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1、 水利工程质量管理探究Study of management for water conservancy project quality management 摘要:本文根据笔者从事水利工程建设管理的工作经验,对当前水利工程施工质量管理存在的问题及其原因进行了简要的概述与分析,针对所出现的问题,从设计、施工和业务素质等方面出发,提出了解决问题的措施,指出了水利工程质量管理过程中应注意的问题。以提高水利工程建设质量,保证水利工程的安全、可靠和经济地运行。Abstract:In this paper, according to the author is engaged in the constr

2、uction of water conservancy project management work experience, the current problems existing in the water conservancy project construction quality management and its reason has carried on the brief overview and analysis, aiming at the problems, from the aspects of design, construction and service q

3、uality, put forward the measures to solve the problem, points out the water conservancy project quality management problems should be paid attention to in the course. To improve the quality of water conservancy project construction, ensure the safety of the water conservancy project, reliable and ec

4、onomic operation. 关键词 :水利工程,质量管理,措施Keywords: water conservancy project, quality management, measures 随着我国经济的高速发展,水利工程的建设也明显加快,为保障水利工程建设又好又快地发展和形势的持续稳定,就必须加强水利工程建设的质量管理。同时,由于水利工程项目涉及到建设点多、面广、量大以及工作难度较大,致使因为质量问题而导致的水利工程事故常有发生,这给水利工程的正常运行埋下了安全隐患,给国家和人民的生命财产造了重大损失。基于此,这要求我们进一步加强水利工程建设的质量管理。Along with ou

5、r country economy high speed development, water conservancy project construction is accelerated apparently, to ensure faster and better development of water conservancy construction and the steady of the situation, must strengthen the construction of water conservancy project quality management. At

6、the same time, due to the water conservancy project involves the construction points, wide surface, large volume and more work is difficult, because quality problem caused by the water conservancy engineering accidents often happen, this to the normal operation of the water conservancy project plant

7、ed safe hidden trouble, to the people and the country made great losses of life and property. Based on this, this requires us to further strengthen quality management of construction of water conservancy projects. 1. 水利工程质量管理的重要性。The importance of water conservancy project quality management. 随着科学技术

8、的发展和市场竞争的需要,质量管理越来越被人们重视。在水利工程建设中,工程质量始终是水利工程建设的关键,任何一个环节,任何一个部位出现问题,都会给整体工程带来严重的后果,直接影响到水利工程的使用效益,甚至造成巨大的经济损失。因此,可以肯定的说,质量管理是确保水利工程质量的生命。With the development of science and technology and the needs of the market competition, quality management is more and more attention by people. In water conserva

9、ncy project construction, project quality is always the key water conservancy project construction, any link, any parts of the appear problem, will have serious consequences for the overall project, directly affect the using benefit of water conservancy projects, and even cause huge economic loss. T

10、herefore, it is safe to say, quality management is to ensure that the water conservancy project of the quality of life. 工程质量的优劣,直接影响工程建设的速度。劣质工程不仅增加了维修和改造的费用、缩短工程的使用寿命,还会给社会带来极坏的影响。反之,优良的工程质量能给各方带来丰厚的经济效益和社会效益,建设项目也能早日投入运营,早日见效。由此可见,质量是水利工程建设中的重中之重,不能因为追求进度,而轻视质量,更不能因为追求效益而放弃质量管理。只有深刻认识质量管理的重要性,我们的工

11、作才能做好。The merits of the project quality, directly affect the speed of construction. Shoddy construction not only increases the cost of repair and reconstruction, and decrease the life of the project, will bring very bad influence to the society. On the other hand, the good engineering quality can br

12、ing huge economic benefits and social benefits to all parties, construction project can be put into operation as soon as possible, working at an early date. Thus, the quality is the top priority in water conservancy engineering construction, not because the pursuit of progress, and despise the quali

13、ty, more cant because the pursuit of efficiency and quality management. Only fully understand the importance of quality management, our work can do. 2. 目前水利工程质量管理存在的问题 。The problems existing in current water conservancy project quality management. 1)重进度轻质量,质量意识薄弱。在当前的水利工程建设过程中,施工企业迫于施工进度的压力,为了避免因工期延

14、误而遭索赔,部分施工单位在进行工程施工时往往是以工期优先,显然是重进度轻质量,这导致了严重影响水利工程建设的质量。The heavy schedule is light quality, quality consciousness is weak. In the process of the current water conservancy project construction, the construction company construction schedule under the pressure, in order to avoid claims for delays, p

15、art construction units in the engineering construction is often in the construction period is preferred, is obviously a heavy schedule light quality, this led to the serious influence the quality of the water conservancy project construction. 2)行政干预和资金不到位。在一些水利工程建设中,行政干预过多,这些违反工程建设程序,施工单位任意地压缩合理工期;而

16、且资金不到位、资金运作有问题,建设方随意压价并要求承包方垫资,拖欠工程款,造成盲目压缩工程建设成本。这些都严重影响了水利工程建设的质量。The administrative intervention, and money does not reach the designated position. In some water conservancy project construction, too much administrative intervention, the violation of construction procedures, construction units ar

