外研版高一英语必修一Module5 (ppt课件).ppt

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1、.单词荟萃1_n混合物mix v.混合_adj.混合的2_n电electrical adj.与电有关的,用电的electric adj.电的,发电的3_n结论conclude v推断出;断定;得出结论4aim n.目标;目的 _ v.对准目标;打算_ adj.没有目标的;无目的的5_ n反应react v(化学)反应6_ n设备;装备equip v.装备;配备7_ adj.吃惊的;惊愕的_adj.令人吃惊的astonish v使惊讶_ n.惊讶,返回目录,第5讲Module 5A Lesson in a Lab,基础梳理,mixture,mixed,electricity,conclusion

2、,aim,aimless,reaction,astonishment,equipment,astonished,astonishing,ppt课件,可编辑,Part II.Key Phrases.I.Translate the following phrases:1.与一样_ 2.使有条理_3.在底部_ 4.在顶部_ 5.以形式_ 6.与反应_7.做试验_ 8.的混合物_ 9.得出结论_10.往加入_11.想,考虑_12.把关在外面_,the same as putin orderat the bottom ofat the top of in the form ofreact withmak

3、e an experimenta mixture ofarrive at/reach a conclusionadd.to.think ofkeep.out of,ppt课件,可编辑,.重点短语再现1.add.给增加add 使增加 add to总计;总共2.the bottom 在的底部 the bottom of ones heart从心底里;由衷地3.be of对感到自豪;骄傲take in以为自豪4.be supposed 理应;被认为是I suppose 我看可以5.in order按顺序摆放 order整 齐;条理out order次序颠倒,to,to,up,at,of,from,p

4、roud,pride,to,so,put,in,of,ppt课件,可编辑,6.think 考虑;想到think 想出(主意 等)think 仔细考虑think 再 三考虑;慎重思考e up 突然想起come to 苏醒;活跃起来8.from that moment 从那一刻起from on从那时起from on从现在起9.turn轮流 by 轮流地;依次地 take to do.轮流做turn 结果是10.react 与发生反应react(人)对作出反应,of,up,over,twice,with,life,on,then,now,in,turns,turns,out,with,to,ppt课

5、件,可编辑,.典型句式运用1.Two-thirds of the earths surface is water.地球表面的三分之二是水。考查分数的表达法和主谓一致 这里三分之一的书是属于他的。,考点提炼,句子仿造,One third of the books here belong to him.,ppt课件,可编辑,2.The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon.地球比月球大四十九倍。考查倍数表达法 新修的路比原来的路宽3倍。,考点提炼,句子仿造,The newly-built road is three times,wider t

6、han that old one.,ppt课件,可编辑,4.The closer you are,the more youll see.你靠的越近,看到的就越多。考查The more.,the more.句式 你越是努力,取得的进步就越大。,考点提炼,句子仿造,youll make.,The harder you study,the more progress,ppt课件,可编辑,导练互动重点单词1.contract v.(使)收缩;和订合同;n.契 约,合同 When you heat a metal,it contracts.当你给金属加热时,它会收缩。(回归课本P41),ppt课件,可编

7、辑,观察思考If you ice the metal,it will contract.如果你冷冻金属,它就会收缩。We contracted with a shoe factory for 4,000 pairs of shoes.我们和一家鞋厂签订了一份4 000双鞋的合同。He made a two-year contract of employment with the firm.他和那家公司签订了两年的雇用合同。,ppt课件,可编辑,归纳拓展make a contract with 与签合同sign a contract签署合同carry out a contract 履行合同can

8、cel a contract取消合同break a contract违反合同by/on contract按照合同;依约,ppt课件,可编辑,活学活用You should read the carefully before you sign it.A.contrastB.contact C.contractD.conflict解析 考查名词词形和词义的辨析。contract合同;contrast对照,对比;contact联系,接触;conflict冲突。,C,ppt课件,可编辑,2.conclusion n.结论;断定;结束;结局;协定,协议come to/arrive at/reach/dra

