1、Standard Ground Handling Agreement 2002标准地面服务协议2002年版Main Agreement主协议Article 1第一章PROVISION OF SERVICES提供服务1.1 General 总则The services will be made available within the limits of possibilities of the Handling Company and in accordance with the applicable IATA and/or ICAO and/or other governing rules,
2、 regulations and procedures.协议中服务的提供应以代理人所能提供服务的能力范围为限,并且符合IATA和/或ICAO或其它有关当局的相关规定、规章和程序。It is not considered necessary or possible to specify every detail of the services it being generally understood what such services comprise and the standards to be attained in their performance.在本协议中无可能也无此必要对服务
3、的每个细节进行描述,双方在协议履行中对服务内容和标准都应存在共识。1.2 Documents for Ground Handling 地面服务业务文件Documents used for ground handling will be the Handling Companys own documents, where applicable, provided these documents comply with standardized formats that may apply under IATA and/or ICAO and/or other governing rules, r
4、egulations and procedures.在可能的情况下,地面代理人应使用自己的文件、票证为承运人提供代理服务,并且这些文件应符合IATA和/或ICAO或其它有关规定、规章和程序中所描述的标准格式。1.3 Scheduled Flights定期航班The Handling Company agrees to provide for the Carriers Aircraft for flights operating on an agreed schedule at the location(s) mentioned in the Annex(es) B, those service
5、s of Annex A as are listed in the Annex B for the respective locations. The Carrier, in turn, agrees to inform the Handling Company as soon as possible about any changes of schedule and/or frequencies and/or types of aircraft.代理人同意向承运方的飞机在附件B中所列出的地点就在协议班期内执行的航班提供服务,附件A中的相关服务内容应在包含上述服务地点的附件B中予以列明。承运人
6、相应地应向代理人尽快地通报任何有关航班时刻、班期或飞机机型等变化的信息。1.4 Extra Flights非定期航班The Handling Company will also provide the services to the Carriers Aircraft for flights in addition to the agreed schedule at the same locations, provided that reasonable prior notice is given and the provision of such additional services wi
7、ll not prejudice commitments already under-taken.如果在适当的时候得到提前通知,且服务条款不违反双方先前协议的规定时,代理方可在相同服务地点为承运方的非定期航班提供协议中所规定的服务。1.5 Priority优先权In case of multiple handling, priority shall, as far as possible, be given to aircraft operating on schedule.在同时代理多个航班的情况下,代理方应优先为在规定时刻内运营的飞机提供服务。1.6 Emergency Assistanc
8、e紧急援助In case of emergency, including but not limited to , forced landings, accidents or acts of violence, the Handling Company shall without delay and without waiting for instructions from the Carrier take all reasonable and possible measures to assist passengers and crew and to safeguard and protec
9、t from loss or damage baggage, cargo and mail carried in the aircraft.当发生如迫降、失事或其它暴力行为时,代理方无需等待承运方的指示,应立即采取一切有效措施协助旅客、机组并保障所承运的行李、货物、邮件的安全以避免损失或损害。The Carrier shall reimburse the Handling Company at cost for any extra expenses incurred in rendering such assistance.代理方在实施上述紧急援救中所发生的一切费用应由承运方向代理方偿还。1.
