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1、Module 5,2020秋外研版四年级英语上册优质课件,Unit1 Unit2,Unit1,目 录,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,Unit 2,Module 5Unit 1 Can you run fast?,外研版英语四年级上册,第一课时,第二课时,第一课时,Watch and sing with it.,want,can,ride,run,help,cant,fly,look at,buy,make,jump,swim,Listen and chant.,Look at the birds up in the sky!How can they fly so

2、fast and so high?,Stand up,follow me.I can swim;I can swim fast.I can fly;I can fly fast.I can run;I can run fast.,Listen,point and find“can”.,run fast,Can you run fast?If you can,nod your head and say“Yes,I can.”If you cant,shake your head and say“No,I cant.”,What is he doing?He is jumping.He can j

3、ump high.Can you jump high?,What is he doing?He is jumping.He can jump far.Can you jump far?,What are they doing?They are riding.They can ride fast.Can you ride fast?,Read as quickly as you can.,run fast,jump high,jump far,ride fast,我指你说老师指图片,三名同学比赛说英语,看谁又快又准确。,我说你指老师说英语,三名同学比赛指图片,看谁又快又准确。,Pair work

4、.,-Can you?-Yes,I can./No,I cant.,1,2,3,4,5,6,Today is Saturday.Sam,Daming,Amy and Lingling are going to play outside.Lets see what they are doing and who is the winner.,1.Sam _ run fast.2.Amy _ run fast.3.Daming _ jump high.4.Lingling _ jump far.5.Daming _ ride fast.,can,cant,cant,cant,can,Amy,can

5、you run fast?,Yes,I can.,Aah.Im the winner.You cant run fast!,Daming,can you jump high?,Yes,I can.,Look!Im the winner.You cant jump high.,Yes,you can jump very high!,Can you jump far,Sam?,Yes,I can.Can you?,No,I cant.Youre the winner.,Can you ride fast,Sam?,Yes,I can.,Whoops!No,Im afraid I cant!,1.W

6、ho can run fast?_2.Who can jump very high?_3.Who can ride fast?_,Sam.,Sam.,Daming.,Sam:Amy:Sam:Daming:Sam:Daming:Lingling:Sam:Lingling:Daming:Sam:,Amy,can you run fast?Yes,I can.Aah.Im the winner.You cant run fast!Daming,can you jump high?Yes,I can.Look!Im the winner.You cant jump high!Yes,you can j

7、ump very high!Can you jump far,Sam?Yes,I can.Can you?No,I cant.Youre the winner.Can you ride fast,Sam?Yes,I can.Whoops!No,Im afraid I cant!,-Can you jump high?-Yes,I can./No,I cant.,积极参加体育活动,多进行体育锻炼!,一、单项选择。,()1.Can you _ fast?A.run B.running C.runs()2.-Can you jump high?-_.A.Sure B.Yes,I can C.No,I

8、 can()3.Can you go to buy some eggs?-_.A.Sure B.Great C.I can go,A,B,A,Try to do.,二、连词成句。,1.the,am,winner,I(.)_2.you,can,fast,ride(?)_3.afraid,Im,cant,I(.)_4.cant,very,you,high,jump(.)_,I am the winner.,Can you ride fast?,Im afraid I cant.,You cant jump very high.,1.词汇及短语:can,cant,sky,run,fast,winne

9、r,high,far,afraid,run fast,jump high,jump far,ride fast.2.句型:-Can you run fast?-Yes,I can.-Can you jump far?-No,I cant.Im the winner.You cant jump high.Youre the winner.I cant jump high.,Sum up.,1.背过本课所学单词、短语。2.将活动一的chant唱给自己的家人听。3.听并跟读活动二,做到朗读流利。,Homework,第二课时,Watch,listen and chant.,Read and act a

10、s fast as you can.,run,fly,swim,jump,ride,jump far,jump high,run fast,ride fast,fly high,afraid,传声筒 八人一组,站成一排。第一名同学抽取一张句卡,记在心里。老师发布开始指令“start”,首位同学开始把记下的句子小声传给下一名组员,再由这位组员往下传。最后一名组员把听到的句子大声说出来。又快又准确的小组获胜!,A:Can you _?B:_.,A:Can you _?B:_.,run fast,Yes,I can,jump high,No,I cant,Listen and say.,A:Can

