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1、 ZSCQ/240喷射式真空除气器 ZSCQ/240 Jet Vacuum Degasser使 用 维 护 说 明 书Operation and Maintenance Manual成都西部石油装备有限公司Chengdu West Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd安 全 警 示 用户需自备符合设备说明书要求的电力系统,由于用户自行改变电器系统标准而造成电机的损坏,本公司不承担任何责任。如果设备需在危险场所使用,未经书面允许用户不得自行更改电器标准。 设备供电电源必须是380V,50Hz的三相交流电。 在不使用本设备的情况下,应排尽真空罐内的泥浆,并存放的环境温度不得低于

2、-30,相对湿度不得大于90的有遮蔽的场所。 本设备工作环境温度应在30+60范围内,若在此环境工作范围之外,应与生产厂家及时联系。 严禁在设备表面进行未采取合理防护措施的刮磨、火烤和电焊操作,这将产生有毒气体和粉尘。目 录1概述 1.1 ZSCQ/240喷射式真空除气器简介 1.1.1 工作原理 1.1.2 性能特点 1.1.3 结构特点 1.2 型号说明 1.3 技术参数 1.4 供液离心泵技术参数 1.5 运输和吊装 1.6 设备的存储 2设备的安装 3设备的操作 3.1首次使用或重新安装后的开机准备工作 3.2 第二次开机的准备工作 3.3 开机 3.4 停机 3.5 注意事项 4设备

3、的维护 5故障分析与排除 6随机配件及资料 附图一 外形及安装尺寸图 附图二 整机爆炸图 附图三 真空罐总成爆炸图 1 概述真空除气器是石油钻井过程中必不可少的固控设备之一。其主要作用是将从井口返回泥浆中的石油伴生气及气侵于泥浆中的气体分离出来。除气器的处理量和分离效率是衡量该设备性能的主要指标。ZSCQ/240喷射式真空除气器具有处理量大、分离效率高和适用范围广等特点。 1.1 ZSCQ/240喷射式真空除气器简介ZSCQ/240喷射式真空除气器结构设计合理、紧凑,性能优良。该除气器的真空罐内设置分离伞,提高了分离效率;采用新型射流器,实现了负压主动排浆,大大提高了整机处理能力。1.1.1

4、工作原理 ZSCQ/240喷射式真空除气器利用真空泵的抽吸作用在真空罐内形成负压区,泥浆在大气压的作用下,通过吸入管进入真空罐内的分浆管线;分浆管线将泥浆喷射至多层、阶梯形的分离伞上,泥浆被充分展开;在真空状态下,浸入泥浆中的气体逸出;通过真空泵的抽吸作用,气体被排出真空罐以外,泥浆则流向罐底部,在排出口采用负压强制排浆方式将泥浆排出。1.1.2 性能特点ZSCQ/240喷射式真空除气器结构设计合理,运转平稳,噪音小,无故障运行时间长,工作可靠;适宜多种参数钻井液的气液分离,待处理钻井液的粘度范围为马氏2080s。1.1.3 结构特点 .采用水环式真空泵抽吸,抽吸效率高。 .多层气液分离伞的应

5、用,增大了液体展开面积,气液分离效率高。 .真空罐内利用浮球结构来调节真空度,控制简捷、灵敏。 .泥浆排出口采用负压式强制排浆,泥浆处理量大。 .采用气水分离罐,既净化排出的伴生气体,又可使真空泵工作液循环使用。1.2 型号说明 ZSCQ /240 处理量 真空射流式除气器1.3 技术参数处理量: 240 m3/h(1057gpm) 真空泵电机功率:5.5 kW真空度:0.030.05MPa(228380mmHg) 电机转速:1450r/min分离伞面积:92041cm2(14266in2) 最大抽气量:3.83 m3/min气液分离效率:95 1.4 供液离心泵参数流量: 200m3/h 电

