北师大版九级英语Unit 6 Role Models全单元教学设计(精品).doc

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1、Lesson 16 Yao Ming (Part I) 教学设计教学目标:在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 通过阅读,获取姚明的信息;2. 通过阅读,挖掘姚明的优秀品质;3. 运用通过阅读所获取的信息,口头复述对姚明的看法。教学重点:学生能够获取并理解课文文本信息。教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm-up Step 1Ask Ss to have a brainstorming. What do you know about Yao Ming? Have them share ideas in pairs.Have a brainstorming.导入本课学习话题Pre-rea

2、dingStep 2Tell Ss that you are going to give them a little test about basketball player Yao Ming. Say these three statements aloud and then write three possible answers for each on the board. Have Ss select and write down their answers.Choose the right answer. 引导学生热身,更多地了解姚明。While- Reading Step 31st

3、 ReadingAsk students to read the text and answer the question:What are the achievements of Yao Ming?2nd ReadingDirect Ss to the text. Point out that there have been many important dates in Yao Mings basketball career. Give Ss some time to scan the text and locate and underline the dates they can fin

4、d in the text.Go over the answers, asking individual students to say them aloud.3rd ReadingAsk Ss to think about Yao Ming and consider which adjectives the writer might use to describe his character. Ask Ss to scan the text to understand the writers views about Yao Ming.Go over the answers. Ask Ss w

5、hich adjectives describe Yao Ming. Have them suggest statements from the text that support each adjective. Answer the question.Complete the timeline.Circle the adjectives that can describe Yao Ming.通过阅读获取姚明的成就。通过阅读,获取有关姚明的细节信息。挖掘姚明的优秀品质。Post-ReadingStep 4Help Ss discuss what Yao Mings greatest achie

6、vement is.Go over their ideas, asking individual students to share their opinions with the class.Discuss what Yao Mings greatest achievement is.完成语言输出。Lesson 16 Yao Ming (Part II) 教学设计教学目标:在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 学习并运用动词不定式。2. 完成67页的练习。教学重点:学生能够运用动词不定式。教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm-up Step 1Ask Ss to read the

7、sentences and find out more similar sentences in the text. Then work out rules to complete the table.Then have a summary about the infinitive.Read the sentences and find out more similar sentences in the text. Then work out rules to complete the table.Then have a summary about the infinitive.通过观察总结动

8、词不定式PracticeStep 2Finish the exercises.Finish the exercises.练习运用GrammarStep 3Teach Ss how to use the infinitive.Then translate the sentences into English.Translate the sentences into English.学习动词不定式的用法PracticeStep 4Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on Page 67 using the two verbs in brackets.Fill in the b

9、lanks on Page 67 using the two verbs in brackets.通过练习巩固运用SpeakingStep 5Ask Ss to work in pairs:What do you do to achieve the following goals?Work in pairs.通过二人对话在真实的语境中使用动词不定式HomeworkImagine that you want to be a role model. What do you need to do?Write a short passage about the qualities you should

10、 have.教学基本信息北师大版教材Unit 6 Lesson 17 People in Our Life(第一课时)教学目标(内容框架)本节课结束时,学生能够:1. 说出三个人的榜样是谁,并介绍每个榜样,从为什么是榜样、有什么样的品质、性格三方面介绍,并举出一些例子。2. 提高听力技能,有:获取对话的主要内容、获取具体细节,尤其是确定说话人观点的听力技巧。方法是听说话人如何谈论这个人的动作并尽量记下关键单词或词组。3. 了解我们身边一些伟大的榜样以及他们的主要事迹,明白听力对话中的三个普通人为什么会被别人视为好榜样,从而激发学生成为好榜样的热情。教学重难点教学重点:1.听力对话内容的理解以及

11、根据表格提示复述对话;2. 学习并提高听力技巧-通过说话人对这个人的动作的描述以及听并记下一些关键单词或词组,从而达到确定说话人的观点的能力。教学难点: 通过说话人对这个人的动作的描述以及听并记下一些关键单词或词组,从而达到确定说话人的观点的听力技巧。板书设计Lesson 17 People in Our LifeI. WordsII. Some of the answers.教 学 过 程 及 意 图Teaching stepsTeachings activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeStep1Pre-listening1. Greetings.2. War

12、m-up. Show students some photos of great people in China and ask them two questions.1) Who are they?2) Do you think they are good role models?3. Show students some other pictures of good role models and ask them three questions. If they dont know, I will show them the instructions.1) Who is he /she?

