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2、e incineration boiler (MCFB) and engineering equipment for semi-dry flue gas purification, including steel structure, electrostatic precipitator, bag precipitator and absorbing tower.1.2 The minimum technical requirements described by this manual does not make specifications on all the technical det

3、ails, but the guidebook guarantee precipitator are the quality products that complies with its requirements and current industrial standard. 1.3 Supplements and modifications in the manual caused by the changes of standard and regulations shall be discussed by buyer and seller.1.4 If the standard de

4、scribed by the guidebook does not conform with the one accepted by buyer, the higher standard shall be carried out. 2. Steel structure installation2.1 Steel structure installation sequence 图2-1钢结构安装顺序2.2 Foundations acceptance and base mountingAccording to the materials of foundations acceptance che

5、ck data and mark figures on the surface of foundations before steel structure installation. Your attention shall be drawn to the fact that backfill around the foundations shall be tamped Table2-1 allowable deviation of bearing surface and anchor boltItemAllowable deviation (mm)Bearing surfaceelevati

6、on3Levelness l/1000Anchor boltBolt center deviation5Bolt exposed length 20, 0When columns are lifted and dropped down on concrete, putting shim group on both sides of every anchor bolt to align and level columns. 钢结构在形成空间钢度单元后,应及时对柱底板和基础顶面的空隙采用细石混凝土二次浇灌。After steel structure is formed into space rig

7、id unit, fine aggregate concrete2.3 material and steel components acceptance2.3.1 Inspection of materials1) There must be warranty and certificate with inspection for materials. If there are changes in material, material list of replacement is required.2) The surface and section of steel must be fre

8、e of cracks, fold, bubbles, slag and delamination, and the depth of surface defects shall be less than half of steel plates under-thickness tolerance3) High strength bolt, nut and gasket demand certificates which comply with specification of design and national standard.2.3.2 Steel components accept

9、anceUpon the delivery of H steel to the job site , the manufacturer shall provide the following files :1)The certificate of quality for products2)Construction drawings and the files of design change3)Agreement about technical problems handling4)Quality certificate or test report of steel, connection

10、 material and coating material.5)Test report of slip coefficent of faying surface of high strength bolt and coating material filesTable 2-2 allowable size deviation of steel components ItemAllowable deviationcolumn bending rise5 mmcolumn distortionconnection3 mmThe other connection8 mmThe dimension

11、of column cross-sectionconnection3 mmThe other connection4 mmFlange plates verticality to web plateconnection1.5 mmThe other connection5 mmweb plate center offset2 mm2.4 Storage of steel components1) In principal, the steel components shall be padded with wood and stored according to its type and in

12、stallation sequence to avoid the secondary transportation. The padded wood shall provide enough bearing surface to prevent supporting point settleing.2)Steel components of the same model should be stacked in such a way that the support of layers is on the same vertical line to prevent the possible d

13、amages and deformation.3)High strength bolt connections shall be stored according to lot number and the bolts of the same lot number shall be used. At stages of storage, transportation and erections, they shall be handled carefully and should not be used in the mixed way, so that the surfaces are pr

14、otected from corrosion, damages and dampness.2.5 Steel components fabricationThe procedure of fabrication of steel componentsFigure2-2 The procedure of fabrication of steel components2.5.1 Assemblage platform Put the wood on the tamped soil at 1m intervals, and then put steel I-beam after leveling,

15、then floor the platform with steel plate. The allowable deviation of platforms flatness is 5mm, and there shall not be welding beading and dirt left in its surface.2.5.2 Setting-out, marking and cutting1) As regards to setting-out and marking, there shall be shrinkage allowance for welding and cutti

16、ng according to techniques requirements. 2) Allowable deviation of cutting wire and marking wire for manual cutting is 2mm3) Rust and dirt shall be removed from the steel surface before cutting. The surface of steel shall be free of fused piece and welding spatter and there are no cracks and damaged

17、 edge which is bigger than 1.0mm on the fracture.4) The verticality between cutting section and steel surface should not exceed 10% of the depth of steel plate, and it should not exceed 2.0mm5) The components after cutting must be marked and stored according to the construction drawing to avoid conf

18、usion.2.5.3 Steel components correction1) The inclination of flange of steel I-beam shall be less than b/80( b means the flange width of steel I-Beam )2) The bending rise of angle steel, channel steel and steel I-beam should not exceed 5mm .( hL/1000)3)The local bending rise of steel plate and flat

19、steel shall be less than 1.5mm (f1.5mm)4)The local bending rise of steel plate and flat steel could be corrected by thumper method on the special platform. 5) 对于型钢,应根据型钢制作专门的矫正胎具用千斤顶进行冷矫正,如果冷矫正有困难,可以进行热矫正,其加热温度严禁超过正火温度(900) 焊接 As regards to shaped steel, make special correcting clampingfixture to do

