1、秘书培训,Secretary Training,Training Agenda 培训内容,一段秘书 发通知:用电子邮件或在黑板上发个会议通知,然后准备相关会议用品,并参加会议。二段秘书 抓落实:发通知后,再打一通电话与参会的人确认,确保每个人被及时通知到。三段秘书 重检查:发通知,落实到人后,第二天在会前分钟提醒与会者参会,确定有没有变动,对临时有急事不能参加会议的人,立即汇报给总经理,保证总经理在会前知悉缺席情况,也给总经理确定缺席的人是否必须参加会议留下时间。,总经理要求秘书安排次日上午九点开一个会议。通知到所有参会的人员,然后秘书自己也参加会议来做服务,这是“任务”。但我们想要的是什么呢
2、?下面是一至九段秘书的不同做法。,四段秘书 勤准备:发通知,落实到人,会前通知后,去测试可能用到的投影、电脑等工具是否工作正常,并在会议室门上贴上小条:此会议室明天几点到几点有会议。五段秘书 细准备:发通知,落实到人,会前通知,也测试了设备,还先了解这个会议的性质是什么?总经理的议题是什么?然后给与会者发去过去与这个议题相关的资料,供他们参考。六段秘书 做记录:发通知,落实到人,会前通知,测试了设备,也 提供了相关会议资料,还在会议过程中详细做好会议记录(在得到允许的情况下,做一个录音备份)。七段秘书 发记录:会后整理好会议记录给总经理,然后请示总经理是否发给参加会议的人员,或者其他人员。,八
3、段秘书 定责任:将会议上确定的各项任务,一对一地落实到相关责任人,然后经当事人确认后,形成书面备忘录,交给总经理与当事人一人一份,并定期跟踪各项任务的完成情况,并及时汇报总经理。九段秘书 做流程:把上述过程做成标准化的“会议”流程,让任何一个秘书都可以根据这个流程,把会议服务的结果做到九段,形成不依赖于任何人的会议服务体系!,Brian Storm大脑风暴,什么叫好秘书,Personality 秘书的个性要求,守时 谨慎 热情 合群 服从 机智 勤快,忠诚负责正派廉洁诚实谦逊,Personality 秘书的品质要求,Role and responsibilitiesof the secreta
4、ry秘书在日常工作中扮演的角色和工作职责,Role of the secretary 秘书的角色,Information center 是信息中心:Storing,retrieving,and integrating information for dissemination to staff and clients,is one of the core responsibilities for secretary.收集、保存、处理和传递信息(内外)是秘书的首要工作,Coordinator 是协调部:Performing and coordinating an offices administ
5、rative activities,and acts as a coordinator,a bridge to connect upper management and lower management,management and staff,as well as internal and external.秘书处于中介地位,枢纽地位,联系上下、左右、内外,Role of the secretary 秘书的角色,Role of the secretary 秘书的角色,Image ambassador 代表企业的形象:People get to know the company through
6、 secretaries.秘书是外界了解企业的窗口Managers Assistant 经理的得力助手:They are indispensable assistants to managers 不可缺少的左、右臂,Secretary should endeavor to release manager or other colleagues from trivial administrative works,so that they can fully concentrate on their own assignments/more important works.秘书/助理应把上级或同一
7、工作团队中其他人员从繁忙的办公室事务中解放出来,使他们集中精力去做他们的职责范围内的工作。,职业前景展望,Top Secretary 如何定义高端秘书,鲍威尔访华的时候,陪他前来的是一位40多岁的女士,在很多活动中,她都是一言不发地站在后面,但所有人都能感觉到她在掌控局面.这就是高端秘书-自身的素质有多高就可以做到多高端的秘书.,What makes a good secretary一个好的秘书的基本素质是什么?,冰雪聪明,但不一定伶牙利齿;友好温和,但有原则性;综合能力强,学习能力强 中国雅虎副总裁,Responsibilities 基本职责,Secretaries are responsi
8、ble for a variety of administrative and clerical duties necessary to run an organization efficiently.They serve as information and communication managers for an office;plan and schedule meetings and appointments;organize and maintain paper and electronic files;manage projects;conduct research;and di
9、sseminate information by using the telephone,fax,mail services,Web sites,and e-mail.They also may handle travel and guest arrangements.秘书的工作涵盖了大量的行政职责。他们就如办公室里的信息和沟通经理;计划和安排会议/会面;组织安排和维护各种文件档案(包括打印版和电子版);通过电话传真、邮件、网络/电子邮件等方式传达信息;同时可能需要计划安排差旅事项。,Job Description 工作职责,Performs secretarial duties includ
10、ing receiving,typing,disseminate and trace all kinds of documents(such as,correspondence,reports,meeting minutes and memoranda)for the Department Head(must use hotel standard format).履行各种文书工作,其中包括按照酒店规定的标准格式,为部门总监/经理签收、起草、传递和催办各种文书,例如:商务信函,各种报告/汇报,会议记录和备忘录等等。,Job Description 工作职责,Arranging meetings,
