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1、2010年中考英语真题分类汇编:单选副词(2010四川省成都市31. 1)The food I cook isnt delicious ,but _I can look after myself.A.at first B.at last C.at least【答案】C(2010浙江省湖州市,18,1)-Im not sure what to get morn for her birthday.-Oh,Ive idea._.A.too B.neither C.either D.also【答案】C(2010河南省,28,1)( ) I often laugh when I see my grand

2、ma learning pop songs But she says,One is never old to learnA too B so C very D quite【答案】A(2010湖北省荆州市,17,1) -Do you think yesterdays math problem was difficult?-Yes. I could _ work it out.A.hardly B.easily C.finally D.nearly【答案】A(2010福建省晋江市,37,1) -Dont worry.My mother will look after your baby _.-Th

3、anks a lot.A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough【答案】C(2010福建省晋江市,38,1)-Who teaches _English?-No one.I teach _.A. you;myself B. your;myself C. you;me【答案】A(2010 .河北省卷,29.1) The Internet is very useful for us. We can find information.A. easy B. easily C. hard D. hardly【答案】B(2010.江苏省盐城

4、市4.1)-Peter looks sporty.-Yes.He is the_runner in my class.A.slower B.slowest C.faster D.fastest【答案】D(2010.江苏省盐城市6. 1)They clapped and shouted_when they saw Yao Ming appear on the playground.A.hardly B.quietly C.excitedly D.angrily【答案】C(2010.四川省内江市28. 1)Mr White said that he had _visited the Great W

5、all before.Its his first time to come to China.A.ever B.never C.once【答案】A(2010山东省潍坊市25. 1)China is developing_of all the countries in the world.A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the most fast【答案】C(2010江苏省南京市5. 1)-Did you love your day trip?-Yes,we enjoyed the roller coaster _of all.A.most B.little C.more

6、D.less【答案】A(2010.浙江省衢州市19. 1) As we all know, smoking is bad for us ,_ for children.A. especially B. recently C. probably D. Nearly【答案】A(2010.江苏省无锡市.11. 1)I cant find my watch,but it must be_in this room.A.everywhere B.nowhere C.anywhere D.somewhere【答案】D(2010陕西省,23,1)Sometimes it rains _in Xian in s

7、ummer.A.heavy B.heavily C.strong D.strongly【答案】B(2010甘肃省兰州市,29,1)-Where would you like to go on your summer holiday, Mike?-Id like to go _.A. nowhere interesting B. interesting anywhereC. somewhere interesting D. interesting somewhere【答案】C(2010四川省眉山市,24,1)- What do you think of the lecture of Li Yan

8、gs Crazy English?- I think its _ , but someone thinks its much too _.A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boringC. wonderful enough; boring D. enough wonderful; bored【答案】C(2010四川省巴中市,34,1)Dont blame your friends.Actually they dont know the truth,either.A.In all B.In fact C.In general【答案】B

9、(2010四川省卷,24,1)( )24. - Would you like some coffee?- No, thanks. I _ drink coffee. Coffee is bad for my stomach.A. almost B. already C. hardly D. still【答案】C(2010江苏省苏州市,3,1)I can_ be a nurse.Im not a very patient person.A.seldom B.ever C.never D.always【答案】C(2010江苏省苏州市,6,1)-I wonder_ youll water this

10、kind of tree.-Once a week.A.how often B.how long C.how soon D.how much【答案】A(2010台湾省,14,1)Sandy: How was your vacation in America? Linda: It couldnt be worse!I dont want to talk about it! (A) even (B) least (C) never (D) then【答案】A(2010台湾省,18,1)Billy: Ive been fixing the computer for over three hours, but it still doesnt work.Nana: Why dont you take a rest and try ? Maybe youll do better then.(A) early (B) finally (C) later (D) once【答案】C


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