1、空压机使用及维护说明书1 安全预防措施1.1 一般信息压缩空气和电都很危险。在对空压机进行任何维前,一定要切断、锁住和标记电源并将空压机中的全部释放。操作过程中所有保护措施必须到位并将门/盖关闭。空压机的安装必须符合公认的电气操作规范,并符地的卫生与安全规定。请只使用安全溶剂清洁空压机和辅助设备。1.2 压缩空气一定要使机器在额定的压力下运作,而且要让所有相关人员都知道该额定压力。安装在机器上的所有空气压力设备或与该机器相连的所有空气压力设备都必须有安全工作压力额定值并且该额定值不得低于机器的额定压力。如果有几台压缩机与一个公用下游设备连接,则必须安装有效的止回阀和隔离阀,并用工作程序控制,从
2、而使一台机器不会被另一台机器意外加压或过度加压。如果安全阀安装在隔离阀和空压机之间,则它必须具有足够的容量用于释放空压机中的空气。由于排放出来的空气中含有少量的压缩机润滑油,因此要注意下游设备的适应性。如果排出的空气最后排放在一个有限的空间内,则必须提供足够的通风设备。使用不带金属保护装置的塑料壳体过滤器会有危险。 影响其安全的因素可能是合成润滑油,也可能是矿物油中使用的添加剂。 金属碗应该用于高压系统。压缩空气决不能同任何形式的呼吸设备或口罩直接相连。每次使用压缩空气时都必须使用适当的个人保护设备。所有含压部件,尤其是弹性软管及其接头,都必须定期检查,做到毫无缺陷,如发现缺陷,必须根据本手册
3、的说明进行更换。如处置不当,压缩空气可能会带来危险。 操作之前要切记将系统中的压力全部释放,并确保机器不能意外启动。要避免身体与压缩空气接触。应定期检查位于分离槽内的安全阀是否工作正常。无论何时通过减压安全阀释放压力,都是由于系统装置中压力过高。 应立即查找压力过高的原因。1.3 原料机器制造过程中使用了下述材料,如使用不当,可能会危害身体健康:防护性润滑脂防锈剂空压机冷却剂详细信息请参阅冷却剂材料安全数据表。 材料安全数据表可向您当地的Ingersoll Rand经销商索取。 如果压缩机润滑油溅入眼中,至少要用清水冲洗5分钟。如果压缩机润滑油沾染到皮肤,应立即洗掉。如果吸入了大量压缩机润滑油
4、,请向医生咨询。如果吸入了压缩机冷却剂,请向医生咨询。如果患者无知觉或抽搐,切勿让其饮用任何液体或诱使其呕吐。以上信息包含的数据是根据英国有害物质控制 (C.O.S.H.H.)条例提供。1.4 运输在装载或运输机器时,一定要使用规定的起吊和拴系点。建议使用机器底座的叉车槽移动机器。参阅第8节通用信息,获取参考信息。1.5 电气空压机的电机启动机和控制箱中有危险的高压。 所有安装都必须遵守公认的电气操作规范。 对电气系统进行操作前,请确保使用手动断路开关断开系统的电压。 连接空压机的电源线上必须带有电路断路器或保险丝安全开关。负责设备安装的人员必须按照国家和地方标准为所有电气部件提供合适的场地、
5、维修空间和避雷器。身体的所有部位、拿在手里的工具或其他导电物体都必须远离压缩机电气系统的外露带电部分。 在对压缩机电气系统的外露带电部分作调节或修理时,垫脚要保持干燥,要站在绝缘表面上,同时不要接触压缩机的任何其他部分。 在维修使用中的电气系统时,应佩戴适合于当前电压的个人防护装置。无人照看压缩机时所有可以进入机房的门都必须关上并锁好。电器着火时切勿使用 A 级或 B 级灭火器。 仅使用适合BC级或 ABC 级火灾的灭火器。维修工作必须在清洁、干燥、照明良好、通风透气的区域进行。压缩机只能同与电气特征吻合、并位于其额定容量范围之内的电气系统连接。1.6 冷凝水处理冷凝水不能排放到淡水/地表水系
6、统中。 在一些地区,含有 ULTRA COOLANT 的压缩机冷凝物可以直接注入进行下游污水处理的排水系统中。由于每个国家、每个地区的污水处理条例不同,遵守其特定地区的限制和规定是用户的责任。 Ingersoll Rand及其相关的销售商乐于就这些事宜提供咨询和协助。1.7 冷却剂处理发生溢出时应采取的步骤: 使用适当的吸收材料吸收,然后扫进塑料袋进行处理。放进焚化炉内烧毁,或根据当地或国家法规处理。详细信息请参阅冷却剂材料安全数据表。 材料安全数据表可向您当地的Ingersoll Rand经销商索取。2 操作说明2.1 启动前请确保冷却剂的油位至少达到窥油孔的中间,如有必要,请添加冷却剂。
7、请参见维护步骤以设置正确的冷却剂油位。确保打开排放空气隔离阀。 打开主电气隔离开关。 控制面板将点亮,表明管道和控制电压是可用的。打开启动器柜门,旋转控制器右侧的小旋钮可以调整显示对比度。2.2 初始检查顺序如果空压机(1) 获得初始的控制器电源或(2) 出现警报复位,则控制器将执行初始检查顺序。 当执行初始检查顺序时,控制器将显示信息Checking Machine(检查设备)。在初始检查顺序过程中,控制器将检查控制系统工作是否正常。 在此过程中,如发现有任何项目未生效,则将出现警报,设备不会启动。完成初始检查顺序后,控制器将显示 READY TO START(准备启动)。 该过程必须在10
8、秒钟内完成。2.3 启动顺序操作员按下空压机的启动按钮或当空压机接收到远程开机命令时,空压机将初始启动。 空压机将开始负载运行并将电机速度逐渐降到其最低速度。 达到最低速度后,空压机将使用其速度调节系统来控制压力。 当系统压力达到目标压力时,空压机将开始降低转速。 如果系统压力上升至立即停机压力设置点,则空压机将停机。 如果系统压力上升至自动停机设置点并且空压机以最低速度运行,而此时放气模式设置为关,则空压机将停机。 但是,如果放气模式设置为开,则空压机在停机前将打开放气阀长达 10 秒,或直到分离槽中的压力降至 2.4bar (35psi)。 系统压力降至目标压力之下后,空压机将重新启动。2
9、.4 停机顺序可以通过本机或远程停机来停止空压机,也可通过警报或紧急停机来关闭空压机。 以上所有情况都会导致空压机立即停机,本机或远程停机除外。 本机或远程停机将打开放气阀,空压机将在停机前将运行长达10秒钟或一直运行到油分离筒体中的压力降至35psi。如果系统压力达到自动停机或立即停机压力设置点,则空压机将停机。但是,如果空压机因为该原因而停机,它会在系统压力低于目标压力后自动重启。重要信息:如空压机必须立即停机,可按下紧急停机按钮。2.5 预热模式当空压机空气端排放温度未达到两个连续操作循环所要求的预热温度(82C/180F)时,将会执行预热循环。 在预热期间,空压机不会停机而是将在放气阀
10、打开的情况下继续运行。 空压机将以最低速度的恒速模式运行。风扇将以最低速度运行。空压机将如此运行约5分钟。在预热期间,控制器将显示信息“Warm Up Mode”(预热模式)。如在此期间压力下降,则空压机将返回正常操作状态。2.6 离心风扇控制风扇转速在某些条件下会发生变化,以辅助控制后冷却器的进气温度和冷却剂的注入温度。 离心风扇电机具有自己的可变速传动装置,可在空压机启动和停止时逐渐提高或降低转速。2.7 紧急停机如设备必须紧急停机,请按下仪表板下的紧急停机按钮。这将忽略正常的卸载/停机按钮的作用,并立即停机。2.8 紧急停机后重启如果因机器故障而关闭了机组,请在尝试重启前找到并排除故障。
11、如果因安全原因而关闭了机组,请在重启前确保机器是可以安全操作的。重启设备前,请参阅本节前面的启动前和启动顺序说明。3 维护如处置不当,压缩空气可能会带来危险。 操作之前要切记将系统中的压力全部释放,并确保机器不能意外启动。确保维护人员接受过足够的培训、具备相应资格并阅读过维护手册 。3.1 在进行任何维护工作之前切记要将气压全部释放掉并与系统装置隔离。如使用自动放气阀,则需要留有足够的时间让它完成操作。确保机器不能意外启动,或者张贴警告标记和/或安装适当的防启动装置。把可能存在的电源,如电线、电池等全部切断。3.2 在打开或取下面板或盖罩进入机器内部工作之前切记任何进入机器内工作的人都必须意识
12、到他受到的保护级别已降低危险度已增加包括可能有炙热的表面和间或性移动的部件等。确保机器不能意外启动,或者张贴警告标记和/或安装适当的防启动装置。3.3 在对任何正在运行的机器进行维护之前切记除非万不得已不可在开机状态下进行维修工作。除非万不得已不可在安全保护设施失灵或已卸除的状态下进行维修工作。对所有存在的危险,如受压部件、带电部件、卸除掉的面板、盖罩、挡板、高温、空气流入流出、间或性移动部件和安全阀排放等都应了如指掌。配戴合适的个人保护设备。把松散的衣服、珠宝首饰和长头发等作安全处理。请把标明正在进行维护工作的警告标示张贴在可以清晰看见的位置。3.4 维护任务完成后,在重新使用机器之前,切记