11、taking,typing,distributing and filing meeting minutes.负责各类会议的安排、记录和整理、会议记录的存档和传递等.Receives and screens calls and correspondence directed to the Department Head.为部门总监/经理接收并过滤外来电话和信函。May manage Department Heads calendar and may arrange tentative schedules.在需要的情况下,为部门总监/经理安排日程/时间表,Job Description 工作职责,
12、Making travel arrangement(such as,business trip budget,cash advance request,transportation request,reimbursement,etc.)for Department Head,and other management personnel.为部门总监/经理,以及其他管理人员安排出差事项。(例如:出差预算报告,零用金支取,车辆安排,以及出差费用报销等等)Answers and screens telephone calls for all office staff,takes and relays
13、messages;responds to routine telephone inquiries;forwards calls to appropriate party.答复并过滤所有办公室来电,接受和传达留言,回答日常电话询问。将一些来电适当的转给其他部门或个人。,Job Description 工作职责,Receive visitors,making appointment for Department Head.接待访客,为部门总监/经理安排会见。Prepares special and recurring departmental reports by gathering data f
14、rom various sources,compiling and typing data.负责收集资料/数据,完成部门的各种报告。Maintains a variety of logs and files,ensure the confidentiality of certain files.做好文秘档案/部门工作日志的管理,及对部分机密文件的保密工作。,Job Description 工作职责,Monitors the use of departmental materials and supplies,request from general storeroom or make purc
15、hase requisition when needed.负责管理本部门办公用品的使用、领取、申购工作。Tidiness and cleanliness of the office 办公区域的整洁Maintenance of office equipments办公设备使用、管理、维修,Job Description 工作职责,Attendance record考勤纪录Performs other duties as assigned.根据部门总监/经理的要求/分工,完成其他的工作。,Qualities 秘书需要具备的素质,Exert to understand the manager,and
16、to extend full cooperation and support,good cooperation is mutually beneficial.Loyalty creates trust.尽力理解上级,尽力配合上级的工作,相互默契配合对双方的成功都是有益的,对上级忠诚才会受信任,如何完成您的工作,步骤1:老板呼叫您的名字时,注意点1 用有朝气的声音立刻回答注意点2 不要闷声不响的走向老板注意点3 不要用做什么或什么事等同辈用 词语回答注意点4 带着你的笔记本,以便随时记下 老板的指示,步骤2:记下老板交办事情的重点,具有核对的功能,当老板指表示完后,您可以参考你的记录重复指示的重
17、点,以核对你与有无差距。日后工作中,可根据备忘录检查您的工作状况是否正确。可避免以后如“有没有交待”“有没有听见”之类的纠纷。,步骤3:理解命令的内容和含义,注意点1 不清楚的地方,询问清楚为止。这一步叫确认。注意点2 尽量以具体化方式,向主管确定命令的内容。这一步叫检验理解。注意点3 要让主管把话说完后,再提出意见或疑问。,Reception接待工作,接待客人社交细节,Invitation 得体的邀请,提前预约说明目的和由你付帐的打算职业化告之被邀请者相关内容,Daily Reception日常接待,热情有礼,一视同仁招呼来客抬头招呼,必要时起身招呼确认身份,引领替上司圆场,注意事项,自我介
18、绍安排客人等待奉茶、报纸、资料回避客人打电话,注意事项,聊天注意保密切勿让客人等太久注意身体的“逐客”语言热情送客,Unexpected Visitor 接待不速之客,分流亲朋好友不需要上司亲自解决的问题了解清楚来意婉言拒绝有新的来访者接待投诉者 热情 耐心诚恳答复礼貌相送,名片礼仪,如果是坐着,尽可能起身接受名片身份较低者率先递出自己的名片经上司介绍后,再递名片接受名片时用双手去接,并确定对方身份不宜随手放在桌上,介绍礼仪,介绍位卑者给位高者年轻,年长同事,别家公司的同事同事,客人非官方人士,官方人士,情景演练,在大型展会中介绍GM,Sales Manager,F&B Manager,Cle
19、rk介绍GM,Sales Manager 和其它酒店的Sales Manager,Clerk 认识,握手礼仪,伸出右手,手掌垂直脱下手套,并在身份高着,女士,年长者后。如表示毕恭敬,可掌向上捧接。,陪同上司出行礼仪,Professional skills 职业技能,TELEPHONE ETIQUETTE电话礼仪,Why is Telephone Etiquette important?为什么电话礼仪十分重要?,Creates an impression of the hotel for external potential/existing customers 它为我们的外部客人塑造着酒店的形
20、象Is an important mean of communication in conveying information to internal customers 它是为我们内部客人交流传达信息的重要工具Assists in relationship building between internal/external customers它有助于建立内外客户的良好关系,We want to emphasize that everyone who answers the telephone reflects the image of your department of the Hote
