THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第5集 内战).doc

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《THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第5集 内战).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第5集 内战).doc(26页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、00:00.00 本字幕由 YYeTs人人影视 原创翻译制作 仅供学习 禁止用于任何商业盈利行为 更多影视更新 请登陆 www.YYeT 00:03.0000:00.0000:03.0000:03.90南北之战 The North against the South.00:06.1000:08.36手足相残 Brother against brother.00:09.3600:13.09内战是美国历史上最血腥的篇章 The Civil War is the bloodiest in American history.00:16.9000:17.74胜利不仅仅取决于战场上的血拼肉搏 Victor

2、y will take far more than brute firepower on the battlefield.00:22.2500:24.69技术 通讯 后勤 Technology, communications, logistics.00:31.8700:31.88正是这些火线背后的较量 Its what happens behind the front lines00:34.75最终决定了这场关乎美国未来的战事 that will ultimately decides this battle for Americas future.00:40.3100:43.90我们是前锋 也

3、是先驱 We are pioneers.and trailblazers.00:48.7100:48.72我们为自由而战 We fight for freedom.00:52.1900:52.23我们将梦想付诸现实 We transform our dreams into the truth.00:55.22我们的奋斗将换来一个国家的新生 Our struggles will become a nation.00:59.2200:59.87 美国: 我们的故事01:03.1901:07.08 第五集 内战01:10.6201:12.441862年 内战进入高潮 1862, the Civil

4、War is at its height.01:16.25南北双方 North and South,01:17.55陷入了一场关乎美国未来的苦战 locked in a bitter conflict for the future of America.01:20.9201:22.51一种新式子弹 A new kind of bullet01:23.63将这场战争带入了可怕的僵局 has brought this war to a terrible deadlock,01:26.7001:30.13造成了始料未及的大规模人员伤亡 bringing death on a scale never

5、previously seen in warfare.01:34.71 翻译:安小七 爱卿 Jose ww艾 取子小Q01:38.72 校对:安小七 精校:小坏 时间轴:Sissi01:42.73 后期:鱼骨头 总监:小坏01:46.74伊利诺伊州 斯普林菲尔德的一家冶金铺里 Here at a metal works in Springfield, Illinois,01:49.5601:49.67熔铅踏上了历史舞台 molten lead is beginning its journey,01:52.4101:55.12成为了一种致命的破坏性原料 becoming a lethal ins

6、trument of destruction.01:58.4901:58.79熔铅所铸的子弹被称为迷你弹 The bullet known as the minie ball.02:01.7902:03.33这一小块未加工的铅就是 This crude piece of lead is the primary reason02:07.28造成前所未有的伤亡的罪魁祸首 for the unprecedented levels of slaughter in this war.02:10.7102:12.80迷你弹发明于法国 重一盎司 直径半英寸 Invented in France. Its a

7、n ounce in weight and a half inch across.02:18.09每人每小时可以铸造3000枚迷你弹 One person can cast 3,000 minie balls an hour.02:21.7702:24.97每一发这种不起眼的子弹 Each one of these simple bullets02:26.98都可以在眨眼间洞穿人体 can rip through a mans body in a fraction of a second.02:30.4902:33.93南北双方都在使用迷你弹 The minie ball is used by

8、 North and South alike.02:37.4502:38.12对这种致命子弹的需求高涨 Demand for this killer bullet runs so high02:41.4602:42.33导致了一个全新工业的兴起 that an entire industry springs up02:44.59专门为前线输送迷你弹 supplying minie balls to the front line02:47.1502:51.80北方一共铸造了超过5亿枚迷你弹 In total, the North makes over half a billion minie b

9、alls,02:55.38准备送往前线 ready to be fired from02:56.75武装士兵们手中的200万支步枪 the 2 million muskets supplied to its men.02:59.4903:03.34从多个角度看 In many ways,03:04.85詹姆斯梅格斯 大众机械杂志总编03:08.8503:04.85内战都是第一场现代战争 the Civil War was the first modern war03:07.28这是工业革命的影响深入到美国之后 because it was the first war that took pla

10、ce03:11.23打响的第一场战争 after the Industrial Revolution had begun to transform our country.03:15.6303:17.31把这一箱子弹运送到前线去 It will take over 33 hours for a bullet in this box03:21.13需耗时超过33小时 行程逾800英里 to travel the 800 plus miles to the battlefield03:24.3603:24.37然后就等目标出现 ready to find its target.03:26.4403

11、:30.39新式步枪比起传统武器来 The new musket is much faster to reload03:33.5503:33.73重新上膛的速度大大提升 than traditional weapons.03:35.8503:36.89装上火药 Load the gun powder,03:38.6603:40.92把子弹塞到底 ram down the bullet,03:42.6403:48.61然后就可以射击了 and its ready to fire.03:50.4203:56.02布莱恩威廉斯 NBC晚间新闻主播03:58.6203:54.60想象一下这样的战斗状态

