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1、,Top five endangered animals in China,I will introduce all of them to you in complex mood,1.The ancient and fashionable panda,The brief introduction of panda,Panda is a kind of Carnivora animals,but he mostly eat Bamboo.Not only he is vare,endangered and endemic but also he is very ancient.Panda has

2、 the name of living fossil.Some other animals living in the same era like Saber toothed tiger,Mammoth have extincted because of the invasion of glacier.,but the panda remains due to get into the vally.Now they only distributed in the bamboo forest of mountains in sichuan shanxi and gansu provinces.,

3、Existing condition,Nowdays panda has become the symbol of peace.Most of people like it very much.In our world there are only about 1590 pandas in forest.Most of them exist in China.,The panda which is just born,2.Golden Monkey,The brief introduction of Golden Monkey,There are three kinds of Golden M

4、onkey including Chuan,Dian,Qian Golden Monkey in China.,The most common is the golden snub-nosed monkey(the Chuan Golden Monkey).The Chuan Golden Monkey exists in sichuan shanxi hubei henan provinces,deep in the forest.They lives in groups.Jumping between trees is their favourite sport like flying.,

5、Existing condition,According to the authoritative department statistics there are only 1500-2000 Golden Monkeys in the world.,3.Yangtze River Dolphin,Brief introduction,It is endemic to China in the middle and lower Yangtze River.There are 70 kinds of dolphins in the world,only five in fresh water,C

6、hina has one.But they narrow distribute,they are also much fewer and more ancient than pandas.The dolphin is very graceful just as you see in the picture.there is a circular nostril on its head,top left.Every 20 scends it must get out of the surfice of water for gas,Although its poor listening abili

7、ty,It can use its sonar system to contact with its peers out of several dozens kilometer.Dolphin is the scend clever animal in our world.,Existing condition,It is almost extint.,4.South China tiger,Brief introdution,It is also endemic to China.In the past,it is ever more than any other kinds of tige

8、r in China.It also has the most ancient history in China.It has smaller body than other tiger.It is closer to the tiger direct ancestors-ancient Chinese cat.,Existing condition,there are only 56 South China tiger living in parks,they are almost extinct.No one exist in the wild area.,5.The Crested Ib

9、is,Brief introduction,If you ask what the most precious bird in China,you may get the answerthe Ibis.This kind of animal is called“The Oriental Pearl”by scientists.It was once thought to have been extinct,they are peculiar to East Asia and just exsit in China Japan North Korea and Russia.but In the

10、1860 s they all missed.Do they really gone?At the end of the 70 s,Chinese ornithologist began looking for ibis.In1981,Finally in Shaanxi Yangxian County they found 2 litters of 7 Crested Ibis,Shocked the world,Existing condition,Now this kind of bired has better environment than befor.there are abou

11、t 2000 wild birds in our country.,The panda which is killed,What we human did,The dead dolphin,Animals have the right to live,We humen and other species are both children of the earth.I believe we all do not want to live on the earth with only humen left.So please love our friends-humen.,Thank you!,

12、FanHaiWen all rights reservedCounterfeit will investigate,The last words,In my opinion,animals are always friends of we humen,but we humen did too much harmfal things to our friends.we may now regret or not.Anyway,friends in constant disappear.we must do something.Perhaps extinct animals cant recove

13、r,but we now pay attention to animals,Ibelieve we can live in the beautiful fragile planet with animals in harmony.,6.Brown Eared pheasant,褐马鸡简介,褐马鸡是一种产于中国山西庞泉沟、河北小五台山及北京门头沟的珍禽,因耳部由两个雪白的耳羽,好似长角,或有人称之为角鸡或耳鸡。尾羽上翘后,披散垂下,如同马尾,故名马鸡,马鸡属共有4种,均产于中国,既藏马鸡、白马鸡、蓝马鸡和褐马鸡。许多动物学家建议,应把褐马鸡定为中国国鸟。目前,褐马鸡为国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮

14、书“濒危”级,国家一级保护动物,褐马鸡现状,7 Chinese Alligator,扬子鳄简介,扬子鳄是中国唯一的鳄种。全球鳄鱼共有25种,中国只有湾鳄和扬子鳄。但是作为体型最大的鳄(10米长),湾鳄早已在几百年前灭绝了,而扬子鳄现为我国特有,也是从远古北方仅存的唯一分布在温带的孑遗种类。,扬子鳄现状,8 The black-necked crane,黑颈鹤简介,黑颈鹤是世界上唯一一种高原鹤类,是藏族人民心目中神圣的大鸟,也是世界十五鹤中被最晚记录到的一种鹤,它是俄国探险家普热尔瓦尔斯基于1876年在中国青海湖发现的。黑颈鹤夏季在西藏繁殖,冬季迁至云贵越冬,少数还飞越喜马拉雅山至不丹越冬。,黑

15、颈鹤现状,9 Tibetan antelope,藏羚羊简介,藏羚羊,近年极受世人瞩目,主要原因是由于1980年以来西方时装界对“藏羚绒披肩”即“沙图什”的消费需求而刺激了偷猎者的谋财害命,另外,一些采金者也在对其肆意杀戮,致使生活在生命极限的高寒地区的藏羚羊正以一年近万只的速度减少。为打击盗猎,这几年青海、新疆、西藏的反盗猎力量林业公安一直在为保卫藏羚羊等野生动物而战斗,其中的佼佼者即“野牦牛队”,他们已经有两位英雄为此献身。,藏羚羊现状,10 Elk,麋鹿简介,“四不象”为麋鹿的俗名,它是做为中国特有的湿地鹿类,曾于1900年在中国本土灭绝的,幸有少量存于欧洲,经过一个世纪的养护,种群才得以恢复。麋鹿是湿地动物,由于对湿地生境的适应,而形成特殊的形态,即所谓的“四不象”,角似鹿非鹿、脸似马非马、蹄似牛非牛、尾似驴非驴。麋鹿,为国家一级保护动物,国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮书极危级。,麋鹿现状,


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