9、w a conclusion得出结论bring.to a conclusion使结束in conclusion最后conclude v.结束;断定;订立conclude with以而结束conclude sth.from sth.从某事中得出某个结论conclude sth.(with)sb.与某人达成(协定),ppt课件,可编辑,活学活用David from the analysis of the traffic accident that it had been caused by human error.A.announced B.acknowledgedC.concluded D.co

10、nsidered 解析 句意为:David从交通事故分析中推断出这次交通事故是人为错误导致的。,C,ppt课件,可编辑,3.react vi.回应;起作用;起反应 Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water?表格中的金属哪一个与氧气和水反应最厉害?(回归课本P44),ppt课件,可编辑,react with sth.化学反应 to sth.反应 An iron can react with oxygen to form a new substance.铁和氧气发生化学反应生成一种新的物质 How

11、did your mother react to the news?你妈妈对这个消息有怎样的反应啊?,ppt课件,可编辑,活学活用The football player reacted the judges decision by withdrawing from the match.A.onB.toC.againstD.by解析 表示“人对作出反应”用to。,B,ppt课件,可编辑,4.ordinary adj.普通的;平常的;n.常事;惯例 The nails rust in the tube with ordinary water.在有普通水的试管里的铁钉生锈。(回归课本P45),ppt

12、课件,可编辑,观察思考Today he came earlier than usual,for it was not an ordinary day.他今天来得比平常早,因为今天是一个不平常的日子。He is out of the ordinary among the children.他是一个不寻常的孩子。,ppt课件,可编辑,易混辨异ordinary/common/usual/normal(1)ordinary普通的,平常的,平凡的。强调在等级和类属方面普通。指人时,该词指既不显赫也不低贱;指物时指品质或质地水平一般。有“平庸无奇”之意。(2)common普通的;常见的。强调经常发生,司空

13、见惯,不显赫或不特别,可修饰人或物。也可指共同的,共存的。The plants are common here.这些植物在这里很普遍。,ppt课件,可编辑,(3)usual通常的;惯常的,惯例的。强调依照惯例来判断,有“遵循常规”之意。It is usual for him to go back home late.他回家晚是常事。(4)normal正常的,合乎标准的。强调在正常情况下应有的。His temperature was two degrees above normal.他的体温比正常体温高两度。,ppt课件,可编辑,活学活用Letter boxes are much more in

14、 the UK than in the US,where most people have a mailbox instead.A.common B.normalC.ordinary D.usual,ppt课件,可编辑,解析 本题考查同义词辨析。common指为许多人或事物所共同具备因而常见;ordinary指由于与一般事物的性质或标准相同,因而显得平常,无奇特之处,反义词为special;usual指在某一地方或某一时间内所常见的,往往指常用的东西,或经常发生的事情,反义词为unusual;normal同usual和regular,意为“正常的,正规的,标准的”。句意为:Letter box

15、es在英国比在美国更常见,在美国大多数人都有一个mailbox。答案 A,ppt课件,可编辑,重点短语与句型5.keep.out of防止进入;不让靠 近 You add some oil to the water because this keeps air out of it.向水里加一些油因为这可以防止空气进入到水 中。(回归课本P46)观察思考 Weve always tried to keep out of local politics.我们总是尽可能避免卷入地方政治中。,ppt课件,可编辑,归纳拓展keep(sb.)away(from sth.)使(某人)离开(某物)keep sb

16、.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事keep back阻止,抑制;留(扣)下;忍住(眼泪);隐瞒keep sth.in mind记住(某事物)keep in touch with与保持联系keep(on)doing sth.继续做某事keep off远离,避开,让开keep up保持,维持keep up with跟上,不落在后面keep to不跑题,不偏离(道路),ppt课件,可编辑,活学活用A certain percentage of your salary is by the employer as an ensurance payment.A.kept away B.kept

17、 outC.kept back D.kept up解析 考查词义辨析。keep back扣留;keep away离开,远离;keep out 避开;keep up维持。,C,ppt课件,可编辑,2.in order 井然有序的 整理好的 in the order of 以的顺序 put in order 把按顺序排列 She keeps the room in order.她把房间整理得很好。I put my room in order.我把自己的房间整理好。,ppt课件,可编辑,此外,in order还有“依照次序;(机器等)情况良好”的意思,反义词 out of order,Call th

