是否与雇员代表或个别雇员达成基本协议呢?请附上副本。B.3.10 Is it ensured that the

28、 maximum amount of working hours for the workforce does not exceed 48 hours of regular working time plus 12 hours of overtime a week on a regular basis, in the case that there are no stronger legal regulations (for example, if the regular hours allowed are 40, the total maximum should be 52).如果当地没有更

29、严厉的法规,最多工作时数是否保证不会超过每星期48小时固定工时及12小时超时工作呢?(例如:如果固定工时为40小时,那么最多工作时数应是52小时)B.3.11 Are employees provided with at least one free day following six consecutive days worked? Exceptions are accepted if the national law allows time exceeding this limit and if a freely negotiated collective bargaining agree

30、ment in force allows work time averaging including adequate rest periods.雇员连续工作六天后,是否享有一天有薪假期呢?如果国家法律允许时间超过该限值,以及通过自由谈判签订的有效劳资协议允许平均工作时间包含适当的休息时间,允许出现例外。B.3.12 Are there local or any other authorisations (e.g. from collective bargaining agreements with trade unions) to make exemptions from statutory

31、 working time regulations as described on B.3.10 or B.3.11? If yes, please attach a copy. 是否有本地或其它授权书(例如劳资协议)去豁免遵守如B.3.10或B.3.11所述的法定工时的规定呢? 如果有,请附上副本。B.4 Compensation B.4 报酬time per month for regular fulltime employees? 固定全职员工每月按固定工时工作的法定最低工资有多少呢? Nettime paid in the company for regular fulltime em

32、ployees? 公司给予按固定工时工作的固定全职员工每月的最低工资有多少呢?请计算总额和净额。all employees on the work floor. Please calculate both Gross and Net amounts.不包括超时工作,估算车间所有员工每月的平均工资。请计算总额和净额。 B.4.4 Are the statutory regulations with regard to minimum wage of other than regular fulltime employees complied with (like trainees, part t

33、ime or full time employees but with different skills)? If not, please describe below:对于非固定全职员工(例如新员工、兼职或具有不同技能的全职员工),公司是否也遵守法定最低工资的规定给予报酬呢?如果不是,请在下面说明: B.4.5 What is the total sum of wages (incl. Overtime differentials) which was paid for all employees last month?上月发给所有雇员的工资(包括加班差额)总额有多少呢? NetB.4.6

34、Are overtime hours paid at the individual hourly rate? If not, please explain:加班工时是否按单一计时工资发出呢?若否,请解释B.4.7 Are statutory overtime differentials paid? Normal workday 150%; Sunday 200%; holiday 300% nightshift % 是否按法定加班工资级别发出工资呢?平日 %; 星期天 %;假期 %;夜班 % B.4.8 Do all employees receive paid leave according

35、 to statutory regulations?所有员工是否按照法律规定享有有薪假期呢? B.4.9 Do all employees receive paid statutory and/or religious holidays? 所有员工是否享有有薪法定及/或宗教节日假期呢?B.4.10 Do all pregnant employees receive statutory maternity leave? 所有怀孕员工是否享有法定产假呢?B.4.11 Do all pregnant employees receive statutory maternity benefits?所有怀

36、孕员工是否享有法定产妇津贴呢?B.4.12 Does the company provide all statutory benefits? If yes, please specify: 公司是否给予所有法定津贴呢?如果有,请具体说明:B.4.13 Does the company provide benefits on a voluntary basis? If yes, please specify: 公司是否自愿提供津贴呢?如果是,请具体说明:B.4.14 Does the company pay the statutory contribution for all employees

37、 to social insurance funds?公司是否支付所有员工的社会保险基金的法定供款呢?Health insurance健康保险Retirement benefits退休津贴 Unemployment insurance失业保险Accident insurance 意外保险 Others: 其它B.4.15 Are employees paid in monetary value (cash, cheque or bank transfer)? If not, why? 所有员工是否都以金钱形式 (现金、支票或银行户口转帐)获得报酬吗?如果不是,为什么? B.4.16 Are a