6、机功率:4555kW扬程: 3035m 转 速: 1480r/min进口直径:200mm 出口直径:150mm 1.5 运输和吊装一般情况下,此设备采用裸露包装,即将设备与运输车辆捆绑牢固后运输。吊装设备时,必须使用柔性钢丝绳在设备所标识的位置(吊装吊耳处)进行吊装,严禁利用真空罐上部的吊耳吊装。1.6 设备的存储在不使用本设备情况下,应存放在环境温度不低于-30,相对湿度不大于90,相对避光的库房内。2设备的安装 图一 安装示意图1.供液离心泵 2.射流器 3.罐舱A 4.真空罐5.吸入管 6.罐舱B2.1 将除气器安装在相对平稳的泥浆罐面上。2.2除气器吸入管(5)应安装在罐舱B(6)的搅

7、拌器之后,吸入口离泥浆罐底部至少0.60.9m。2.3除气器排浆口与射流器(2)之间的水平管线长度不超过6m。2.4供液离心泵(1)与射流器之间的管线应尽量简单,以减少摩擦损失。3设备的操作3.1首次使用或重新安装后的开机准备工作3.1.1检查各管线的连接是否符合要求。3.1.2将液位控制阀的连接臂处于水平并用销轴联接,如图二。 图二 液位控制安装示意图1.过滤器 2.阀体 3.销轴 4.连接臂 5.锁紧架3.1.3 打开溢流阀,向气水分离罐注入清水至溢流口流出即可,然后关闭阀门。3.1.4 打开分离罐和真空泵之间的循环管路球阀,向真空泵注入适量清水,避免真空泵干转而烧坏机械密封。3.1.5

8、先点启动,判断电机旋转方向是否正确(从电机端看,泵轴为顺时针旋转);如错误,则需调整电机接线。3.1.6 关闭供液离心泵吸入阀和供液离心泵与射流器之间的阀门。3.2 第二次开机的准备工作3.2.1向气水分离罐补入清水至溢流口。3.2.2 用手转动真空泵联轴器,是否旋转均匀、灵活。3.2.3 关闭供液离心泵吸入阀和供液离心泵与射流器之间的阀门。3.3 开机3.3.1打开供液离心泵与射流器之间的阀门。3.3.2打开分离罐和真空泵之间的循环管路球阀(半开),向真空泵提供工作液。3.3.3启动真空泵至真空表指针稳定。3.3.4 打开供液离心泵吸入阀,启动供液离心泵。3.4 停机3.4.1停止真空泵。3

9、.4.2停止供液离心泵。3.4.3关闭该设备上的相关各种阀门。3.4.4若长时间停机,应将真空泵和气水分离罐内的液体放空。3.5 注意事项3.5.1真空泵运行过程中,需持续提供工作液;随着废气的不断排出,分离罐内的液体将越来越少,故应及时补水。3.5.2用户需自备管线将废气排到远处,避免伤及人员。4设备的维护4.1设备在运转2000小时或最迟1年内,应清除真空泵(含电机)轴承及附近空间内的废润滑脂和污物,并填充新润滑脂(3#锂基脂)。所填入的润滑脂应占轴承自由空间的50 %或轴承盖空间的65 %;如果工作条件非常恶劣,则需缩短润滑脂的更换周期。4.2 首次运转前,需在液位控制阀的阀杆外露部位抹

10、适量机油。4.3 真空泵旋转部位在运转一段时间后,可能会有滴漏;当渗漏严重时,需更换泵体内的机械密封。4.4 工作日内每班检查本设备,发现异常情况及时处理。 4.5 工作日内每班对设备表面进行清洁处理,保持设备的整体美观。5故障分析与排除序号故障或现象原因分析故障排除1真空泵旋转部位有渗漏现象机械密封磨损;更换机械密封。泵体内的密封磨损;更换密封。结构件磨损;更换结构件。2真空度偏小真空罐及其附件密封不严;检查各密封部位,排除故障。电压低,真空泵转速不符合设计要求;检查供电电源。供液泵未供液或流量太小;检查供液泵,使供液泵正常工作。液位控制阀的阀杆不灵活或卡死;调整阀杆或解除卡阻物。真空罐内的

