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1、Casey?- Something wrong, Mr. Bast?- No, not at all.I was curious if youdstarted weighing college options.Options?Heard of Helen StollersPhysics Scholarship?No.Its given to a student from this statewho shows promise in science.Wouldnt that be Ann or Wyatt?No, its you.You have a calling, Casey.I do?-

2、What is it?- Physics.Toast?- Sure.- Youre very lucky.Most people search a lifetimefor their calling.- How do you know you have a calling?- Your brilliant teacher tells you.And your 11 straight A-pluses on examsis a hint.Youll need a letter from mefor the scholarshipand think about a specialphysics p

3、roject over the summer.Something unusual but personal.Let them know you a little.- He says its my calling.- QED.How is this quite easily demonstrated?Youre as good in physics as I am.Not even close. I grind, you glide.Event horizon.One day he will wake upand realize he needs a math tutor.And that tu

4、tor will be me.Figure out how to get us invited toeven one party and you win the Nobel.Hey, youre Casey, right?Heres an inviteto my boyfriends party.Youre in chem labwith Julian Wilson, right?Can you give that to him? Thanks.That was way inconsiderate.I love Mr. Bast.If he uncovered a scholarshipI d

5、idnt know about, hes a genius.And to think they pay himalmost nothing.The devaluation of teachersin our society, it just.- It blows my mind.- Mom.Im back. Sorry.I have to figure outwhat he wants from me.I mean, what isa personal science project?Isnt the nature of science supposedto be completely unb

6、iased and factual?Now he wants the inner me, too?The whole secret of the study of naturelies in learning how to use ones eyes.- You know who said that?- Im guessing it was a woman.That was written by George Sand,a woman forced to use a mans namebecause she couldnt get published.- Mom.- Okay.Anyway,

7、I always tell my students,Youll know your topicwhen you learn how to use your eyes.She had it locked up.I need to eat ice cream and allyour mother has is leftover tofu.Can we go?Look at that recovery. Amazing.Shell still place.Shes so precise.I mean, down to the last.You know, I bet there isan exact

8、 aerodynamic formula.- What do you think youre doing?- Im.- Why are you filming skaters?- For a physics project.- Youre scoping her triple loop. Why?- No, Im analyzing her movement.- Who are you working for?- Nobody.Teddy, will you come over here?Im gonna call the cops.No, I didnt thinkit would be a

9、 problem.I thought this was a public rink.Private practice onlyfrom six to ten.These girls are trainingfor the regional championships,which I think you perfectly well know.No, Im a student.I have an ID.I have a notebook.Definitely spy code.- What are you doing here?- You know her?Shes a science geek

10、.Look, Im sorry, but when the CIAwants to learn new dirty tricks,they observe skatersand their moms.- Tina, can I have a word?- Not now.I want to digitizesome images into my computerto see if any kind ofunified theory emerges.Okay, if Gen knows youand you wannapress your nose up against the glassand

11、 take a few notes,I dont really care.But youll have a hard sellwith the parents.Absolutely not.But no one outside of the scholarshipcommittee will ever see this program.Heres the letter from my teacherexplaining the assignment.And my drivers license.Ive also got some letters of referencesfrom people

12、 I baby-sat for.Its possible. Well have the Team Nikkilegal team check this out.- Beautiful, sweetie.- Thanks, Mom.No talking to my daughter.Shes training.No distraction.Not a word. No.Look, I dont care if youre here.If you post me on the school websitefalling on my butt,youd better transfer to anot

13、her school.Okay, Nikki. Lets try that again.Keep it moving.A little wider, thats it.Hey. No street shoes on the ice.Im sorry.Gen.Hello, hon.Gen.Gen. Brian, shes training.You know the rules.- I brought her a burger.- Gen cant eat that.- Come on, Im burning tons of calories.- Not enough.- A half-hour?

14、- Not if you wanna win.You should coach our basketball team.We could use a kick in the butt.If you dont leave this instant,thats exactly what youll get.Bye.I do not want him coming hereduring practice.But I never get to see him.Every other girl I know.Youre not like the other girls.Winners make sacr

15、ifices.Maybe they just cheat.- Turn that off.- Sorry.Take it from the layback.The conclusions too simplistic.The kinetic energy in a jumpequals half the skaters masstimes velocity squared.No, I could barely understand it.But?I dont know if theyll carebut its just a little bit dry.Mr. Bast saidI have

