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1、,Go for a trip to Korea 到韩国去旅游吧,Group 6th 第六组.钟龙(PPT制做)一班 081405041025.候玉娇(资料搜集)一班 081405041011.刘苏娇(图片搜集)一班 081405041016.杨梅(图片搜集)一班 081405041009.蔡定尧(图片搜集)一班 081405041001.刘欢(资料翻译)二班 081405041042.郭光飞(资料翻译)二班 081405041043.高金霞(资料翻译)三班 081405041066,.,Republic of Korea 大韩民国,positionRepublic of Korea,herei

2、nafter referred to as south Korea,also called south Korea,north Korea call,is located in the east of Asia north Korea peninsula in the south of the country,for the capital Seoul.,概况大韩民国,简称韩国,又称南韩,朝鲜称呼,是位于亚洲东部朝鲜半岛南部的国家,首都为首尔。,Flag of KoreaSouth Koreas national flag is called the tai chi flag,is the t

3、hought of Confucianism and Taoism is a foundation and draw.The central tai chi symbol of the universe,the blue as the Yin,red for Yang,everything is made up of Yin and Yang;Tai chi is by of Yin and Yang,to say the universe harmonic and unity of idea.4 in the upper left corner of the hexagrams is dry

4、,lower right for kun,upper right for candy,left lower for from,it means heaven and earth and fire and water,parents men and women of Italy,is the national symbol of fusion and the development of the country.,韩国国旗韩国的国旗被称为太极旗,是以儒教及道教的思想为基础而绘制的。中央的太极象征宇宙,蓝色为阴,红色为阳,万物是由阴阳所构成的;太极则是由阴阳组成,以表示宇宙调和与统一之意。4个角落

5、的卦在左上方的是乾,右下为坤,右上为坎,左下为离,则代表天地水火,父母男女之意,也正象征民族的融合与国家的发展。,National anthemSouth Koreas national anthem is patriotic songs,such as literal shows,patriotic songs is refers to love their country song.The song has a total of four sections,but the universal only sing the first paragraph.国歌韩国的国歌是爱国歌,如字面所示,爱

6、国歌就是指热爱自己国家的歌。全首歌总共有四段,但普遍只唱第一段。,The national flower of the republic of Korea is hibiscus flowers.When the national emblem in design by five disc hibiscus flowers as the main body,with a match with the traditional in Yin and Yang tai chi design,carry forward the unique South Korea national style.,Na

7、tional Emblem 国徽,木槿花是韩国的国花。在设计国徽时以五瓣木槿花为主体,在花蕊配以 传统的阴阳太极图案,弘扬了独具特色的韩国民族风格。,The national flower of the republic of Korea is hibiscus flowers.Flowers in bloom,hibiscus tree branches will raise many bud,a flower litter,other bracts will continuously open,open the awaken of spring is abundant,open brigh

8、t spring.Therefore,the Korean called it infinite flower,it symbolizes a perennial generation,and by the national spirit.木槿花是韩国的国花。花开时节,木槿树枝会生出许多花苞,一朵花凋落后,其它的花苞会连续不断地开,开得春意盎然,开得春光灿烂。因此,韩国人也叫它“无穷花”,它象征世代生生不息,以及坚韧不拔的民族精神。,dietSouth Korea has all kinds of food diet South Korea,because South Korea in the

9、 agriculture society in the past.Therefore,from the ancient began with m staple food to give priority to.Recently,South Korea diet and all kinds of vegetables,meat and fish composed.Kimchi(spicy fermented cabbage),seafood sauce(saline seafood),soya sauce(fermented soybean)and so on all sorts of ferm

10、ented food storage.,饮食韩国饮食韩国有各种饮食,由于韩国过去处于农耕社会。因此从古代开始主食就以米为主。最近,韩国饮食与各种蔬菜,肉类,鱼类共同组成。泡菜(发酵的辣白菜),海鲜酱(盐渍海产品),豆酱(发酵的黄豆)等各种发酵保存食品。,South Korean kimchiSouth Korean kimchi is north Koreas nickname pickle,also called South Korea pickle.South Korean kimchi is a brief introduction to vegetables as main raw m

11、aterials,various fruit,seafood and RouLiao ingredients for the fermentation of the food.It is not only tasty,and refreshing,otherwise a drizzle of aftertaste,but also have rich nutrition.South Korean kimchi underwent several important stage,three times from China to,basically use fern vegetables,bam

12、boo shoot,straight ladybell,eggplant,cucumber,turnip with salt,rice porridge,vinegar,vinasse,sauce and pickled.,韩国泡菜韩国泡菜是朝鲜咸菜的别称,也可称之为韩国咸菜。简介韩国泡菜是一种以蔬菜为主要原料,各种水果、海鲜及肉料为配料的发酵食品。它不但味美、爽口,酸辣中另有一种回味,而且具有丰富的营养。韩国的泡菜经历了几个重要阶段,三国时代由中国传入,主要用蕨菜、竹笋、沙参、茄子、黄瓜、萝卜加上盐、米粥、醋、酒糟、酱等腌制。,PoliticalNew constitution,South

