牛津版高中英语Unit 1 School life教案.doc

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1、教案模块、示范(及要求)教案设计学校邮箱Module 1Unit 1 School lifeGoal Making a poster for a school club(这里标出本单元的终极目标)Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives (要求从学生的角度提出学习目标,且目标一定要具体、可及、可测, 绝不能从教师的角度制定教学目标,谨防目标泛泛而谈。目标应从三维的角度,按顺序以流水号的形式呈现。内容可参见教师用书Highlights of the unit(教材、教参上的具体教学内容和板块标示用斜体)和Overview两部分。By the end o

2、f this unit, Ss will be able to:Language (本项按功能function,词汇vocabulary,语法grammar顺序排列) 1 describe school life2 describe school activities and school clubs3 compare school life in China and in the UK4 use words and expressions such as attend, approve, regret, inform etc5 use relative pronouns and relati

3、ve adverbs in attributive clausesSkills & strategies(本项按skills,strategies并结合其在教材出现的顺序排列) 6 read articles and gain much knowledge about British school life and school clubs in the process7 listen to a talk and a conversation related to school activities, understand the information, then deal with it

4、by making comparisons and drawing conclusions8 discuss daily school life and report their school activities to their class teacher9 write a notice about school activities10 master two basic reading skills, skimming and scanning 11 use expanded vocabulary related to school life, activities and facili

5、ties 12 make a poster for a new school clubCulture & morals (本项按Culture,morals顺序排列) 13 learn about the school life in the UK14 get to know about after-school activities in the UK15 learn to deal with the information about school activities and school clubs16 discuss and conclude the differences abou

6、t the school life between China and the UK as well as the reasons behind17 get interested in school activities18 make good use of school daysOverview(内容参见教师用书Overview 部分。基本内容:“本单元(教材介绍,怎么展开?)。为了实现.目标, 结合实际情况(具体学情、地域环境等教学相关因素分析),依据.(课程标准.要求、.教学理论),我们借助.( 有效课内外资源、教学手段),主要采用(教学方法),拟按以下总体思路展开本单元教学。范例:)U

7、nit 1 School life (教材中的具体单元名、板块名、教学内容等均有斜体)involves a wide coverage of school life from school facilities to school activities, from a comprehensive description of school life in the UK to a special focus on a single aspect of school life, that is, school club, based on some beneficial reading and l

8、istening materials related to school life, including a magazine article about school life in the UK (P2-P3), two other articles about school clubs (P18), and two recording clips about school visit and school activities (P12-P13) etc. At last, with the aid of the varied resources, such as textbook, w

9、orkbook, courseware, the Internet, this unit is to be task-based and unfolded section by section as the following: 1 In Welcome to the unit, Ss are expected to find the differences between high schools in China and in the UK so as to warm themselves up and get ready for learning more about high scho

10、ol life in the UK in the reading part. 3 In Project, students are applying what they have learned in this unit into practice. Again, students are practicing and polishing their four abilities, moreover, they are learning how to work as a team.Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sourcesSelf-

11、assessmentTextbookWorkbook(Page)Supplementary(Source)ToMYSectionPage1Welcome to the unit1A game (original)1, 342Reading (2-1)2-4Skimming and scanning exercises (original)610131653Reading (2-2)2-5A1, A2 (86);B (91)Two tests(original)454Word power6-7An audio clip of part A (original)1145Grammar and us

12、age (2-1)8-9待添加的隐藏文字内容3C1 (88); A (90)Consolidating exercises(original)556Grammar and usage (2-2)10-11C2 (88)547Task (3-1)12-137, 1548Task (3-2)14-15D2 (89)An IQ test(英语奥林匹克)8, 1459Task (3-3)16-179, 17410Project (2-1)18-19A schedule(original)6, 12511Project (2-2)19A, B (93)2, 18512Revision and exerc

