人教版新目标英语七级下册教案Unit4 I want to be an actor seationA.doc

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1、新目标英语七年级下册教案Unit4 I want to be an actor seationA 教学目标: 知识目标:复习表示职业的单词,并运用新单词巩固句型:What does heshe do? Where does heshe work? 能力目标:让学生学会描述各种职业的特征。 情感目标:通过对各种职业特征的描述,让学生客观地理解各种职业的特点并表达自己的观点,以便将来选择自己喜欢的职业。重点难点: 重点:运用句型Where does heshe work? Heshe works 短语:work with give sb sth get sth from sb sometimes

2、work late like taking to go out to dinnes 难点:让学生学会描述各种职业特征;理解like doing sth; work late教具:小黑板,教学挂图。教学过程:I Warm up. I Free talk:Ask some students:What do you do? What do you want to be? What does your father/motherdo? What does he/she want to be?点评:通过询问学生和家人现在的职业和想要从事的职业,复习上一节课的句型和词汇。创 设轻松自然的学习氛围,活跃了课

3、堂气氛。同时也自然过渡到本课要学习的内容。 II Pre-read Task 1.Read the new word and expressions. Read ,say, spell and write the new words and expressions in a competition way. Task 2.Check up. Check if the students can read, say,spell and write the new words and expressions.点评:掌握单词的音、形、义是英语学习过程中的重要环节,教师在学生充分预习单词的基础上,采用记

4、忆竞赛的方式让学生真正能读、会说、熟记单词。尤其是本节课的生词相对较多(十七个单词和短语),采用这种方式使乏味的单词记忆充满了趣味,学生的学习热情更加饱满。 Task 3.Ask the students to remember these phrases and the uses of them. work with give sb sth get sth from sb sometimes work late like doing sth go out to dinners点评;这一环节是本节课的重点,如果不能突破短语这一关,就会使下一步的教学活动难以开展,就很难描述各种职业的特征。因此,

5、通过小组讨论、课前预习、查阅资料、交流沟通、重点讲解的方式解决这些短语的用法,有力的扫清了阅读过程中的语言障碍,为学习短文打实了基础。III Whileread(3a) Task 1.Fast reading. Let students scan the five passages quickly and match the jobs with the people in the pictures.点评:速读,了解大意,培养学生快速捕捉信息的能力。 Task 2.Listen and repeat. Listen to the tape and repeat or follow the tea

6、cher.点评:跟读,矫正学生的读音,培养学生大声诵读能力,利于语言学习,同时养成良好的阅读习惯。 Task 3.Careful reading. Ask the students to read the five passages carefully and know how to describe the jobs with the words and phrases we know. Task 4.Fill in the chart. job workplacee Description wordssbank clerk cnursepolicemanrepoterwaiter点评:此环

7、节是阅读课的精髓,学生对各种职业的特征描述准确、简明扼要。通过一个简单的表格,为各小组的“describe”展现成果起了积极的作用。既积累了大量的语言材料,又增强了学生的信心,使学生们有更强的表达欲望。IV Postread Task 1. Describe the five jobs without book. Students look at the pictures and describe the jobs. Task 2.3b Pairwork. Point out the pictures in activity 3a. Ask students to name the workp

8、lace shown in each picture. Then make conversations.Where does he/she work? He/she works .What does he/she do? He/she is a/an.Task 3.Play 4 games. One of the students draw picture ,the others guess what job he/she is drawing.点评:学生通过阅读、交流信息完成了表格之后,该环节也可以用竞猜的方式进行。即有一名同学描述一职业的特征或工作地点,其他同学猜职业。这种猜测游戏更能激发

9、学生学习兴趣运用语言、使知识转化为能力,并提高能力。V Summary. Task 1: Sum up what they have learned today. Go though the notebook and review the items learned in this lesson. Task 2: Do some exercises.点评:通过学生自己总结,培养了学生分析与归纳能力,加深了对知识点理解;通过做练习,巩固了学生的基础知识,拓展了学生知识运用能力。VI Homework.1. Recite 3a;2. Learn the new words and language items by heart. 总评:1. 教师教学基本功扎实,教学技能娴熟,把握调控课堂能力较强,教学方式灵活实用。2. 教学活动设计新颖真实,启发学生的学习兴趣。通过学生阅读能力和阅读技巧的培养,让学生获取知识并形成能力。课堂气氛活跃,学生积极主动地学习,不断展示自己。3. 教学目标清晰,定位准确;教学环节环环相扣、层层推进;重点突出到位,难点处理灵活;指导并引领学生学习,让学生掌握基本知识并形成良好的阅读能力。建议:1. 教师根据本节课内容和要求,精心设计习题,习题设计既要突出重难点,又要符合学生实际。要有利于培养学生的信心及成就感。 2. 评价与鼓励性语言若能更丰富、及时些更好。


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