中学新课改论文 巧妙导入 适度拓展——《牛津初中英语》7B Unit6 Grammar 教学反思.doc

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1、巧妙导入 适度拓展牛津初中英语7B Unit6 Grammar 教学反思初一英语教师 一、案例背景 1. 教材分析 本课为牛津初中英语7 Unit6 Grammar 的教学,本单元的话题是慈善步行。慈善步行是一种为慈善机构募捐较为普遍的途径。参与者要找到赞助人,赞助者承诺捐赠一笔钱或按公里捐赠一定数额的钱。步行结束后,参与者就向自己的赞助者收取赞助款并交给慈善机构。慈善步行的路程可以是从几公里到数百公里。参与者的数量也是变化不定的。有时一个人就会走很长很长的路,比如穿越一个洲,目的是为某个事业筹款并引起人们对这一事业的关注。 本节语法课的语法点是英语中常用的三种结构即: A. It is +

2、adj. + to do B. It is + adj. + for sb + to do C. It is + adj. + that这三种句式在前面的教材中都出现过,学生掌握这三种句式本身并不难。本课的重点是怎样用这三种句式来描述生活中的个别现象,尤其是本课学的新话题慈善步行的一些阐述。也就是本节语法课的有效教学应体现在运用上。 2. 学生情况分析 学生通过前面几册书的学习,只要老师引导有方,应该有话可说,有话要说,他们在前面两单元刚刚学了国内、国际的一些慈善机构,而这些话题离学生的生活相对远了些。因此通过新句式复习学过的话题以达到温故而知新的目的。 3. 教学目的 A. 用It is +

3、adj. + 带to的不定式来描述行为和情境 B. 用It is +adj. +for + 带to的不定式来具体说明正在谈论的对象 C. 用It is + adj. + that 来表达自己对某件事的感受 4. 教学方法 启发式, 小组合作法,主体参与法,自主学习法 5.设计思路 第一步,通过口头改写两组句子,让学生自己总结归纳出第一种句式It is +adj. + to do ,然后再让学生用这种句式进行自由造句,选词造句。 第二步,通过完成课本第101页的选词填空,然后选出有代表性的五个句子让学生口头翻译并打在屏幕上,让学生自己总结归纳出第二种句式It is +adj. + for sb

4、+ to do, 再让能力较强的学生用这种句式自由造句。 第三步,通过完成课本上的重组练习,学生自己归纳总结出第三种句式It is + adj. + that,然后学生自由造句以达到巩固之目的。 第四步,设置一些图片并提供必要的单词,让学生根据图片自由造句,以便所有的学生对着三种句式有一个从感性到理性的认识。 第五步,选择四幅与慈善机构有关系的图片进行小组练习,每组选择一幅图片用本堂课学的三种句式先造句,然后组成文章说出来,最后写在作文本上。 6. 教具: 多媒体二、教学步骤 Task1: Present the pattern It is +adj. + to do 1. Rewrite t

5、he following sentences: 1) To help others is meaningful. It is meaningful to help others. 2) To finish the work within an hour is difficult. It is difficult to finish the work within an hour. 3) To learn to drive is fun. It is fun to learn to drive. 4) To learn foreign languages is useful. It is use

6、ful to learn foreign languages. 5) To keep the classroom clean is necessary. It is necessary to keep the classroom clean. 2. Rewrite the following sentences: 1) This question is easy to answer. It is easy to answer this question. 2) The Reading Club is fun to join. It is fun to join the Reading Club

7、. 3) French is difficult to learn. It is difficult to learn French. 4) This kind of medicine is safe to take. It is safe to take this kind of medicine. 5) The work is meaningful to finish. It is meaningful to finish the work. 3. Ss Sum up: It is +adj. + to do 4. Make sentences with the pattern It is

8、 +adj. + to do freely. 5. Choose one of the words to make sentences with the gi-ven information. 1) meaningful, the Tree-planting club It is meaningful to join the Tree-planting Club. 2) important, parks, clean It is important to keep parks clean. 3) easy, seats, the elderly It is easy to give seats

9、 to the elderly. 4) good, blind people, cross the road It is good to help blind people, cross the road. 5) helpful, money, to charities It is helpful to donate money, to charities. 6) fun, voluntary , work It is fun to do voluntary work.Task2: Present the pattern It is +adj. for sb + to do 1. Ask th

10、e question What should you pay attention to before and during Oxfam Trailwalker? Ss possible answers according to the given pictures: It is necessary for you to train yourself before the walk. It is useful for you to have support teams to bring you food, drinks and warm and dry clothes. It is necess

11、ary for you to support and help each other before and during the walk. 2. Asking about Oxfam Trailwalker, choose the proper phrase to fill in the blanks.important for Ben, important for us, impossible for you, necessary for people, meaningful for meLucy: What is Oxfam Trailwalker?Lily: Oxfam Trailwa

12、lker is a tough charity walk. Its _ to finish it within 48 hours.Lucy: Whats a charity walk? Lily: It is a fund-raising event. Its _to support Ben. His team needs to raise at least HK$6,000.Lucy: Can I join it too?Lily: No, you cant. Youre not 18 years old yet. It is _ to join Oxfam Trailwalker.Lucy