18、e names in order.请依照次序点名。My bicycle is in order.我的自行车情况良好。,含有order的其他短语:,ppt课件,可编辑,He spoke slowly in order for everybody to understand him.他讲得很慢以便每个人都能听懂他的话。The book is on order.那本书已订购。Everything was out of order in the classroom.教室里乱七八糟。His liver is out of order.他的肝脏出了毛病。,ppt课件,可编辑,6.used to(过去)常常

19、 I never used to enjoy science,but last year I changed schools,and the science teachers at my new school are excellent.我过去从未喜欢过理科,但是去年我转学了,我新学校的理科教师都非常优秀。(回归课本P49),ppt课件,可编辑,观察思考I used to go to work on foot,but now I drive there.我过去常常是步行上班,现在我开车去。You used to see a lot of her,didnt you/usednt you?你过去

20、经常见她,是吧?,ppt课件,可编辑,归纳拓展(1)used to表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,暗含现在不再这样。(2)used to的否定式有两种,即:used not to do和did not use to do。疑问式也有两种,即:Used+主语+to do.?和Did+主语+use to do.?(3)be/get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事be used to do sth.被用来做某事be used as.被用作,ppt课件,可编辑,考题回扣【例1】In my opinion,life in the twenty first century is mu

21、ch easier than.(安徽高考)A.that used to be B.it is used to C.it was used to D.it used to be 解析 表示“过去常常”用used to do.,并且本题中动词原形be不能省略。,D,ppt课件,可编辑,活学活用用use的适当短语填空I be a middle school teacher,but I resigned in the year 1999.Now my office in that school is used as the school clinic,and I have my new job alr

22、eady.,used to,got used to,ppt课件,可编辑,7.be supposed to理应;应当 I am going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University,as both are supposed to have good Physics Departments.我要尽量去上蒙特利尔大学或渥太华大学,因 为这两所学校都有很好的物理系。(回归课本P49),ppt课件,可编辑,观察思考Why are you still at home?You are supposed to have gone to schoo

23、l.你怎么还在家?你早应该去学校了。What makes you suppose him to be connected with them?什么使你想到他和他们之间的联系?Look,suppose/supposing you lost your job tomorrow,what would you do?哎,假设明天丢掉了工作,你会怎么办?,ppt课件,可编辑,活学活用(1)Everyone wear a seat belt in the car.A.is supposed toB.supposes to C.is supposedD.supposed to 解析 be supposed

24、to do.理应做。句 意为:所有的人都应系上安全带。,A,ppt课件,可编辑,(2)The message is very important,so it is supposed as soon as possible.(陕西高考)A.to be sentB.to send C.being sentD.sending 解析 be supposed to do sth.表示“理应做 某事”,是习惯搭配,而且send与the message之 间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故须用被动语态形式。,A,ppt课件,可编辑,(3)every word of his were true,what action

25、would the teacher take?A.As if B.While C.When D.Suppose 解析 suppose起到连词的作用,相当于if,引 导状语从句。句意:如果他说的话都是真的,老 师会采取什么措施?,D,ppt课件,可编辑,3.Add some oil to the water.add.to.把添加到 add to 增加,增添 add up to 总共有,意味着【例1】Thats all I have to say.Is there anything that youd like to _,Terry?(2008四川延考卷)A.talkB.require C.add

26、D.deliver,ppt课件,可编辑,【例2】The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the crew at sea.(上海2003)A.added to B.resulted from C.turned out D.made up,ppt课件,可编辑,【点拨】add to增加,增添;result from由产生;turn out结果是;make up组成。根据句意“轮船发动机失灵,恶劣天气又增加了海上船员的无助”可知选A。,ppt课件,可编辑,【考例3】There h