21、l,and in return,plays a key role in helping your department of the Hotel to achieve its business potential.我们应深刻的认识到,我们每位接电话的员工都代表着其部门及整个酒店的形象,都在 帮助酒店获取潜在生意,实现经济目标的过程中扮演着重要的角色。,In order to make the communication process through telephone successful,the key ingredients are:电话交流成功的 主要因素包括:,Attitude 态度
22、,Answer promptly(within 3 rings)及时接听(铃响三声之内)Mention/identify your department and your name通报自己的部门及个人姓名Sound friendly and interested用充满友好热情的语调Listen carefully and attentively认真仔细的倾听Avoid asking the caller to repeat 避免让对方重复Dont slam the receiver不可敲击话筒,Your Voice 你的声音,Have a smiling and vary voice 有抑扬顿
23、挫且充满微笑Speak clearly and distinctly 说话清楚明白Make sure its not too loud and should be enthusiastic 充满热情但不可大嚷大叫Hold mouthpiece close to the mouth 将话筒靠近嘴边Dont speak too fast 语速不可过快,口头表达技巧训练,车上有个盆,盆里有个瓶,乓乓乓,乒乒乒,不知是瓶碰盆,还是盆碰瓶化肥会挥发,黑化肥发灰,灰化肥发黑,黑化肥发灰会挥发,灰化肥挥发会发黑,黑化肥发灰挥发会花飞,灰化肥挥发发黑会飞花。,Your Words 措词,Use magic w
24、ords(e.g.say“please”,“thank you”etc)使用魔术词语(例如:请,谢谢等)Avoid emotion words(e.g.saying“no”or irritating words)避免使用情绪话的词语(例如:说“不”或 刺激人的词语)Use no jargon 不要使用术语,打电话前明确要给谁电话,要说什么事,打电话时,目的要明确,观点要鲜明 5W1H说明问题要有条理,用最少的语言语音语调的变化会影响语言的意义。我没说是你偷了他的书,Making a call 打电话,利用技巧确认是否理解了内容 向对方确认电话的内容 态势语,Making a call 打电话,
25、How To Make a Call 怎样打电话,Greeting 问候Identify yourself 自报姓名Identify the answering party 确认接听者,How to Transfer a Call 怎样转电话,Explain the reason of transferring 解释原因Put the caller on hold 请来电者少等Dial the concerned departments number 拨通有关部门电话,How to Transfer a Call 怎样转电话,Explain the reason of transferring
26、 to the person in the concerned department 向有关部门解释转电话的原因Put through 接通Make sure the transfer is successful 确认转接成功Replace the receiver 将话筒归位,How to Take a Message 怎样接受口信,Be quick and correct 迅速准确Make sure the correct spelling of the callers name/company/contact is written 准确记录来电者的姓名,公司,联系方式Ensure tha
27、t you get the reason for the call and/or the message 明确目的,Leaving a Message When You are a Caller 留口信,Give your message clearly and concisely(not forgetting to allow the receiver time to write it down)简单明了(给接听者时间记录)Politely ask the receiver whether they have got all the information they need and to
28、ensure that the information has been recorded correctly 有礼貌的问对方,是否记录清完整Always record the name of the person taking your message in case of problems later 为了避免事后的麻烦,记住接听者的姓名,Ending a Call 结束电话,Be friendly,not in a hurried manner 友好,不要表现出着急Wait for the caller to hand up first总是等对方先挂电话,Standard Greetin
29、g 标准问候,Interdepartmental:Good morning/afternoon+your department name+“name”speaking,may I help you?部门间:早上好/下午好+你的部门名称+姓名我可以帮你做些什么?,Do not disturb the manager if he/she is in meeting(unless it is an urgent matter)不要打搅正在会客的上级(除非事情非常紧急)Directly transfer the call to your manager if it is from his manage
30、r,or take message/respond appropriately.上级的上司来电话找上级:直接接通或做留言处理,但答复要洽当;If your manager urgently need to call the subordinate,immediately get him connected;and if it is not urgent,you may call according to your managers agenda.上级要给下属打电话:紧急的立即接通;不急的您可安排在合理的时间接通;,How to handle incoming calls/处理电话:,How t