20、 cold correcting on shaped steel by jack. If it is difficult for cold correcting, hot correcting is also ok, but its heating temperature is forbidden to be over the welding temperature 9001) he technical-qualified welder shall make the quality product to satisfy the needs in construction.2) Drying t

21、he welding wire according to the certificate of quality before use .The low hydrogen electrode shall be put in 100150 thermostats after drying.3) if there is no protection measures in either case, welding should not be done. A、wind speed is 10m/s B、Raining or snowing C、Relative humidity is 10m/s4) T

22、ack welding and regular welding shall have the same techniques.5) Welding must be done in strict accordance with process specificatio and depending on components set down reasonable welding sequence o avoid deformation. 6) The inspection of welding shall be done in accordance with requirements of de

23、sign documents and specification , and correct and repair the unqualified weld.7) 构件制作完,经检查合格后,对钢结构安装无防碍部位进行除锈防腐,除锈经检查合格后才能防腐,防腐按设计规定进行,湿度大于90%或下雨天不能除锈防腐。 2.6 Quality control 2.6.1 Common quality diseasesTable 2-3 Common quality diseases and precautionsItemcommon quality diseasesprecautions1Position

24、 shifta.横纵中心调整后紧固地脚螺栓, b.基础二次灌浆前还应复查中心位置,逐个检查地脚螺栓的紧固情况,确认无误后才能进行灌浆。c.对于因结构、施工方法或其他原因有可能发生移位的柱脚板,还应采取加固措施。2elevation deviationa.使用的水平仪必须准确,每次使用时必须进行比较校对。b.所有柱脚板的标高测量,都必须使用一个基准测量点进行测量,不得随意使用或变更测量点,以保证层量的统一性、准确性。c.柱脚板的安装标高,应依据柱子现场测量后确定的1m标高来确定,安装时要考虑柱子1m标高划线后的制造误差。3Incorrect bolt installation a. 严格按照图纸

25、要求穿装高强螺栓。 Install the high strength bolt according to the requirements of drawingsb. 每一节点的螺栓规格应统一,不得用长短不一规格的螺栓相互代用。c. 螺栓紧固,应由中间向四周逐一禁锢,不能无绪的乱紧,螺栓的紧固应严格按技术要求进行。4Bad flatness of beam and connectionsa.安装前应检查调整梁的扭曲和弯曲。b.与柱或梁连接时经测量合格后方能拧紧螺栓或点焊。c.发现梁与梁连接处不平时,可采取扩孔、加垫或修改托架的方法尽可能的消除不平缺陷。5construction defici

26、encya. 禁止在设备上随意焊接,必须焊接时需经有关技术负责人同意方可施焊。b. 因施工需要,在设备上进行点固焊接时,施工后必须全部清理掉,用砂轮磨平,并检查有无施工缺陷,有缺陷必须处理。6Installation of platform and ladder a. 栏杆、扶手安装应横平竖直,立杆间距应一致,安装时用水平仪或拉线的方法进行测量找正。b. 栏杆、扶手的直管、弯头等对接处不得有错口,过渡应平滑,焊接后应用砂轮打磨光滑。生根部位的焊接,焊后及时清理药皮。c. 平台的支吊梁、柱安装应横平竖直。d. 珊格板的拼装,应横平竖直,拼缝一致,间隙均匀。不得随意乱切乱割,必须切割时采用机械切割

27、方法。机械无法切割,用乙炔切割。切割部位恢复时其接口应平滑,焊后应做补漆处理。 2.6.2 Quality control point in construction Table 2-4 Quality control point in constructionItemon-site control inspection authorityprovmentteamcompanyQuality examination departmentsupervisor1Quantity check and inspection of equipment*R2Check the dimension of e

28、quipment*3Reference elevation installation ,reference point confirmation and correcting *4Hoist apparatus and rigging device checking*5钢架砼基础几何尺寸、标高复查the dimension of steel frame and recheck elevation *W6基础划线 mark baseline*W7correction of bearing plate mounting*W8High strength checking Mr LiMr ZhangM

29、r WangW9the installation and acceptance of steel plateMr LiMr ZhangMr WangW10Overall acceptance*H11secondary grouting*W R record;W witness;H work shut down for checking;S continuous monitoring2.6.3 Quality standard and requirements “Code for erection and acceptance of electric power construction” an

30、d “specification for construction quality checkout and evaluation of power plant” are fully carried out. Figure 2-5 implementation standardNumberItem name Acceptance standardpages1Code for erection and acceptance of electric power construction of steam boiler set 2Code for accepance of construction

31、quality of steel structures3Code for erection and acceptance of electric power construction (welding section ) DL50074High strength bolt connection 验评炉3表P325column checking验评炉 33表 P336beam checking 验评炉 35表P357Mark base line of steel frame and shim mounting验规炉 41表P498top-mounted steel frame and mark