13、: What are you going to do for Ben? Lily: I am going to donate my pocket money to support Ben. Its _ to help him.Lucy: I want to help Ben too. I can give him my bottle of milk.Lily: What for?Lucy: Its _ to drink milk to keep fit.Lily: Thank you, Lucy, but I think Ben can exercise to keep fit. 3. Ss

14、sum up: It is + adj. + for sb + to do 4. Make sentences with the pattern It is +adj. +for sb + to do freely.Task3: Present the pattern It is + adj. + that 1. Rewrite the sentences: 1) Its necessary for people to finish it within 48 hours. Its necessary that people finish it within 48 hours. 2) Its i

15、mportant for us to support Ben. Its important that we support Ben. 3) Its impossible for you to join Oxfam Trailwalker. Its impossible that you join Oxfam Trailwalker. 4) Its meaningful for me to help him. Its meaningful that I help him. 5) Its important for Ben to drink milk to keep fit. Its import

16、ant that Ben drinks milk to keep fit. 2. Ss sum up: It is + adj. + that 3. Rearrange the words below to form sentences: 1) necessary / we / It / that / the elderly / is / help It is necessary that we help the elderly. 2) is / deaf / sad / that / some people / It / are It is sad that some people are

17、deaf. 3) is / some people look down on / It / wrong / blind people / that It is wrong that some people look down on blind people. 4) sad / to school / It / that / some children / is / cannot go / in poor countries It is sad that some children in poor countries cannot go to school.Task4: Put the patt

18、erns into use. 1. Teacher sum up: It is + adj. + to do sth. for sb. to do sth. that-clause We can use the structures to express our feelings and opinions. 2. What do you think about that ? Using the patterns Its +adj.+ to do / for sb. to do/ that-clause to make sentences. 1) students use mobile phon

19、es at school 2) healthy people donate blood 3) students do homework for over three hours every day 4) Pu Cunxin helps aids patients a lot 5) most children like eating KFC 6) Tom talks with a mouth full of food 3. Present four pictures, each of the four groups choose one of the pictures to pracise wi

20、th the patterns. First, let several disabled Ss to make some easy sentences, then let them work in pairs to make dialogues. Finally, Ss put their own dialogue into a passage and write it on their exercise-book as homework. 三、案例反思 这一教学案例是教者对于牛津初中英语8B教材语法教学的初次尝试,有些地方可能还需要进一步改进完善。如任务四的操练环节虽与教材息息相关,但对于条

21、件相对落后的农村学生来说要求可能高了点,只能满足优生“吃得饱”。但其中一些教学环节的处理还是值得肯定的,对传统语法教学中的“老师讲,学生听”的教学模式是一次有力的挑战,同时也体现了新型课堂教学模式所倡导的有效教学。具体表现在:1、充分体现用教材,而不是教教材。 教材上对这三种句式的顺序安排是:It is + adj. + that,It is +adj. + to do,It is + adj. + for sb + to do 其实跟学生打成一片的一线老师都知道,学生对这三种句式的感性认识的顺序应该是It is +adj. + to do, It is + adj. +for sb + to

22、 do,It is + adj. + that 。因此教者根据学生情况进行大胆创新,充分体现了课堂教学的有效性。2、恰倒好处地将演绎法和归纳法用于语法课的课堂教学中。 通过不同难度的tasks的设计,由易到难,有层次,有重点地引导着学生理解课堂教学内容,并让学生自己学会分析归纳出本节课的语法要点,而不是传统意义上的教师带领学生逐字逐句地学课文,体现了新课改所倡导的任务型教学理念,即教师不再将食物嚼烂了喂给学生,而是通过不同的 task教会学生如何去咀嚼,对于培养学生的自主学习能力很有帮助。为了让学生更好地掌握这三种句式,每个句式呈现后都有不同形式的练习以巩固此句式,这也是演绎法在教学中的极好体

23、现。3、巧妙导入,适度拓展,充分体现英语教学中学以至用的原则。Task4部分的第二步和第三步是在学习教材基础上的拓展,只是在拓展程度上是有差异的,这也是本节课的一个亮点所在。第二步的拓展程度较小,学生可根据提供的信息进行稍微组合就能表述出来;第三步设置了四幅图画要求学生在不同的情境中灵活运用语言知识,这是较高层面的要求。但是教者让学生选一幅图画作为自己操练的对象,而且从“句子对话短文 ” 这样的任务的完成应该是水到渠成。这样的设计考虑到了不同能力水平的学生的需求,使更多的学生参与双边互动,获得满足感。充分体现新课改所倡导地开放性教学理念。四、教案点评 本案例采用任务型的教学模式,设计了四个任务活动,首先通过改写句子,归纳出本节课的第一种重要句式;然后通过练习操练导出本节课的第二种重要句式;再通过改写归纳出第三种句式;最后利用这三种句式进行不同形式的操练以使本节课的语法知识得到巩固运用。所有设计的任务,由易到难,每一个任务都为下一个任务的完成奠定了一定的语言基础。整节课结构严谨,授课过程清晰有序,尤其值得称道的是导入部分的精心设计和拓展部分的梯度区分。本节课给人的感受是高潮迭起、轻松有趣、收效甚佳。


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