九年级英语Unit6 When_was_it_invented SectionB.ppt

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1、When was it invented?,Section B,salty:in the end:by mistake:by accident:according to:,咸的,含盐的.名词,salty 加 y 构成形容词,最后,终于.eg.Everything will be all right in the end.,弄错的,错误地.eg.He took the umbrella by mistake.,偶然,意外,无意中.eg.I met her by accident in a crowded bus.,根据,按照 eg.Well be paid according to the am

2、ount of work we do.,sour,sweet,sweet,sweet,crispy,salty,1a,1b.Write the name of a different food after each word.,sweet:crispy:salty:sour:,banana,apple,cakepotato chips,saladpizza,french fries,olivesgrape,lemon,pickle,grapefruit,2aListen and circle“T”(for true)or“F”(for false).,The potato chips were

3、 invented by mistake.They were invented in 1863.The customer thought the potatoes werent thin enough.The customer said they werent salty enough.George wanted to make the customer happy.The customer was happy in the end.,T FT FT FT FT FT F,2bThe history of chips,that potato chips were invented by mis

4、take?Chips by a chef called George Crum.They were invented in.George Crum cooked them for a long time until they.And he sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were.,Did you know,were invented,1853,were crispy,really salty,2c.Pairwork,A:Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?B:Wow,I didnt

5、 know that.Who invented them?A:it was invented by a chef called Geroge Crum.,How does it taste?,It tastes+adj.,Food inventions,Guess:,Its a kind of beverage.,It tastes sweet sometimes.,Its healthy.,It was invented in China,Tea,Teapot,Teacup,Tea bowl,How to make tea,Boil the water,Put tea into the te

6、apot,Add the boiled water to the teapot,Pour the tea into the teacups,Enjoy the tea,tea teapot teacups tea bowl water,first,then,next,after some minutes,finally,Who invented tea?,Did you know that tea,the most popular drink inthe world(after water),was invented by accident?Although tea wasnt brought

7、 to the Western worlduntil 1610,this beverage was discovered overthree thousand years before that.According to an Ancient Chinese legend,the emperor Shen Nong Discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire.Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for

8、 some time.The emperor noticed that the leaves in thewater produced a pleasant smell.Later he decided to taste the hot mixture.It was quite delicious.And in this way,one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented.,Useful Expressions,最受欢迎的饮料 偶然地直到才根据 烧水在篝火上 附近的灌木掉进,9.留在那里一段时间10.注意某人做某事 11.产生宜人的香味12.决

9、定做某事13.这样14.被发明,Useful Expressions,最受欢迎的饮料 偶然地直到才根据 烧水在篝火上 附近的灌木掉进,the most popular drink,over the open fire,according to,not until,boil the(drinking)water,a nearby bush,fall into,by accident,9.留在那里一段时间10.注意某人做某事 11.产生宜人的香味12.决定做某事13.这样14.被发明,decide to do sth.,be invented,Useful Expressions,remain t

10、here for some time,notice sb.do/doing sth.,produce a pleasant smell,in this way,Read and answer the Questions:1.What is this article about?2.Was it invented on purpose or by accident?3.When was it invented?4.Who invented it?5.How was it invented?,1.What is this article about?2.Was it invented on pur

11、pose or by accident?,I think it is about the invention of tea.,By accident.,3.When was it invented?4.Who invented it?,Over 3,000 years before 1610.,The emperor Shen Nong.,5.How was tea invented?Circle the verbs,Mind-map,How was tea invented?The emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling dr

12、inking water over an open fire.Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell.Later he decided to taste the hot mixture.It was quite delicious.And in this way,one of the worlds favorite dr

13、inks was invented.,Shen Nong,over an open fire,discover,boil,leaves from a nearby bush,fall into,later,decide to taste,remain,noticeproduce,be invented,was,1.most popular drink,10.was delicious,5.by emperor SN,discovered,2.by accident,invented,3.in 1610,brought,4.over 3000 years ago,boiling,over an

14、open fire 6,fell into,the water 7,produced,pleasant smell 8,taste,the hot mixture 9,discovered,3bWrite an article using the notes in the box.,From pie plate to flying disk.,The flying disk was invented by college students.,They used a metal pie plate from a bakery in Bridgeport,Connecticut.Students

15、ate the bakerys pies and then threw the pie plates.Today,there are flying disk clubs,magazines and a festival.,A sample version,From pie plate to flying disk The flying disk was invented by college students.Flying disk is a metal pie plate.In the 1950s,several college students ate pies made by a bak

16、ery in Bridgeport,Connecticut.They found it interesting to throw the pie plates with each other.Then it became a game.Today,there are flying disk clubs,magazines and even a festival.,4a.Think of something that you dont like doing.Then think of an invention that could help you.Write the details in th

17、e chart.,Problem:we often get hurt by the hot water in the cup.New invention:a cup that can tell you the temperature of the water.Use:It can show the temperature of the water.Price:$50,a pen that listens and writes,New invention:,Use:,It can listen to the writer and write by itself.,Price:,$50,music

