中考英语语法测试 形容词、副词.doc

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1、2013中考英语语法测试:形容词、副词(1)1The white shirt is as _ as the yellow one.AcheapBcheaperCcheapestDthe cheapest2These shoes are much too _ for me.AbigBbiggerCbiggestDthe biggest3It was _ yesterday than today.Amuch hotBmore hotterCthe hottestDhotter4The fifth crange is _ of all. Give it to that small childAbig

2、BbiggerCthe biggerDthe biggest5Lin Tao jumped _ of all the students at the school sports meetingAfartherBfarthestCfarDhigh6I think thats _ piece of music at the moment.Amore popularBthe most popularCpopularDmost popular7My daughter is doing _ this month than last month.Amuch goodBvery wellCmuch bett

3、erDwell8This box is _ that one.Aheavy thanBso heavy thanCheavier asDas heavy as9Which colour do you like _ , white, red _ yellow?Amore; andBbetter; andCbest; orDmuch; or10Of all the stars ,the sun is _ to us.AnearBnearerCthe nearestDfather答案1Aasas结构中应用形容词或副词的原级。2A此题无比较对象,所以不属比较等级句型。3D句中有than,故用比较级。4

4、D三者以上的比较应用最高级。5Bof all the students 指三者以上进行比较,故应用最高级。又因此处的 farthest是副词最高级,故其前加不加 the都可。6B比较对象是在“当时”诸多的音乐中,故用最高级。7C句中有than,故用比较级。8D其它三个选项表达都不对。9C有三个比较对象,故用最高级。10C因句首有“of all the stars,故用最高级”2013中考英语语法测试:形容词、副词(2)11Winter is _ than summer.AhotterBcolderCwarmerDcool12In this country, its very _ in Nove

5、mber, but its even _ in December.Acold; coldBcold; colderCcolder; coldDcolder; coldest13No one runs as fast as Joho in his class. The sentence means _AJohn runs fastest in his classBJohn runs faster than any other boy in this class.CJohn runs more slowly than any other student in his classDJohn runs

6、 as fast as others in his class14He ran and ran, but he couldnt run _ to catch the bus.Afast enoughBquick enoughCenough fastDenough quickly15The sweater is very beautiful, but its _ dear.Atoo muchBmuch tooCmanyDmore16Li Lei didnt run _ to _ Liu FengAenough quickly; catch upBfast enough; catch up wit

7、hCquickly enough; keep upDenough fast; catch up with17Why were you shouting? -Alice asked me to speak more _ The line was badAnoisilyBquietlyCpolitelyDloudly18Can yon understand me? -Sorry, I can _ understand you.AhardlyBalmostCnearlyDever19She is _ to go to schoolAold enoughBenough oldCbig enoughDe

8、nough big20Look outside! Its blowing _ .AstrongBstronglyCheavyDheavily答案11B同3小题。12B第一个分句属非比较等级句型,第二个分句以前作为比较对象,故用比较级。13A此题考查单句释义。前一个句是用asas句型表达最高级含义,注意此种句型的方语只有是 no one、 nobody或nothing之类的带有否定含义的不定代词时,才能表达最高级含义。14Aenough修饰名词前置,修饰形容词或副词后置。但如果enough代一个短语时,也可放在名词后边。例如:There is enough food for all of us.

9、15Bmuch too后修饰形容词或副词; too much可单独使用。如:This is too much for her. 这对她太过分了。也可修饰不可数名词。如:Theres too much work for him to do. 他日理万机。16Benough修饰形容词或副词时应后置。A、D项错误都是enough位置不对。 C项错误在于keep up用的不对,其后加上with才有“赶上”的意思。17D因 Alice 听不见,所以说话者才大声喊。loudly大声地,noisily喧闹地,quietly静静地,politely礼貌地。18Ahardly意为“几乎不”,是一个带有否定含义的

10、副词。19Aenough修饰形容词应后置。20B风“刮得大”可说blow hard或 blow strongly.雨(雪)“下得大”可说 rain (snow) hard/heavily.2013中考英语语法测试:形容词、副词(3)21Look! The children are playing _ . They are always _Ahappy; happyBhappily; happilyChappily; happyDhappy, happily22We cant put this basket in the car. The cars _ fullAsoBtooCvery23He