10、7 Additional Services额外服务As far as possible, the Handling Company will, upon request, provide to the Carrier any additional services. Such services may be governed by special conditions to be agreed between the Parties.在可能的情况下,代理方应根据承运方的要求提供相关的额外服务,这部分服务可按双方商定的特别条款执行。1.8 Other Locations其它地点In case o
11、f occasional flights of the Carriers Aircraft at locations which are not designated in the present Agreement, where the Handling Company maintains a ground handling organization, the Handling Company shall, on request, make every effort, subject to the means locally available, to furnish necessary s
12、ervices.当承运方的飞机偶尔停靠于非协议制定的服务地点,而代理方在该地机场拥有地面代理的相关机构时,代理方应根据承运方的要求和当地实际情况,尽力为承运方的飞机提供必要的服务协助。Article 2第二章FAIR PRACTICES公平做法2.1 The Handling Company will take all practicable measures to ensure that sales information contained in the Carriers flight documents is made available for the purposes of the
13、Carrier only.代理方应采取一切可行措施,确保承运方随机业务文件中所包含的销售信息只提供给承运方使用。2.2 Neither Party to this Agreement shall disclose any information contained in Annex(es) B to outside parties without the prior consent of the other Party, unless such information is specifically required by applicable law or by governmental o
14、r authorities regulations, in which case the other Party will be notified accordingly.此协议中的任何一方事先未得到另一方同意时,不得将附件B中的任何信息透露给第三方,除了是应现行法律或政府或官方特别规定要求提供上述信息。Article 3第三章SUBCONTRACTING OF SERVICES协议服务的分包3.1 The Handling Company is entitled to delegate any of the agreed services to subcontractors with the
15、 Carriers consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. It is understood that, in this case, the Handling Company shall nevertheless be responsible to the Carrier for the proper rendering of such services as if they had been performed by the Handling Company itself. Any subcontracting o
16、f services and provider(s) thereof, will be recorded in the Annex(es) B.代理人在征得承运方同意后可将协议服务分包给其它代理人,无正当理由时,承运方不得拒绝。在此情况下,代理方应将分包方提供的服务视同为自己的服务,并承担相关责任。任何上述分包服务和服务提供方应在附件B中予以注明并记录。3.2 The Carrier shall not appoint any other person, company or organization to provide the services which the Handling Com
17、pany has agreed to provide by virtue of this Agreement, except in such special cases as shall be mutually agreed between the Parties.若代理人已同意按本协议的条款为承运人提供代理服务,则承运人不得再另行指定任何第三人、公司或组织为其提供同类服务,特殊情况下经双方协商同意除外。Article 4第四章CARRIERS PRESENTATIONS承运方代表4.1 The Carrier may maintain at its own cost, its own rep
18、resentative(s) at the location(s) designated in the Annex(es) B. Such representative(s) and representative(s) of the Carriers Head Office may inspect the services furnished to the Carrier by the Handling Company pursuant to this Agreement, advise and assist the Handling Company and render to the Car
19、riers clients such assistance as shall not interfere with the furnishing of services by the Handling Company.承运人可在协议附件B中的服务地点自行派驻代表,该代表和承运方总部派出的代表有权检查代理方对协议的履行情况,建议或协助代理方以及向承运方的客户提供帮助,但上述这种建议、协助或帮助不应影响代理方的服务。4.2 The Carrier may, by prior written notice to the Handling Company and at its own cost, en
20、gage and organization (hereinafter referred to as the Supervisor) to supervise the services of the Handling Company at the location(s) designated in Annex(es) B. Such notice shall contain a description of the services to be supervised.承运人可根据自己的需要,经事先书面通知代理人,在附件B中指定的地点,自行成立一组织机构(以下称为“监督人”)以监督代理人的服务,此
21、书面通知应包含要监督的服务项目的具体描述。The Supervisor shall have the same authority as defined above in Sub-Article 4.1 for the Carriers own representative.监督人享有与本协议第四章中条款4.1规定的承运人自己代表的同等权力。Article 5第五章STANDARD OF WORK服务标准5.1 The Handling Company shall carry out all technical and flight operations services as well as
22、 other services also having a safety aspect, for example, load control, loading of aircraft and handling of dangerous goods, in accordance with the Carriers instructions, receipt of which must be confirmed in writing to the Carrier by the Handling Company.代理人应根据的承运人指示提供一切技术和航务方面的服务,以及其它涉及安全方面的服务如:配载