13、Korea,and the rule of law of three tripartite confrontation of the system.The President is internal and external policy makers,but to congress legislation,etc.;Parliament says congress,the legislature.South Korea a unicameral legislature,congress is the national legislature.South Korean court is div

14、ided into 3:Supreme Court justices,the high court and the local court.,政治新宪法规定,韩国实行三权鼎立、依法治国的体制。总统是内外政策的制定者,可向国会提出立法议案等;议会称国会,立法机构。韩国实行一院制,国会是国家立法机构。韩国法院共分三级:大法院、高等法院和地方法院。,The south Korean traditional dance,folk dance and dance into the palace.The palace dance slow grace,reflect the influence of Co

15、nfucianism by temperance sentiment and the beauty of moderation;Instead,reflect truly life scenes;Religion,labor is closest to the folk dance show the interesting,romantic,random nature of feeling.National dance have MianJuWu,monk dance,dance to evil.,Dance 舞蹈,韩国传统舞蹈,分为宫中舞蹈和民俗舞蹈。宫中舞蹈缓慢优雅,体现出深受儒教影响的节

16、制之情和中庸之美;相反,反映庶民生活情景;宗教,劳动的民俗舞蹈则贴切地展现了有趣,浪漫,随意自然的感情。民族舞蹈有面具舞,僧舞,去驱邪舞等。,South Korea dress beauty can be seen from colour and adornment changes.South Koreas dress features is the color,texture,such as adornment is optional.,Dress,服饰韩国服饰的美可以从色彩和装饰的变化中看出。韩国的服饰的特征是色彩,纹路,装饰等很随意。,LiteratureAccording to s d

17、ivision,the south Korean literature can be divided into classical literature and modern literature.South Koreas classical literature is in South Korea in peoples traditional folk beliefs as background conditions to be developed,South Korea of modern literature is in the process of modernization of w

18、estern culture and developed to contact.,文学按照年代划分,韩国文学可分为古典文学和现代文学。韩国的古典文学是在以韩国人民传统的民间信仰为背景的条件下发展起来的,韩国的现代文学则是在实行现代化的进程中与西方文化接触而发展起来的。,Sports 体育运动,Archery In South Korea,archery is a popular movement,many large middle and primary school will open the elective or club.South Korea in the archery proje

19、ct training is one of the worlds most advanced countries.,在韩国,射箭是一项流行的运动,许多大中小学都会开设这方面的选修课或是社团。韩国在射箭项目上的训练也是世界最先进的国家之一。,Football South Korea football is the most successful many times become one of World Cup final weeks to Asian teams,including the 2010 World Cup,and South Korea has become one of th

20、e eighth is to the World Cup final weeks.,韩国足球是最多次成功晋身至世界杯决赛周的亚洲球队,包括2010年世界杯在内,韩国已经是第八次晋身至世界杯决赛周了。,Badminton in Korea,Badminton is strong in the south Korean.The reasons are:1,national attention to the sport.2,badminton is easier to Asian people out of the results.3,badminton is the south Korean tr

21、aditional advantage projects,long-term investment in badminton.,韩国的羽毛球很强。原因如下:1、国家重视这项运动。2、羽毛球对亚洲人种来说比较容易出成绩。3、羽毛球是韩国传统优势项目,长期在羽毛球投入。,Scenic spot introduction 景点介绍,JingFuGongJingFuGong,located in the south Korean capital Seoul clock road area,is a famous ancient palace,is the yi dynasty father LiChe

22、ngGui TaiZu in AD 1394 began to build.The book of ancient China had a gentleman in ten thousand,interface JingFus poem,this house book this the name.GongYuan main hall for QinZhengDian,is the center of the JingFuGong building,the yi dynasty each generation of the king in the process had been state.I

23、n addition,still have the clear temple,ideological and dry,corning ware house,hand over tai temple,etc.GongYuan also has a 10 stories of the day and stone pagoda from away,its modelling elegance,is one of South Koreas national treasures.JingFuGong palace built walls,the fence is 3626 metres long,6.7

24、 metres high.,景福宫景福宫,位于韩国首都首尔钟路区,是一座著名的古代宫殿,是李朝始祖太祖李成桂于公元1394年开始修建的。中国古代诗经中曾有“君子万年,介尔景福”的诗句,此殿籍此而得名。宫苑正殿为勤政殿,是景福宫的中心建筑,李朝的各代国王都曾在此处理国事。此外,还有思政殿、乾清殿、康宁殿、交泰殿等。宫苑还建有一个10层高的敬天夺石塔,其造型典雅,是韩国的国宝之一。景福宫宫外建有围墙,围墙长3626米、高6.7米。,Changs palace,is the imperial palace in South Korea,is located in the capital Seoul

25、ShiYuan west hole,is the yi dynasty,in the best preserved complete a palace.In 1405,the third generation of king in the yi dynasty for LiGong built.I Calvin rebellious burned up as it.The existing building for the rebuilt in 1611.The building as the palace for up to 300 years.On display in royal use