27、ave been several new events _ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.(北京2006)A.add B.to add C.adding D.added,ppt课件,可编辑,【点拨】add.to.把添加到上,本题中应为add several new events to.,故several new events与add之间是被动关系,因此要用add的-ed形式作定语。,ppt课件,可编辑,What is the cost of the project?The total number _ 270 million

28、 yuan.A.adds to B.adds up to C.add D.adding,【例4】,ppt课件,可编辑,4.This will keep air out of the water.,keep sb./sth.out of“不让某人/某物进入某处”,Keep that dog out of my study.别让那条狗进我的书房。She wore a hat to keep the sun out of her eyes.她戴着帽子摭阳,保护眼睛。,ppt课件,可编辑,8.It is hard to think of a world without metals.很难想像一个没有金

29、属的世界。句式分析 本句中it为形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短 语to think of.,构成It is/was+adj.+to do sth.的结构。Its difficult to finish the task in such a short period of time.在这么短的时间内完成任务很困难。,ppt课件,可编辑,归纳拓展(1)It is+adj.+for sb.to do sth.(该句式中,作表语的形容词只能说明不定式的行为性质和特点,不能说明不定式的执行者。常见的这类形容词有:easy,important,difficult,hard,possible,impossi

30、ble,necessary等。)Its important for us to master a foreign language.对我们来说掌握一门外语非常重要。,ppt课件,可编辑,(2)It is+adj.+of sb.to do sth.(该句式中,作表语的形容词表达不定式的逻辑主语的品行、性格或性质。常见的这类形容词有:kind,nice,good,honest,careful,careless,clever,wise,stupid,foolish,rude,polite,impolite等。)Its careless of you to make so many mistakes

31、in this exam.在这次考试中你出了这么多错真是太粗心了。,ppt课件,可编辑,活学活用We all think is not necessary for you to have told her about the bad news.A.there B.itC.that D.this解析 考查句式It is+adj.+for sb.to do sth.的结构。,B,ppt课件,可编辑,9.Here is a table with the metals that react most at the top,and the metals that react least at the b

32、ottom.这儿有 一个图表,那些反应最强烈的金属在上部,反应最不强烈的在下部。,ppt课件,可编辑,句式分析这是一个倒装句,正常语序是:A table with.is here.在学习的过程中我们要注意:(1)在there,here引导的句子中,谓语动词是be,exist等表示状态的不及物动词时,句子要全部倒装。(2)在there,here,now,then,thus等开头的句子里,谓语动词是come,go,follow等且主语是名词时,句子要全部倒装。,ppt课件,可编辑,(3)在here,there引导的句子中,当主语是代词时,不倒装,且此类句子不用进行时。Here comes the

33、bus.Lets hurry!车来了,我们快点!Here he comes!他来了!There stands a tall pine tree at the top of the hill.山顶上有一棵高高的松树。活学活用Heres the knife;it was under these dishes.,刀子在这儿呢,就在这堆盘子地下。,ppt课件,可编辑,【例2】Hearing the dog barking fiercely,away.(上海高考)A.fleeing the thief B.was fleeing the thief C.the thief was fleeing D.f

34、led the thief 解析 away置于句首且主语是名词时,句子应 用全部倒装语序。A项不是完整的句子;B项倒 装语序不正确;C项是正常语序,此三项可排除。课文原文 Below is a description of a simple scientific experiment.,D,ppt课件,可编辑,.短语运用be proud of,used to,aimed at,add up to,keep out of,put.in order,keep ones balance,think of,react with,be supposed to1.In nature,many kinds

35、of materials can each other under certain conditions.2.You ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.3.He lifted his gun and the bird in the tree.,react with,are supposed to,aimed at,ppt课件,可编辑,4.All the money I had no more than one hundered dollars.5.When I saw these photos,I my college day

36、s.6.Try to the trouble between them.7.Books should again after you have finished reading them.,added up to,thought of,keep out of,be put in order,ppt课件,可编辑,8.I struggled to on my new skates.9.All the Chinese the success of Shenzhou.10.Life now is much better than it be.,keep my balance,are proud of,

