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1、牛津英语7B期中模拟卷Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)(共46分)I. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences(看图画,完成下列句子):(共5分) 1 2 3 4 5 1. I want to buy that pair of trousers with _stripes_.2. These jeans are too long and _loose_.3. Jim works as an _engneer_. He works in a company and designs mach

2、ines.4. Clowns work in a _circus_. 5. Shanghai is known as a “Shopping _paradise_”. Many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop.II. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions.(根据所给音标,完成句子):(共5分)1. One hundred years is a _century_sentri2. Hangzhou is _famous_ feims for th

3、e West Lake.3. It is a good habit to keep a _diary_ dairi. 4. A farmer works in _fields_fi:ldz.5. My mother has worked in the company _since_ sins 2000.III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子): (共5分) 1. It is _comfortable_ (comfort) to go outing in

4、spring.2. _Unluckily_ (luck), Peter didnt pass the exam at last.3. I will give you three _wishes_ (wish).4. The plane_disappeared_(appear) behind the cloud.5. There is an _observatory_(observe) at Shenshan.IV. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共15分) ( C ) 1. Lindad like to be _ architect when she

5、grows up. A. the B. a C. an D. / ( D ) 2. This is not my book. _ is about the history of China. A. IB. MeC. MyD. Mine( D ) 3. Mr. Yang teaches _ English and _ like him very much. A. we, I B. us, me C. we, meD. us, I( A ) 4. Lets go to this _to find a pair of shoes to match my new skirt. A. shoe shop

6、B. toy shop C. electrical shopD. clothes shop( B ) 5. I will buy a new watch _ my mother. A. toB. forC. inD. at( A ) 6. This is my twin sister Lucy. Both she and I are _ at drawing. A. good B.wellC. badD. badly( D ) 7. My parents will go there by taxi because it is raining _. A. badlyB.hardly C. pro

7、bablyD. heavily( C ) 8. It is said that over_ people visit Yu Garden every day. A. two millionsB. millions of C. two millionD. two millions of( A ) 9. _ you go to Xujiahui, you will find the Grand Gateway Plaza. A. IfB. Because C. AlthoughD. So( D ) 10. She _ buy so much food because only a few peop

8、le will come to the party.A. need toB. needs toC. neednt to D. doesnt need to ( D ) 11. She_ her homework yet.A. doesnt finish B. wont finish C. hasnt finished D. havent finished ( A ) 12. It is important _ others. A. to look afterB. to look at C. to look inD. to look up( B ) 13. The sun starts _ in

9、 spring. A.start B.starting C. startedD. starts( A ) 14. Tom works very hard. The underlined part means_. A. is hard-workingB. is busy C. is hardD. is tired( A ) 15. A: Im going to act in Xu Kes Kongfu film? B: _. A. Youre rightB. I am sorry to hear that C. You are so lucky D. Sorry, I cant V. Compl

10、ete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词只能填一次):(共6分)A.with B.happy C.foot D.better E.used F. got G. gaveI 1 G up very early this morning. I went to visit Uncle Darning 2 A my sister. He lives in a small village. We took a bus and got

11、 there in the afternoon. My uncle and aunt were very 3 B to see us. They offered us some fruit and peanuts. We enjoyed them very much. My uncles house is very big. It has three floors. There are three bedrooms, a sitting room and a kitchen in it. We saw some apple trees around the house. Behind the

12、house there is a garden. My uncle 4 E to grow only vegetables, but now he also grows fruit. Last year was a very good year. He got a lot of vegetables and picked a lot of fruit. He told us he often went to town to sell his fruit and vegetables. He used to go to town on 5 C . But now he goes there by

13、 motorcycle. My uncle said, “We are always busy, but we feel very happy. Our life is 6 D than before.”V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(改写句子,每空格限填一词):(共10分) 1. We have been to Beijing. (改为否定句)We_havent_ _been_ to Beijing.2. There is something wrong with the radio. (改为一般疑问句)_Is_there_any

14、thing_ wrong with the radio?3. My brother has lived in Yunnan for 10 years.(对划线部分提问)_How_ _long_has your brother lived in Yunnan?4. My father will come back in three days.(对划线部分提问)_When_ _does_ will your father come back?5. We can use a key ring to hold the keys (保持原句意思)A key ring is_used_ _for_hold

15、ing the keys.Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写) (共34分)I. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共24分)A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (共6分)Talking EggsThere was once a girl named Blanche, and when she was ten, her parents died and she had to live with an aunt and her daughter Rose. Rose never d

16、id anything and her mother did everything she could for her. Blanche was a good girl, but Rose treated (对待) her badly. Blanche had to do a lot of housework but eat in the kitchen. She also had to go twice a day to bring water from a well more than a mile and a half away from the house.One morning, w

17、hen she got to the well, she found an old woman, who was very thirsty. She gave the old woman some water to drink. A few days later, Blanche was treated badly by her aunt and ran away into the woods. She was afraid to return home. Then she saw the old woman. The old woman took her home and said, “Co

18、me with me, and I will give you some supper and a bed, but you must promise not to laugh at anything you will see.”Blanche promised. The next morning, the old woman told Blanche to return home with some talking eggs as presents. She said, “Go to the chickenhouse, and all the eggs which say Take me!