16、 to make it personal.- How do I do that?- I dont know.Put more you in it.Excuse me, Tina.Is there any waythat I could take a few lessons?I might be able to write betterabout the physics principlesif Im the one applying them.- If theres any way I could.- Fine.Were starting a novice class forthe summe

17、r. Three afternoons a week.$800.- Popcorn. I want popcorn.- Where are my Gummi Bears?- I gave them to you.- Four hot dogs.- Im sorry.- You touched that with your fingers.Oh, fine. You dont want it?Ill eat it.Oh, you breathed on it.You shouldnt work here.Youre here again?Im working.Its for my science

18、 project.Arent you going overboardwith this project?No, Im totally committed to it,like youre committed to skating.Whatever. Im starving.B.L.T. Here. Hold the B, heavy on the L.Sure.Beef patty.Squish it till its dry. No bun.- Salad for me.- Coming up.Just iceberg lettuce, half a cupof garbanzos and

19、a lemon wedge.And a quarter cup of cheese.Ooh, cheese.Its Saturday.I can pig out if I want to.I dont know whats wrong.Im popping my Lutz.Its all that cheese.Would you shut up?Ive gotta focus. I heardZoey Blochs been sticking a quad.That is a rumor.Which she probably started herself.Early in the seas

20、onfor stupid head games.- Not for Zoey.- Foods ready.That is way more than a quarter cup.Its $1.65, $2.35 and $3.35.Thats $ 7.30. Or if you split itthe other way, its $1.75 and $5.55.You can keep it allif you just stop doing that.Youre welcome.All right, everybody.Welcome to our Snowplow Sam class.L

21、ets line up.Lookin good.Class, can you tell our assistantthe most important rule for this class?- Mom.- Never be late.Right. We have a lot to doif we are going to be readyfor our recital in August.We are going to work on our toe loop.Our Lutz.But first, all of youhave to get comfortablewith throwing

22、 your bodies into the air.Casey, youre the physics whiz.Whats that rule about what goes up?Technically,its that every particle attracts.Casey.Must come down.This is your new best friend.Look, could you try not to, like,squish me?Im sorry.Casey. Pull your arms in.Theyre throwing you off balance.- Arm

23、s in.- Okay.Now try that about 5,000 more times.- Right.- Push over on your right leg.Dont look at your feet.Look straight ahead.Jeremy.That toe pick is there for a reason.You dig it in.Or no friends over for a week.This is a lot of pressure for a recital.Its not only a recital.Its a U.S.F.S.A.J.S.T

24、.Earth speak, please?Its the first stepin qualifying for the regionals.I mean for us kids.- You dont have to do it.- Thats good.Because its not humanly possible.Are you out of your mind?Dont you know anything?No skating when the Zambonis out.Im fine.- Thank you.- Youre fine?Im sorry.Look, you wanna

25、tell mewhat was in your head?Ive never skated onsuch a smooth surface before.I wanted to see what it was like.- Lake skater?- Pond. Near my house.- Look, you need a hand.- No. Im good to go.You must really want that A.Thats a lot of Styrofoam.Its not for an A.Its for a physics scholarship.What, like

26、, inertia and dragand velocity and all that?- How do you know about that?- Im into cars.Get this baby out on the road,I can open her up toseven miles an hour.Blow the doors offany street-sweeper in town.- I should get home.- Yeah, you should.Cant do the ice until youre off.Right.Sure.Well.Hows it co

27、ming?Its coming.It takes incredible training and effortand theres artistry involvedbut Im sorry,I just cant get pastthe twinky little outfits.Mom, theyre actuallyvery aerodynamically sound.It sets us back 50 years.If I ever saw you squeezed into one ofthose things, Id probably start crying.Believe m

28、e, you never will.Will you get some sleep?Please?Hello.This is my video presentation.Hi. Im Casey Carlyle.Cut a second.I sound like a drivers ed movie.Relax. Do it like youre talking to me.Hey, there. Im Casey.Oh, my God.I forgot my last name.Can I start over?Hi. Im Casey Carlyle.I decided to see if

29、 I could make myselfprove my own hypothesison the application of physicsto the required elementsof competitive figure skating.Now, Im going to increasethe centripetal forceby tucking in my arms.This will increasemy moment of inertia,so I will spinfaster.Ill increase the height of my jumpby applying

30、more force to my toe pick.- You know, you look kinda hot.- Shut up.Im gonna start off with a bad one.For the before shot.- Yeah, that pretty much blew.- Okay.- Now youre making me mad.- Good.When you sign with Nike,remember I wear size six and a half.I want to do the recital.For science.Be here toni