11、浮球脱落;打开手孔盖,重新连接浮球。3罐内有异响泥浆中含有大颗粒的固体;清除大颗粒固体。4无法启动电源中断;检查电源并排除故障。真空泵叶轮或泵轴卡死检修泵头。6随机配件及资料序号类别名称代号或规格数量备注1随机配件螺栓M20x80GB/T5782-20008用于排浆管与射流器联接螺母M20GB/T6170-20008弹簧垫圈20GB/T93-19878黄油枪13#锂基润滑脂500g1袋2资料真空除气器使用维护说明书1真空除气器产品合格证1防爆电机合格证1水环式真空泵合格证1 附图一 外形及安装尺寸图附图二 整机爆炸图序 号代 号名 称数 量1ZC240-1.0真空罐总成12ZC240-8.0扣

12、压式快换软管总成13ZC240-11.1.0分离罐14ZC240-2.0真空泵总成15DXF-25直通单向阀DN2516ZC180-3.3阀杆17ZC180-3.4阀体18QSL-25过滤器19ZC240-1.4密封垫110GB/T5782-2000螺栓M2080811GB/T6170-2000螺母M20812GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈20813ZC240-5.0射流器1附图三 真空罐总成爆炸图序 号代 号名 称数 量1Z-100/-0.10MPa真空表12ZC240-1.1.0罐顶盖13GB/T5782-2000螺栓M16x80244GB/T6170-2000螺母M16245GB/T95

13、-2002平垫圈16246GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈16247ZC240-1.2.0分离伞88BXK52-16隔爆型电气控制箱19ZC240-分浆管110ZC240-3.10.0浮球111GB/T5782-2000螺栓M20x80812GB/T6170-2000螺母M20813GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈20814GB/T9123.1-2000法兰盖 DN200-PN10RF115ZC240-1.4密封垫116ZC240-1.7.0罐体117ZC240-1.3密封垫118XGQT1-219-1.6刚性卡箍接头2Warning of Safty Users must have

14、 their own power systems which comply with equipment specification requirements. Chengdu West Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd will not bear any liability for the motor damage caused by users change of electrical system standards without authority. If the equipment is used in a hazardous location, users

15、 can not change the electric standards without written permission from the manufacturer. Equipment power supply must be 380V, 50Hz, 3-phase AC. When this equipment is not in use, please exhaust the slurry from the vacuum tank, store it in sheltered places where ambient temperature is not lower than

16、-30 , and relative humidity shall not exceed 90%. Working environment temperature for this equipment should be -30 +60 .If work environment temperature is beyond the range, please contact manufacturer in time. Any scraping, grinding, baking and/or welding are forbidden on the equipment surface witho

17、ut taking reasonable protective measures, which will produce toxic gases and dust. Content1. Summary1.1 Brief Introduction of ZSCQ/240 Jet Vacuum Degasser 1.1.1 Principle 1.1.2 Performance and Features 1.1.3 Structure Characteristics 1.2 Model Introduction1.3 Specifications 1.4 Specifications of a S

18、olution Feed Centrifugal Pump 1.5 Transportation and Hoisting1.6 Equipment Storage2. Equipment Installation3. Equipment Operation3.1 Running Preparations for First Use or After Re-installation3.2 Preparations for the Second Startup of Machine3.3 Machine Startup3.4 Machine Shutdown3.5 Attentions 4. E

19、quipment Maintenance5. Fault Analysis and Troubleshooting 6. Accessories and DocumentsAttached Drawing 1 Profile and Installation DimensionsAttached Drawing 2 Machine Exploded DrawingAttached Drawing 3 Vacuum Tank Assembly Exploded Drawing 1. SummaryVacuum Degasser is essential solid control equipme

