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1、用请下载乱世佳人/飘 Gone with the Wind 中英文剧本What do we care if we were expelled from college? 如果我们被学院开除怎样办? The war is gonna start any day. We wouldve left college anyhow. 战争随时会爆发 我们不能离开学院 War! Isnt it exciting, Scarlett? 战争!不是很刺激吗?斯佳丽 Do you know those Yankees actually want a war? 那些穷北佬想要打一仗吗? - Well show e

2、m. - Fiddle-dee-dee! - 我们会 - 胡扯! War, war, war! 真讨厌,战争,战争 This war talks spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. 这些战争的话题破坏了我们舞会 I get so bored I could scream! 而且让我厌烦得想大叫 - Besides, there isnt going to be any war. - Not gonna be any war? - 何况,根本不会有战争 - 不会有战争? Why, honey, of course theres goi

3、ng to be a war! 为什么,亲爱的 战争肯定会爆发 If either of you says war just once again, Ill go in the house and slam the door. 如果你们再谈战争 我就进去了 - But, Scarlett, honey. - Dont you want us to have a war? - 但是,斯佳丽 - 你不想要我们打一仗吗? Well. 好 .but remember. 但要记住 .I warned you. 我警告过你们 Ive got an idea. 我知道 Well talk about the

4、 Wilkes barbecue at Twelve Oaks. 我们讨论明天威尔家的烤肉宴吧 Thats a good idea. Arent you eating barbecue with us? 好的,你要跟我们共餐吗? I hadnt thought about that yet. Ill think about that tomorrow. 也许吧!明天我会考虑 We want all your waltzes. 我们共舞华尔兹 First Brent, then me, then Brent, then me again and so on. 首先布伦特,然后我,轮流 - Pro

5、mise? - Id just love to. - 可以吗? - 我很乐意 If only I didnt have every one of them taken already. 如果我没跟别人跳的话 Why, honey, you cant do that to us. 你不能那样对我们 - How about if we tell you a secret? - A secret? Who about? - 假如我们告诉你一个秘密? - 什么?谁的? Do you know Miss Melanie Hamilton from Atlanta? 你知道亚特兰大来的梅勒妮吗 Ashle

6、y Wilkes cousin. Shes visiting the Wilkes. 艾西利威尔克斯的表妹,她要来 That goody-goody! Who wants to know a secret about her? 那个伪善的人,谁要管她 Anyway, we heard, that is, they say. 不管怎样,他们说 - Ashley Wilkes is gonna marry her. - The Wilkeses always marry their cousins. - 艾西利就要娶她了 - 威尔家族都娶表妹 Now do we get those waltzes

7、? 可以跳华尔兹了吗? Of course. 当然 - Ill bet the other boys will be hopping mad. - Let em be mad. We two can handle em! - 我打赌其他男孩会很生气 - 让我们疯狂 It cant be true. Ashley loves me! 这不会是真的,艾西利爱我的 Scarlett! 斯佳丽 What has gotten into her? 她怎么了? Do you suppose we made her mad? 是我们让她那样吗? Wherere you goin without your s

8、hawl, and the night air fixin to set in? 天就要黑了,你不加披肩要去哪儿? How come you didnt ask them gentlemen to stay for supper? 你不和他们吃晚饭了? You aint got no more manners than a field hand. 你这样真没礼貌 .after me and Miss Ellen done labored with you. 我和埃伦那样对你 Miss Scarlett, come on in the house! 斯佳丽快回来 Come on in befor

9、e you catch your death of dampness. 快回来,免得感冒 No! Ill wait for Pa to come home from the Wilkes. 不,我要等爸爸回来 Come on in here! 回来 Come on! 快 Quittin time! 该收工了 Who says its quittin time? 谁说的? I says its quittin time. 我才说收工 Is the foreman. Is the one that says when its quittin time at Tara! 我是工头 在桃瑞园由我叫收工

10、的 Quittin time! 收工 Quittin time! 收工了 Theres none in the county can touch you, and none in the state. 本州的马和骑士 没能和我相比 Pa! 爸 So its proud of yourself, you are. 真为你自豪 Well, Katie Scarlett OHara! 斯佳丽奥哈拉 So, youve been spying on me, and like your sister, Suellen. 你是来监视我的吗 跟你妹妹苏安琳一样 .youll tell your mother

11、 I was jumping again. 你会告诉母亲我跳越栅栏吗? Pa, you know Im no tattletale like Suellen, but it does seem to me. 我才不爱多嘴呢 .after you broke your knee last year jumping that same fence. 但当你摔坏膝盖时 Ill not have me own daughter tellin me what I shall jump and not jump. 我不需要我女儿 来告诉我该不该跳 Its my own neck, so it is. 那是