13、ises B1, B2 (87); D1 (89);ABC (92)4513Self-assessment20A quiz(original)4, 18513Total20ALL (8)81892 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confident(单元教学效果采用百分制表示,公式为100实际课时数5各课时自评等级分之和。)(表中最右拦供教师课后自评教学效果用,To 表示 Teaching objectives, M, My self-assessment, Y, Your self-assessm

14、ent, 评价等级51。总评成绩采用百分制,公式为100实际课时数5各课时自评等级分之和)Feedback(主要记述本单元教学目标的达成程度、预期之外的效果以及自我感受。有何成功经验?存在哪些不足?拟如何改进?值得进一步探讨的问题是什么? 表述的基本思路; 个人认为本单元教学目标达成(10080分)/基本达成(7050分/未能实现(49分及以下),学生积极投入学习活动.,同时(预期之外的效果和自我感受)。就其成功原因主要是.但还有.(不足之处)。拟通过.(方法,途径)加以完善,提高。然而,如何.(探讨的问题,本人尚未能解决的问题),还有待进一步研究、解决。范例)Mine(设计者我的教学反馈)I

15、n general, 90% drafted teaching objectives have been fulfilled. In terms of language and knowledge, the students have learned a lot about school life in the UK, familiarized themselves with school facilities, had some achievements in understanding and forming relative clauses, and have experienced w

16、orking on a listening and writing task alone and carrying out a project on a team. In the aspect of attitudes toward learning, learning strategies, and cultural awareness, students have also gained some knowledge. For example, most of them actively participated in the process of learning and took a

17、lot of responsibility for the result of it. To my surprise and delight, students showed extraordinary interest in the project. They tried to come up with unique ideas, and really worked on it. One movie club even recruited a lot of members on the campus and they are planning to make it one of the be

18、st clubs in the school. The enthusiasm will carry them a long way, as far as I can see. On the whole, the teaching plans have worked well, mostly due to the sufficient need analyses. Ill always bear it in mind that students needs are the window of their mind, and getting them deeply involved can dou

19、ble the efficiency of learning and teaching. However, after three weeks of teaching, Ive come to realize that students seem to lack supplementary authentic reading materials to activate and internalize the newly-accumulated words and expressions. Also, while assigning the project, I should have give

20、n them an explicit schedule and do some formative assessment at different stages. Otherwise, students only run up for the deadline without much effort in wording and perfecting as they did in designing a poster advertising a new club. As for the reading materials, I may need to cooperate with someon

21、e to search more resources, and make sure to do it ahead of time.Yours (教师你的教学反馈)Plan for every periodPeriod 1 Welcome to the unitTeaching aims(课时教学目标用aims,以示是更具体的小目标。要求基本同前,要求从学生的角度提出学习目标,且目标一定要更加具体、可及、可测, 绝不能从教师的角度制定教学目标,谨防目标泛泛而谈。内容可参见教师用书Highlights of the unit。与前不同的是,三维目标的标题不再标在教案上。这是考虑到在一个课时里有时三

22、维目标不一定完整,且有些目标在维度上相互渗透,也为了结构简明,节约篇幅,故不标出。但仍应从三维的角度按顺序以流水号的形式呈现目标。下同)1 Enable Ss to compare the differences between high schools in China and in the UK.2 3 Keys & puzzles (严格控制教学重、难点项目,每课时12项为宜,且注意教学的深度与广度)(Keys & puzzles 及以下Teaching approaches, Teaching aids这三部分如果没有内容,或没有必要标出,可不必牵强附会,可以全部或部分删去。下同)1

23、pay attention to (限3项,最好12项,按基点、重点、难点的条件确定提示项目,简明扼要,严格控制深度和广度。按以下顺序编写:抄写原句、汉译英、讲解、比较、举例等,后两项视必要取舍。)2 Teaching approaches1 Task-based Teaching Approach2 Situational Teaching Approach Teaching aids1 multi-mediaTeaching procedures(Teaching procedures分成In general In detail两个部分编写。下同)In general (对本堂课教学材料作