13、机器已经测试合格。所有挡板和安全防护设备都进行了重新装配。所有面板均已重新装好,而且盖罩和挡门已经关闭。有害材料都进行了有效的包装和处理。Operation and Maintenance Manual of Compressor1 Safety precautions 1.1 General informationCompressed air and electricity can be dangerous. Before undertaking any work on the compressor, ensure that the electrical supply has been is
14、olated, locked of, tagged and the compressor has been relieved of all pressure.Make sure that all protective covers are in place and that the canopy/doors are closed during operation.Installation of this compressor must be in accordance with recognized electrical codes and any local Health and Safet
15、y Codes.Use only safety solvent for cleaning the compressor and auxiliary equipment.1.2 Compressed airEnsure that the machine is operating at the rated pressure and that the rated pressure is known to all relevant personnel.All air pressure equipment installed in or connected to the machine must hav
16、e safe working pressure ratings of at least the machine rated pressure.If more than one compressor is connected to one common downstream plant, efective check valves and isolation valves must be ftted and controlled by work procedures, so that one machine cannot accidentally be pressurized / over pr
17、essurized by another.If a safety valve is installed between the isolation valve and the compressor, it must have sufcient capacity to relieve the full capacity of the compressor(s).The discharged air contains a very small percentage of compressor lubricating oil and care should be taken to ensure th
18、at downstream equipment is compatible.If the discharged air is to be ultimately released into a confned space, adequate ventilation must be provided.The use of plastic bowls on line flters without metal guards can be hazardous. Their safety can be afected by either synthetic lubricants, or the addit
19、ives used in mineral oils. Metal bowls should be used on a pressurized system.Compressed air must not be used for a direct feed to any form of breathing apparatus or mask.When using compressed air always use appropriate personal protective equipment.All pressure containing parts, especially fexible
20、hoses and their couplings, must be regularly inspected, be free from defects and be replaced according to the Manual instructions.Compressed air can be dangerous if incorrectly handled. Before doing any work on the unit, ensure that all pressure is vented from the system and that the machine cannot
21、be started accidentally.Avoid bodily contact with compressed air.The safety valve located in the separator tank must be checked periodically for correct operation.Whenever pressure is released through the pressure relief valve, it is due to excessive pressure in the system. The cause for the excessi
22、ve pressure should be investigated immediately.1.3 MaterialsThe following substances are used in the manufacture of this machine and may be hazardous to health if used incorrectly:Preservative greaseRust preventativeCompressor coolantPlease see the coolant material safety data sheet for further info
23、rmation. Material safety data sheets can be obtained from your local Ingersoll Rand distributor. Should compressor lubricant come into contact with the eyes, then irrigate with water for at least 5 minutes.Should compressor lubricant come into contact with the skin, then wash of immediately.Consult
24、a physician if large amounts of compressor lubricant are ingested.Consult a physician if compressor lubricant is inhaled.Never give fuids or induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious or having convulsions.The above information contains data supplied in support of United Kingdom Control of Substa