12、我自己的膝盖 All right, Pa, you jump what you please. How are they all over at Twelve Oaks? 好吧!爸,十二橡园的威尔家好吗 The Wilkeses? 威尔? Just as youd expect with the barbecue tomorrow and talking nothing but war. 你期待明天的烤肉 并谈谈战争的事 Oh, bother the war. Was there anyone else there? 不要管战争! 有其他的人在那吗? Their cousin, Melanie

13、 Hamilton, from Atlanta and her brother, Charles. 有亚特兰大来的梅勒妮汉密尔顿 还有她弟弟查尔斯 Melanie Hamilton! 梅勒妮汉密尔顿 Shes a pale-faced, mealy-mouthed ninny. I hate her. 她是个软弱无能的人,我讨厌她 Ashley Wilkes doesnt think so. 艾西利并不这么想 Ashley Wilkes couldnt like anyone like her. 他不可能喜欢她那种人 Whats your interest in Ashley and Miss

14、 Melanie? 你对艾西利和梅勒妮感兴趣? Its nothing. Lets go into the house, Pa. 没有,我们回家吧! Has he been trifling with you? Has he asked you to marry him? 他对你不重要吗? 他向你求过婚吗? - No! - No, nor will he. - 没有 - 不,他不会的 I have it in strictest confidence from John Wilkes this afternoon. 约翰威尔克斯告诉我 .Ashley is going to marry Mis

15、s Melanie. 艾西利就要娶梅勒妮了 It will be announced tomorrow night at the ball. 明晚舞会上宣布 I dont believe it. 我不相信 Here! Here! Where are you off to? 喂!你去哪里? Scarlett! 斯佳丽 What are you about? 你怎么了? Have you made a spectacle of yourself running after a man. 你在追一个不爱你的男人 .whos not in love with you when you might ha

16、ve any man in the county? 而你应该在城里找个男孩 I havent been running after him. Its just a surprise, thats all. 没有追他,只是惊奇罢了 Now, dont be jerking your chin at me. 你可别骗我 If Ashley wanted to marry you, it would be with misgivings Id say yes. 艾西利不适合你的 I want my girl to be happy. Youd not be happy with him. 我要你快乐

17、 你跟他不会快乐的 I would, I would! 我会的,我会的 What difference does it make who you marry. 我要你嫁给一个南方人 .so long as hes a Southerner and thinks like you? 和你思想一样的人 And when Im gone, Ill leave Tara to you. 而且有一天我会把桃瑞园留给你 I dont want Tara. Plantations dont mean anything when. 我不要桃瑞园,我只要 You mean to tell me, Katie S

18、carlett OHara, that land doesnt mean anything to you? 你是说,斯佳丽, 你不爱惜你的田地吗? Why, land is the only thing in the world worth working for. 田园是世上最值得卖力 .worth fighting for, worth dying for, because its the only thing that lasts. 最值得奋斗卖命的东西 因为它是世上唯一永久的东西 - Oh, Pa, you talk like an Irishman. - Its proud I am

19、 that Im Irish. - 你说话跟爱尔兰人一样 - 身为爱尔兰人我很骄傲 And dont you be forgetting, Missy, that youre half Irish too. 要记住你也有一半爱尔兰血统 And to anyone with a drop of Irish blood in them. 对任何一个爱尔兰人来说 .why, the land they live on is like their mother. 自己居住的土地应视作母亲 Oh, but youre just a child. Itll come to you, this love o

20、f the land. 你还是孩子 你将来会爱惜土地的 Theres no getting away from it if youre Irish. 你是爱尔兰人就不可避免 Yonder she comes! 她来了 Miss Scarlett, Miss Suellen, Miss Carreen, your mas home! 斯佳丽、苏安琳、凯瑞英 你们母亲回来了 Actin like a wet nurse to them low-down, poor white trash. 为了看护那些低级无用的白人 .instead of bein here eatin her supper.