31、o handle incoming calls/处理电话:,For unnecessary calls(such as sales,etc.),do not transfer to your manager,and do not give out your managers mobile phone number.Politely refuse the caller.对于那些和工作无关的电话(例如:推销产品等),不要直接转接给你的经理,另外坚决不可以把经理的手机号码给出去。礼貌的拒绝来电者。If it is a personal call(from family or friends),dir
32、ectly and quietly transfer to your manager if he/she is available.对于私人电话(来自亲朋好友),直接转给你的经理(如果他有空),避免声张。,Cases 电话应对情景,上司刚好不在办公室 看自己是否能帮助解决 留下便条接到领导不愿意接的电话 灵活处理接到令人困惑的电话 询问清楚 代为总结,对方很生气时 耐心聆听,细心劝说,承诺对方当对方喋喋不休时 替对方总结电话断线 打电话的一方再主动把电话打回去并道歉通话的时候受到干扰,Cases 电话应对情景,电梯礼仪,不要同时按上下行键。不要堵在电梯口,让出通道。遵循先下后上的原则。先进入电
33、梯,应主动按住按纽,防止电梯夹人,帮助不便按键的人按键,或者轻声请别人帮助按键。在商务活动中,按键是晚辈或下属的工作,电梯中也有上位,愈靠内侧是愈尊贵的位置。电梯中绝对不可以抽烟,尽量避免交谈,除非电梯中只有你们俩个人。人多时不要在电梯中甩头发,以免刮人脸。,信件&电子邮件&传真,Receiving Mail收信件细节,上司或同事的私人信件原封送交“误拆”应立即封口,签名,致歉裁开或剪开封口,保持信件完整检查信封内有无单据或名片,避免遗漏如有必要可以登记信封的信息,Categorize faxes/将传真分类:Handle the fax according to managers instr
34、uction 需要经理本人审阅的,根据经理授意处理Handle independently 由秘书来待为处理的:Forward to other concerning persons in charge 转给其他相关负责人Reply by secretary 由秘书本人回复,Fax 传 真,Use hotel standard fax format 使用公司标准传真格式When the fax content is confidential,you should contact receiver first,and fax to the designated fax number,finall
35、y,confirm with the receiver to make sure the document has been faxed correctly.保密文件需要传真时,应先与对方联系,发送到指定传真机上,发送后再与对方确认。,Fax 传 真,Filtrate files,delete unnecessary files,then,categorize the emails/mails(such as,memo,report,etc.),根据邮件类型将收件箱中的邮件过滤,删除不必要的邮件,然后分如下:Print out files that need to be read by the
36、 manager,and reply as per managers instruction,or remind the manger to reply,to handle the matters.需要经理本人审阅的,打印出来,部分根据经理授意回复邮件,或督促、协助经理在规定时间内处理相关事宜。,Emails/mails 邮件,Emails/mails 邮件,部门邮件地址(省略),When reply on behalf of the manager,must pay attention on the wording,and must be sent from the managers mai
37、lbox.以经理名义回复时,要在语气上予以注意,并从经理信箱发出;When reply from you,must indicate you are authorized by the manager 以秘书名义发送时,要说明邮件内容为经理授意。Handled by the secretary(on behalf of the manager)由秘书来待为处理的:A、forward to others 转给其他相关负责人;B、reply by secretary 由秘书本人回复,Emails/mails 邮件,Set receipt notice if follow-up action or
38、confirmation is needed,if the receiver could not check the mail timely,call him/her to explain.如发出的邮件需要追踪结果或确认对方是否收到,需要设置回执,如对方未能及时查看,需电话说明。If the file needs to be read,revised or approved by the manager,then print it out,and hand it to the manager.Reply or communicate the mail according to managers
39、 instruction.需要经理审阅、批改的邮件打印出呈送,然后负责回复或传达;Duly file the important mails.重要邮件及时进行存档,Emails/mails 邮件,需要移交的文件物品,部门需要的留存备份:对外签署的一切合同:如采购类、维保类、服务类、工程类、租赁类 以及与消费客户签定的合同(包含旅行社、订房中心)等所有合同原件所有涉及公司相关内容的照片、录音、录象、图片等(含电子版本)各经营场所的荣誉证书和牌匾所有对外发文销售客户资料、客户资料(含电子版)各类设备的说明书一卡等相关文件,Filing 文件的归档,Filing 档案管理,Why should or
40、ganizations have a good filing system?为什么企业需要有拥有良好的档案管理系统?,Filing means keeping documents in a safe place and being able to find them easily and quickly.Documents that are cared for will not easily tear,get lost or dirty.档案管理就是把文档存放在一个安全的地方,并且能够轻易而快速的找到这些文档。妥善保存的文档不会轻易残损、丢失或者变脏,It is always a pleasu
