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1、English 1-2 Spring vocabulary lists 1-7 You are responsible for knowing the words on this list, their definitions and parts of speech. You must also know the root listed here. Remember that you start fresh this semester, but after the first quiz, each weeks quiz will have a few review words on it fr

2、om the list before (In other words, quiz 2 will have a few words from list 1; Quiz 3 will have a few words from list 2 etc)List 1 (lists 1-4 are from Romeo and Juliet)1. ENMITY n. deep seated mutual hatred; hostility; the attitude or feeling between enemies;2. BALEFUL adj. harmful or threatening har

3、m; ominous; deadly; 3. CHIDE v. to scold; to rebuke or criticize mildly;4. PINIONED adj. bound; restricted ; pinned back;5. WANTON adj. morally loose; recklessly ignoring morals or justice or decency;6. AMOROUS adj. full of love;7. GARISH adj. too gaudy; showy; 8. DISPOSITION n. tendency or inclinat

4、ion; demeanor9. PROLIXITY n. wordiness; the use of more words than are necessary; verbosity; long-windedness;10. LAMENT v. to mourn or grieve; to feel or express deep sorrow;11. PRODIGIOUS adj. of great size or power ; amazing;12. CONJURE v. to cause to appear (by magic); to summon up ; to call upon

5、13. OPPRESSION n. a heavy and burdensome weight; a feeling of being weighed down, as with worries or problems or laws; physical or mental distress;14. CONSORT v. to associate with; to keep company15. PERIL n. danger; jeopardy;List 21. JOCUND adj. cheerful; genial; merry2. FICKLE adj. changeable or u

6、nstable; capricious; 3. PROCURE v. to obtain ; to get; to secure; 4. ABHOR v. to hate; to loathe; to regard with disgust, hatred ; to detest;5. BEGUILE v. to deceive; to mislead 6. PESTILENCE n. a deadly epidemic disease; a plague (or anything regarded as harmful)7. DIGRESS v. to turn aside from the

7、 main subject or point; to diverge;8. PENURY n. extreme poverty9. VILE adj. worthless; despicable; lowly and wretched; disgusting10. COVERT n. a place that is secret or disguised; a hiding place ORadj. secretive; undercover;11. CARRION n. decaying flesh of a dead body; rotting flesh; garbage;12. AMB

8、IGUITY n. something unclear or vague or obscure;13. DIREFUL adj. dreadful; terrible;14. CALAMITY n. a disaster or great misfortune;15. RECONCILE v. to bring together, after a quarrel; to make friendly again; to harmonize; roots: PEST- plague (pesticide; pestiferous)Eng. 1-2 Romeo and Juliet vocabula

9、ry lists continuedList 31. ALOOF adj. distant; removed (especially in sympathy or interest)2. INAUSPICIOUS adj. unfavorable for the future; unlucky; ill-omened;3. FEIGN v. to fake; to make up; to pretend;4. IMPUTE v. to charge with; to attribute (especially a fault or misconduct) to another; to ascr

10、ibe;5. KNAVE n. a dishonest or tricky person; a rascal; a fool; 6. INEXORABLE adj. cannot be moved or influenced by persuasion; unrelenting; 7. OBSEQUIES n. funeral or burial rites; a funeral;8. DISSEMBLE v. to conceal or disguise; to deceive; 9. CONDUIT n. a pipe or channel for fluids; 10. ARBITRAT

11、E v. to settle a dispute by choosing a person to hear both sides and come to a decision; 11. IMPORTUNE v. to trouble with requests or demands; to urge repeatedly;12. PROFANE adj. disrespectful or irreverent toward something sacred;v. to treat something sacred with disrespect or irreverence;13. ADO n

12、. fuss; trouble; excitement;14. CONFOUND v. to make feel confused or bewildered15. USURER n. a one who lends money at a rate that is excessively or unlawfully high roots: SEMB to seem; to appear- (semblance; assemble) SPIC/SPEC to see (spectacles; perspicacious; inspect)LIST 41. AMBIGUOUS adj. vague

13、 and unclear; having two or more possible meanings;2. BESEECH v. to ask for earnestly; to implore; to entreat;3. .DIRGE n. a funeral hymn; a song or poem expressing grief or mourning4. HAUGHTY adj. overly proud; arrogant; supercilious; having great pride in oneself and disdain or contempt for others

14、;5. HERETIC n. a person who holds beliefs opposed by an established religious organization (like a church)6. RANCOR n. a continuing and bitter hate or ill will;7. REPOSE v. to rest or sleep n. rest or sleep; a state of peace;8. PENSIVE adj. thinking deeply or seriously; dreamily thoughtful;9. PROROG