21、Cookie, stir up the fire! 晚饭都忘了回来吃 准备好晚饭 Miss Ellens got no business wearin herself out. 埃伦没事了,忙呢 Take the lamp out on the porch! Wearin herself out. 伯,拿个灯到门廊 Mist Gerald, Miss Ellens home. 乔瑞德先生,埃伦小姐回来了 Wearin herself out waitin on the poor white trash. 无用的白人 Shut up, dogs! Barkin in the house like

22、 that. 闭嘴,该死的狗 Get up from there. Dont you hear that Miss Ellens comin? 起来,小鬼 没听到埃伦小姐回来了吗? Get out there and get her medicine chest. 把海伦小姐的药箱拿进来 We was gettin worried about you, Miss Ellen. 我们正担心海伦小姐呢! - Mist Gerald. - All right, Pork. Im home. - 乔瑞德先生 - 我回来了,回来了! Mrs. OHara, we finished plowing the

23、 creek bottom today. 奥哈拉太太,我们耕好地了 What do you want me to start on tomorrow? 明天要做什么? Mr. Wilkerson, Ive just come from Emmy Slatterys bedside. 威克森,我从艾美沙特丽那来 Your child has been born. 你的孩子生下来了 My child, maam? Im sure I dont understand. 我的孩子吗?夫人,我不明白 Has been born and, mercifully, has died. 生了,而且安祥地死了

24、Goodnight, Mr. Wilkerson. 晚安,威克森先生 Ill fix your supper for you myself, and you eats it. 我准备了晚餐,你吃吧 After prayers, Mammy. 祈祷后再说 Yes, maam. 好的 Mr. OHara. 奥哈拉先生 You must dismiss Jonas Wilkerson. 你必须开除威克森 Dismiss him, Mrs. OHara? Hes the best overseer in the county. 开除他?太太 他是最能干的监工 He must go tomorrow m

25、orning, first thing. 他明天必须走路 But. 但是 - No! - Yes. - 不会吧! - 是的! The Yankee Wilkerson and the white-trash Slattery girl! 这北佬威克森和那下流的沙特丽 Well discuss it later, Mr. OHara. 我们待会再谈,奥哈拉先生 Yes, Mrs. OHara. 好的 I want to wear Scarletts green dress! 我要穿斯佳丽的绿色衣服 I dont like your tone, Suellen. Your pink gown is

26、 lovely. 我不喜欢你讲话的口气,苏安琳 你有你自己的粉红色礼服 - Cant I stay up for the ball tomorrow? - But you may wear my garnets with it. - 我可以去跳舞吗? - 但你可以穿我那深红色的! Why cant I stay up for the ball tomorrow night? 我为什么不能去跳舞? Scarlett. 斯佳丽 .you look tired, my dear. Im worried about you. 你看起来很累,亲爱的 Im all right, Mother. 我没事,母

27、亲 Why cant I stay up for the ball tomorrow night? 我可以去跳舞吗? Im 13 now. 我13岁了 You may go to the barbecue and stay up through supper. 你可以参加烤肉然后留下来吃饭 I didnt want to wear your tacky green dress anyhow, stingy! 我才不要你的衣服,小气鬼 Oh, hush up! 肃静 Prayers, girls. 祷告,孩子们 And to all the saints, that I have sinned

28、exceedingly in thought, word and deed. 神圣的主,我罪恶的想法行为 .through my fault. 都是我的过失 Through my fault, through my most grievous fault. 我的错,我最大的错 Therefore, I beseech the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin. 我恳求女神玛丽 .Blessed Michael, the Archangel. 天使迈克尔 .Blessed John the Baptist. 圣徒约翰 .the Holy Apostles, Peter and

29、Paul. 圣徒彼得,保罗 .and all the saints to pray to the Lord, our God, for me. 所有圣徒为我的主祈祷 But Ashley doesnt know I love him! 艾西利并不知道我爱他 Ill tell him that I love him and then he cant marry her! 我一定要告诉他我爱他 那么他就不会娶她了 May the Almighty, and most merciful Lord. 期望全能仁慈的主 .grant us pardon, absolution. 宽恕和赦免我们 .and

30、 remission of our sins. Amen. 免除我们所有罪恶,阿门 Just hold on and suck in. 抓紧,吸气 Mammy, heres Miss Scarletts vittles. 奶妈,这斯佳丽小姐的饭 You can take that back. I wont eat a bite. 拿回去,我不吃 Oh, yes, maam, you is! 哦,是的 Yous gonna eat every mouthful of this. 要,你要吃的 No, Im not! 不,我不吃 Put on the dress, because were lat

31、e already. 帮我穿衣吧!要迟到了 - Whats my lamb gonna wear? - That. - 你要穿的那一件呢? - 在那! No you aint! You cant show your bosom before three oclock. 不能露出自己的胸部 Im gonna speak to your ma about you! 我要告诉你母亲 If you say one word to Mother, I wont eat a bite! 如果你告诉妈,我就不吃 Well. 好吧 Keep your shawl on. I aint aimin for yo

32、u to get all freckled. 披肩要披在肩上 .after the buttermilk I done put on you all this winter, bleachin them freckles. 在我做好酪乳后穿上 免得长雀斑 Now, Miss Scarlett, you come on and be good, and eat just a little, honey. 好了,斯佳丽要乖一点,来吃点 No. 不 Im going to have a good time today and do my eating at the barbecue. 今天要好好享受