38、ny illegal deductions made from wages? Loan with interest charge ?Bail ?Entry fee to the production site ?Utilization fee for tools and machinery ?For lost or damaged tools (unindebted behaviour). Such as illegal disciplinary measures (to be legal, disciplinary measuresshould be accepted by national

39、 law and a collective bargaining agreement in force). Recruitment fees Others: e. g. unreasonable deductions 工资是否被非法扣除呢?包含利息费用的贷款?保释金?生产地点的入场费?使用工具和机器的费用 ?遗失或损毁工具(非负债行为).。例如非法纪律措施(若是合法纪律措施,应被国家法律和有效的劳资协议接受)。聘用费。其它:例如无理扣薪B.4.17 How many days after the end of the calculation period do the employees re

40、ceive their wage?工资截数日后多少天员工才获发工资呢?B.4.18 Are there local or any other authorisations (e.g. from collective bargaining agreements with trade unions) to make exemptions from statutory compensation regulations? If yes, please attach a copy.是否有本地或其它授权书(例如是与工会的集体谈判协议)去豁免遵守法定报酬的规定呢?如果有,请附上副本。B.5 Child La

41、bour / Young Employees 童工/未成年B.5.1 Are all employees employed by the company at least 15 years of age, unless local minimum age law stipulates a higher age for work or general mandatory schooling, in which case the higher age applies?公司聘用的所有员工是否都年届最少十五岁呢?除非當地法例规定工作或者接受普及教育的最低年龄较高,而两者应以较高者为准。If no: D

42、o legal regulations allow those children to work in accordance with ILO Convention 138, article 7 (light work and/or does not affect health or development of the employees and does not interfere with schooling/ education)? Please fill in Child Labour Record Sheet for all children less than 15 years

43、of age or older, if local minimum age law stipulates a higher age for work or general mandatory schooling. 若不若不若不若不: 有关法律规定是否容许儿童在符合国际劳工组织第一三八号公约第七章的情况下呢?(例如是较轻的工作及/或不会影响雇员健康或发育,以及不会妨碍上学/接受教育。如果地方法例规定工作或接受规定教育的最低年龄高于十五岁,请在童工记录表上填写所有未成年员工的資料。 B.5.2 If employees in the company are subject to local com

44、pulsory education laws, is it ensured that these employees are not employed during school hours and that combined hours of daily transport, school and work time do not exceed 10 hours a day?假如公司的员工受到地方普及教育法例所规管,是否能确保这些员工毋须在上学时工作,并且确保他们每天花在日常交通、上学和工作的时间不超过十小时呢?B.5.3 Are the laws for protection of you

45、ng employees (employees who have not reached the age of 18 national laws to be considered) enforced? If not, which laws are not enforced?保障未成年员工的法例(根据国家法例为未满十八岁者)是否切实执行呢?如果不是,没有执行哪些法例呢?B.5.4 Are the legal regulations for apprentices enforced (e.g. educational programme, theoretical lessons, working

46、hours, wages)? If not, which regulations are not enforced? 针对学徒的法律规定(例如教育计划、理论课、工时、工资)是否切实执行呢?如果不是,哪些法例尚未执行呢? B.5.5 In case that children have been found working in the company did the company provide adequate support to enable children to attend and remain in school until they are no longer a child

47、? Please fill in Child Labour Record Sheet Remedial Actions倘若发现公司雇用童工,公司是否会为这些儿童提供足够的支持,让他们能继续上学和求学,直至他们成年为止呢?请在童工记录表上填写补救措施。 B.6 Forced Labour / Disciplinary Measures / Prisoner LabourB.6强迫劳工/惩戒劳工/囚犯劳工B.6.1 Are employees allowed to leave the factory compound after work at any time?所有员工在下班后是否获准在任何时候离开工厂范围呢? B.6.2 Is it forbidden for security guards (armed or unarmed) to keep the


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