Today's electronic commerce on logistics and management implications4993.doc

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1、Todays electronic commerce on logistics and management implications Abstract: This paper analyzes the e-commerce logistics and its management implications, which involves all aspects of the logistics industry, logistics, operating procedures and the functions of various sectors, and the relationship

2、 between e-commerce and logistics put forward their own views. Key words: E-commerce; logistics; Management Abstract: This article has analyzed the electronic commerce to the physical distribution and the management influence, involves logistics various aspects, the physical distribution various wor

3、ks link and various functions link, and proposed own opinion to the electronic commerce and the physical distribution relations. key word: Electronic commerce; Physical distribution; Management 1. E-commerce and logistics between 1.1 E-commerce and business flow, capital flow, information flow, logi

4、stics Is the essence of e-commerce business, the core business of commodity trading, while the trade fairs related to four areas: the transfer of ownership of goods, monetary payment, access to information and applications to transmit the product itself. The business flow, capital flow, information

5、flow, logistics. In which the flow of information both in the provision of product information, promotions marketing, technical support and after-sales service etc., but also includes, for example RFQ, quotation, payment notice, transfer notice of such commercial trade documentation, but also partie

6、s to the transaction of the ability to pay, pay for goodwill. The flow of commerce refers to the commodities purchased and sold between the transactions and the transfer of ownership of the goods movement process, specifically refers to the commodity trading range of activities. Flows mainly refers

7、to the funds transfer process, including the payment, transfer and other processes. In the e-commerce environment, this four-part with the traditional situation is different. Business flow, capital flow and information flow of these three streams can be handled through the computer and network commu

8、nications devices. Logistics, as four of the most special kind of flow is defined as the flow of material substance, specifically refers to transportation, storage, distribution, handling, storage, logistics information management activities. For a small number of goods and services, can be directly

9、 transmitted through the network approach to distribution, such as a variety of electronic publications, information consulting services. For most goods and services, the logistics are still transmitted by physical means. 1.2 E-commerce and logistics between E-commerce is a fundamental revolution in

10、 the commercial field, however, it is the actual situation of Chinas development is far from being as good as expected, in which the lag logistics capabilities is a major reason. In the past, people of the importance of logistics in e-commerce knowledge is not enough for the logistics in e-commerce

11、environment, should be changed is also lack of knowledge that for most goods and services, the logistics can still be through the traditional distribution channels. However, with further promotion and application of e-commerce, logistics capacity constraints to their development lags become increasi

12、ngly evident. The importance of logistics activities, the impact of e-commerce has been more and more people noticing it. E-commerce and logistics, but what exactly is the relationship, but very few people to explore. Grasp of this relationship is currently one of the broadest view is that logistics

13、 is an important part of e-commerce. Of course, it has a certain sense, but not exact. This is based on the following two reasons: First, e-commerce success is the most essential business stream processing information, information processing electronics. E-commerce In short, that is, online trading

14、of goods or services. This sale is a sale and purchase of ownership of goods or services, that is, the flow of commerce. It was observed that the flow of commerce to rely on the logistics support, so that logistics is an important part of e-commerce. But the logistics and the flow of commerce betwee

15、n the support and be supported not only the relationship, such as waste recycling and return are two examples. For the logistics and commercial flows, they may say a little better: logistics and commercial flows, that is the essence of e-commerce is the corresponding relationship between a change in

16、 view, that is, logistics and e-commerce is the corresponding relationship. Second, the network economy will be business flow, capital flow information, the electronic flow of information to business, advertising, ordering, purchase, payment, authentication and other physical and transaction process

17、ing virtualization, information technology, can be said that the virtual economy. Logistics is the physical location of the transfer, saying that real is a virtual part, how to look it is not appropriate, but to this relationship as a corresponding actual situation may be more appropriate. Add here

18、that the flow of commerce may include services (where the service does not include logistics services) the transfer of ownership, while the actual service, delivery, that is consumption, not the logistics of the content, but it is also a kind of actual situation the corresponding the relationship be

19、tween consumption and physical displacement of the services combined, and e-commerce called actual situation corresponding really appropriate. As can be seen from the above discussion, logistics and e-commerce extremely close ties. Logistics is very important to the realization of e-commerce, e-comm

20、erce impact on the logistics certainly enormous. Logistics in the future development and the impact of e-commerce are inextricably linked, and can be understood that such a relationship: the logistics own contradictions to promote their development, while providing e-commerce just a means to resolve

21、 this contradiction;, in turn, e-commerce itself is contradictory The solution also needed to provide the means for the logistics, the new economy model requires a new logistics model. 2. The impact of electronic commerce on logistics E-commerce and logistics due to the close relationship between th

22、e e-commerce revolution is bound to greatly impact the logistics. This effect is comprehensive, from the logistics industry status to the logistics organization model, to the logistics of operations, functional areas, will be under the influence of e-commerce undergoing dramatic changes. 2.1 The imp

23、act of electronic commerce on logistics industry 1, greatly enhanced the status of the logistics industry E-commerce is a high-tech and information technology revolution. It is the business, advertising, ordering, purchase, payment, authentication and other physical and transaction processing virtua

24、lization, information technology, so that they become out of entity can be processed on computer networks, information, electronic information processing in turn, strengthen the information processing, and weakens the entity to handle. This will inevitably lead to major industrial restructuring, the

25、 original number of industries, enterprises will gradually compressed as well as the demise will expand and add some industries and enterprises. Result of industrial restructuring, may actually make the industrial society, only two industries, one is industry, including manufacturing and logistics i