13、2) Do you think they are good role models?3) What do you know about he /she?4. Learn some new words according to the sentences.5. Introduce the three students names to the class .2.Li Answer the questions.Have a discussion and answer the questions.Learn some new words.Listen carefully.用众所周知的伟人照片,激发学

14、生学习兴趣。这五位榜样的事迹有些学生可能不知道,小组讨论可以互补。为下边的听力作词汇准备。Step 2While-listening1. the 1st Listening Ask students to listen to the dialogue once and answer the question.What are they talking about ?A. Their family members.B. Their friends.C. Their role models.2. the 2nd Listening Ask students to listen to the who

15、le dialogue and match who each students role models is.3.the 3rd Listening Ask students to Listen to their presentations and tick who talked about these things? Write B for Bella, A for Adam and L for Lily.4. the 4th Listening 1) Before the 4th Listening, ask the students to read and understand the

16、Listening Help(听力技巧) . The teacher will explain the meanings to the students if they need.2) Listen to the first part about Bella, try to write down some key words or phrases and pay attention to how the speaker talks about the persons actions. Check the answers. Remind and encourage students to try

17、 to use the methods to have a listening about identifying(识别)the speakers views.(观点)3) Teach the other two parts about Adam and Lily in the same way and check the answers with the teacher.4) Tell students to Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions.Listen and choose the best answer.List

18、en and match.Listen and tick.Read and understand Listening Help.Listen and write.Listen and write.Listen and answer the questions.第一遍听力,了解文章大意。通过连线题,获取听力对话少数具体内容。通过再听听力材料,梳理对话梗概,明白每个人在说谁和说了什么。学习听力技巧。分部分处理长对话及练习新听力技巧,降低了对话难度,从而更好练习听力技巧。通过提问,再进一步帮助学生理解听力对话细节。Step3After-listening 1. Have students read

19、the dialogue after the tape and then read in role.2. Let students discuss the difficult sentences with the group members or the teacher.3. Help students retell the dialogue andAsk some students to act it out. Read after the tape and read in role.Translate some difficult sentences with others.Retell

20、the dialogue. 通过跟读和分角色朗读,纠正发音,明白对话内容。照顾学差生,翻译个别句子。复述对话,内化对话内容。Step4 SummaryAsk students to summarize what they have learned today.Think and answer.小结今天内容。 Step 5 Homework1. Read the dialogue at home several times.2. Retell the dialogue according to the tables in the class.Listen and copy. 布置作业。教学基本信

21、息北师大版教材Unit 6 Lesson 17 People in Our Life(第二课时)教学目标(内容框架)本节课结束时,学生能够:5. 介绍自己的榜样,从三方面介绍:是谁、为什么以及举例说明原因。6. 通过讨论,归纳好榜样应该具备的品质。7. 通过两节课的学习,明白听力对话中的三个普通人为什么会被别人视为好榜样,从而激发学生成为好榜样的决心,并鼓励学生从现在开始、从小事做起,争取早日成为他人的榜样。教学重难点教学重点:1. 在复述上节课对话的基础上,介绍自己的榜样及其成为榜样的原因。2. 总结一个好榜样应具备的品质。3. 激发学生成为好榜样的决心,并鼓励学生从现在开始、从小事做起,争

22、取早日成为他人的榜样。教学难点:介绍自己的榜样及其成为榜样的原因。板书设计Lesson 17 People in Our LifeGood role models should be 教 学 过 程 及 意 图Teaching stepsTeachings activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeStep1Role-play6. Greetings.7. Warm-up. Look and answer the questions.1) Who are they?2) What are they talking about?8. Ask students to

23、retell the dialogue according to the table below.9. Tell students to ask and answer in a group. One student is the reporter, the other three are Belly, Adam and Lily. The reporter will ask questions like this:1) Who is your role model?(谁)2) Why is this person your role model?(为什么)3) What qualities(品

24、质) does he/she have?4) What is he/she like? (外貌、性格)5) Would you please give some examples?Give students an example.10. Check some groups. 2.Li Answer the questions.Retell the dialogue.Have a discussion and answer the questions.Act out the dialogue.用照片回忆上节课对话。复述对话。用问答形式复习听力对话。给学生一个例子参考。表演听力对话。Step 2Y

25、our Turn1. Ask students to think hard and say about their own role model from two aspects:1) Who is your role model? 2) What has he/she done?Give students an example and show some words to describe different people in different age groups(年龄段) to them.2. Let students guess who the teachers role mode