19、you may carry away with you, and all those which say Do not take me! you must leave. When you are on your way home, throw the eggs behind your back to break them.”When Blanche got home, she told the story to her aunt and her daughter. She got a lot of gold and rice from the eggs. Her aunt asked her

20、daughter to pretend (假装) to be Blanche and to get all the talking eggs from the old womans chickenhouse.Her daughter got all the eggs, the eggs which said “Take me!” and those which said “Do not take me!” when she got home, a lot of snakes came from the eggs and they were frightened.( A ) 1. Blanche

21、 lost her parents at _.A.ten B.eleven C. eight D. nine( D ) 2. Blanches aunt and her daughter treated Blanche _.A. well B.friendlyC. bad D. badly( A ) 3. Blanche _every day.A.did a lot of housework and ate in the dining room B. went to bring water from a well twice C.did nothing D. gave the old woma

22、n water to drink( D ) 4. The old woman_.A. was bad to Blanche B. gave Blanche some eggs to eat C. was kind to Blanche D. was Blanches aunt( B ) 5. Blanche only could take_.A. the eggs which said “Take me!” B. The eggs which said “Do not take me!” C. the eggs which were big D. The eggs which were sma

23、ll( A ) 6. What will the eggs which say “Take me!” bring to Blanche? _.A.Gold and riceB.Snakes C.Water D. FrogsB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(共6分) Once upon a time there was a woman who baked five pies. But she left them in the oven too long, and when s

24、he took them out, the crusts(面包皮 ) were 1 hard that she said to her daughter, “Put these pies on a shelf in the pantry (食品室)and leave them there, and theyll come again.”She meant that the crusts would get 2 presently, but that was not the way her daughter 3 her;and the girl said to herself, “Well, 4

25、 the pies will come again, Ill eat them right now. ”The girl went to the pantry and looked, and there was nothting but the dishes. So she came back and said, “No, they have not come again.”“Not one of them?”asked the mother.“Not one of them,”replied the girl.“Well,” said the woman, “Ill have one 5 s

26、upper anyway.”“But you cant if none of them have come, ” said the girl.“”But I can,” said the mother. “Go and bring the best one.”“Best or worst, ” said the girl, “Ive eaten them all, and I cant bring you one 6 one has come again.”(B ) 1. A. very B. soC.too D. quite( D ) 2. A. hard B. softC. coldD.

27、warm( A ) 3. A. saw B. knewC. understoodD. met( B ) 4. A. since B. ifC. forD. as( C ) 5. A. for B. toC. atD. in( D ) 6. A. until B.whenC. ifD. asC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(共6分)My cousin Peter was ten. He was i 1 nteret in reading

28、. He studied in a school n _2 o_his home. But he had no money. His family was very poor. He could not buy a _3 ny_books. One day he had a good idea. He thought he could find a job and then he could e 4 nough some money. A week later, he got his first job. That was to d 5o newspapers to houses. The b

29、oss told him, “You will get three dollars an hour, and next year you w 6 ill earn five dollars an hour.”“That is wonderful!” my cousin replied, “I will see you next year.”D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题): (共6分)54 Queens DriveBrisbane, AustraliaDecember 27. 2011Dear Li Hua,Ive been in Australia

30、 for about one week now. Were staying with my grandparents in Brisbane. Christmas Day was two days ago, and I got lots of great presents! Mum and Dad gave me a new computer game called “Robot solider”. Auntie Flora gave me a very useful book called “How to Learn English in 3 Weeks”. But I think Ill

31、need longer than three weeks to learn English! My grandmother gave a shirt and a pair of socks. The socks are yellow and have red stars on them. I think theyre beautiful!Most people think that Christmas is a cold time of the year. But in Australia, Christmas is really hot. Everyone wears T-shirts an

32、d shorts. In the middle of the day it is too hot, and Mum tells me to stay inside. She says the sun is too strong. Its bad for my skin.Yesterday evening, we went to the beach to swim. The water was quite warm, and it felt really good. The beach was crowded with people. We didnt to back home until 11

33、 oclock at night.Next week, were going to Perth to visit my uncle Bob. He teaches English in a university there. Many of his students come from China.Ill show you all my photos when I get back to Shanghai next month. Im looking forward to seeing you then. I hope you had a good Christmas。Best wishes

34、for the New Year!Yours, Liu Ming1. Whats address is Liu Ming staying at?_ Australia _2. Whats the name of the book which Auntie Flora gave Liu Ming, “Robot solider”or“How to Learn English in 3 Weeks” ?_ Robot solider _3. Mum tells Liu Ming to stay inside in the middle of the day, doesnt she?_Yes_4.

35、Were there many people on the beach?_No_5. On which day did Liu Ming go to the beach to swim?_ Christmas day_6. What does Uncle Bob do?_ He teaches English in a university there._II. Writing (写话): (共10分) Write at least 60 words about the topic “ A model student ”. (以“ 一位模范学生”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格) Suggested questions:u Who is a model student in your eye?u Why do you think he/she is a good student?Will you learn from her? Why or why not?


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