37、used to,ppt课件,可编辑,.单项填空1.On hearing the news,the girl rushed out without hesitation,the bag on the floor and in the dark.A.left;lied;disappeared B.leaving;lying;disappeared C.leaving;lie;disappearing D.left;lay;disappear 解析 分析句子知leaving the bag.是分词 短语作状语;而the bag和lie间是主谓关系,故用lying的形式;而disappear和rush

38、 out是 句子的谓语动词;因此B正确。,B,ppt课件,可编辑,3.Churches are often built the cross in the West.A.in form ofB.in the form of C.with form ofD.in a form of 解析 in the form of.以样的形式;呈 现样的形式。,B,ppt课件,可编辑,4.When,metals.A.heating;extendB.heated;extend C.heating;expendD.heated;expand 解析 metal和heat为动宾关系,故用heated,完整形式是:Whe

39、n it is heated,由常识知加 热时铁膨胀,故用一般现在时。,D,ppt课件,可编辑,5.They will start their project at helping the poor children to be educated in Chinas west.A.aimsB.aiming C.being aimedD.aimed 解析 分析句子知project和aim at之间是主谓 关系,故用其-ing形式aiming。,B,ppt课件,可编辑,6.After a long discussion about the advantages and disadvantages

40、of the plan,they finally came to a(n)that it was practical.A.decisionB.opinion C.conclusionD.impression 解析 come to a conclusion得出结论。空后 的that it was practical是conclusion的同位 语。,C,ppt课件,可编辑,of the people on the Net Chinas economy is among the strongest in the world.A.Four fifth;believes B.Four fifth;be

41、lieve C.Four fifths;believe D.Four fifths;believes 解析 考查分数表达和主谓一致。当分数中分 子大于1时,分母需用复数,故排除A、B两项;“分数/百分数+of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词 的单复数取决于名词,本句中people为复数,故选C。,C,ppt课件,可编辑,8.The flight CA9525 for 1130 a.m.is to be put off due to the stormy weather.A.ordinaryB.common C.formalD.regular 解析 本题考查形容词辨析。regular正常的;通常的;o

42、rdinary普通的,长相一般的;common常见的;formal正式的。,D,ppt课件,可编辑,9.Any suggestion?Youd better the last sentence as it is rather misleading.Sounds reasonable.Then could you a good ending to it?A.put out;increaseB.leave out;add C.find out;findD.knock out;choose 解析 leave out此处表示“删除,省略”;add表示“加上”。根据句意选B项。,B,ppt课件,可编辑,

43、10.Mrs.Brown was to have left for France last week,but something else delayed him.A.designedB.able C.possibleD.supposed 解析 be supposed to do.本应该,原来;be designed to do.打算做。根据空后的to have left知D项正确。,D,ppt课件,可编辑,11.It was difficult to guess what his to the news would be.A.reactionB.opinion C.commentD.impr

44、ession 解析 ones reaction to sth.表某人对 的反应,此时介词用to。,A,ppt课件,可编辑,12.Isnt rude him to talk to his mother like that?A.that;forB.that;of C.it;forD.it;of 解析 本题考查句式:It is+adj.+of sb.+to do sth.的否定疑问形式。,D,ppt课件,可编辑,13.Have you got in touch with Tom?Oh,sorry.I couldnt his phone number at the moment.A.think abo

45、utB.think over C.think outD.think of 解析 此题考查think短语辨析。think about 考虑;think over认真考虑;think out想出;think of想起;记起。,D,ppt课件,可编辑,14.This is a piece of board at the gate of the construction,which reads:without permission.A.Keep outB.Keep away C.Keep offD.Keep up 解析 此题考查keep的搭配。keep out留在外 面;keep away(from)远离;keep off(使)避开;不介入;keep up保持。根据句意“未经 许可,不得入内”。,A,ppt课件,可编辑,15.Bob,are you free at the moment?I have to ask you some questions.A.Its a pleasureB.Ask,please C.Help yourselfD.Yes,go ahead 解析 Go ahead.问吧;Its a pleasure.是 别人表示感谢时的用语;Help yourself.自己 来吧!B项为汉式英语。,D,返回,ppt课件,可编辑,


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