11、you run fast?B:Yes,I can.,A:Can you jump high?B:No,I cant.,e.g.-Hello,do you like sports?-Yes,I do.And you?-Yes,I like I can What about you?-I cant But I can,1.The dog _ fly.2.I _ eat a plane.3.The fish _ swim.4.Sam _ run fast.,cant,cant,can,can,Practise.,A:I can jump high.Can you?B:Yes,I can./No,I

12、cant.,开火车 一列同学为一组开火车,用“I canCan you?”和“Yes,I can./No,I cant.”说句子。速度最快、说得最准确的小组获胜!A:I can run fast.Can you?B:Yes,I can.I can play football.Can you?C:No,I cant.I can jump high.Can you?D:Yes,I can.I can ride fast.Can you?E:,Run,run,run.I can run fast.Can you?Ride,ride,ride.I can ride fast.Can you?Jump,

13、jump,jump.I can jump far.Can you?Jump,jump,jump.I cant jump far.I can jump high.,奥林匹克运动会 奥林匹克运动会(Olympic Games),简称奥运会或奥运,是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的包含多种体育运动项目的国际性运动会,每四年举行一次。奥林匹克运动会最早起源于古希腊(公元前776年),因举办地在奥林匹克而得名。1896年4月6日至4月15日,希腊雅典举办了第一届现代奥运会。从1896年开始奥林匹克运动会每四年举办一次(曾在两次世界大战中中断过三次)会期不超过16天。由于1924年开始设立了冬季奥林匹克运动会,因

14、此奥林匹克运动会习惯上又被称为“夏季奥林匹克运动会”。,知识之窗,一、情景选择。,()1.当你想问别人能否跑得很快时,你会说:A.Can you swim fast?B.Can you jump high?C.Can you run fast?()2.当你不能跳的很高时,你会说:A.I am afraid I cant jump high.B.You can do it.C.Come on.()3.当你想说自己能骑得快时,你会说:A.I can fly fast.B.I can ride fast.C,I cant ride fast.,C,A,B,Try to do.,二、根据要求完成句子。

15、,1.Do you like playing chess?(肯定回答)_2.Can you ride a bike?(否定回答)_3.Can they play basketball?(肯定回答)_4.Can Lingling jump high?(变成陈述句与否定句)_ _,Yes,I do.,No,I cant.,Yes,they cant.,Lingling can jump high.,Lingling cant jump high.,1.词汇:can,cant,high,far,fast,run,jump,ride.2.短语:run fast,jump high,jump far,r

16、ide fast2.句型:-Can you run fast?Yes,I can.-Can you jump high?-No,I cant.-I can jump high.Can you?-Yes,I can./No,I cant.,Sum up.,Homework,1.熟记本节课所学的句型和动词短语,必须会听、说、读。2.将Practise.部分的句子完成并和同学拓展其它动词进行问答。,Module 5Unit 2 Can Sam play football?,外研版英语四年级上册,第一课时,第二课时,第一课时,Listen and sing with it.,1,2,3,4,5,6,-

17、Can you?-Yes/No,swim,fly a kite,ride a bike,skate,-Can you?-Yes/No,Listen and chant.,Can you swim?Can you fly a kite?Can you skate?Can you ride a bike?,Can you swim?Can you fly a kite?Can you skate?Can you ride a bike?,我们要为俱乐部选成员了,快来展示你们的才能吧!,They are my friends and they are our stars!,Listen and sa

18、y.,Who is he?He is Sam.What does he look like?He is strong.Can Sam play football?Yes,he can.,Who is she?She is Lingling.What does she look like?She is tall.Can Lingling play basketball?Yes,she can.,Can Sam play football?,Yes,he can.Hes strong.,Can Lingling play basketball?,Yes,she can.Shes tall.And

19、she is our star.,1.Who can play football?_2.Who can play basketball?_3.Who is strong?_4.Who is tall?_,Sam.,Lingling.,Sam.,Lingling.,Ms Smart:PE teacher:Ms Smart:PE teacher:,Can Sam play football?Yes,he can.Hes strong.Can Lingling play basketball?Yes,she can.Shes tall.And she is our star.,一名同学上台表演动作,