12、 Imagine warfare where your ability to load a musket04:00.90你给步枪的上膛速度是否快过敌方 faster than the guy with the other musket04:03.40将直接决定你是生是死 would determine if you lived or die.04:06.6104:26.85枪管内壁的凹槽 即装膛线 Groove on the inside of the barrel, rifling,04:29.99让子弹旋转着射向目标 spin the ball towards its target.04:

13、32.7304:35.84准度和射程的双重改进使其更加致命 The improved accuracy and range are a deadly combination.04:40.5404:44.54 理查德麦克马克威茨 军事专家 前海豹突击队队员04:49.5504:44.54前一秒 一切太平 One second - everythings great04:46.55下一秒 你的伙伴已经身首异处 and the next second, your buddys head is gone04:50.84或者他的一条胳膊飞了出去 or his arm is flying off.04:5

14、2.9004:54.65当一枚软金属步枪弹击中人体后的惨状 You dont want to know what a soft metal musket ball does04:59.93你是不会想知道的 when it enters the human body.05:02.1305:06.64冲击过后 子弹尖头变平 On impact, the bullet flattens out.05:10.7105:12.44骨头碎成尖片 bone shattered into splinters 05:13.4405:18.57对肌肉和组织造成更深的伤害 causing further damag

15、e to muscle and tissue.05:21.7105:24.35通常情况下 More often than not,05:26.1505:26.75被子弹直接击中 只有死路一条 the result of a direct hit is death.05:30.1505:37.79即使有了迷你弹这样的科技优势 but for all the minie balls technological edge,05:40.84军队仍然采用传统的兵法战术 the army still uses traditional military tactics.05:44.7205:49.46让战争

16、尤为惨烈的是 What made it specifically tragic was 05:51.99现代科技与更多的传统战术相结合 modern technology meeting much more ancient tactics,05:55.4505:55.82因此伤亡数字十分惊人 so the death rates were truly appalling.05:59.6206:00.82双方军队仍是直接正面交锋 The troops still face one another openly06:03.82并维持着各自的战线 with lines across the batt

17、lefield.06:06.3606:08.75但迷你弹精确射程可达600码约550米 But the minie ball is accurate over a range of 600 yards.06:12.7806:15.59足以轻易贯穿两军间隔 Easily spaning this distance.06:18.0606:20.94而且其重新上膛时间更短 And it can be reloaded06:22.46比传统武器要快八倍 eight times faster than a traditional weapon.06:25.5606:31.57后果是灾难性的 The ef

18、fects are catastrophic.06:32.5706:40.93战死率相比之前的战争 The kill rate increases dramatically 06:43.68大幅上升 compared to previously wars.06:45.6106:47.13整个战场就像是经历了一场大屠杀 Across the battlefield the results are carnage.06:51.09出乎意料 伤亡数字空前巨大 Blood and death on a previously unseen scales.06:55.7006:56.55他们相互残杀 尸体

19、成群 成排 成堆 They killed each other in droves in lines and in piles.07:03.3507:05.90士兵亚历山大亨特写道 Soldier Alexander Hunter writes.07:08.8607:08.95一个人趴在地上 身体几乎分成了两半 One lay on his face with his body almost in two parts.07:13.0107:14.59另一个人中弹时还正在瞄准 Another was shot just as he was taking aim,07:17.9207:18.18一

20、只眼还睁着 而另一只眼已经闭上了 one eye was still open while the other was closed,07:21.09胳膊伸出去的姿势还在握着步枪 one arm extended in the position of holding his rifle07:24.1107:24.71而步枪则躺在他身边的地上 which laid beside on the ground.07:27.2107:28.39双方的部队 The troops on both sides07:30.26都必须在这弥漫着死亡气氛的环境中挣扎求生 must live in the midd

21、le of this untold deafen suffering.07:34.0807:34.09霍雷肖查普曼在日记里记录了他的经历 Horatio Chapman, records his experience in his diary.07:38.4007:38.64有些地方 死尸层层堆叠在一起 The dead in some places were piled upon each other07:41.7507:41.78伤员的呻吟和哀叹 and the groans and moans of the wounded 07:43.78实在令人耳不忍闻 were truly sadd

22、ening to hear.07:45.78一部分人苟延残喘 但已失去知觉 Some were just alive and gasping, but unconscious07:49.65而另一部分人重伤垂死 others were mortally wounded 07:51.50同时清醒地意识到自己已是命不久矣 and were conscious of the fact that they could not live long.07:54.6407:59.19截至北方获胜之时 By the time of the Norths final victory,08:01.66双方合计阵亡

