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1、Reading,Vocabulary memory,1.词汇的地位2.数量3.质量 主动词汇和被动词汇 视觉、听觉和动觉4.针对不同考试,要采取不同的词汇策略,Vocabulary memory,Sister Furong,who had an obvious hunger for fame,quickly captured the spotlight with her gaudy photos and proclamation that she needs a man.,如何准备BEC高级阅读考试,词汇准备复习材料的选择时间安排,阅读部分Length:60 minutes.The Readi

2、ng Test has six parts testing various reading skills.Part Input Task1 Five 90 word texts Matching sentences with texts2 450-500 word text Sentence level gap-filling3 500-600 word text Multiple-choice comprehension questions4 250 word text Single word multiple-choice gap-filling5 250 word text Single

3、 word gap-filling6 150-200 word text Proof-reading:identifying extra words,总的解题原则,Read all instructions carefully.Begin with the part of the Reading Test you feel most confident about.Leave difficult questions and return to them later if you have time.Never leave a question unanswered.If you run out

4、 of time or have no idea,guess.Use any time you have left to check your answers.,Read through the whole text once before looking at the questions.The questions are generally in the same order as the answers.If you are confident that an answer is correct,begin reading for the next answer from that po

5、int,not from the beginning.Underline the answers in the textit will make checking quicker.Only write one answer for each question.,高级阅读测试题型特征及应对策略,题型一:句段配对题。考生需要阅读总词数为约450词的5篇短文或被分为5部分的一篇文章。如果是5篇短文,往往5篇短文的文体、话题都一样,比如都是招聘广告、市场调查报告、产品描述等等。考生阅读文章后,需要根据文章提供的信息选择与文章意思一致的句子。包括所给的例示,共有9个句子。此题型主要考察考生查找特定信息和

6、具体细节的略读能力(scanning),但有时候个别句子会考查考生掌握文章主旨的能力。,Part1解题步骤,先仔细阅读8个句子,划出关键词然后带着对8个句子的印象,快速阅读5篇小短文,初步解决问题再仔细地阅读5篇小短文,解决剩余问题检查与调整,Part1解题原则,把握大意注意细节 细节题常以两种形式出现:同义转述和举例说明,Exam Tips,The correct sentence will not normally use exactly the same words as the text.Words from the other,incorrect,sentence might app

7、ear in the text.Each text will normally be used at least once.Decide which is the best technique for you:reading each text first and then all the options,or reading each option first and then all five texts.,不忘阅读标题注意文章被选择次数力求一次解决问题警惕迷惑性、干扰性答案缩小阅读范围,节约做题时间,题型二:句子填空题。给出的材料通常是一篇450至500词的文章,其文体可能是报告、报刊杂

8、志的报道等。文章中的7个句子被抽走,要求考生从题后所给的A到H 8个选项中选出合适的句子填进文中。第一个空有例示作出答案,考生只需做其余的6个空。所选的文章脉络清晰,条理明确。此题型考查的是考生理解文章结构,把握文章意义的能力。,Part2 解题步骤,先快速阅读文章(只读每段首句)可省略然后读第一段(和第二段以第一空出现的位置为准),了解全文主题读第一空所在段落,重点读第一句和空格前后的句子,然后读7个选项,寻找合适答案填入空格后面空格的做法依次类推,解题原则,充分利用各种衔接手段 1.词汇衔接 1)代词 2)同义词/近义词 3)上下义词/同一范畴词,2.逻辑衔接 1)解释关系 2)例证关系

9、3)因果关系 4)顺逆关系,Exam Tips,Read at least one sentence either side of each gap before filling it.Ensure that each sentence fits the gap grammatically.Pay special attention to linking words,reference words and pronouns.Check each sentence fits in with the logic of the text as a whole.Read the completed t

10、ext to check your answers.Does it feel right?,题型三:阅读理解题。所给的材料是一篇500至600词的文章,其后有6道选择题。文章主要出自一般或商务出版物、公司文件或有关商务话题的书籍。文章可能被改写,但来源真实。此题型与大学英语四、六级考试的阅读理解不同,涉及抓住文章观点和进行合理推理的能力。,解题步骤,迅速浏览文章以获取大意读题1,划出关键词回原文找出关键词所在位置,迅速阅读相关部分,选出答案后面的题目以此类推,解题原则,此部分不会提问类似四、六级考试的细节问题,也就是说不可能一眼找到答案。所有问题均为理解和推理判断题。正确选项中的表述与相应文章

11、中的表述必为同义表达,若发现选项中有文章中直接提到的表述,该选项为干扰项。此部分的问题按照行文顺序提出,一般一个问题对应一段。做题时只须迅速找出该题在此段落中所处位置,快速阅读此部分,并通过推理判断出正确答案。,Exam tips,Scan the text to find the relevant passage and read it carefully.Be careful of options that use the same words as in the text.Base all answers on information printed in the textnot wor

12、ld knowledge.Choose only one answer for each question.,题型四:选择性完形填空题。考生要从4个选项中选用合适的词汇填入一篇有10个空的文章中。考生总的阅读量,包括题目和选项,大约为200至300词。这种题型主要考查的是考生的词汇功底,比如合理用词,掌握词语搭配和固定短语的能力。,解题步骤,快速浏览文章以获取大意。仔细阅读文章,尤其是空格前后的句子和单词,根据词义或搭配选出正确答案。,解题原则,平时努力提高自己的词汇量。特别重视所选词汇有没有特定的意思(例如专用于商务场合)若选项为动词,还可以从语法的角度来判断答案。通常研究动词的及物性和固定