26、 across the bridge,the carriage and last early by the king of car,etc.The secret garden was built in the latter benevolent 17 th century,an area of about 6 WanPing,is a built in mountain of the imperial garden.There were garden pavilions and natural valley stream,and the imperial age as the reflecti

27、on of flowers and built in the hall HeChi fishing for Kings and water pavilion,diaoyutai and the lotus pool pavilions.,Changdegong,昌德宫 昌德宫,是韩国的“故宫”,位于首都首尔市院西洞,是李朝王宫里保存得最完整的一座宫殿。公元1405年,李朝第三代国王在此建为离宫。壬辰之乱时被烧毁。现存的建筑为公元1611年重建的。这座建筑作为王宫长达300年。院内陈列着王室使用过桥、马车和末代国王所使用的早期汽车等。仁政殿后的秘苑建于世纪,面积约万坪,是一座依山而建的御花园。苑

28、内有亭台楼阁和天然的峡谷溪流,还有科举时代作为考场的映花堂及建在荷池旁供君王垂钓的鱼水亭、钓鱼台和池中的芙蓉亭等。,崇礼门-Worship Witual Door,Worship ritual door(also called the namdaemun)was built in 1395,is the oldest Seoul wooden building,is the city of the symbol of ancient buildings.The gate for the bottom of the rocky,on the top is the double wooden to

29、wers.The south Korean government in 1962 as a gift,chung door national treasure.11 February 2008,publicizing the door of the entire ceremony wooden tower is destroyed by fire.,崇礼门(亦称南大门)建于1395年,是首尔历史最悠久的木制建筑,也是这座城市的标志性古建筑。城门下端为石质门洞,上端为双层木制城楼。韩国政府于1962年将崇礼门定为一号国宝。2008年2月11日,崇礼门的整座木制城楼被大火烧毁。,Wide cold

30、 floor-广寒楼,Wide cold floor is located in the city QuanLuoBeiDao south county in sichuan canal,is South Koreas famous sites.Legend as early HuangXi have built the yi dynasty ruler,formerly known as wide the floor.Beautiful shape,with wide cold floor is the representative of the courtyard South Korea,

31、including three islands,stone,magpie,its whole structure symbol of the universe.Floor at the north of the spring sweet pavilion is established in 1931 spring sweet ancestral temple,hall inside the smell of spring for a portrait.Lunar calendar year on April 8,people are held here spring fragrant offe

32、ring.,广寒楼位于全罗北道南原郡邑川渠里,是韩国的著名古迹。传说为李朝初期宰相黄喜所建,原名广通楼。雕梁画栋、形制绚丽的广寒楼是韩国庭院的代表,其中包括三座小岛,石像,鹊桥,它的整体构造象征着宇宙。楼北侧的春香阁是1931年建立的春香祠堂,堂内供有春香的肖像。每年阴历4月8日人们都在这里举行春香祭。,JiZhouDaoJiZhouDao is the largest island in South Korea,and the name of Saul,he island honeymoon,the island of romantic island,is located in the so

33、uthern tip of the Korean peninsula,the channel and facing jeju-do peninsula,north Koreas southern coast from more than 90 kilometers,which north Korea to the portal,the geography position is very important.JiZhouDao a total area of 1829 square kilometers,including cattle island,down island,brother i

34、sland,cover to island,mosquitoes island,tiger island 34 of island,from the northeast ronan way 100 kilometers,is the ideal tourism and fishing resort.,Here can watch the places of interest,appreciate the natural landscape,stands on the island of south Korean highest mountain-an altitude of 1950 mete

35、rs HanNaShan.Can also climbing,ride horses,for a ride,hunting,surfing and playing golf,etc.Here the sparsely populated,land is wide,not mountain forest,is farmland cottages.The main is a farmer rice,vegetables,fruit,most spectacular belong to the YouCaiHua,spring,everywhere a golden yellow,very nice

36、.JiZhouDao is of South Koreas main fishery base,in sea near both temperate Marine fish,also have tropical and subtropical fish.,济州岛济州岛是韩国第一大岛,又名耽罗岛、蜜月之岛、浪漫之岛,位于朝鲜半岛的南端,隔济州海峡与半岛相望,北距韩南部海岸90多公里,地扼朝鲜海峡门户,地理位置十分重要。济州岛总面积1829平方公里,包括牛岛、卧岛、兄弟岛、遮归岛、蚊岛、虎岛34个属岛,东北距全罗南道100公里,是理想的旅游和垂钓胜地。在这里可以观赏名胜古迹、欣赏自然景观,岛上屹立着韩国最高山峰海拔1950米的汉拿山。还可以登 山、骑马、兜风、狩猎、冲浪和打高尔夫球等。这里人烟稀少,土地广 阔,不是高山森林,就 是农田村舍。农家种的 主要是稻米、蔬菜、水 果,最多最壮观要属油 菜花,春天,遍地一片 金黄,非常好看。济州 岛是韩国主要的渔业基 地,附近海域内既有温 带海洋渔类,也有热带 及亚热带渔类。,Republic of Korea is a place that worth you to go!韩国是一个值得去看看的地方!,Thanking you fo watching!谢谢观看!,


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