23、人数超过60万 over 600,000 men on both sides are dead.08:05.25相当于当时美国人口的2% sum 2% of the entire US population.08:09.6008:09.99按比例推算 In current population terms, 08:12.01相当于现在的600万人 thats the equivalent of 6 million people.08:15.3208:21.23死者中有近半数依然身份不明 Almost half of the dead remain unidentified.08:24.7408

24、:29.49由于害怕自己会成为战场上的无名鬼 The fear of dying forgot on the battlefield08:31.97士兵们第一次 leave soldiers for the first time08:33.68开始在军装上画上自己的姓名和部队番号 to begin painting their names and unions on their uniforms.08:37.4608:39.64这些早期的士兵身份识别牌 These crude early versions of the dog tag08:42.9808:42.99在他们死后可以帮助辨认尸体的

25、身份 will make it possible to identify their bodies after they are killed.08:47.1208:53.17此外 美国日益发展的邮政服务 For the first time, Americas growing postal service,08:56.77让前线士兵们首次能够给亲友写信 means soldiers can write to their loved ones from the front.09:00.5809:01.06由于当时还没有如今的军队审查制度 With none of todays military

26、 censorship,09:03.8909:03.90这就让诸如罗伯特斯泰尔斯的士兵们 it allows soldiers like Robert Stiles09:06.47得以将前线生活的恐怖现实传播出去 to relay the terrifying realities of life on the front line.09:10.8909:13.15萦绕在我们身边的惨状和气味 The sights and smells that assailed us 09:16.52实在让人无法形容 were simply indescribable.09:18.2009:20.47尸体肿胀成

27、了原来的两倍大小 Corpse swollen to twice their original size.09:24.1409:24.30有些尸体甚至会因 Some of them actually burst sunder09:26.99淤塞的气体的压力过大而爆开 with the pressure of foul gases and vapours.09:30.2009:33.28潜藏在这场大屠杀背后深层次的政治仇恨 Fueling this carnage lies the deep political animosity09:37.32才是战争爆发的根源 that has led to

28、 this war.09:39.5509:41.10在这场被喻为 In the bitter conflict that 09:42.3009:42.31手足相残的苦战中 has pitted asbrother against brother,09:44.32南方决意捍卫其独立地位 the South has determined to defend its independence09:47.42以及奴隶制 and the system of slavery.09:49.6409:50.87而北方绝不会任由南方脱离联邦 But the North will not allow it to

29、leave the Union of States.09:54.8409:57.84科林L鲍威尔将军 前美国国务卿10:03.0509:57.73交战过后 We fought and lost 09:59.00双方都损失了数十万军人 hundreds of thousands of men on both sides10:01.06都是为了捍卫自己心中的信仰 fighting for what they believe is right.10:03.6510:07.42新式武器和传统兵法的结合非常恐怖 The unholy alliance of new weapons and outdate

30、d battle tactics,10:11.38导致了死亡率达到了工业化的规模 means the body count on an industrial scale.10:15.2010:17.21战争陷入了血腥的僵局 The war is locked in a bloody stalemate.10:20.3510:20.36双方都无法发起决定性的一击 Neither side can land a decisive blow.10:23.4710:26.27在这场相持不下的战争中 In this bitter war of attrition,10:28.5810:31.23胜利属于

31、坚持到最后的人 victory will come to the last man standing.10:35.3510:43.311862年8月 开战已逾一年 August 1862, over a year into the war.10:46.3110:48.21罗伯特E李将军所领导的南方联盟军队 General Robert E Lees Confederate Army,10:51.11准备好发动一起大规模的进攻 is readying to launch a wide ranging assault ,10:53.96对手是弗吉尼亚的联邦军队 against Union forc

32、es in Virginia.10:56.8910:58.57士气高昂的士兵们 Highly motivated11:00.09将在他们的故土上大战一场 these men are fighting on their home turf,11:02.80并时刻准备好为捍卫南方独立 and are ready to die for Southern independence11:05.58为维护传统的乡村生活方式而牺牲 and traditions, and its rural way of life.11:09.1011:10.63南方的繁荣完全依托于一种农作物 Its prosperity

33、is built around a simple crop-11:14.0011:15.02棉花 cotton.11:16.5711:18.67棉花被喻为白色黄金 Known as white gold,11:20.44南方的棉产量 the South accounts for11:21.97占世界总产量的三分之二 two thirds of the worlds supply of cotton.11:24.5811:26.09棉花给南方各州带来了惊人的财富 And it brings extraordinary wealth to the Southern states.11:29.501

34、1:31.16但这笔财富却是建立在奴隶的血汗之上的 but its wealth built on the backs of slaves.11:35.4311:39.55而如今 林肯的票选胜利 Now Lincolns victory at the ballot box11:41.84对这种传统生活方式构成了威胁 threatens this traditional way of life,11:44.77使它所赖以生存的奴隶制岌岌可危 the slavery it is built on.11:48.0011:54.56不愿屈服于北方统治 Rather than submit to Nor