13、词组;可以观察空格后紧接出现的介词。(有时名词和形容词也可使用这种办法。在没有出现固定用法的情况下,一般可排除在词义上极为接近的两个选项。反之选择互为反义词的两个选项中的一个。(此法慎用),Exam tips,Read the whole text first to get a feel for the context and style.Use the words around each gap to predict the word missing.All the options are grammatically possible but only one is correct.Read

14、 the completed text to check your answers.,题型五:非选择性完形填空题。给考生的是一篇约250词的文章(通常有标题)。考生需在文章的空缺里填上遗漏的词,共10个空。文章的空缺是经过合理删除而形成的,并非是随意性的(例如:每隔7个词空缺一个词)。本题重点考察的是文章的语法结构,连贯或粘合,所填词汇均为功能词,包括介词、助动词、代词、连词等。,解题步骤,快速浏览全文,获取全文的中心思想仔细看空格所在句子,根据上下文或词的搭配(即词组)选择正确答案,一时无法确定的题目可先跳过,但要在题号上做上标记。重点解决做了标记的题目,即使拿不定主意也要根据猜测迅速作出选

15、择。此部分题目争取在6分钟内完成,Items testes may include,Prepositions:of,for,to,from,on,up,out,unlike,withAuxiliary verbs:be,is,had,been,has,have,do,did,can,wouldPronouns:each,there,who,that,some,their,such,what,many,both,one,fewConjunctions:than,as,however,but,although,while,Articles:a,an,theComparative adverbs:m

16、ore,lessNegatives:neither,never,no none,nor,not,nothingInfinitive:to,Exam tips,Read the whole text first to get a feel for the context and style.Use the words around each gap to predict the word missing.All the options are grammatically possible but only one is correct.Read the completed text to che

17、ck your answers.Does it feel right?(when you have time),题型六:寻找冗余题。给考生的是一篇150至200词的文章。考生需要从标记的10行文字中判断每行是否正确或是否有多余的词。这种题型跟日常商务活动的起草文件的校对过程相似,主要考查的是考生对句子结构的把握能力和正误判断能力,考查的是考生的句法、词法基本功。,解题步骤,迅速浏览全文,把握大意以句子为单位,逐个进行分析;分析句子成分,找出错误所在。,多余情况总结,关系代词which或that的多余冠词在词组中的多余。(大家可看一下冠词的语法项目)代词的多余。(通常代词的前面已经有具体名词造成

18、该代词重复使用)误用被动语态造成been的多余。由于语意的重复造成连词的多余。(如:前面句中出现although,even though,而后面又出现but,however,造成多余)介词多余。(要特别警惕在及物动词后出现了介词这一情况),做题前仍需先读懂文章的大意。做题时应该关注的是整个句子,忌讳只孤立地看某一行。应多注意那些介词、代词、助词、be 动词、冠词等一些小词,从词法,如及物不及物、可数不可数、比较级、最高级等以及句法方面入手思考,如各种从句、基本时态、语态、动词的非谓语形式、特殊句型等。如果某行有两三个疑点,可先作上记号,以后再仔细思考。通常有2或3个正确选项,必须警惕只有一个正

19、确选项的情况通常每句开头的词语不可能多余,作题原则,Exam tips,Read the whole text first to get a feel for the context and style.Underline any words which seem strange.Concentrate on small grammatical words such as articles,pronouns and prepositionsMake sure you have no more than one mistake on any single line.Read the whole

20、sentence to check whether your answer is correct.Read the completed text to check your answers.(if you have time),comply with,coincide with,collide with,collaborate with,cope with,mingle with,furnish with,acquaint oneself with,be acquainted with,come up with,do away with,be identified with,in accord

21、ance with,find fault with,in association with,in line with,in harmony with,get away with,lose contact with,with keen anticipation,be consistent with,be compatible with,in collaboration with,reconcile with,与with的搭配,与to的搭配,conform to,be apt/prone/liable to,be subordinate to,be superior to,be inferior

22、to,be relevant to be identical to,be indifferent to,resort to,dedicate to,in contrast to,in response to,in obedience to,be subject to,adhere to,ascribe to,attribute to,subscribe to,be susceptible to,cater to,be secondary to,have access to,inaccessible to,cling to,in proportion to,be a/do credit to,s

23、how,with reference to,be bound to,get round to,live up to,与for的搭配,compensate for,take the blame for,have tolerance for,display admiration for,revenge oneself for,go in for,show scorn for,与on的搭配,on the threshold of,on the decline,on no account,on file,comment on,catch on,on the occasion,intent

24、on,have a profound effect on,look out on,look on as,heap praise on,与of的搭配,deprive sb.of sth.,be suspicious of,of no avail,in terms of,be critical of,in the vicinity of,make sense of,in honor of,at the height of,the array of,a fraction of,conceive of,a stack of,in quest of,by virtue of,regardless of,

25、keep a breast of,与in的搭配,In compensation,in a minority,in dilemma,result in,in that,in between,in case of,in memory of,bear in mind,与by的搭配,abide by,by no means,by all means,by any means,by means of,by/in contrast,其它搭配,at random,hang by a thread/hair,keep off,look into,lay off,get off,lose no time in doing sth.,talk sb.into doing sth.,deceive sb.into doing sth.,insight into,hand over,


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