41、re when someone looks for something and is able to find it without difficulties.In our organizations we work in groups.We receive and send out documents on different subjects.We need to keep these documents for future reference.If these documents are not cared for,we cannot account for all our organ
42、izational activities.Everyone who needs to use documents should know where to get them.当我们能够轻而易举的找到我们需要的东西时,我们总会感到开心。我们的公司是由很多部门组成的。在我们的日常工作中,我们需要接收和发送各种文件。很多时候,我们需要保留它们,作为未来工作的参考。如果我们没有好好的保存这些文件,我们就无法评估和总结各项经营活动。每个需要使用文件的人都应该知道在哪里去拿。,Filing 档案管理,Filing Cabinet-It is used to keep flat files and susp
43、ension or hanging files 档案柜-用于存放单层文件及挂式文件Steel Cabinet-It is used to keep big files that need to be locked up 铁皮文件柜-用于存放需要锁起来的大型文件Date Stamp-It is used to date stamp documents that are received on daily basis so that they are filed in chronological order and so we have a record of when we received t
44、he document 日期邮戳(非必要),Equipment used for filing 档案管理装备,Once you have decided on your categories,you will have to draw up a filing index so that everyone can understand the system you used and find the information they want.This index is called a filing key.当你确认了档案的种类,你应该做出一个档案索引,使每个人都能够清楚地了解你使用的档案系统
45、,并且能够找到他们需要的资料。,Filing key 档案索引,Dont create new files unless you are absolutely sure the information does not logically fit into an existing file.Put the new file in the correct category and write it in the filing key immediately.Give everyone a copy of the new categories as soon as possible.不要轻易创建新
46、的档案,除非你完全确定这些新的文档无法归入现有的档案中(不合乎逻辑)。将新建文档归入恰当的种类中,并立即列入档案索引中。尽快把更新的,New files 新文档,Memo 备忘录的起草,Get the essential idea of the memo,and come up with clear and short subject.掌握备忘录主旨,言简意赅确立主题;Adhere to hotel standard memo format 按照酒店标准格式制作;Specify the receiver and his/her department 确定接收者和接收部门;Specify the
47、 person and his/her department,that you need to cc to.根据需要确定抄报者和抄报部门;(所有部门对部门的备忘都需要抄报总经理/副总/行政办),Draft out the memo content with clear,concise and understandable language.以简练、准确、完整的语言表达备忘录内容;Translate Chinese memo into English one,remember,Chinese first.将拟好的中文翻译成英文,并中文在前,英文在后;Check the memo thorough
48、ly,make sure there is no mistake,then giver to your manager for signature.最后将全文重新检查无误后交由经理签署,Memo 备忘录的起草,Memo 备忘录的起草,Remember 牢记:Department department,must be signed by the GM before issue it out.如果发文有关新制度、新政策、新促销活动等重要事务,必须经酒店最高管理者(总经理)批准;如果是一般日常文件不必批示。Any hotel department has no authority to issue
49、memo directly to 38th floor(the company),unless it is approved and signed by the GM.任何酒店从属部门没有权利直接向38楼(即:公司)发放备忘录,只有在酒店总经理批准并签署后方可发送。,Do not tidy up/touch documents in your managers office,unless you are authorized.上级办公室内的材料:未经允许,不要去整理When you make appointment for your manager:mark on your calendar
50、as well as your managers(timely remind your manager)为上级安排约会:在上级和自己的工作台历上都留下记录(并及时提醒以防重复安排约会或失约)Must be aware,which information should be kept confidential.必须确切知道哪些信息是您的上级希望保密,Basic Knowledge 基本常识,Basic Knowledge 基本常识,As the secretary,we must be cooperative and supportive both internally and external