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1、Unit 10 Id like some noodles. Section A (The First Period)教学设计 一、教材依据人教版新目标英语七年级下Unit 8 Id like some noodles.二、学情分析 本课以谈论面条为主要内容,贴近学生日常生活,比较容易激起学生的学习兴趣,在上学期学生已经学会了可数名词、不可数名词的用法,并掌握了一定的蔬菜和肉类的词汇,为本课的学习奠定了良好的基础三、设计思想旨在改变学生消极、被动地学习为积极主动地学习,变苦学为乐学,让学生真正成为学习的主人,从而提高教学效率。培养学生的主体性、创造性、参与性和合作性,提高学生整体素质为目标,通过

2、诱导学生主动参与,引导学生自主探索,启发学生发现规律,达到开发学生潜能的目的。四教学目标通过教学引导学生学会用英文表达如何定餐。1认知目标 重点词汇:noodles, beef, mutton, chicken, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes 重点句型:what questions and modal verb would A: What would you/ he/ she like? B: Id/ Hed/ Shed like some noodles. A: What kind of noodles would you/ he/ she like? B: Id/

3、 Hed/ Shed like beef and tomato noodles. A: What size bowl of noodles would you/ he/ she like? B: Id/ Hed/ Shed like a medium bowl.2能力目标 培养运用英语交际的能力,让学生把所学到的语言知识和生活实际联系起来,使学习过程生活化。 培养学生探究,合作的参与意识。3. 情感目标体会英语学习的乐趣,做到“在用中学,在学中用”。引导学生应该拥有一个健康的饮食习惯。五、教学重难点1. The main points: A: Key words: noodles bowl w

4、ould beef pork mutton chicken cabbage tomato potato broccoli carrotB: What questions and modal verb would2 .The difficult points:What questions and modal verb would.六、教学策略1、教学方法 直观教学法、情景教学法、小组讨论法、任务型教学法、表演法2、学习策略 合作学习七、教学准备录音机、多媒体、各种食物图片八、教学过程Step One:Warm-up 1、Lets do some sports.(学生按教师的指令做动作) Stan

5、d up! / Turn left./ Turn right/ fly like a bird/play volleyball/ run slowly/ run quickly/ jump five times(教师辅以手势) 2、这些动作做完后,教师做干渴状和摸着肚子说:Im thirsty. Im hungry. 通过游戏形式制造轻松,活跃,自由的课堂气氛,让学生积极主动的投入到英语学习中来,也为下一步单词句型的引出做好了铺垫。 Step Two: Lead in1、T: After doing sports, Are you tired? Are you hungry? Ss: Yes.

6、 T: I bring some food for you. 教师出示卡片并问:“What would you like to eat?”让学生根据自己的喜好,引导学生用“Id like”回答。教师把该食物卡片送给说出想要某样食物的学生。 2、教师把手中卡片送完后摊开双手说:“No food left! But dont worry,lets go to the restaurant to have a big meal.There are some specials there. You can choose whatever you like”. 3、运用多媒体展示一系列精美的图片,学习食

7、品词汇。 cabbage chicken mutton beef potato tomatoStep Three:Section A 1a1、在大屏幕上展示出精美的食品图片,学生看着画片进行结组操练句型What would you like? Id like-。鲜艳的画面似乎正飘着诱人的香味,使学生眼前一亮,勾起的不仅是学生的食欲,学生的学习欲望也一同被激发出来。2、Lets chant 学生六人一组学唱chant。 What, what, what would you like? Beef, beef, Id like some beef. What, what, what would he

8、 like? Mutton, mutton, hed like some mutton. What, what, what would she like? Potatoes, potatoes, shed like some potatoes. What, what, what would they like? Noodles, noodles, theyd like some noodles. 说明:Chant形式活泼,学生爱学,爱读,学生在轻松愉快的活动中巩固了新知识。3、Match the words with the pictures,finish section A 1a.4、通过多

9、媒体课件,展示不同面条的图片及本课句型,让学生进行模仿练习。Step Four: SectionA-1b1、教师问: If today is your birthday, what would you like? If you have lots of money, what would you like? 让学生继续用“Id like-.”句型回答。教师引导学生说:“A car ? A computer ?”等,拓展学生的思维。 2、教师说:“If I have lots of money,Id like to open a big noodle house”自然引出本课的另一重点. 教师出

10、示面条店图片,并介绍说:“Look,this a noodle house. A big nice noodle house! There are some great specials. Special1 is beef and potato noodles. Special2 is-” (出示面条图片) 3、T: What kind of noodles would you like? S1: Id like -noodles. S2:4、通过多媒体课件展示本校教师和本班同学的照片,让学生猜测What kind of noodles would he/she/they like?通过猜测自

11、己的老师和同学喜欢的面条,此时学生的积极性完全被调动起来,气氛热烈。同时也感悟理解了新单词句型,不仅使课堂活起来,而且所有学生都参与其中,真正体现了学生的主体地位。5、播放1b录音,完成听力任务,再次播放录音,让学生模仿跟读,纠正学生的语音语调。Step Five :SectionA-1c玩一个挑战记忆的游戏。采取三组比赛的形式,让学生造句Id like -noodles.如:G1: Id like beef noodles. G2: Id like beef and potato noodles. G3: Id like beef potato and mutton noodles. G1:

12、 Id like-。 用游戏代替机械,枯燥的单词句型操练,不仅唤起了学生的兴趣和好奇心,使他们在游戏中不知不觉的进行新知的练习,而且也激发了学生自主学习的积极性,提高了学生的学习兴趣和参与意识。Step Six :SectionA-2a,2b1. 创设情景,小组合作表演对话以此练习这两个句型 What kind of noodles would you like ? What size bowl of noodles would you like?2、学生看图,叫一名学生读出给出的单词。 3、. 播放录音,圈出听到的食物名词。 4、. 再次听录音,完成2b填空部分。Step Seven :Se

13、ctionA-2c 1、确定小组里的组织人,记录人,发言人等,六人一小组合作完成 What kind of noodles would you like? 在调查活动中,让学生进行语言操练,巩固所学的语言知识。不仅能培养学生的表达能力和反应能力,同时对学生进行情感教育(因个别学生不喜欢吃面条),不挑食,厌食,吃健康食品。2、Show time让小组发言人对本小组的调查结果进行报告。Step Eight:课堂练习补全对话:: Hello! Id _some noodles.B: _ _ bowl of noodles would _ like?A: _like _large bowl of no

14、odles.B: What _ noodles would you like ?A: Id like mutton _ potato_.Step Nine :Summary 让学生自己总结本节课都学到了什么,印象最深的是什么。引导学生说出本节课的重点单词和句型。Step Ten :Homework1、Use what we have learned to make a dialogue.2、Please cook a bowl of noodles for your parents when you get home.九、教学探讨与反思本节课在教师合理有趣的引导下,以学生为主体,贴近生活做练习,充分激发学生的学习兴趣,将自主学习、合作学习、探究学习有机结合,培养学生自主学习的能力,同时模拟各种情景,让学生在听、说、读、写中得到全面锻炼。板书设计Unit 8 Id like some noodles.Noodles beef What kind of noodles would you like?mutton chicken Id like .cabbage potatoes What size bowl of noodles would you like?Tomatoes Id like a bowl.


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