24、简要的分析,表明教材是怎样展开?目标是什么?,理清并提出整体的教学思路,即做什么?为什么?这是备课必须要做的,是保证教学实效的重要环节。首先用英语书写正文,然后用汉语将教学的主要步骤以流程图的形式概括呈现出来。范例:)In Welcome to the unit, four pictures and three questions are all students can access to in the textbook. Brainstorming, discussing in groups or pairs are the main activities, which will pave

25、 the way for learning in the section of Reading.(谈论各自的校园生活讨论图片讨论问题描写理想中的校园生活布置作业(一定要有预习或课外阅读的要求)In detail(根据上述对本堂课教学材料做得分析和提出的整体教学思路,按步实施具体教学。以下提供了每个板块可采取的基本步骤,仅供参考,绝不强求一致。我们真诚希望大家不受此步骤的局限,充分发挥各自的聪明才智,大胆创新,想方设法创设语言运用的真实情景,启发、引领学生开展合作、探究、自主学习,写出具有个性特色精彩教案。我们期待着!下同)Step 1 Warming up (每课时在课前部分应有检查或了解预习

26、情况的教学步骤。每课时结束时应注明大概耗时多少分钟,如:“(5 minutes)” )1 Ss are expected to put the following sentences into Chinese and tell which relative pronouns can be omitted.1) The girl (who/that) is standing next to our teacher is her daughter.2) The girl (whom/who/that) our teacher is talking with is her daughter. (这级

27、编码1)及更下一级编码 (1) 都不再顶左,与正文对齐。括号内的英语用斜体)(1) who(2) whom2 Encourage Ss to talk about their favorite school libraries using attributive clauses.Step 2 Presentation1 Enjoy a shot clip of the film Our School. He is 维吾尔.(汉字用宋体,注意这些格式和编码,下同)Step 3 Discussion1 Ss are encouraged to fully participate in a disc

28、ussion about what kind of school library is the funniest and the most enjoyable.Step 4 Homework1 Do B1 on P. 84.2 Read one of the classic stories that interests you.3 Preview Reading on Ps.2-3.(每节课应根据下一节课的内容布置预习内容和具体要求,并提出课外阅读的要求,尽可能少的布置其他家庭作业,整个家庭作业控制在20钟之内,含预习、课外阅读。)Feedback (主要记述本堂课或板块教学目标的达成程度、预

29、期之外的效果以及自我感受。有何成功经验?存在哪些不足?拟如何改进?值得进一步探讨的问题是什么? 表述的基本思路; 个人认为本堂课/板块教学目标达成(5-4)/基本达成(3-2)/未能实现(1), 学生积极投入学习活动.,同时(预期之外的效果和自我感受)。就其成功原因主要是.但有.(不足之处),拟通过.(方法,途径)加以完善,提高。然而,如何.(探讨的问题,本人尚未能解决的问题),还有待进一步研究、解决。下同。范例:)Mine(设计者我的教学反馈)First, Id like to say students have become quite rusty in spoken English af

30、ter a long summer vacation. Also, they are not quite familiar with each other yet, which really hinders the free talk. Many of them would rather sit there staying quiet. Consequently, group work and pair work didnt involve everyone as I had expected. I think it will take some time for them to get ba

31、ck on the track, or I would say, on my track. Getting everyone involved is always my style. It calls for patience though. One highlight in this period was that students were extremely interested in the TRUE OR FALSE game after a tedious discussion. It would have been a better choice to make it a lea

32、d-in since the class became so lively after some guessing and laughing. Anyway, 60% accomplishment is not satisfactory at all. For me, how to make a discussion heated and fruitful is something worth exploring all the time.Yours (教师你的教学反馈)Period 2 Reading (2-1) School life in the UK(一个板块用多个课时,采取此表示法。教学内容有标题则写,没有就不写。下同)Teaching aims (后续内容略)


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