Mark Twain International School – Action Plan for Implementing.doc

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1、(Insert Name Of School)Action plan for the Candidate phase of PYP in preparation for the submission of Application Part B and the authorization visitAll practices are applicable to successful implementation of the programme however those highlighted below should be prioritized in planning for trial

2、implementation.*: practices schools must have in place as a condition for authorization (non-negotiable) *: schools must show evidence this practice is well underwayStandards and PracticesStrategiesWhen strategy to be achieved by or progress towards assessedPerson/Group responsible for achieving the

3、 goalBudgetary implicationsEvidence of achievement or of progress towards achievement of the goalStandards A1 and 2: PhilosophyA1.1. The school is committed to the principles defined in the IBO mission statement. *A1.2. The school is committed to developing in students the qualities, attitudes and c

4、haracteristics described in the IB learner profile. *A1.3. There are clear and close connections between the schools published statements of mission and philosophy and the beliefs and values of the programme.*A1.4. The beliefs and values that drive the programme are shared by all sections of the sch

5、ool community. *A2.5. The school provides students with opportunities for learning about issues that have local, national and global significance, leading to an understanding of human commonalities. *A2.6. The school develops a climate of open communication and careful expression of ideas, attitudes

6、 and feelings. *A2.8. The school provides a safe, secure and stimulating environment based on understanding and respect. *Standard B: OrganizationB1.1. The governing body is explicitly supportive of the programme, and has allocated sufficient funding for the effective implementation and ongoing deve

7、lopment of the programme. * B1.7.The school has appointed a programme coordinator with sufficient support and resources to carry out the responsibilities of the position. *B1.8. The head of school/the school principal and programme coordinator have a good understanding of the principles of the progr

8、amme and demonstrate pedagogical leadership. *B1.13. Time for collaborative planning and reflection is built into all teachers schedules. *B1.14. The school has systems in place to ensure the continuity of the programme; this includes an induction system for new staff and ongoing staff professional

9、development. *B1.15. The school provides professional development opportunities for the head/principal, programme coordinator and teaching staff, including attendance at appropriate IB conferences, meetings and/or workshops, and access to the online curriculum centre (OCC). *B1.16. The school provid

10、es learning environments and opportunities for learning that support the pedagogy of the programme. *B1.18. The school recognizes and promotes the role of the library/media centre in theimplementation of the programme. *B1.20 The school has a written language policy that meets the needs of the stude

11、nts and reflects the principles of the programme. *B.1.23.The school offers a language, in addition to the language of instruction, to students from the age of 7. *Standard C1: Written CurriculumC1.10. The curriculum is sensitive to cultural, gender, linguistic, ethnic and religious differences *C1.

12、16. There is a coherent, articulated programme of inquiry. *C1.17. The programme of inquiry and corresponding unit planners are the product of sustained collaborative work involving all the appropriate staff. * Explanation: Candidate schools accepted from 1 May 08 will send 3 planners & will provide

13、 a complete set at the authorization visit for all grade levels.C1.21. The curriculum includes the required number of units per year. *Explanation: At the point of the authorization visit all units have to have been taught and documented.Standard C2: PlanningC2.1. All teachers are provided with the

14、appropriate documentation, including relevant IBO publications, in preparation for all planning activities. *C2.2. Planning at the school takes place collaboratively. *C2.6. Planning at the school addresses assessment issues throughout the planning process. *C2.10. Planning at the school makes effec

15、tive use of the PYP planning process across the curriculum and by all teachers. *C2.11. Planning at the school includes provision for easy access to completed PYP planners. *C2.13. Planning at the school is documented on PYP planners that are coherent records of the learning experiences of students

16、in developing their understanding of central ideas. *Explanation: At the point of the authorization visit, in addition to documentation for the units of inquiry, there needs to be evidence that the planner is also begun to be used for planning across the subjects.Standard C3: TeachingC3.3. Teaching

17、at the school uses a range and balance of teaching strategies to meet the objectives of the programme. *Explanation: At the point of authorization there needs to be evidence that work towards this practice is well under wayC3.5. Teaching and learning at the school addresses the needs of students who

18、 have reached different stages in their development and those who have different learning styles. *Explanation: See PYP Coordinators Handbook for further clarification.C3.11. Teaching at the school uses inquiry across the curriculum, and by all the teachers. *Explanation: At the point of authorizati

19、on, there is some evidence that inquiry is being used across the curriculum and by all teachers.C3.12 Teaching at the school provides for grouping and regrouping students for a variety of learning situations. *Explanation: See PYP Coordinators Handbook for further clarification.Standard C4: Assessme

20、ntC4.1. There is an assessment policy in place. *Explanation: At the point of authorization the school should be able to show evidence that the assessment policy is under development.C4.2. Assessment at the school is viewed as being integral with planning, teaching and learning. *C.4.8. Assessment a

21、t the school provides students with regular opportunities for reflection on their own learning. *C4.14. Data, including evidence of the learner profile is reported to all participants in the learning process. *Explanation: At the point of authorization there should be evidence this is underway.C.4.1

22、5. Assessment at the school requires the storage of and easy access to student work showing evidence of the process of learning and progress over time. *Standard D1: ActionD.1.3. The school supports students in learning how to reflect on their experiences and make more informed, independent choices. *D.1.4. The school provides opportunities for student action to be an integral part of and/or an extension of the curriculum. *


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