20、nt in oil drilling process, whose main function is to separate oil-associated gases in the slurry from the well head and gases cut in the slurry. Gas separation capacity and efficiency of Degasser is the main indicator of its performance.ZSCQ/240 Jet Vacuum Degasser has the characteristics of a huge

21、 separation capacity, high separation efficiency, and a wide range of application.1.1 Brief introduction of ZSCQ/240 Jet Vacuum DegasserZSCQ/240 Jet Vacuum Degasser has a reasonable, compact structure design with excellent performance. Separator umbrellas are set in the vacuum tank of Degasser which

22、 improves the separation efficiency. Adopting new type of jet device which uses negative pressure to drain slurry, greatly improves the separation capability of the equipment.1.1.1 Principle ZSCQ/240 Jet Vacuum Degasser employs vacuum pump(s) to generate a negative pressure zone in the vacuum tank.

23、Under the action of atmospheric pressure, slurry is pumped into vacuum tank through slurry pipeline that ejects the slurry on the multi-storey, ladder-shaped separator umbrella on which slurry will fully spread. Gas in the slurry will come out under the circumstance of vacuum and will be pumped out

24、of vacuum tank by the vacuum pump force; at the same time, the slurry flows to the bottom of tank and will be pushed to discharge through the exit by negative pressure.1.1.2 Performance and FeaturesZSCQ/240 Jet Vacuum Degasser, with a reasonable structure design, runs steadily in a long-lasting trou

25、ble-free and reliable style with lower noise; it can be used for gas-liquid separation of drilling fluids with different parameters, and the applicable drilling fluid viscosity ranges from 20s to80s (Marsh). 1.1.3 Structure CharacteristicsAdopting water-ring vacuum pump with high pumping efficiency.

26、Application of multi-storey gas-liquid separation umbrella increasing the spread area of liquid and getting a high gas-liquid separation efficiency.Using the structure of float ball(s) to regulate vacuum degree in the vacuum tank, which makes the control simple and sensitive.Using the suction-type m

27、andatory sludge discharge at the outlet which increases the separation capacity.Using gas-water separation tank which can not only clean exhausted associated gases ,but also recycle the vacuum pump working fluid. 1.2 Model Introduction ZSCQ /240 Separation capability Jet vacuum Degasser1.3 Specifica

28、tionsSeparation capability: 240 m3/h(1057gpm) Vacuum pump motor power: 5.5 kWVacuum degree: 0.030.05MPa(228380mmHg)Motor Speed: 1450r/minArea of separation umbrella: 92041cm2(14266in2) Maximum pumping capacity: 3.83 m3/min. Gas-liquid separation efficiency: 95 1.4 specifications of A Solution Feed C

29、entrifugal Pump Flow Rate: 200m3/h Motor Power: 4555kWPump Lift: 3035m Rotation Speed: 1480r/minInlet Diameter:200mm Outlet Diameter: 150mm1.5 Transportation and HoistingUnder normal circumstances, no outside packing is prepared for the transportation of this equipment; in other words, the equipment

30、 is firmly tied on the transport vehicle for the transportation.When hoisting the equipment, flexible steel wire ropes must be used and the wire ropes must be put at the identified locations (lifting lugs for hoisting). To use the lug(s) on the top of vacuum tank for the equipment hoisting is strict

31、ly prohibited.1.6 Equipment StorageIf the equipment is not in use, please store it in sheltered places where ambient temperature is not lower than -30 , and relative humidity shall not exceed 90%.2 Equipment Installation Figure 1: Installation Diagram1. Solution Feed Centrifugal Pump 2. Ejector 3. C

32、ompartment A 4. Vacuum Tank 5. Inhale Pipe 6. Compartment B2.1 Install the Degasser on the comparatively stable slurry tank surface.2.2 Inhale Pipe (5) of Degasser is installed at the back of the stirrer on Compartment B (6). Distance between the bottom of slurry tank and the suction inlet should be