23、平衡、装机和危险品的处理等,上述服务凭据应以书面形式由服务方提供给承运方确认。In the case of absence of instructions by the Carrier, the Handling Company shall follow its own standard practices and procedures.如承运人没提出要求,代理人应按照自己本身的标准操作。 Other services also having a safety aspect, for example, load control, loading of aircraft and handling
24、 of dangerous goods, shall be carried out in accordance with applicable IATA and/or ICAO and/or other governing rules, regulations and procedures.其它有关飞行安全的服务,如配载平衡,装机,和危险品的处理等服务,应根据相关的IATA和/或ICAO规则、规定和程序执行。5.2 The Handling Company will carry out all other services in accordance with the Carriers pro
25、cedures and instructions, or as mutually agreed. In the case of absence of instructions by the Carrier, the Handling Company shall follow its own standard practices and procedures.代理人应根据承运方的规定程序和指示,在双方同意的条件下,向承运方提供所有其它服务。如果承运方未就服务做出明确指示,代理人可按自己的标准程序和方法进行操作。5.3 The Handling Company agrees to take all
26、 possible steps to ensure that, with regard to contracted services, the Carriers Aircraft, crews, passengers and load receive treatment not less favourable than that given by the Handling Company to other Carriers or its own comparable operation at the same location.代理人同意采取一切可能的措施,确保向承运人的飞机、机组、旅客和载运
27、物所提供的服务水平不低于代理人在同一服务地点向其它航空公司提供的服务水平,或代理人通常所具有的服务水平。5.4 The Handling Company agrees to ensure that authorizations of specialised personnel performing services for the Carrier are kept up-to-date. If at any time the Handling Company is unable to provide authorized personnel as requested by the Carrie
28、r, the Handling Company shall inform the Carrier immediately.代理人同意保证为承运人服务的专业技术人员持有有效的执照和许可证,若代理人一时无法提供承运人要求持有执照和许可证的专业人员,应立即通知承运人。5.5 The Carrier shall supply the Handling Company with sufficient information and instructions to enable the Handling Company to perform its handling properly.承运人应向代理人提供
29、充足的信息和指示,以便代理方能够正确地履行代理服务。5.6 In the provision of the services as a whole, due regard shall be paid to safety, security, local and international regulations, applicable IATA and/or ICAO and/or other governing rules, regulations and procedures and the aforementioned request(s) of the Carrier in such
30、a manner that delays and damage to the Carriers Aircraft and load are avoided and the general public is given the best impression of air transport.在整个服务的过程中,应考虑到安全、空防当地和和国际规则,现行IATA和/或ICAO规定、规则和程序以及前面提到的承运人的要求,应尽力避免造成承运人飞机和载量的延误和损失,并尽力给予公众良好的航空运输印象。5.7 The Handling Company must report to the Carrier
31、s representative immediately all loss of or damage, threatened or actual, to aircraft and loads noticed in the course of the handling or which in any other way comes to the knowledge of the Handling Company.代理人在服务过程中或其它任何情况下,如发现或得知飞机或其所载物品受到丢失或损害的威胁,或此种丢失或损害业已实际发生,应立即通知承运方代表。5.8 The Parties shall re
32、ach mutual agreement on the quality standards for any services, not excluding those covered by Sub-Article 5.1 above. Such quality standards for a specific location may form part of the applicable Annex B. The Handling Company agrees to take all possible steps to ensure that, with regard to contract
33、ed services, the agreed upon quality standards will be met.双方将在各项服务质量标准方面达成一致的意见,但不排除上述5.1中的有关规定,这样的服务标准可以在适用的附件B中找到。代理人同意采取各项可能的措施以保障 分包服务的质量标准与前面提到的一致。5.9 The Carrier may at its own cost, by prior written notice, audit the designated services in the applicable Annex(es) B. Such notice shall contai
34、n a description of the area(s) to be audited. The Handling Company shall cooperate with the Carrier and will undertake any corrective action(s) required.承运人可书面通知代理人,并对相关附件B中所提供的服务进行检查。通知中应包括对检查范围的具体描述。代理人必须配合承运方的上述检查,并对承运人所提出的要求进行整改。Article 6第六章REMUNERATION收费6.1 In consideration of the Handling Comp
35、any providing the services, the Carrier agrees to pay to the Handling Company the charges set out in the respective Annex(es) B. the Carrier further agrees to pay the proper charges of the Handling Company and to discharge all additional expenditure incurred for providing the services referred to in