32、line验评炉 42表P509erection of single column of steel frame 验评炉 46表P5510erection of single beam 验评炉 48表P5811secondary grouting验评炉 49表P5812mounting of platform and ladder 验评炉 419表P74 2.6.4 Quality control point Table 2-6 Quality control point NumberStageContentInspection methodInspector1Before constructi

33、on1.the joint check-up of drawingChecking materials and records, Inspection on site2 the writing of working guidance which shall be approved3. Check work-start report4.check whether equipment and materials meet requirements of design and whether there is material report and quality certificate6.chec

34、k if there is technical disclosure before working7.Check whether special operators hold certificates and their operation qualification comply with working8. Check whether supplier parts have quality certificates and whether they meet the design requirements9.Check whether spot construction condition

35、s ( safety devices, site conditions and warnings )could satisfy the requirements of safety requirements 2During constructionCheck equipment RCheck equipment dimension Erection of base elevation and confirmation of base pointCheck hoist apparatus and rigging device checkingreinspection of steel frame

36、 dimension and elevationWcheck foundation and mark base lineWthe correction of bearing plate mountingWFoundation secondary grouting WInspection of high strength bolt WMounting and acceptance of each steel frameWOverall acceptanceH3Completion of constructionInspection of filesRRecord;WWitness;Hwork s

37、hut down for checking;Scontinuous monitoring2.7 Safety requirements and environmental conditions in construction2.7.1 The control and identification of the safety of hazardous factors in constructionTable 2-7 The description and predictive control measures of the safety of hazardous factors in const

38、ruction NumberDescription of dangerous pointpredictive control measuresResponsible person确认签证人Job site and enviroment1Lack of illumination on siteInstall enough lighting that operate well on site。2The dangerous points around and under the welding working areaTake effective protective measures and ma

39、ke sure that fire-resistant blanket is used under the high attitude working area3welding machine left in the open airwelding machine left in the open air shall be placed in dry area with shielding cover or use special box4the erection of temporary working platformThe platform erected by professional

40、s could not be put into use until it passes the acceptation inspection and the overload use is forbidden. 5Waste recycle could not be done in timeClean up the waste in time , recycle and store them in designated place6梯子、栏杆、平台不完善在梯子、平台、栏杆不完善处加临时围栏、盖板并挂警示牌7施工现场有孔洞、沟槽Put cover plate above the holes an

41、d bars in working area and lay off safety net underneathConstruction and worker1在吊装物下接料或逗留,坠物伤人 禁止在吊装物下通过停留,接料人员必须按操作规程施工2Hammer coming away and hurts peopleHammer and safety rope shall be used together and persons standing before hammer is forbidden. 3垂直交叉作业层间未设严密、牢固的防护隔离措施,坠落伤人垂直交叉作业层间用脚手板隔离4飞溅伤人w

42、elding spatters hurts people从事有飞溅物的作业时,施工人员戴护目镜5高处作业人员身体不适作业人员经体检无不适合高处作业的病症方可参加施工6作业人员施工态度不端正施工人员严禁嬉戏、打斗,严禁酒后作业。7高空作业不系安全带或不正确使用安全带高处作业必须正确使用安全带8wrong power-line connections严禁私拉乱接电源,电源拆接、维护由专业电工负责。9高处作业人员站在栏杆外工作,坐在平台、骑坐栏杆等施工前进行交底,禁止高处作业人员站在栏杆外工作,坐在平台、骑坐栏杆等进行施工10Misuse of steel wire rope钢丝绳必须有8倍以上保险

43、系数并在与吊物尖锐棱角接触处垫半圆板。11Hanging things come off钢丝绳与管道接触处垫防滑物,吊挂生根牢固并进行二次保护。12起重区域、起重臂下吊装通道有人设警戒区域,设专门监护人,拒绝任何人通过。13transportation for bulky cargo路线检查合格,专人领车、监护设备与车体捆牢。Use of tools1Welding machine is not firmly groundedThe protective connect to neutral and multiple grounding of the shell of welding mach

44、ine.2Leakage of electric toolCheck tool before use and make sure that it is in good condition and is equipped with leakage protector. 3Falling tools hurt peoplesmall tools put into tool bags and big tool 4Tools are defective or damagedcheck and repair before use5Non-professional tools are used The u

45、se of non-professional tools is forbidden.6Electric shock 施工场所要干燥、电焊二次线使用胶皮软线。电源线架空,或埋入地小下7lock in low safety factorSafety factor shall be more than 8 times8Misuse of chain blocks使用前检查,修理合格;使用中必须受力均匀,不超载使用;手链必须备牢,防止滑脱。2.7.2 Environmental conditionsTable2-8 the description and predictive control measur


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