17、bitrarily compressed reasonable time limit for a project; But money does not reach the designated position, capital operation has a problem, random demand and require the contractor project owner mat endowment, all overdue payments related to blindly compression project construction cost. These are

18、seriously affecting the quality of the water conservancy project construction. 3)水利工程前期勘测和设计不规范。部分水利工程建设的项目规划书、可行性研究报告和初步设计文件分析深度不够,缺乏对环境和经济等方面全面、综合的分析,特别是在一些小型的水利工程中很少进行可行性研究,致使设计常常不合理或不符合规范,严重影响了设计方案的比选,新材料、新技术和新工艺的应用,进而影响到工程建设的进度和质量等。Water conservancy project prophase survey and design specificat

19、ion. Part of water conservancy construction project planning, feasibility study and preliminary design depth of the analysis of the documents is not enough, the lack of environmental and economic aspects such as comprehensive, integrated analysis, especially in some small water conservancy projects

20、rarely carries on the feasibility study, the design is not reasonable often or do not conform to the specification, design scheme comparison, has been affected by the application of new materials, new technology and new process, which affect the construction progress and quality, etc. 4)相关人员业务水平不够,技

21、术力量薄弱。在水利工程建设中,存在部分水利工程设计人员、施工设计人员、管理人员和施工人员的专业知识不足和业务水平不高的现象,对于工程上的一些复杂的技术问题,这些人员无法拿出合理的解决方案,不能很好地掌握新技术、新工艺,难以承担有一定深度的工作。The relevant personnel business level is insufficient, technical force is weak. In the construction of water conservancy projects, there is some water conservancy project design,

22、 construction design personnel, management staff and construction workers lack of professional knowledge and business level is not high phenomenon, for some complex technical problems on the project, these staff cant take out a reasonable solution, not a good grasp of new technologies, new processes

23、, to undertake the work of have a certain depth. 3. 水利工程质量管理要点。The water conservancy project quality control points. 从以上分析可知,进行水利工程建设时质量管理的重要性,针对以上水利工程质量管理所存在的问题,笔者总结了应从以下几方面,加强质量管理,确保工程建设的质量。From the above analysis shows that the importance of quality management, water conservancy construction proj

24、ect quality management to solve above problems, the author summarized from the following aspects, to strengthen quality management, to ensure the quality of project construction. 1)加强水利工程的测量工作,保证测量的准确性。水利工程建设中,工程设计所需的坐标和高程等基本数据以及工程量计算等都必须经过测量来确定,而测量的准确性又直接影响到工程设计、工程投资和工程质量。因此,搞好测量工作是确保水利工程建设质量的基础。St

25、rengthen water conservancy engineering measurement, to ensure the accuracy of the measurement. Required in the construction of water conservancy project, the project design of the basic data such as the coordinates and elevation, and calculation of quantities must be measured to determine, and measu

26、ring accuracy directly affect the engineering design, project investment and project quality. Therefore, do a good job of the measurement is the basis to ensure the quality of water conservancy engineering construction. 2)加强水利工程设计工作。在水利工程建设项目可行性论证通过并立项后,工程设计就成为影响工程质量的关键因素。工程设计的合理与否对工程建设的工期、进度、质量、成本,

27、工程建成运行后的环境效益、经济效益和社会效益起着决定作用。先进的设计应采用合理、先进的技术、工艺和设备,考虑环境、经济和社会的综合效益,合理地布置场地和预测工期,组织好生产流程,降低成本,提高工程质量。To strengthen water conservancy engineering design work. In the water conservancy project construction project feasibility through and after the project, the engineering design has become the key fac

28、tors affecting the engineering quality. Engineering design reasonable or not for project construction period, schedule, quality, cost, project after the operation of the environmental benefit, economic benefit and social benefit plays a decisive role. Should adopt advanced design reasonable, advance

29、d technology, process and equipment, comprehensive consideration of environmental, economic and social benefits, reasonable decorate venues and predict the construction period, organize the production process, reduce costs, improve the quality of engineering. 3)加强施工质量管理。To strengthen construction qu

30、ality management. 施工是决定水利工程质量的关键环节之一,因此在施工过程中应加强施工质量管理,保证施工质量。比如:(1)加强法制建设,增强法制意识,认真遵守相关的法律法规;(2)完善水利工程施工质量管理体系,严格执行事先、事中、事后“三检制”的质量控制,并确保水利工程施工过程中该体系正常和有效地运转,质量管理工作到位;(3)水利工程建设中,影响工程质量的因素主要有人、材料、机械、工艺和方法 、环境5个方面。Construction is one of the key link in determining the quality of water conservancy pro

31、ject, so the construction should be strengthened in the process of construction quality management, ensure the construction quality. Such as: (1) to strengthen the construction of legal system, strengthen the consciousness of legal system, earnestly abide by relevant laws and regulations; (2) perfec

