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1、我国业主委员会的法律地位问题研究 【毕业论文标题】 我国业主委员会的法律地位问题研究【英文标题】 【中文摘要】 业主委员会作为业主自治机构的重要组成部分,在物业管理中起着举足轻重的作用。业主将物业交给专业的物业管理公司统一管理,并通过业主委员会对其进行有效的监督。然而,由于物业管理行业在我国刚刚起步,相关的法律法规还不健全,导致实践中产生的矛盾无法得到有效的解决。特别是立法中对业主委员会法律地位的空白,制约了业主委员会制度的发展。基于业主委员会的重要性和实践中的现实需要,促成了笔者研究业主委员会法律地位的初衷。本文分为四个部分:第一部分为业主委员会概述。本部分首先阐述了业主委员会的概念、特征及



4、业主委员会法律地位的研究,一方面是从实体方面论述了业主委员会民事主体地位,指出应当赋予业主委员会实体上的法律地位,另一方面是从程序上论述了业主委员会的诉讼主体地位,指出应当赋予业主委员会程序上的法律地位;最后通过讲述业主委员会与其他法律主体的关系即业主委员与业主大会、业主、物业管理企业、居民委员会及房地产行政主管部门的其他法律主体的关系,从而进一步完善了业主委员会的法律地位问题。业主委员会制度的完善有助于业主利益的切实保护,也有利于房地产业持续、健康的发展。唯有完善立法,在法律中明确业主委员会的法律地位问题,才能从根本上解决纠纷。【英文摘要】 House-owners Committee is

5、 a significant part of OwnersAutonomy Organization, and plays an important role in real estate management. The owners transfer some of their property rights to real estate management companies to manage it for them, and through the House-owners committee, they may supervise the management companies

6、actions in an efficient way. However, as real estate management is quite new in China, we still lack of laws and regulation, which leads to some conflicts in the reality and cannot be solved effectively. Especially, the law didnt mention the legal status of House-owners committee, and this restricts

7、 the development of the OwnersCommittee System. The importance of House-owners committee and practical demand in reality makes up the original intention of my researching on legal status of the House-owners committee.The main contents for this article show four parts:The first part outlined the hous

8、e-owners committee. First of all, this part gives the concept of the house-owners committee, the characteristics and functions, then,this part analyses its function in estate management .At last,introduces its status and law problems.The second part is about the legal status of foreign owners of the

9、 Committee of the comparative analysis. Through the introduction of extra-territorial entity the Commission, the essay analyses comparatively the worlds principal legislative Two Legal model, namely: to France, Hong Kong represented by legal personality model; to Germany, Taiwan as the representativ

10、e character of the illegal people model; to Japan represented a compromise model, and the jurisprudence of the United States as the representative model of corporate personality. Through this comparative analysis of four models, we can see the provisions of the Commission of the legal status of the

11、owner in mainland of our country is still relatively backward.To clear and to give the house-owners committee will be an inevitable trend.The third part is analysis of the basic theory the house-owners committee. First, the distinction between ownership of the buildings discussed, in particular the

12、distinction between ownership of the building a total system in the exposition, so as to lay a foundation of legal rights for studying the committee system; Second, to expoud the institution of body of law, that with the expansion of the body of law, with the dual existence of the third type of stru

13、cture has gradually become of the body of law an important component and law is bound to give it the dominant position of an independent civil, so below give the owners the legal status of the Commission to provide the main basis for questions as follows.The fourth part is the focus of this article,

14、 and the end-result of this article. This part focuses on three aspects of the problem. First of all , give an accurate position to the nature of house-owners committee, and points out that the owners of legal persons in our country do not meet requirements, should be included in the law in my count

15、ry of “other organizations”, and positionde non-corporate groups, so as to lay a foundation for the research of its legal status; Second, the essay studies the legal status of the house-owners committee, on the one hand, from the aspect of expouding the status of body of law and pointed out that the

16、 Commission should be given to owners on the legal status of entity. On the other hand, from the procedures, expouding the main status of proccedings of the house-owners committee and points out that the Commission should be given to owners on the legal status of the procedure; Finally, through the

17、Committee on the owners and other legal relations between the main members that the owners and the owners, landlords, property management companies, residents and real estate administration department director of the relationship between the legal subject and furtherly improve the legal status of th

18、e owners of the questions the Commission.The improvement of House-owners Committee will help to protect ownersinterests and benefit the development of the real estate industry in a constant and healthy way. Only by perfecting the legislation, making the concept of owners group clear and establishing

19、 the lawsuit position of the owners committee can we settle the conflicts fundamentally.【中文关键词】 业主委员会; 建筑物区分所有权; 民事主体; 法律地位 【英文关键词】 House-owners committee; Distinction between ownership of building; Body of law; Legal status 【论文目录】中文摘要 6-8 ABSTRACT 8-10 引言 11-14 一、业主委员会概述 14-20 (一) 业主委员会的一般理论 14-16

20、1. 业主委员会的概念和特征 14-15 2. 业主委员会的职责 15-16 (二) 业主委员会在我国物业管理中的作用 16-18 (三) 业主委员会在我国立法和司法中存在的问题 18-20 二、中外业主委员会法律地位的比较分析 20-27 (一) 发达国家关于业主委员会法律地位的规定 20-22 1. 非法人人格模式 21 2. 法人人格模式 21-22 3. 折衷模式 22 4. 判例法人人格模式 22 (二) 我国关于业主委员会法律地位的规定 22-24 1. 台湾地区 22-23 2. 香港地区 23 3. 澳门地区 23 4. 我国大陆 23-24 (三) 中外业主委员会法律地位的比

21、较分析 24-27 1. 发达国家立法例的比较 24-25 2. 国内立法例的比较 25 3. 国内外业主委员会法律地位的综合分析 25-27 三、明确我国业主委员会法律地位的法理依据 27-35 (一) 业主委员会产生的权利理论基础 27-29 1. 建筑物区分所有权理论 27-28 2. 建筑物区分所有权制度中的共有制度 28-29 (二) 业主委员会法律地位的主体理论依据 29-35 1. 民事主体制度概述 29-30 2. 民事主体人格的演变 30-31 3. 民事主体的判断标准 31-34 4. 民事主体的权利能力 34-35 四、我国业主委员会法律地位的确立 35-57 (一) 对

22、我国业主委员会法律性质的定位 36-44 1. 关于我国业主委员会法律性质的理论学说 36-39 2. 关于我国业主委员会法律性质的定位 39-44 (二) 明确我国业主委员会的法律主体地位 44-51 1. 我国业主委员会民事主体地位的构建 44-46 2. 我国业主委员会民事诉讼主体地位的构建 46-51 (三) 明确我国业主委员会与其他法律主体的关系 51-57 1. 业主委员会与业主大会的法律关系 51-52 2. 业主委员会与业主的法律关系 52-53 3. 业主委员会与物业管理企业的法律关系 53-54 4. 业主委员会与居民委员会的法律关系 54-55 5. 业主委员会与房地产行政主管部门的法律关系 55-57 结语 57-58 注释 58-61 参考文献 61-63 致谢 63-64 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录 64


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