11、likes to do some reading in the morning _ASo do IBSo am ICSo did IDSo I do24Basketball is the most popular game in America. - _ .ASo does itBSo it doesCSo is itDSo it is25Dont go out. Its raining _ .AheavyBheavilyCloudlyDhardly26They went back to Shanghai last summer. And _ .AI did soBso did ICI do

12、soDso do I27Mrs Zhang is too _ to go on walking.AstrongBtallCkindDtired28We have never seen _ film before. Its very interesting.Aso a goodBa so goodCsuch a goodDa such good29Li Lei prefers maths to Chinese. But I think Chinese is much _ .AusefulBvery usefulCthe most usefulDmore useful30You dont look

13、 so _ as usual. Why not go to see a doctor?AwellBbetterCbadlyDworse答案21C一般说来,副词修饰动词,而形容词多作表语或定语。22Btoo意为“太”,有“过分”的含义。后一句是前句的原因。23A“So do I.”在此句中意为“我也喜欢。”“So+助动词+主语”表示某人也同前者的情况相同。该句型主语与前句主语不同。24DSo it is. 确实是这样。“So+主语+助动词”表示情况的确如此。此句型主语与前句相同。25B26B“so +助动词+主语”表示“某人(与主语不同的别人)也如此。”“So +主语+动词。”表示“某人(与前句

14、主语一致)确实如此。”27D根据句中情景与Walking相关的只有tired.句意为“张太太累得走不动了。”28Csuch加形容词修饰单数可数名词的词序应为:“such a (an) + 形容词+名词”;so加形容词修饰单数可数名词的词序应为:“so +形容词+ a (an) +名词”。如题中的“such”部分也说成 so good a film.29D此题中的“数学”与“汉语”相比较,故用比较级。30A考查句型是asas结构的否定形式,故用形容词well(身体好)的原级。2013中考英语语法测试:形容词、副词(4)31We will have a _ holiday after the ex

15、am.Atwo monthBtwo-monthCtwo monthsDtwo-months32Thanks to man- made satellites, the world itself is becoming a _ smaller place.AmuchBmoreCmuch moreDmost33India is the second _ population in the world.AmostBlargestCmoreDmany34I think football is _ basketball in America.Amore popularBso popular asCas p

16、opular asDless popular35“Are you feeling _ ? ”“Yes, Im fine now.”Aany wellBany betterCquite goodDquite better36The population is growing faster in _ developed countries than in _ developed countries.Amore; lessBless; moreCmore; lessDlittle; more37Most of the people in Guang dong are getting _ .Amore

17、 and more richBmore rich and more richCricher and richerDricher and richest38Our school is becoming _ .Amore beautiful and beautifulBmore and more beautifulCmore beautiful and more beautifulDbeautiful and beautiful39_ you speak English, _ your spoken English will be.AThe more; betterBMore; the bette

18、rCMore; betterDThe more; the better40John Smith is _ of the two young men.AstrongBstrongerCthe strongerDthe strongest答案31Btwo-month是只能作定语的复合形容词。如有名词则应说two months.32A此句意为:“由于有了人造卫星,全世界变得小得多了。”注意此题不要误选C项。因为smaller已经是比较级了,其前不能再加more.33B表示“第几(最)”应用“the +序数词+形容词最高级”结构。34C此题可用排除法选取答案。 A项的 more popular后缺th

19、an;B项的popular as只能用于否定句;D项的 less popular后也缺than,故只能选C项。35Bany不能修饰形容词原级,quite不能修饰比较级,故排除A、D. good不表“身体好”,故排除C.36B此句意为“欠发达国家人口增长速度比发达国家人口增长得快”。 less developed欠发达的:more devloped比较发达的。37Cricher and richer越来越富。38Bmore and more beautiful越来越美丽。39D句意:“你英语说得越多,你的英语口语就会越好”。Spoken English“英语口语。”40C2013中考英语语法测试