31、ght, 5.30.Okay.Tina, I have this Harvard alumnitea thing at three.Then, what are we talking about?No, its okay. Ill make it.You have nothing to wear.Come by my house at noon. Maybeone of my old things will work for you.What?Thanks.- Sweetie?- Just a second.Hold on.Almost ready?I have a surprise for

32、you.That does it. Perfect.I think the whole effectis very grown up,with a nod to femininity.Weve evolved past flaunting it,but we dont have to deny it.You are going to be minglingwith your future prospectiveclassmates and professors,and I really wanted the look to say,We are serious.Well, it definit

33、ely succeeds.Mom, we dont have to stay at this thingfor more than an hour, right?Because theres somethingI have to tell you.Honey.- What was that?- Ive been so worried.Youve been living at that rink,but youre here, now.And youre excited, becauseyou understand whats really important.Look, Ive got goo

34、se bumps.Im sorry, that was so type A of me.Mom disease.Just relax. Just be yourself.Your normal, poised,charming, articulate.Mom.Do you wanna go over itone more time?Hi. Im Casey Carlyle,and Im attractedto the physics program because.Physics rocks.In sophomore year, you can jointhe Quantum Club and

35、 that rocksbecause we compete againstCal Tech, MIT and Stanford.Last year, our ion particle acceleratortook first place.It rocked.Sounds really rockin.It is, it really is.Do you know what I think is great?If Caseys scholarship works out,Im sensing that you two will bespending scads of time together.

36、How wonderful, bruschetta.If you have some time right now,Ill take you throughthe entire physical sciences syllabus.We have got nothing but time.Dont we, Case?Great.I know Im late. Im sorry.Thats the first rule.All right, lets get ready. Come on.- Thats what she said.- I have to do two turns.- Reall

37、y?- Yeah.Were supposed to go roundthe side, remember?- Oh.- Its right there.- Right there, is that better?- Yeah.Deep breath.And then you let it out.- It didnt work.- Come on.Okay, everybody.Ill take that.- Good luck.- Thanks.Nice and slow.Lily, no talking.Mom.Is she wearing your old costume?Bravo.-

38、 Whats my score?- How did I do?How did I do?Novice pass. Yes.- Casey, how did you do?- Fine, I guess.It says Junior pass.- What?- You skipped two levels.- Why didnt I skip two levels?- Because youre six, Lily.Junior level is whereGen and Nikki and Tiff are at.Is that true, Tina?That Im on a junior l

39、evel?Yes, its true.Okay, everybody, lets get changed.Come on, everybody. Lets go.So, if I.- If I wanted to compete?- You cant.Why not?What happened was, the judges saw thesame thing Ive been seeing all summer.You got some raw talent. Thats notenough for a shot at the regionals.You need a coach, a va

40、let,a choreographer, private ice time.Nikkis parents took outa second mortgage to do this.And Tiffanys dad works two jobs.- Where dyou get those skates?- Garage sale.Theyre falling off your feet.You need custom boots, $600 minimum,and the blades need to be sharpenedevery six weeks.You get it?Im sorr

41、y. It is what it is.You have to want it. You have towant it more than anything else.Its not something you do on a whim.You know what I was thinking,Miss Senior?This is the last first day of school.Because the next first day,youll be in a dorm.So I went a little nuts.I made pancakes with white flour.

42、Can you believe summers over?Were wasting our lives here.- Heard you landed a double.- Tiff.- Well? That took me two years.- Really?- So I guess well see you then?- No, you wont.Not at the rink.I cant train with you guys.Why not?I cant afford it.But its been fun.Look, Casey.Ill tell you something, a

43、ll right.You dont know how lucky you are.- For what?- To have a life.- You think I have a life?- I know you do.You have TV time, and friend time.But you get to skate all you want.More than I want.Id love to be you.Have a Saturday night,see your boyfriend.- Yeah.- Eat what you want.Like bread.Buckets

44、 and buckets of bread.Who cares?Who cares about all that stuff?Dont you just wanna skate all the time?Whats the matter with you people?Are you insane?The Jumping Shrimp is a skating machine.- The Jumping Shrimp?- My mom copyrighted it.See ya.Scary.We must learn from her.This is exactly what theschol

45、arship committee is looking for.Your enthusiasm for the projectjust leaps off the page.In fact, its so good,you could probably sell it.Thanks.Tiffany.What if I told youI could fix your spread eagle?Would you like to learn howto stop traveling on your sit spin?I dont.Well, maybe I do.You could land your double Axel.Clean.And shes back.Howd you score the rin


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