33、 at least 0.60.9m.2.3 The length of horizontal pipe between the slurry discharge outlet of Degasser and Ejector (2) should not be more than 6m.2.4 Pipelines between the Solution Feed Centrifugal Pump (1) and the Ejector should be as simple as possible so as to reduce the friction loss. 3Equipment Op

34、eration3.1 Running Preparations for First Use or After Re-installation3.1.1 Check whether the connection of pipelines meets the requirements. 3.1.2 Let the link arm of level control valve in the horizontal position and then connect it with pins (see Figure 2). Figure 2: Installation Diagram of Level

35、 Control1. Filter 2.Valve 3.Pin 4.Link Arm 5. Locking Rack3.1.3 Open the relief valve, pour water into gas-water separation tank till water overflows form the overflow vent, and then close the valve.3.1.4 Open the circulation line ball valve between the separation tank and the vacuum pump, and then

36、pour proper amount of water into the vacuum pump to avoid dry running of vacuum pump, which may burn out the mechanical seals.3.1.5 Jog the equipment first for checking the rotation direction (from the motor-end, the rotation direction of pump shaft should be clockwise). If it is wrong, please adjus

37、t motor wiring.3.1.6 Close the suction valve of the solution feed centrifugal pump and the valve between the solution feed centrifugal pump and the ejector.3.2 Preparations for the Second Startup of Machine3.2.1 Pour water into the gas-water separation tank till water overflows from the overflow ven

38、t.3.2.2 Rotate the pump shaft coupling with hand to check whether rotation is smooth and flexible.3.2.3 Close the suction valve of the solution feed centrifugal pump and the valve between the solution feed centrifugal pump and the ejector.3.3 Machine Startup3.3.1 Open the valve between the solution

39、feed centrifugal pump and the ejector.3.3.2 Open the circulation line ball valve between the separation tank and the vacuum pump (half opened), providing working liquid for the vacuum pump.3.3.3 Start the vacuum pump till the pointer of vacuum meter stays stable.3.3.4 Open the suction valve of the s

40、olution feed centrifugal pump and start up the solution feed centrifugal pump.3.4 Shutdown 3.4.1 Stop the vacuum pump.3.4.2 Stop the solution feed centrifugal pump.3.4.3 Close all related valves on this equipment.3.4.4 If the equipment will not be in use for a long time, all liquid in the vacuum pum

41、p and the gas-water separation tank should be emptied fully.3.5 Attentions 3.5.1 During the running of the vacuum pump, working liquid should be offered continuously; with the continuous emission of exhaust gases, liquid in the separation tank will become less and less, so the tank should be timely

42、replenished with water. 3.5.2 To avoid any personal injury, the equipment user needs to prepare pipelines to discharge the exhaust gas to a far place.4 Equipment Maintenance4.1 After running for 2,000 hours or at most 1 year, please get rid of waste bearing grease and dirt in vacuum pump (including

43、motor) and the adjacent spaces, and insert new grease (3 # lithium base grease). The filled grease should be accounted for 50% of the free space of bearing or 65% of bearing cap space. If the working conditions are very harsh, the replacement cycle of grease should be shortened. 4.2 Before the first

44、 running, the exposed parts of liquid level control valve stem needs to be applied proper amount of machine oil.4.3 There may be leakage after rotation part of the vacuum pump running for some time. If the leakage is serious, please replace the mechanical seals in the pump.4.4 Inspect the equipment

45、before every shift of working day, and clear fault(s) in a timely manner if an abnormal situation has been found. 4.5 Clean the equipment surface on a shift basis on every working day to maintain a neat equipment appearance.5 Fault Analysis and TroubleshootingS/NFaultsAnalysis of faultsTroubleshooting1Leakage around the rotation part of vacuum pump Mechanical seals are


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