Unit 11Hurricane!.ppt

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《Unit 11Hurricane!.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 11Hurricane!.ppt(26页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 11 Hurricane!,1.anxious adj.:feeling worried,uneasy 忧虑的;担忧的;eager for sth 渴望的:急切的 She was so anxious about her daughter being out so late at night.They were anxious that aid should be sent immediately.,归纳:be anxious about sb./sth be anxious for sb/sth be anxious to do sth./be anxious that 辨析:an

2、xious/eager anxious 和eager都有“急切想要某事物”之意,eager带有更多热切的情绪,而anxious带有更多焦急的情绪。,2.likely adj.可能(发生某事);可能的,合适的,Are you likely to be in London this year?She is the most likely girl to win the prize.adv.很可能(多和most或very连用)Most likely he has gone for a glass of beer.Exercise:Of all the candidates,he is _ to wi

3、n.A.least likely B.last C.the least D.the last likely,辨析:likely/possible/probable 1.三者均表可能性,但分寸有别。possible 客观上有可能性,但往往含有希望很小的意味。probable比possible可能性大,表“很可能,大概”,likely是从外表迹象进行判断,有可能发生的事。2.从用法上进行区别。It is possible for sb to do sth It is possible that It is probable that Its likely that sb is likely to

4、do sth,归纳:be likely to do sth Its(most/very)likely that 3.strike struck struck v.打,敲,击,砍;打中,击中;发起,袭击;撞,划火柴;敲(响);有(强烈的)感受;造成(深刻)印象;(某种想法)忽然出现;突然想到;罢工,He struck the nail with a hammer.一块石头击中他的头部。A stone struck him on the head.Our troops struck/attacked the enemy camp at night.I struck a match and held

5、 it to his cigarette.钟敲了十二点。The clock struck twelve.What struck me most was her smile.给我们留下深刻印象的是她的笑容。,How does the idea strike you?这个主意你觉得怎样?It struck me that we ought to make a new plan.They were stricken down by illnesses.n.罢工;攻击;空中攻击 They made an air strike on enemys position.归纳:strike sb.on the

6、 it struck sb.that stricken adj.,be struck with 突然产生(想法,感觉)strike against 撞在上面;罢工反对strike at 向打去;袭击,向进攻 strike back 反击;回击 strike down 把打倒在地,打死 辨析:beat/hit/strikebeat vt.(1)beat sb 殴打某人(2)beat sb=defeat sb.在比赛或战斗中 击败某人 vi.(1)beat=move regularly规律性的拍击 如:心跳;击鼓;鸟拍打翅膀,hit(1)=strike/hit sb.侧重击中目标(2)=come

7、against with force 碰撞knock 侧重“一次或多次有力的重击”Eg:In 1998,great floods _ the southern states of China.A.struck B.happened C.beat D.took place in,4.push over 推倒;(风)刮倒 He was nearly pushed over by a crowd of boys suddenly pouring out of the school gate.归纳:push forward/ahead with sth:继续做某事,push ones way 挤出一条

8、路 push through 使某事物迅速地被通过或完成 5.bring down 击落,使降落,使倒下;使降低,他一枪击倒一只鹿。He brought the deer down with one shot.*They decided to _ prices.bring about 引起,实现,造成 bring back(to life)使活过来 bring forward 把提前;提出,bring down,bring in 获利;赚;请来;扯进来bring on 引起;导致;使发展;使 成长,加速;帮助,提高,改善 bring up 教育;养育;提出;引出;呕吐 6.clear away

9、 v.清除,消失,,We must clear away such ideas among ourselves.云消失了,星星明亮地闪烁。The clouds cleared away and the stars shone very brightly.,改错:1.He made clear that he didnt cheat in the exam.made it clear that 2.He made it sure that all the equipment had been installed.made sure that.7.call in 招来,召集;请来;顺路到某处或某家

10、;收回 他招来一些朋友喝酒。He called in some friends to have a drink.,Call in this evening,if you can;I have something important to discuss.The librarian has called in all the books.收回所有的书 归纳:call away 叫走,请去(出诊)He was called away by his friend.The doctor was called away to an accident.call back 回电话;叫回去 call for

11、来找某人,来取某物 要求;应当(采取某行动),callto mind 使想起 Your story calls to mind something similar which happened to me some time ago.call on 拜访,去会某人call upon/on sb to do sth 1.请/叫某人做某事 And Elizabeth would call on Edward to support her.2.号召,呼吁,要求 Some of the younger members called on the minister to resign.,call off

12、 取消(某活动),停止(举行);他打电话给我,取消了约会。He phoned me and called the appointment off.My dog barks at a beggar;I no sooner notice this than I call the dog off.call up 打电话;使想起=call to mind Many memories of old times were called up by the conversation we had together last night.,8.take the place of 代替 Plastics hav

13、e taken the place of many materials.all over the place 到处 give place to 让位给 in place 放在本来的地方;适当的 in place of 代替 in the first place 首先 keep In place 固定住 out of place 地方放得不对;不合适,不恰当 take place 发生;举行 take the place of sb.代替,接替,9.normal n.正常 adj.正常的 unnormal/normally(1)above/below normal return to norma

14、l get sth back to normal(2)His growth is normal for that age.(3)He was healthy and normal.After the flood,the villages are trying to get things back to_.A.usual B.ordinary C.normal D.common,10.warn vt.警告;提醒*I warned you of the danger,didnt I?归纳:warn sb warn sb.not to do sth warn sb that warn sb of/a

15、bout sth warn sb.against doing sth give a warning of sth.事先通知,警告,叮嘱,12.expect vt.预料,期望,指望;以为,料想,揣想(一般和I 连用)She found that she had missed him more than she had expected.-Who broke that cup?-I expect it was the cat.归纳:expect+n/pron expect to do expect sb to do expect that I expect not/so,*wish/hope/ex

16、pect to do wish/expect sb to do wish that虚拟语气/wish 能用于祝愿语中*expect/wait“等”expect 多用于进行时态,指心理状态 wait 别的事不干,专门等待 a.Can I see the doctor?-is he _ you?b.He was standing at the bus stop,_ a bus.Key:a.expecting b.waiting for,Eg:To our joy,they have done all _ to them.A.that is expected B.that is expected o

17、f C.that expects D.which has been expected from,课堂检测1.When we think of communication,we _ think of using words,talking face to face,writing messages,and so on.A.shortly B.probably C.actually D.normally2.We _ by such a long speech.A.very likely to be tired out B.very likely to wear out C.are very lik

18、ely of being worn out D.are very likely to be worn out,3.To a certain degree,Tod is not so strict with himself in his work_.A.than expected B.than expecting C.as expected D.as expecting 4.The fisherman _ for two ours thinking about how to pay off his debts.A.lay awakely B.lay awoken C.lay awake D.laid awake,5.As we know,the moon _ the earths seas towards it.A.attracts B.attacks C.strikes D.holds6.-Do you think it is a dirty world?-Yes.Everything should be done to stop pollution _ this planet a better one to live on.A.making B.to make C.causing D.to cause,


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