25、nces Hazardous to Health (C.O.S.H.H.) regulations.1.4 TransportWhen loading or transporting machines ensure that the specifed lifting and tie down points are used.It is recommended that the machine be moved using the fork lift slots in the machine base.Refer to section 8-General Information for refe
26、rence information.1.5 ElectricalThe compressor has high and dangerous voltage in the motor starter and control box. All installations must be in accordance with recognized electrical codes. Before working on the electrical system, be sure to remove voltage from the system by using a manual disconnec
27、t switch. A circuit breaker or fuse safety switch must be provided in the electrical supply line leading to the compressor.Those responsible for installation of this equipment must provide suitable grounds, maintenance clearance and lightning arrestors for all electrical components in accordance wit
28、h National and Local code requirements.Keep all parts of the body and any hand-held tools or other conductive objects, away from exposed live parts of the compressor electrical system. Maintain dry footing, stand on insulating surfaces and do not contact any other portion of the compressor when maki
29、ng adjustments or repairs to exposed live parts of the compressor electrical system. All personal protective equipment appropriate to the voltage present should be worn while servicing live electrical systems.Close and lock all access doors when the compressor is left unattended.Do not use extinguis
30、hers intended for Class A or Class B fires on electrical fires. Use only extinguishers suitable for class BC or class ABC fires.Attempt repairs only in clean, dry, well lighted and ventilated areas.Connect the compressor only to electrical systems that are compatible with its electrical characterist
31、ics and that are within its rated capacity.1.6 Condensate disposal待添加的隐藏文字内容2Condensate cannot be discharged into fresh/surface water drains. In some regions compressor condensate containing ULTRA COOLANT can be fed directly into a drainage system that has downstream sewage treatment.As waste water
32、regulations vary by country and region it is the responsibility of the user to establish the limitation and regulations in their particular area. Ingersoll Rand and its associated distributors are happy to advise and assist in these matters.1.7 Coolant disposalSteps to be taken in the case of spilla
33、ge: Soak up with a suitable absorbent material, then sweep into a plastic bag for disposal.Burn in an approved incinerator, or according to local area or country regulations.Please see the coolant material safety data sheet for further information. Material safety data sheets can be obtained from yo
34、ur local Ingersoll Rand distributor.2 Operating instructions2.1 Prior to startingCheck that the coolant level is at least visible in the center of the sight glass, add coolant if necessary. Refer to maintenance procedures for setting correct level.Ensure that the discharge air isolation valve is ope
35、n. Switch on the main electrical isolation switch. The control panel will illuminate, indicating that the line and control voltages are available.The contrast of the display may be adjusted by turning the small screw which is on the right hand side of the controller when accessed through the starter
36、 cabinet door.2.2 Initial check sequenceThe controller will perform an initial check sequence if the compressor (1) receives initial power to the controller or (2) has experienced an trip reset. While the initial check sequence occurs, the controller will display a “Checking Machine” message.During