26、ndustry; a category is the information industry, including services, finance, information processing industry. In the industry, the logistics enterprises will gradually strengthen. Logistics enterprises will be increasingly strengthened, as in e-commerce environment, must assume a more important tas

27、k: not only should the virtual stores of goods delivered to the hands of users, but also a timely purchase from the manufacturer warehouse. Logistics Company is the manufacturers warehouse, but also the users physical suppliers. On behalf of all logistics enterprises become suppliers of production e

28、nterprises and the user only the most concentrated and most extensive in-kind suppliers. The logistics industry to become a social production chain leader and coordinator for the community to provide a full range of logistics services. See e-commerce to enhance the logistics industry to an unprecede

29、nted height, to provide an unprecedented opportunity for development. 2, supply chain management changes (1) short-circuit of the supply chain In the traditional supply chain channels, the product flow from production companies in the hands of consumers to go through layers of distributors, process

30、is very long, resulting in many problems. E-commerce is now shortened the manufacturers and end users the distance between the supply chain has changed the traditional market structure. Enterprises can use their own websites to bypass traditional distributors and customers to communicate directly. A

31、lthough many non-manufacturing enterprises continue to serve as a commercial Web site of the traditional distributor role, but because they relate to producers and consumers are directly interconnected, but a virtual information and organization as the intermediary distribution network do not need t

32、o set up multi-layer physical (including personnel and shop facilities) do not need to inventory, they still reduce the flow of costs and shorten the circulation time to allow short-circuit of the logistics pathways. (2) the direction of the flow of goods in the supply chain from the push-style into

33、 a pull The traditional supply chain because of the disconnect between supply and marketing, suppliers difficult to obtain timely and accurate sales information, so can only be used for inventory management, planning methods, stock movement was push-style. It has a few obvious shortcomings: the firs

34、t is the lack of flexibility and good product sales, their stocks tend to be very poor, poor sales on the backlog; second, running a long cycle and so on. In e-commerce environment, an integrated supply chain, suppliers and retailers, consumers are linked together through the Internet, through the P

35、OS, EOS and other suppliers can timely and accurate grasp of product sales information and customer information. Use of reaction time inventory management methods, according to information obtained organize production and retail supply, the flow of inventory into a pull they can totally eliminate th

36、e above two shortcomings, and achieve sales of the zero inventory. 3, third-party logistics has become a major organizational form of the logistics industry Third-party logistics refers to the supply-side logistics services, demand-side outside of the third-party logistics services to accomplish the

37、 logistics works. Given the current third-party logistics in practice the successful development, it was predicted that it will be the biggest e-commerce era of change in the logistics industry. Third-party logistics in e-commerce environment will be greatly developed because: (1) The inter-regional

38、 logistics. Inter-temporal nature of e-commerce and cross-regional, requiring that their logistics activities also have cross-regional or international features. E-commerce according to their trading partners can be divided into B2C and B2B. In the B2C form, such as the A countrys consumers in count

39、ry B online store with the internationally accepted credit cards to purchase commodities, to the hands of goods to consumers, for little things (such as books), by mail order; For big-ticket items, it is courier company to complete the delivery. Currently, the flow of costs typically borne by consum

40、ers, for the sporadic flow of users, the cost is too high. As in all countries outside of the establishment of branches and distribution centers, using third-party logistics, distribution centers by the user host country the goods are delivered to the users hands, can significantly reduce distributi

41、on costs, increased velocity. In the B2B form, the bulk of cross-border goods transportation is extremely complicated, if there are third-party logistics companies can provide a vote in the end, door to door service, you can greatly simplify transactions and reduce the turnover of goods sectors, red

42、ucing logistics costs. Also, the new online store companies are generally not possible to invest in building its own global distribution network, and even national distribution network can not be built, so they an urgent requirement for third-party logistics is very easy to understand. (2) e-commerc

43、e era of restructuring the logistics needs of third-party logistics development. E-commerce era, the status of the logistics industry will be greatly improved logistics enterprises in the form of the future is to third-party logistics companies are now taking shape, third-party logistics will be dev

44、eloped into the future, the entire social production enterprises and consumers, third party. 2.2 e-commerce on the logistics of the various operating procedures A, purchasing Traditional procurement is extremely complex. Buyer to complete the search for suitable suppliers, test products, orders, and

45、 to receive the shipping notice and invoice the goods and a series of complex and tedious task. In the e-commerce environment, enterprises in the procurement process will become simple and smooth. In recent years, some large international companies have been in the private network using EDI, the pro

46、curement process to reduce labor, printing and mailing costs. Typically, companies can save 5-10% of this procurement costs. Internet compared to further reduce procurement costs. Compared with the private value-added networks, large companies at lower transmission cost from the Internet to get more

47、 revenue. Internet also opens the door for small and medium enterprises. Purchasing through the Internet, you can access to a wider range of suppliers and, therefore, produces a more intense competition, and from the other hand, lower procurement costs. 2, delivery reposted elsewhere in the paper fo

48、r free download http:/ (1) The distribution industry, to strengthen the status of Distribution, in its early stage of development, mainly based on the functions of promotions to play a role. According to some scholars, research, supply exceeds demand in a buyers market structure is the implementation and development of the appropriate environment for distribution. This shows that before the birth of e-commerce, distribution, there is the underlying reason is for promotional purposes. Distribution built on such a level, the status i


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