18、 candle,activity glasses,temperature cup,Explanation,1.Potato chips were invented by mistakes.mistake 作名词“错误,误会”。也可以作动词“弄错,犯错”。常见形式有:make a mistake 出错e.g.You have made a mistake here.mistakefor 错把当作 They mistook him for his brother.by mistake 错误地 e.g.They sent the letter to me by mistake.,2.Geroge w

19、anted to make the customer happy.make表示“使怎么样”,其后常带复合宾语。常见结构为:主语+make+宾语+名词/形容词(做宾补)。例如:The boss can make the young man a rich man.,3.Did you know that teawas invented by accident?by accident“偶然地,碰巧”。同义词组 是by chance,同义词是accidentally,反义 词组是on purpose.e.g.he found a new way to solve the problem by acci

20、dent.,4.Although tea wasnt brought to the western world until 1610,(1)although 作连词,意为“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句,我们不能根据汉语习惯,在后面使用连词but,不过它可以与yet,still连用;若主从句的主语相同,且从句谓语含有动词be,可将从句主语和动词be省略。e.g.Although he is very busy,he always talks with us.,(2)notuntil 意为“直到才”until 引导一个时间状语从句。I did not go to bed until I fini

21、shed my homework.5.According to an ancient Chinese legend,the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea(1)according to 是个短语介词,意为“根据;依照”后接代词,名词或由疑问词以及whether引出的名词性从句。,e.g.According to the radio,it will rain tomorrow.(2)discover意为“发现”,指发现的对象是 本来存在的。find意为“找到”,强调结果。invent意为“发明”,发明的对象是以前没 有的东西。,6.Some leaves fro

22、m a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.nearby adj.“附近的“,e.g.He works in a nearby factory.(2)leaf 的复数形式为leaves(3)remain 表示“继续留在某处”e.g.How long will you remain here?(4)fall into“落入,陷入”e.g.He was drunk and fell into the water,用所给词的正确形式填空。,1.The TV _(invent)around 1927.2.Th

23、ey are used for _(see)in the park.3.This kite _(make)by Uncle Wang.4.Tea _(discover)a long time ago.5.Our classroom _(should clean)every day.,was invented,seeing,was made,was discovered,should be cleaned,Goodbye!,Unit 9 When was it invented?,Self check,1.I dont like eating chocolate.The taste is too

24、 _.2.Mom added salt but it still wasnt _ enough.3.I prefer lemons to oranges.I like the _ taste.4.She likes _ cookies.They are hard,dry and easily broken.,crispy,sweet,salty,sour,crispy,sweet,salty,sour,1.Fill in the blank with the correct word given.,Explanation,1.I prefer lemons to oranges.prefer是

25、动词,意为“更喜欢”,常可与like better,instead进行替换。常见句式有prefer A to B,prefer doing to doing B,prefer to do A rather than do B.例如:I would prefer playing outside to watching TV.I prefer to go to the movie rather than stay at home.,2.They are hard,dry and easily broken.broken为 break的过去分词,相当于形容 词的作用,意为“碎了的,坏了的”,可作 定

26、语或表语。例如:-What s wrong with your watch?-Its broken.There is some broken glass on the ground.Be careful of the glass broken by the cat.,Do you know the difference?,be invented by,be invented in,be invented to,Emphasize on person,Emphasize on time or place,Emphasize on the usage,Can you make sentences

27、with them?,1.Telephone _ Alexander Graham Bell,who is an Englishman.2.various things have _ record the history of human being.3.paper _ first _ ancient China,and it is one of the most important inventions in the world.,be invented by/in/to,was invented by,invented in,was,been invented to,Please tran

28、slate these sentences into English.1.这样的话,我们明天就可以完成任务了。_ _ _,we can _ our task tomorrow.2.茶是在很偶然的情况下发明出来的。Tea was _ _ _.3.我们爬山的时候不小心掉进一个山洞里了。We _ _ a hole when we _ _ the mountain.4.自从发明了电之后,人类历史进入了新的篇章。After electricity _ _,our history _ _ a new stage.,In this way,finish/complete,invented by mistak

29、e,fell into,were climbing,was invented,got,into,2.When were they invented?,abacus in the 6th Century,umbrella at the end of Spring and Autumn Period,binoculars in 1600,camera in 1839,bicycle in 1839,car in 1885,motorcycle in 1885,toothbrush in 1780,washing machine in 1858,A sample version,The abacus

30、 was invented in the sixth century by Chinese people.The umbrella was invented about 4,000 years ago in Assyria,China and Egypt.The binoculars was invented in 1854 by Galileo Porro in Italy.The camera was invented in 1827 by Joseph Nicephore Niepce who took the first picture.The bicycle was invented

31、 in 1880s in England.,Just for fun!,根据汉语及首字母写出单词。,1.When I began to sing,he laughed and made me very e_(尴尬的)2.After a long trip to Europe,1 felt very e_(精疲力竭的)3.a_:to make known publicly4.d_:to give an account of in speech or writing,embarrassed,exhausted,announce,describe,5.a_:one that is invested

