新课标人教版初中英语八级下册Review of Unit2 and Unit8 精品学案.doc

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1、新课标人教版初中英语八年级下册Review of Unit2 and Unit8 精品学案一1.Class report(值日生报告): 2.分组讨论如何为她/他提出合理的建议。 参考句型:Advice: You could/should How about/What about Why not/Why dont you二听写。Person Advice AnnaGet_._her CDs.Maria_from her brother.Dennis_for some money.Have_._“Teen Talk”.三单词:一)。根据首字母或汉语提示填单词。1.What should I do

2、 to get some money? -You can get a p_ job.2. All my classmates went to the movies e_ me.3.My classmates enjoyed t_ last night. They had a birthday party.4. Tom always borrows my things but doesnt r_ them in time.5. You shouldnt a_ with your parents. You should sit down and have a good talk with them

3、.6. What should I do? Could you give some_(建议)?7. Her English teacher speaks _(完美的) English.8. My dog is my good c_. I like it very much.9. Our English teacher was ill yesterday. Mr Wang gave us an English class i_.10.There are lots of beautiful photos in my a_.11. Id r_ study English than go fishin

4、g.二)。根据词的适当形式填空。1. I heard the _(surprise) news this morning. It_ (surprise) all of us then.2. We should always remember, “Practice makes _(perfect)”.3.I couldnt fall _(sleep) last night because there was too much noise around my house.4.The classroom is dark. The students cant see the blackboard_ (

5、clear).5.Today is my birthday. My mother is going to make a _(specially) meal for me.6.Its important to choose subjects that you find _ (interest).7. My shoes were _(real) cheap. They only cost 5 yuan.四短语一).把下列汉语翻译成英语。1.那个年轻人没有付钱就把夹克拿走了。(pay for)_2.你的围巾很时髦,我也想买一条。(in style)_3.我应该给我妈妈买什么生日礼物?(get sb.

6、 for)_4.狗太难照料了。(take care of )_5.在美国,一些人让家人和朋友把钱捐给慈善机构而不是给他们买礼物。(rather than)_二)。造句1. give sb some advice .2. argue with sb.3: ask sb for sth.4: get sth for sb.5: encourage sb to do sth.6: take an interest in.五语法1.用词的适当形式填空: 1)Its difficult for a dog _(swim) like a fish in the water. 2) I need _ (ge

7、t) some money_ (pay) for summer camp. 2.句型转换: 1)Why dont you make a special meal for your mother?(改为同义句) _ _make a special meal for your mother. 2) He is very old, so he cant do the work.(改为简单句) He is _old_ do the work.六点击中考1.Do you have anything important to say for yourself? -_ except sorry. A. So

8、mething B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything2.-Did you go to Jims birthday party? -No, I_.A. havent invited B. didnt invited C. am not invited D. wasnt invited3.-Its 10 oclock now. I must go. -Its raining outside. Dont leave _it stops.A. when B. since C. while D. until 4.-Shll we go out for a walk?

9、-Sorry, I cant. I _my homework. A. do B. did C. was doing D. am doing5.-Look at the sun! Its too hot today. -Yes. Why not _your coat? A. take off B. take away C. take out D. take up6.You cant sneeze and keep your eyes _at the same time. A. open B. opens C. opened D. opening七限时阅读阅读下面两篇短文并填表格。1. Odd o

10、ne out(局外者)Dear Sue, I am15 and have lots of friends, but I am still miserable(痛苦的). The problem is that they all look great and get lots of attention, but I get none. No one take any notice of me. My best friend, Gina, is beautiful and always looks fantastic whatever she wears, and when I go out wi

11、th her I feel really ugly. I like all my friends, but what can I do to be more like them? Pleas give me some advice.待添加的隐藏文字内容2 Anxious(焦急的), Dublin2. Homework misery(痛苦)Dear Sue, My life is awful this year because of too much homework. I didnt get too much at the beginning of the year, which was gr

12、eat because I had time to be with my friends, play football, listen to music and go to different places. But things changed really quickly. These days I hardly have enough time in the evening to finish all my work. At the end of the week Im tired, depressed (沮丧的) and bored. Whats the use of homework

13、 anyway? Overworked, BrightonLetter1Letter2Personalinformationage 15 from Dublin4)age14 from_ Problem1)All of her friends look great and get lots of attention, but_.5)His life is awful because of _Feelings 2)_tired, depressed and boredQuestions3)_Whats the use of homework anyway? 八写作:选择上面两封信中的一封进行回复,为他们提供建议。Dear_,There are a lot of things you could do. You could_.Or maybe you should_ Good luck! Yours, _ 九总结:Words: Phrases: Grammar:How to give advice:十作业:1.Finish the notes and the rest part of .2.Review Unit3 and have a dictation.


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