15、UE v. to discontinue or end; to delay or adjourn;10. PRIVY adj. secretly or privately informed about (used with to. EX: she was privy to top secret information)11. MINION n. a darling; a favorite 12. PRESAGE n. a presentiment; a foreshadowing; a sign or warning of the future;OR v. to give an omen or

16、 warning of the future; to foretell13. PERUSE v. to examine in detail; to scrutinize; to study;14. PROSTRATE adj. lying flat or face down (in humility or submission) v. to lie down; to lie flat (in humility or submission)15. SEPULCHER ( also spelled sepulchre) n. a vault for burial; a tomb;16. SOLAC

17、E n. something that eases or relieves; comfort; consolation roots: PRIV- private (privileged; ) SAG/SAGE- wise ( sagacious; sagacity )Vocab List 5: rootsYou are responsible for the definitions and parts of speech of everything in bold on this list (all bolded words and roots). I. BELL-warbellicose-

18、adj. warlike; of a quarrelsome or hostile naturebelligerent- adj. eager to fight; quarrelsome; combative; pugnaciousantebellum- adj. before the war; specifically, before the American Civil War other related roots: ante; before (antecedent, antechamber, antediluvian)II. MAL- badmalicious adj. having,

19、 showing or caused by the desire to harm one another; intending to do evil or harm;malady n. a disease or illnessmalfeasance n. wrongdoing; misconduct (especially by a public official)malign v. to speak ill of; to defame;other words with the same root : malnutrition; malaise; malignant; malpracticeI

20、II. CHRON timechronological adj. arranged in order of timechronic adj. lasting a long time; recurring often; constant;anachronism n. anything that is or seems to be out of its proper time in historysynchronize v. to cause to agree in rate, speed or timerelated roots: syn- together (synagogue; synerg

21、y; synonym; synthesize) ana- against ( Anabaptists; anaerobic; )other words with same root: chronicle, chronometerIV. ACRI or ACER- sharpacrid adj. sharp, bitter or irritating to the taste or smellacrimony n. bitterness or harshness in manner or speechacerbic adj. sharp, bitter or harsh in temper or

22、 languageother words with same root- exacerbate; acrimonious; Vocabulary list 6 : roots continued You are responsible for the underlined words and roots on this sheet. Memorize any definitions and/or parts of speech that go with the bolded word or root.I. ANTHROP- man misanthrope n. one who hates or

23、 distrusts all peopleanthropology n. the study of mankind, especially the study of how people live (their customs, culture, social relationships etc.);philanthropy n. a desire to help mankind, often shown by gifts to charitable institutionsanthropomorphize v. to attribute human characteristics and h

24、uman form to a non human (animal, god, etc.)other related roots: PHIL- love (philosophy; philharmonic) MORPH- form (Animorphs; metamorphosis) II. PAN- allpanacea n. a supposed remedy, cure or medicine for all diseases or ills; a cure-allpandemic adj. prevalent over a whole area, region or country; u

25、niversalpandemonium n. confusion all around; wild disorder; other words with the same root: ( panorama, panoply;)III. PLAC to pleaseplacid adj. calm, tranquil, peacefulplacate v. to stop from being angry; to pacify; to soothe;implacable adj. cannot be soothed or calmed; complacent adj. self-satisife

26、d;Other words with the same root: (placebo, complacency) IV. BEN- good, wellbenediction n. a blessingbenefactor n. a person who has given help, especially financial helpbenevolent adj. doing or inclined to do good; kindly; charitableother related roots: DICT to say (dictation; dictionary; prediction

27、)other words with the same root: beneficial; benefit; You are still responsible for the bolded words and roots on this sheet. Memorize any definitions and/or parts of speech that go with each oneList 7I. OMNI- allomnipotent adj, all powerful; having unlimited authorityomnivorous adj. eating everythi

28、ng; taking in everything;omniscient adj. all knowing; having complete understanding;other related roots: VOR- to eat (carnivore; voracious)other words with the same root : omnibus, omnipresent II; COG- to knowcogitate v. to think seriously and deeply; to ponder; to considerincognito adj. or adv. in

29、disguise; true identity revealed; under an assumed named; undercover;cognizant adj. aware; informed;other words with the same root: recognize, cognitionIII. LOC/LOQ - to speaksoliloquy n. a long speech with a single speaker; a monologueloquacious adj. talkative;circumlocution n. a roundabout way of

30、speech; an indirect or lengthy way of expressing something; confusing talk;elocution n. public speaking; oratory;other words with the same root: eloquent; interlocutorIV. CIR/CIRCUM -aroundcircumspect adj. careful; watchful; (looking around)circumvent v. to go around, or get the better of (by craft);circuitous adj. being or taking a roundabout route; having roundabout ways (devious);other related roots:SPECT- to look; to see; (spectacles; inspect)VENT- to come (convention; prevent; adventure)other words with the same root: circumference; circumnavigate; circumlocution


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