33、 烤肉宴上的东西我都要吃 If you dont care what folks says about this family, I does! 你要毁了这个家的声誉吗? I has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady. 我一再告诉你 作为淑女 .by the way she eats with folks. Like a bird! 在大众前要少吃东西 I aint aimin for you to go after Mr. Wilkes. 我不让你去追威尔克斯先生 .and eat like a field hand

34、and gobble like a hog! 还有大吃大喝 像公猪一样的叫 Fiddle-dee-dee! 胡说 Ashley Wilkes told me he likes to see a girl with a healthy appetite. 艾西利说他喜欢胃口大的女孩 What gentlemen says and what they thinks is two different things. 他说的和想的不一样的 And I aint noticed Mist Ashley askin to marry you! 我注意到,他才不想娶你 Now dont eat too fa

35、st. Aint no need of havin it come right back up again. 不要吃太快,待会儿会吐出来 Why does a girl have to be so silly to catch a husband? 为什么找个丈夫这么麻烦? Scarlett, if youre not here by the time I count ten, well be goin without you! 斯佳丽,如果我数到十 你还没下来我们就走了 Im coming, Pa! 我来了,爸 One. 一 . two, three. 二,三 . four, five, s

36、ix. 四,五,六 Oh, dear! 哦,亲爱的 My stays are so tight I know Ill never get through the day without belching. 我的胸衣好紧呀 我一定会反胃的 十二橡园 约翰威尔克斯家的舞会 Well, John Wilkes. Its a grand day youll be having for the barbecue. 约翰威尔克斯,今天是个愉快的盛会 So it seems, Gerald. But why isnt Mrs. OHara with you? 是啊,乔瑞德, 怎么奥哈拉夫人没来? Shes

37、after settling accounts with the overseer. 她在清算工头的帐目 But shell be along for the ball tonight. 今晚她会来的 Welcome to Twelve Oaks, Mr. OHara. 欢迎,奥哈拉先生 Thank you kindly, India. 真心感谢你,尹蒂 Your daughters getting prettier every day, John. 你的女儿越来越漂亮了 India, here are the OHara girls. We must greet them. 尹蒂,奥家的女孩

38、们 我们得去问候一下 I cant stand Scarlett. If you saw the way she throws herself at Ashley. 那个斯佳丽,看她引诱艾西利 Now, thats your brothers business. 那是你哥哥的事情 You must remember your duties as hostess. 不要忘了你是女主人 Good morning, girls. 早上好,女孩们 Good morning, Scarlett. 早上好,斯佳丽 Why, India Wilkes, what a lovely dress! 尹蒂威尔克斯

39、,好漂亮的衣服呀! - Perfectly lovely, darling. - I just cant take my eyes off it. - 我太喜欢了 - 我真想再多看几眼 Scarlett, honey. 斯佳丽,亲爱的 Youre looking mighty fine this morning. 你看上去气色很好 - Good morning, Miss Scarlett. - Good morning. - 你好,斯佳丽 - 你好 - Its a pleasure to see you. - Good morning. - 很高兴见到你 - 早上好 Howdy, Miss

40、Scarlett. 您好,斯佳丽 Ashley! 艾西利 Scarlett, my dear. 斯佳丽,我亲爱的 Ive been looking for you everywhere. 我到处在找你 Ive got something I must tell you. 我想和你说件事 - Cant we go some place where its quiet? - Yes, Id like to, but I. - 我们可以到安静一点的地方吗? - 好的,可以的 .I have something to tell you too. 我也有事告诉你 Something I hope you

41、ll be glad to hear. 希望你听了会高兴 But come say hello to my cousin, Melanie, first. 但先跟我的表妹梅勒妮打一下招呼 Oh, do we have to? 一定要吗? Shes been looking forward to seeing you again. 她一直想再见到你 Melanie! 梅勒妮 Heres Scarlett. 这是斯佳丽 Scarlett! 斯佳丽 Im so glad to see you again. 很高兴再见到你 Melanie Hamilton! What a surprise to ru

42、n into you here. 梅勒妮汉密尔顿 真意外在这见到你 I hope youll stay with us a few days at least. 希望你能跟我们住几天 I hope I shall stay long enough for us to become real friends, Scarlett. 我想要多待久一点好成为知己 I do so want us to be. 我们会是的 Well keep her here, wont we, Scarlett? 我们一定要她留下来 Well just have to make the biggest fuss over her, wont we? 我们一定要让她玩个痛快 If theres anybody knows how to give a girl a good time, its Ashley.


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