32、with this power,especially a government or government officials.6.Last night a friend of mine invited me to a c_ party(化装舞会),authority,costume,Goodbye!,Unit 9READING,basketball court,football,volleyball,Ping-pong,tennis,baseball,badminton,basketball,Unit 9,Do you know when basketball was invented?,B

33、efore You Read,List eight sports played in China.,football,volleyball,table tennis,baseball,basketball,skating,swimming,boxing,Section 1,Section 2,Section 3,Section 4,backboard,net,a metal hoop,Its a net hanging from a metal hoop.,The backboard is used for guiding the ball into the basket.,About how

34、 basketball was played:,We divided players into_.,get the ball into the“basket”,two teams,The aim(目标)of the game:_,About how basketball was played:,How can you get the ball into the basket?,catch the ball,move the ball towards,throwthe ball,_from below the basketuse the _for guiding the ball into th

35、e basket,get the ballinto the basket,shoot,backboard,2.By whom was basketball invented?,3.Why were the Berlin Olympics important for basketball?,4.What is the aim of basketball?,5.Name a professional basketball organization in America.,Because since then the popularity of basketball has risen worldw

36、ide.,NBA,By James Naismith.,It is for players to get a ball into the“basket”,1.Do you know when basketball was invented?,On December 21st,1891,Scan(浏览)the text for information to the sentences.,使用脑中构图的方法记忆信息.将你阅读到的信息构成一副彩色的文字图案.大脑回忆”图片”比文字信息更容易.,Learning strategy:MIND-MAPPING(脑中构图),To make a mind-ma

37、p,change the information you read into a colorful“picture of words”.The brain recalls pictures more easily than written information.,Unit 9,While You Read,If you travel around China you will notice a very popular activity everywhere you go-basketball.This much-loved and active sport is enjoyed by al

38、l,for fun and exercise.The sport of basketball is a little more than a hundred years old.It is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries including China,where basketball has been played in parks,schools,and even in factories.,Do you know when basketball was invented?,Unit 9,While

39、You Read,Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith,who was born in 1861.When he was at college,his class was once asked to invent a new game that could be played indoors during the long winters.Dr Naismith created a game to be played on a hard wooden floor,so the safety of th

40、e players was important.Knocking into players and falling down would be dangerous.,Do you know when basketball was invented?,Unit 9,While You Read,Dr Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams,and taught them how to play his new game.The aim of basketball is for players to try to get a bal

41、l into the“basket”:a net hanging from a metal hoop.Players shoot from below the basket,and sometimes the“backboard”is used for guiding the ball into the basket.Players move towards one end of the court while throwing the ball to each other.,Do you know when basketball was invented?,Unit 9,While You

42、Read,It is believed that on December 21st,1891,the first basketball game in history was played.Then in 1936 in Berlin,it became an Olympic event.A team from China took part,and although they didnt win they used the experience to help develop the game at home.Since then,the popularity of basketball h

43、as risen worldwide,and the number of foreign players in Americas NBA(National Basketball Association)has increased.Basketball has also become a more popular sport for people to watch,and many young people dream of becoming famous basketball players.,Do you know when basketball was invented?,Unit 9,W

44、hile You Read,If you travel around China you will notice a very popular activity everywhere you go-basketball.This much-loved and active sport is enjoyed by all,for fun and exercise.The sport of basketball is a little more than a hundred years old.It is played by more than 100 million people in over

45、 200 countries including China,where basketball has been played in parks,schools,and even in factories.,Do you know when basketball was invented?,means more than,包括,Unit 9,While You Read,Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith,who was born in 1861.When he was at college,his

46、 class was once asked to invent a new game that could be played indoors during the long winters.Dr Naismith created a game to be played on a hard wooden floor,so the safety of the players was important.Knocking into players and falling down would be dangerous.,Do you know when basketball was invente

47、d?,创造,撞上(某人),Unit 9,While You Read,Dr Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams,and taught them how to play his new game.The aim of basketball is for players to try to get a ball into the“basket”:a net hanging from a metal hoop.Players shoot from below the basket,and sometimes the“backboa

48、rd”is used for guiding the ball into the basket.Players move towards one end of the court while throwing the ball to each other.,Do you know when basketball was invented?,分开,划分,朝着的方向,Unit 9,While You Read,It is believed that on December 21st,1891,the first basketball game in history was played.Then

49、in 1936 in Berlin,it became an Olympic event.A team from China took part,and although they didnt win they used the experience to help develop the game at home.Since then,the popularity of basketball has risen worldwide,and the number of foreign players in Americas NBA(National Basketball Association

50、)has increased.Basketball has also become a more popular sport for people to watch,and many young people dream of becoming famous basketball players.,Do you know when basketball was invented?,发展,Now played everywhere,factories,for fun and,parks,school,exercise,BASKETBALL,BASKETBALL,EQUIPMENT,NBA,bal


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