26、l is?Listen and say.Read the example.Think hard about words to describe different people in different age groups.Guess the teachers role model.介绍自己的榜样。提供例子参考。激发学生学习热情。Step3Group work 1. Have students work in pairs. Discuss what good role models should be like.Give them an example .I think good role

27、models should be hard-working. They should not give up easily.2. Summarize what good role models should be like.3. Show students the teachers opinion about what a good role model should be like.4. Ask students two questions:1)Do you want to be a good role model in others hearts?2) If you want to be

28、a good rolemodel, what will you do from now on?5. Summarize what students should do in order to become a good role model. Work in pairs and discuss .Read the example.Summarize what good role models should be like.Listen to the teachers opinion. Answer the questions.Summarize the ways to be a good ro

29、le model.小组讨论好榜样的品质有哪些。展示例子。小结好榜样的品质有哪些。激发学生热情,使他们愿意成为被人心目中的好榜样,并启发他们思考如何去做。Step4 SummaryAsk students to take actions to be a good role model in our daily life as soon as possible.Listen and think. 号召学生努力学习做人,成为他人榜样。 Step 5 Homework1. Write down your good role model in our class including three aspe

30、cts: 1) who is your good role model? 2) Why? 3) What has he/she done?2. P69 Exercise 73. Finish the exam paper in this class.Listen and copy. 布置作业。初中英语九年级全一册Unit 6 Lesson 18 Steve Jobs教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语九年级教材第6单元第18课,该单元的话题为模范和榜样,本课Lesson18的主题是成功人士如何获得成功。本文是一篇关于Steve Jobs的人物传记类文章。文章首先介绍了Steve Jobs是何许人-他


32、是第一个产品不成功,到1985年他被解雇了。他没有放弃,而是又创办了另外一家计算机公司,之后还创建了一家电影公司,他的电影公司获得了很多奥斯卡奖,并且出品了多部成功的电影,包括:Toy Story, WALL-E and Up。 当他1996年再回到苹果公司后,他改变了公司的很多东西,使之成为了一个在国际范围都有广泛影响力的企业。从性格上看,他是一个善于组织团队工作领导,但是同时又脾气暴躁、固执己见、不能容忍不同意见。本文的明线是Steve Jobs的生平,记录了他的人生轨迹,也记录了他是如何走向成功的。作者并没有用很多笔墨记录他成功背后的原因,而是以暗线方式铺垫了成功的因素,引导出他的坚持和

33、不放弃的性格是促成他成功的根本原因。文中值得探讨的问题还有,Steve没有文凭,但是却获得了成功;他不仅做计算机,还创办了电影公司,他的性格的两个方面等,都可以引导学生联系自己进行思考和讨论。本文的难点在于动词以及动词词组比较多,比如 found, suit, afford, fire, state, recognise, give up, set up, grow up, put up with。教学围绕传记写作的五个方面展开,完成对内容的梳理和信息建构,在信息建构的过程中,融入语言(词组和句型)学习和阅读及表达技能的训练,从表层信息到深层分析原因,促进学生的对人生困境和成功的思考,对人生观

34、和价值观的讨论。第一课时的重点是阅读理解文章,获取文章的主要信息。在明确主题的前提下,从传记文体入手激活学生有关传记文体类的知识。学生分享他们所知道的Steve,教师根据需要引入关键信息和表达方式。然后,教师提出问题,为什么Steve能够获得成功?他有什么特殊经历?以此引导学生开展整体阅读,把握总体结构大意。再进入细节信息的提取,请学生特别注意第二段的第一句话,鼓励学生找到相关的支持证据,适时提出深层次问题,并创造机会让学生之间加强交流、进行归纳和总结,建构有关Steve的结构化知识,辅之以提问和多种活动巩固对信息和表达方式的把握。在此基础上内化和整合。第二课时在小组辩论“Steve Jobs

35、是否是青少年的榜样?”的任务中进行。在回顾作者对Steve Jobs的评价基础上,开展词汇教学,培养学生在语境中理解词汇的技能,通过在单句、篇章中回填词汇,达成词汇运用的目标,为完成任务储备语言素材。输出阶段定位为让学生通过深层次问题“Steve Jobs是否是青少年的榜样?”的讨论,引导深度学习、思维发展和正确价值观的建立。 教学内容话题:Steve Jobs词汇:digital, co-founder, inc., birth, formal, schooling, afford, fire, a number of impatient, state, bluntly, put up wi