20、并加上笑脸(Yes,I can)或哭脸(No,I cant),其他同学两人一组运用所学句型-Can xxx?Yes/No进行描述。,组内编对话,并表演出来。,A:Hello!Lingling.B:Hi,Sam.A:_B:_ What about you?A:_A:Aah,Sam,can you play football?B:_A:Great.Lets play together.B:OK.Lets play.,一、选一选。,()1.Can Daming run fast?-Yes,_.A.he can B.I can,A,()2._ Lucy jump far?-No,_ cant.A.Ca

21、n,she B.Can,I,A,Try to do.,二、译一译。,1.Amy can t run fast._2.他是我们的明星。_3.她会踢足球吗?_4.Hes strong._5.你的妈妈很高。_,艾米跑不快。,Hes our star.,Can she play football?,他很强壮。,Your mother is tall.,1.词汇:skate,strong,star.2.句型:-Can Sam play football?-Yes,he can.-Can Lingling play basketball?-Yes,she can.,Sum up.,1.将活动一的chant

22、唱给自己的家人听。2.听、跟读活动二,做到朗读流利。3.结合本课学习内容创编一个新对话,并与同伴表演出来。,Homework,第二课时,Whats this?,What can it do?,Lets chant together.I am a tiger.I can run.Run,run,I can run.I am a fish.I can swim.Swim,swim,I can swim.I am a bird.I can sing.sing,sing,I can sing.I am a horse.I can jump.Jump,jump,I can jump.,Amy cant

23、run fast.,Point and say.,-Can Amy run fast?-No,she cant.,e.g.-Hello,look at that girl.She is my sister.-She is beautiful.Can she run fast?-No,she cant.Look at that boy.Whos he?-Hes my brother.,Listen and say.Then sing.,CAN I HELP YOU?,I cant do it.I cant do it.Can I help you?Can I help you?We can do

24、 it together.We can do it together.,一个人可能会做很多事,但是不可能什么都会,我们要尽力帮助别人,弘扬互相帮助的美德。,Draw some pictures.Then describe the pictures.,ride a bike,jump high,jump far,fly a kite,swim,row a boat,play football,read a book,jump,Throw and say.,A:Can you?B:Yes,I can./No,I cant.,A:Can he?B:Yes,he can./No,he cant.,Ma

25、ke a survey and join the clubs.,Can you swim?,Yes,I can.,We can swim.Look!Were swimming.,Ask,answer and do.,根据本课知识,小组内进行调查。运用句型:-Can you?-Yes/No-Can she/he?Yes/No,滑冰 滑冰,亦称“冰嬉”,很多人认为,滑冰是从外国传来的“洋玩意儿”,事实上,早在宋代,我国就已经有了滑冰运动,不过那时不叫滑冰,而称之为“冰嬉”。“冰嬉”包括速度滑冰、花样滑冰以及冰上杂技等多种项目。,知识之窗,一、看图片,选单词。,()1.A.skate B.swim(

26、)2.A.hamburger B.dumplings()3.A.read a book B.take pictures()4.A.row a boat B.ride a bike,A,B,B,B,Try to do.,二、单项选择。,()1.Can you run _?-Yes,I can.A.fast B.fastly C.tall()2.Mum can _ dumplings.A.do B.make C.doing()3.Can Tom and Lingling sing?-No,_ cant.A.them B.they C.their()4._ you jump high?A.What

27、B.Are C.Can,A,B,B,C,三、根据故事情景,将熊大熊二的对话补充完整。,_ skate?,No,I cant,_?,Yes,I can swim very well.,But I cant.,Never mind._,Can you,Can you swim,I can help you.,1.词汇:can,cant,together,swim,skate,play,football,run,jump,fast,ride.2.短语:fly a kite,ride a bike,play basketball,jump far.3.句型:-Can you?-Yes,I can./No,I cant.,Sum up.,1.将今天所学歌曲唱给自己的家人听。2.将Throw and say.部分的游戏完成并和同学拓展其它动词进行问答。,Homework,


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