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1、民法“物”的研究 民法“物”的研究 Research on Thing in Civil Law 【摘要】 本文以我国物权法的横空出世和民法典的呼之欲出为背景和契机,提出一系列关于“物”的界定问题,从中锁定民法“物”作为研究对象,深刻剖析这一概念产生、发展及演变的历史源流,揭示人类对民法“物”的认知轨迹;同时,提炼罗马法与德国法的精髓,结合当今的时代特征和我国的实际情况,重新建构民法“物”的理论体系。全文包括引论、正文和结论三部分。引论部分提出问题,明确研究对象,粗略介绍国内外的研究现状,并阐释本文的研究的目的、意义及思考路径。正文部分是全文的主体,包括四个部分,主要以民法“物”的萌芽、发展、




5、物权法中撷取几条颇具代表性的规定加以论述,作为尚未正式亮相的民法“物”在我国的投影,从侧面印证本文的观点。结论部分总括全文,从中梳理出七个方面的重要结论。指出对民法“物”的研究是一项重大而艰巨的系统工程,号召更多的人们关注这一课题,群策群力地攻克难关【Abstract】 This thesis, based on the promulgation of Law of Peoples Republic of China on Real Right and the prospective issue of Code of Peoples Republic of China Civil Law, a

6、ttempts to define and interpret the questions concerning“thing”, esp.“thing”in civil law, then explore in depth the historical origination, development, and evolution of the said concept, and reveal Mans cognitive track to“thing”in civil law. The ultimate goal of the thesis is to reestablish a theor

7、etical system of“thing”in civil law by extracting the essence of Roman Law and German Civil Law on the basis of the characteristics of the 21st century and Chinas current situation.The thesis is composed of three parts. It begins with an Introduction, elaborates in the Second PartBody, and concludes

8、 in the Third Part.Problems are posed in the Introduction Part, and therefore the subject of the thesis is pondered and determined. The domestic and abroad status quo of the concerned topic is briefly introduced, and so are the purposes, significance and methodology of this writing.The Second Part,

9、which includes four sections, is lineated with the rudiment, development, and evolution of“thing”in civil law. The explicit and genuine revelation of the concept is realized by starting from Roman Law to traditional civil law, and at last to modern civil law from four perspectives as follows:Firstly

10、, the etymology of“thing”in civil law“Res”in Roman Law is elaborated by presenting the authors original ideas. The three foundations of the“Res”productionthought sources, social reality, and legal research are explored and evidence has shown that“Res”in Roman Law is not only the offspring of the nat

11、ural law in ancient Greek but also the reflection of ancient Roman society. And then the genuine connotation of the concept of“Res”is unearthed and its natural properties and mechanics in depth analyzed on the basis of two important interpretations and classifications of“Res”in Roman Law. At last, a

12、 significant conclusion for this part is reached that“thing”in civil law generated from Roman Law and matured thereof by examining the research findings of“Res”in Roman Law in Mans legal civilization.Secondly, the historical deviation of“thing”in civil law“thing”in two major legal systems in the Wes

13、t is dealt with. With the increase in right awareness and establishment of right standard, law on real right has been gradually replaced by property law, and subsequently“thing”becomes a subordinate concept of“property”and“object”,reformed throughout the world with distinctive difference in the Cont

14、inental legal system and Anglo-American legal system. Among all the reforms, the modification of“thing”by Germans is most remarkable and the pros and cons should be pondered and could be significantly referenced.Thirdly, the theory of“thing”in civil law is reestablished based on the previous detaile

15、d analyses and exploration. Three aspects are dealed with: 1) The classic theoretical system is challenged by criticizing the inherent defects of the narrow-sensed concept of“thing”in traditional civil law and analyzing the dilemma when it comes to modern high technology. 2)“Thing”in civil law is re

16、fined.“Thing”in civil law is in nature property bearing value and interest, not“thing”itself, to say nothing of the appearance of the“seeable and touchable”“thing”, which is its unchangeable essence. Additionally,“thing”in civil law can be defined as“the property interest directly ruled by the civil

17、 subject”. At last,“thing”in civil law can be interpreted from five aspects focusing on res corporals. 3) A comprehensive construal of“thing”in civil law is presented from such three aspects as the natural property, fundamental characteristics and structural mechanics. It is necessary to highlight t

18、hat the intrinsic difference of the“thing”in civil law and the“objects”of the right of credit and right of intellectual property is also distinguished and analyzed.Fourthly, the reflection of“thing”in civil law in Law of Peoples Republic of China on Real Right is studied. Several typical provisions

19、from Law of Peoples Republic of China on Real Right are closely examined to support the opinions previously proposed.The Conclusion Part summarizes the whole thesis from seven aspects, emphasizes the significance of the essence of“thing”in civil law, and calls on the greater attention to this topic.