35、thern rule,11:56.69南方决定一战 the South decides to fight.11:58.8311:58.87他们想要分而治之 They want a separate nation.12:01.2112:04.52罗伯特E李将军担任 General Rober E Lee takes command12:07.45新成立的北弗吉尼亚军队总指挥 at the head of the newly formed army of Northen Virginia.12:11.0112:11.37李是毕业于西点军校的高材生 Lee, a brilliant graduate

36、 of the elite Westpoint Academy12:15.16又在墨西哥战争中久经历练 is already a veteran of the Mexican War.12:17.9512:23.07他在战场上的高效率一直为人所称道 Highly regarded for his effectiveness on the battlefield.12:26.9712:29.13李可以凭直觉主导战况 Lee could intuit the battlefield12:32.1312:32.22这一点很像二战中的隆美尔 in a way that almost resembles

37、 Rommel in 12:35.6912:34.69纽特金里奇 前美国国会众议院议长12:36.6912:35.69或是巴顿 World War II, or Patton,12:37.1812:37.23因此 他从某种程度上可以感觉到 and as a result, he could sort of almost sense12:41.04哪里适合放手一搏 where the place would be to take the gamble 12:43.32哪里适合迎头一击 and where to hit.12:45.1412:46.301862年 弗吉尼亚州马纳萨斯 Manassa

38、s Virginia, 1862,12:49.6412:49.75南方联盟军在布尔溪 confederal troops gather ahead 12:51.39第二次战役前集结起来 of the second battle of Bull Run.12:53.7412:56.06李的兵力相比对手严重不足 Lees forces are heavily outnumbered.12:58.9813:00.62但是这片弗吉尼亚林地 But this Virginia woodland13:02.75是这些志愿军的地盘 is home territory for these volunteer

39、troops13:05.30他们对地形了如指掌 known like the back of their hand.13:07.59严苛的训练和严格的军规 Rigid training and strict discipline13:09.81把他们变成了一支令人望而生畏的武装力量 has turned them into a formidable fighting force.13:13.0513:14.83如果你是当时的一名赌徒 If youve been a betting man back then,13:16.56你一定会把胜算押在南方 you would have bet the

40、South would have won.13:17.98戴维鲍尔达奇 犯罪推理小说作家13:19.9813:17.98南方要做的只是守住领地而已 The South only had to hold its territory,13:20.59而北方需要深入敌后攻城略地 the North had to come and take it away, 13:22.45北方必须成为占领军 the North had to be the occupying force13:23.56而这一点难度更大 which is far harder to do.13:24.5613:35.50在布尔溪 李轻

41、松展示了他麾下军队的优势 At Bull Run, Lee easily demonstrates his forces superiority.13:40.3513:48.80在一场仅持续了10分钟的交战中 In one engagement lasting just 10 minutes,13:51.94北军士兵纽约第五团损失的兵力 the yankee 5th New York regiment loses more men13:55.26比整个内战中其他任何一个团损失的都要多 than any other regiment during the entire Civil War.13:

42、59.0714:03.45李的队伍一共歼灭了超过1700名联邦士兵 All tolled, Lees men kill over 1700 Union soldiers.14:08.6314:12.83必胜的决心以及主场优势 Determination and local knowledge14:15.13给南方带来了开战以来最大的一场胜利 give the South their greatest victory in the war to date.14:18.6314:23.47但李和他的指挥官们 But Lee and his commanders14:25.29低估了这场战斗的性质

43、have underestimated the nature of this conflict.14:28.4514:30.20也低估了他们的对手 and of their opponent, 14:32.18亚伯拉罕林肯总统 President Abraham Lincoln.14:33.7914:34.88因为林肯正在谋划一场全新的战争 Because Lincoln is fighting a totally new kind of war,14:38.3114:39.43而南方的对手们却对此全然无知 and the Southern adversaries just dont get

44、it.14:42.9114:54.05一列火车满载着飞驰南下 A packed train speeds on its way south,14:56.9214:56.93给联邦军队带去生力军和给养 ready to replenish the Union Army with fresh troops and supplies.15:01.6415:03.46乔治班尼迪克中尉在家书中写道 Lieutenant George Benedict writes home.15:06.4515:06.60我们被塞进运货车厢 We were stowed away in freight cars 15:08.2715:08.57驶出这座城市 and started out of the city.15:10.8015:11.90车上除了我们团以外 还载有600名军人 The train took 600 other troops besides our regiment,15:15.53以及34节装得满满的车厢 and numbered 34 heavily loaded cars.15:18.0215:24.07铁路是此战中林肯的秘密武器之一 The railroad, one of Lincolns hidden weapons in this war.15:28.2015:33.30


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