37、the initial check sequence, the controller will check the control system for proper operation. During this time, if any items are found inoperative a trip will occur and the unit will not start.After completion of the initial check sequence, the controller will then display “READY TO START. This pro
38、cess should be completed within 10 seconds.2.3 Start sequenceThe compressor will initially start by the operator pressing the local start button or receiving a remote start command. The compressor will start loaded and will ramp up the motor speed to its minimum speed. Once the minimum speed has bee
39、n achieved, the compressor will begin to control pressure by using its speed regulation. When the system pressure reaches the target pressure, the compressor will start to slow. If the system pressure rises to the immediate stop pressure setpoint the compressor will stop. If the system pressure rise
40、s to the auto stop setpoint and the compressor is at minimum speed, if the blowdown mode is set to of, the compressor will stop. However if the blowdown mode is set to on, the compressor will open the blowdown valve for up to 10 seconds or until the pressure in the separator tank falls to 2.4 Bar (3
41、5 psi) before stopping. The compressor will restart once the system pressure falls below the target pressure.2.4 Stop sequenceThe compressor can be stopped by a local or remote stop, a shutdown due to a trip or an emergency stop. All of the above conditions will cause the compressor to stop immediat
42、ely, except the local or remote stop. A local or remote stop will open the blowdown valve and the compressor will run for up to 10 seconds or until the pressure in the separator tank falls to 35 psi before stopping. The compressor will stop if the system pressure reaches the automatic stop or immedi
43、ate stop pressure setpoints. However, if the compressor stops for this reason, it will automatically restart when the system pressure falls below the target pressure.Important: Depress the emergency stop button when the compressor must be stopped immediately.2.5 Warm up modeA warm up cycle occurs wh
44、en the compressors airend discharge temperature doesnt reach the required warm up temperature (82C/180F) for two consecutive operational cycles. On a warm up cycle, instead of stopping, the compressor will continue to run with the blowdown valve open. The compressor will run in a fxed speed mode, at
45、 minimum speed. The blower will operate at minimum speed. The compressor will run like this for approximately 5 minutes. During a warm up cycle, the controller will display the message “Warm Up Mode”. If the pressure falls during this time period, the compressor will return to normal operation.2.6 B
46、lower controlThe blower speed varies in some conditions to assist in controlling the aftercooler approach temperature and the coolant injection temperature. The blower motor has its own variable speed drive and will ramp up and down as the compressor starts and stops.2.7 Stopping the machine in an e
47、mergencyIf the machine has to be stopped in an emergency depress the emergency stop button located underneath the instrument panel .This will over-ride the normal unload/stop button and will immediately stop the machine.2.8 Restarting after an emergencyIf the unit has been switched of because of a m
48、achine malfunction, identify and correct the fault before attempting to restart.If the unit has been switched of for reasons of safety, ensure that the machine can be operated safely before restarting.Refer to the PRIOR TO STARTING and START SEQUENCE instructions earlier in this section before restarting the machine.3 Maintenance Compressed air can be dangerous if incorrectly handled. Before doing any work on the unit, ensure that all