20、 【关键词】 民法; 物; 财产; 无体物; 物权法 【Key words】 civil law; thing; property; res incorporales; Law on Real Right 民法“物”的研究摘要 3-5 ABSTRACT 5-6 1 引论 9-16 1.1 问题的提出及研究的意义 9-11 1.1.1 问题的提出 9-10 1.1.2 研究的意义 10-11 1.2 国内外研究现状 11-13 1.2.1 国外研究现状 11-12 1.2.2 国内研究现状 12-13 1.3 本文的研究目的和思考路径 13-16 1.3.1 研究目的 13-14 1.3.2 思

21、考路径 14-16 2 民法“物”的语源罗马法上的“物(RES)” 16-28 2.1 “物(RES)”的立论基础 16-19 2.1.1 哲学基础:古希腊斯多噶学派的自然理性思想 16-17 2.1.2 物质基础:古罗马高度发达的简单商品经济 17-18 2.1.3 法学基础:罗马法学家的真知灼见和法律创举 18-19 2.2 “物(RES)”的内涵外延 19-25 2.2.1 “物(Res)”的含义:广狭二义与两种划分 19-21 2.2.2 “物(Res)”与“财产”的内在联系 21-22 2.2.3 “物(Res)”的本质属性 22-23 2.2.4 “物(Res)”的结构体系 23-

22、25 2.3 “物(RES)”的综合评价 25-28 3 民法“物”的历史流变西方两大法系中的“物” 28-36 3.1 罗马法的复兴与物法的演变 28-30 3.1.1 罗马法复兴 28-29 3.1.2 从物法到财产法 29-30 3.2 民法“物”在大陆法系的变迁 30-34 3.2.1 从“物”到“财产”法国民法典上的“物” 30-32 3.2.2 从“物”到“有体物”德国民法典上的“物” 32-34 3.3 民法“物”在英美法系的变迁 34-36 4 民法“物”的理论重构 36-48 4.1 传统理论的“内忧外患” 36-39 4.1.1 传统民法“物”的广狭二义 36-37 4.1

23、.2 狭义“物”观念的内在缺陷 37-38 4.1.3 狭义“物”观念的现实困境 38-39 4.2 民法“物”的重新界定 39-43 4.2.1 民法“物”的含义界定 39-40 4.2.2 民法“物”的内涵界定 40-41 4.2.3 民法“物”的外延界定 41-43 4.3 民法“物”的全面解读 43-48 4.3.1 民法“物”的本质属性 43-45 4.3.2 民法“物”的基本特征 45-46 4.3.3 民法“物”的结构体系 46-48 5 民法“物”在我国物权法上的投影 48-53 5.1 民法”物”与中国的世纪情缘 48 5.2 民法“物”在我国的投影 48-53 5.2.1

24、第2 条第2 款前半段:观念转变的信号 49 5.2.2 第2 条第2 款后半段:“物”与“权利”对立统一 49-50 5.2.3 第49 条:想到了动物的法律地位之争 50-51 5.2.4 第50 条:“无体物”纳入物权法的规制之内 51 5.2.5 第65 条:看到了“虚拟物”的影子 51-52 5.2.6 第181 条:“将来物”可为物权客体 52-53 6 结论 53-57 6.1 主要结论 53-56 6.1.1 法学视野下“物”的概貌 53-54 6.1.2 民法“物”与“财产”的关系 54 6.1.3 “无体物”与“权利”的关系 54 6.1.4 人类对民法“物”的认知轨迹与本文的研究起点 54-55 6.1.5 “物”的来源与表现形态 55 6.1.6 民法“物”的内涵与本质属性 55 6.1.7 民法“物”的外延与结构体系 55-56 6.2 后续研究工作的展望 56-57 致谢 57-58 参考文献 58-61 附录 61


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