32、t water conservancy project construction quality management system, strictly implement in advance, matter and afterwards, three inspection system of the quality control, and water conservancy project construction process to ensure that the system in normal and effective operation, quality management

33、 in place; (3) in the construction of water conservancy project, the factors affecting the quality of engineering people, materials, machinery, technology and method, environment five aspects. 因此,在建设过程中应从以上5个方面做好施工质量的管理;(4)整个施工过程中应实行严格的动态控制,做到“施工前主动控制,施工时认真检查,施工后严格把关”的质量动态控制措施;(5)施工时不偷工减料,应严格按照设计图纸和

34、施工规程、规范、技术标准精心施工;(6)加强相关人员的管理,对有特殊要求的人员应要持证上岗;(7)加强工程施工过程中的信息交流和沟通管理;(8)加强技术复核。水利工程施工过程中,重要的或关系整个工程的核心技术工作,必须加强对其的复核避免出现重大差错,确保主体结构的强度和尺寸得到有效控制,保证工程建设的质量;Therefore, from the above five aspects in the process of construction quality management work in the construction; Should be strict in (4) the who

35、le construction process of dynamic control, do the active control before construction, construction check carefully and strictly control after the construction of the quality of the dynamic control measures; (5) dont cut corners while construction, should be in strict accordance with the design draw

36、ings and construction procedures, specifications, technical standards, meticulous construction; (6) to strengthen the management of personnel, have special requirements should be hold relevant certificates; (7) in order to strengthen the management of engineering construction in the process of infor

37、mation exchange and communication; (8) to strengthen the technical review. Water conservancy project construction process, important or relationship at the heart of the whole project technical work, must strengthen the review of its avoid major mistakes and ensure effective control of the main struc

38、ture of the strength and size, and guarantee the quality of project construction; 4)重视质量管理,落实责任制。相关的管理部门应高度重视水利工程质量管理工作,本着以对国家和人民负责的态度真正把工程质量管理工作落到实处,明确相关人员的责任,层层落实责任制,全面落实责任制,并加强监督和检查,严格按照水利规范和技术要求,如出现质量问题就要追究当事人的责任,即工程质量终身制,彻底解决工程质量如没人负责问题,能够提高相关人员的责任感;Attaches great importance to quality manageme

39、nt, implement the responsibility system. Related management departments should attach great importance to water conservancy project quality management, in line with the attitude of responsible for country and people really implement project quality management, clear the responsibility of the relevan

40、t personnel, layer upon layer carries out the responsibility system, full implementation of responsibility system, and strengthen supervision and inspection, in strict accordance with the water conservancy specification and technical requirements, such as occurrence quality problem is investigated f

41、or the responsibility of the parties, the system of life tenure in the engineering quality, completely solve the problem of project quality, such as no one is responsible for, to improve the relevant personnel of responsibility; 5)改进监控方法,提高检测水平。加强原材料、设备的质量控制,对批量购置的材料、设备等,要按国家相关部颁或行业技术标准先检测(全面检测或抽样检测

42、)后使用,对不合格材料和设备不使用。加强施工质量监测,对关键工序和重点部位,应严格监控施工质量;Improving monitoring methods, improve the level of detection. To strengthen the quality control of raw materials, equipment, the batch purchase of materials, equipment, etc, according to relevant national enterprise or industry technical standard testi

43、ng (full inspection or sampling) before they are used, are not use unqualified material and equipment. Enhancing construction quality monitoring of key process and key parts, should be strictly monitoring construction quality; 6)加强技术培训,提高相关人员的业务素质。设计人员、管理人员、施工人员和操作人员的业务素质对的高低直接影响水利工程建设的质量,加强相关人员的技术培

44、训,提高技术人员的业务素质,能够大大地提高水利工程建设的质量。因此,各个单位应重视员工的专业素质,定期举行相关的培训,提高员工的专业技能和业务素质,能够掌握并运用新技术、新材料和新工艺等,还用建立完善的考核机制。To strengthen technical training, improve the relevant personnel of the service quality. Design personnel, management staff, construction personnel and operational staff of professional quality

45、of high and low directly affects the quality of the water conservancy project construction, strengthen the relevant personnels technical training, improve the technical personnels service quality, can greatly improve the quality of water conservancy engineering construction. Therefore, each unit sho

46、uld pay attention to the professional quality of employees, held on a regular basis, relevant training to improve staff professional skills and professional quality, to master and apply new technology, new material and new technology, etc., still use to set up a perfect evaluation mechanism. 4 .结论Th

47、e conclusion 本文针对水利工程质量管理过程中存在的问题,从水利工程的测量、设计、施工质量控制、工程质量终身制、监控方法和业务素质方面出发,提出了加强水利工程质量管理的一些措施,可为相关的施工设计人员参考借鉴。Based on water conservancy project quality management problems that exist in the process, from the water conservancy project survey, design, construction quality control, engineering quality for life, monitoring method and service quality aspect, puts forward some measures to strengthen the management of water conservancy engineering quality, can be a reference for the construction of the related designers.


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