20、:形容词、副词(5)41Which is _ country, Canada or Australia?AlargeBa largerClargerDthe larger42“How was the old man this morning?” “He looked _ .”AhappyBhappilyCto be happyDto be happily43I didnt see much during the flight because there was _ cloud.Atoo manyBtoo muchCmuch tooDa lot44Ive no time because Ive

21、_ work to do and _ books to read.Amany; manyBmany; muchCmuch; manyDmuch; much45Two fishermen saw _ in the sky while they were fishing by a lake.Asomething strangeBanything strangeCstrange somethingDstrange anything46She is _ than any other girl in her class.AthinnerBthinerCthinDthe thinnest47She is

22、_ careful as I, but Im _ than you.Aas; much carefulBas; much more carefulCso; more carefulDso; very careful48Bob did _ in the maths exam than Tom.AbadBbadlyCworseDworst49Who jumped _ of all in the long jump?“Ann did.”AlongestBlongerCfartherDfurthest50A taxi doesnt run as _ as an underground train.Af

23、astBfasterCfastestDmore fast答案41D形容词比较级作定语,且在两个物体中间作比较,应在比较级前加定冠词the.此题若去掉country,则不能加the. 如:Which is larger, Canada or Australia?42Ahappy是形容词作表语。43Bcloud在本句中是不可数名词,故用 too much,而不能用 too many.44Cwork是不可数名词,book是可数名词,所以其修饰词分别用much和many.45A复合不定代词的定语形容词要后置。46A此句是比较级句型表示最高级含义。注意此类句型than从句中都带any (other) 或

24、anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere等词。47B句意:“她和我一样认真,但我比你认真得多”。48C49A50A2013中考英语语法测试:形容词、副词(6)51“Does Mary work carefully?”“Yes, I think she works _ in our class.”Amuch carefullyBmore carefullyCmost carefullyDmuch more carefully52“Havent you finished your work?”“ _ .”ANot yetBNot stillCNot alreadyDEver

25、53The driver is very _ .He often drives his car _ .Acareful; carefulBcarefully; carefullyCcarefully; carefulDcareful; carefully54The old writer lives _ , but he doesnt feel _ .Aalone; aloneBalone; lonelyClonely; lonelyDlonely; alone55All of us feel surprised that _ a little boy can eat _ much food.A

26、such; soBso; soCsuch; suchDso; such56The fat man always says his meat looks _ and sells _ .Agood; goodBwell; wellCgood; wellDwell; good57“Will you give this message to Mr Smith, please?”“Sorry, I cant. He _ .”Adoesnt any more work hereBdoesnt any longer here workCdoesnt work any more hereDdoesnt wor

27、k here any longer58“I havent been to Guangzhou yet.”“I havent been there yet, _ .”AtooBalsoCeitherDneither59“Do you think she is the most clever?”“ _ .”AMore or lessBMost or leastCMuch or littleDMany or few60Jack didnt run _ to catch the bus.Aenough fastBfast enoughCenough slowDslowly enough答案51Cmos

28、t carefully是副词最高级,注意副词最高级前可加the,也可不加。52ANot yet意为“还没有”。它是“I havent finished my work yet. ”的省略形式。53D第一空是careful的形容词作表语;第二空的carefully是副词作状语,修饰谓语动词drives.54B句意:“那位老作家独居,但他并不感到孤独”。alone是表语形容同,也可作副词,意为“独自一人的”,lonely既可作表语,也可作定语,意为“孤独的、寂寞的”,还有“荒僻的”意思。55Asuch修饰名词,常见结构有“such a (an) (形容词)+ 单数可数名词”,“such(形容词)+不可数名词/复数可数名词”。so修饰形容词或副词,常见结构有“so +形容词/副词”:“so +形容词+ a (an) +单数可数名词。”但在“many/much/little(少)/few +名词”结构中其前用so,而不能加 such,此题就是一例。56C第一空填good是形容词作表语,意为“看起来不错”。well是副词作状语,修饰动词sell.57Dnotany longer意为“不再”。注意前三个选项语序都有问题。58Ceither作副词表示“也(不)”。59Amore or less或多或少,在某种程度上。60Benough修饰副词须后置。


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