36、 Sub-Articles 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8.根据代理人所提供的服务,承运人同意向代理人按附件B中所列的服务项目支付服务费用。承运人还同意支付代理人的适当费用,并清偿14、 16、17、18条款中产生的额外开支。6.2 The charges set out in Annex(es) B do not include: 附件B中所列收费不包括:- any charges, fees or taxes imposed or levied by the Airport, Customs or other authorities against the Carrier or
37、 the Handling Company in connection with the provision of services herein by the Handling Company or in connection with the Carriers flights.-本协议所述的各项费用不含机场、海关或其它政府部门向承运人或代理人征收的、与代理人按本协议提供服务或与承运人航班有关的任何其它费用或税收;- Expenses incurred in connection with stopover and transfer passengers and with the handl
38、ing of passengers for interrupted, delayed or cancelled flight.- 因旅客中途经停和转港及航班中断、延误或取消时,安置旅客所产生的费用。Article 7第七章ACCOUNTING AND SETTLEMENT结算7.1 The Handling Company shall invoice the Carrier monthly with the charges arising from the provision of the handling services of Annex A as listed in Annex(es)
39、B at the rates of charges set out in Annex(es) B.代理人每月应根据附件B中规定的收费标准,对提供的附件A、B中所列的服务项目向承运人开据账单。7.2 Settlement shall be effected through the IATA Clearing House unless other wise agreed in Annex(es) B.除非在附件B中特别约定,结算须通过IATA清算所进行。Article 8第八章LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY 责任与赔偿 In this Article, all references
40、 to: 在本章中某些词义参考如下:(a) “the Carrier” or “the Handling Company” shall include their employees, servants, agents and subcontractors;此处所指“承运方”或“代理方”应包括其雇员、代理人和分包人;(b) “ground support equipment” shall mean all equipment used in the performance of ground handling services included in Annex A, whether fixe
41、d or mobile, and “地面保障设备”应指附件A中所指的所有用于地面服务当中的设备,(无论是固定的或是可移动的)。(c) “act or omission” shall include negligence.“故意行为或过失”应包括疏忽行为。8.1 Except as stated in Sub-Article 8.5, the Carrier shall not make any claim against the Handling Company and shall indemnify it (subject as hereinafter provided) against a
42、ny legal liability for claims or suits, including costs and expenses incidental thereto, in respect of:除条款8.5说明的有关规定之外,承运人不得向代理人提出任何的赔偿要求,并应对以下有关责任的法律赔偿或诉讼,包括因此而产生的费用进行赔偿:(a) delay, injury or death of persons carried or to be carried by the Carrier;承运人载运或将载运的乘客延误、受伤或死亡;及(b) injury or death of any em
43、ployee of the Carrier;承运人自己的雇员受伤或死亡;(c) damage to or delay or loss of baggage, cargo or mail carried or to be carried by the Carrier, and 承运人载运或将载运的行李、货物或邮件破损、延误或遗失;(d) damage to or loss of property owned or operated by , or on behalf of, the Carrier and any consequential loss or damage;由承运人或代表承运人拥有
44、或经营的财产损失或遗失和随之发生的损坏或遗失;arising from an act or omission of the Handling company in the performance of this Agreement unless done with intent to cause damage, death, delay, injury or loss or recklessly and with the knowledge that damage, death, delay, injury or loss would probably result.承运人不得向代理人提出索赔
45、,并应偿付下述情况下的法律索赔和诉讼费以及其它相关费用与开支,但由于代理人的故意行为或过失或明知可能导致破损、死亡、延误、伤害除外。Provided that all claims or suits arising hereunder shall be dealt with by the Carrier; and如下述情况产生索赔或诉讼应由承运人办理;且Provided also that the Handling Company shall notify the Carrier of any claims or suits without undue delay and shall furn
46、ish such assistance as the Carrier may reasonably require.代理人应及时告之承运人索赔事件和诉讼案例,并且若承运人提出合理要求,代理人应给予协助。Provided also that where any of the services performed by the Handling Company hereunder relate to the carriage by the Carrier of passengers, baggage or cargo direct to or from a place in the United
47、States of America the Warsaw Convention would have applied if any such act or omission had been committed by the Carrier but are held by a Court not be applicable to such act or omission committed by the Handling Company in performing this Agreement then upon such decision of the Court the indemnity
48、 of the Carrier to the Handling Company hereunder shall be limited to an amount not exceeding the amount for which the Carrier would have been liable if it had committed such act or omission.代理人所提供的服务涉及承运人从美国承运亦或是承运至美国的旅客、行李或货物出境,承运人的过失行为按华沙公约第22条规定的责任赔偿限制符合其赔偿限制,但某些法庭判定代理人在履行本合同过程中的过失行为不符合其责任赔偿限制时,承运人所承担的向代理人赔偿限制的总量就不应该超出承运人因其失误行为而导致的责任赔偿限制的总量。8.2 The Carrier shall not make any claim against the Handling Company in respect of damage, death, delay, injury or loss to third paritie