36、th, recognize, revolution, negative (16个)课标词汇:birth, afford, fire, state, 课标规定可根据构词法推导出的部分名词、形容词、副词等不单列的词包括:schooling, impatient。课标词汇为 school和patient。课标外词汇:digital, co-founder, inc., formal, a number of impatient, bluntly, put up with, recognize, revolution, negative 第一课时The First Period教学目标在本课学习结束时

37、,学生能够:1.通过阅读获取有关Steve Jobs生平信息,完成有关其早期经历、性格和成就的表格;2.根据获取的信息和语言,介绍Steve Jobs的早期学习和工作的经历,归纳总结出坚持、不放弃的性格是促成他成功的根本原因;教学重点: 通过阅读获取信息,完成有关Steve Jobs早期经历、性格和成就的表格;教学难点:根据获取的信息和语言,归纳总结出Steve Jobs坚持、不放弃的性格是促成他成功的根本原因;教学过程教学活动设计意图Warm-upStep 1 T shows some pictures of Steve Jobs and asks Ss “Who is he? ”And “

38、Do you know anything about him?”T uses the information to teach the words “digital, co-founder and inc.”.通过提问激活学生的背景知识,引入本课人物,扫除个别词汇障碍。Pre-readingStep 2 T asks Ss “What kind of person is Steve Jobs? ”简单猜测人物特征,激发学生阅读的兴趣。While-readingStep31st reading Ss skim the text to match the headings with the cor

39、rect paragraphs.快速阅读文章,培养学生通过抓取关键词给每段找小标题,理解整篇文章的结构的能力。Step42nd reading T asks Ss to read the text and find out the events and circle the time indicators and then complete the statements. Ss check the answers in pairs. T helps Ss to get the meaning of “afford” “fair” and “impatient”. T asks Ss “Why

40、formal schooling didnt suit him?” T asks Ss “Why was Steve fired from Apple in 1985?”培养学生运用跳读技巧,根据时间提示进行快速检索能力。同时培养学生在语境中猜词和运用构词法猜词的能力。通过提问,挖掘深层次信息,引导学生思考Steve Jobs 的性格特点。Post-reading:Step5 Discussion T asks Ss “What made Steve so successful?”T leads Ss to summarize the qualities of successful peopl

41、e. T asks Ss to read after the recording and understand the passage further.通过提问,引导学生总结Steve Jobs身上的坚持、创新和永不放弃的优秀品质。学生跟读录音,进一步体会Steve Jobs的经历。Step 6 T asks Ss to introduce Steve Jobs to the class with the help of some key words or phrases.学生借助核心动词及动词短语介绍Steve Jobs, 内化语言信息。Step 7 Your opinionT asks S

42、s “Would you like to work with people like Steve Jobs? Why or why not?”通过问题建立文本和学生的联系,引导学生对Steve Jobs做出自己的评价。Homework1. Copy and remember the new phrases.2. Read the passage about Steve Jobs aloud and understand it. 3. Finish Ex A and Ex B on workbooks.第二课时The Second Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 通过阅读获

43、取有关Steve Jobs性格两面性的事例信息;2. 通过辩论“Steve Jobs是否是青少年的模范”,形成自己正确的人生观和价值观。教学重点: 通过阅读获取有关Steve Jobs性格两面性的事例信息;教学难点: 通过辩论“Steve Jobs是否是青少年的模范”,体会并逐步形成坚持、不放弃的品质。教学过程教学活动设计意图RevisionStep 1 T asks Ss “What does the writer think of Steve Jobs?” T guides Ss to summarize the three key points “He was creative.”“He

44、 was successful.”“He never gave up.” T asks Ss “Was Steve Jobs a perfect person?”通过提问激活学生的背景知识,引导学生总结出Steve Jobs 的性格品质特点。ReadingStep 2 T asks Ss to find out the examples and reasons to support the points and complete the table.通过阅读找出证明Steve Jobs 性格品质特点的原因或示例,进一步理解其特点。VocabularyStep3 T checks the ans

45、wers and helps Ss get the meaning of the phrases “set up, put up with, give up, grow up” T asks Ss to finish Ex5 on the textbook.培养学生在语境中理解词汇的技能,通过在单句、篇章中回填词汇,达成词汇运用的目标,为完成语言输出任务储备语言素材。ListeningStep4 T asks Ss to listen to the recording and find out What the children think about Steve Jobs. 通过听获取他人对Steve Jobs 的看法,为下一步的讨论提供更多的语言信息支撑。DiscussionStep5 T asks Ss to discuss the question “Is Steve Jobs a good rol


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