Variable costing and Absorption(变动成本法和完全成本法)外文翻译.doc

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《Variable costing and Absorption(变动成本法和完全成本法)外文翻译.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Variable costing and Absorption(变动成本法和完全成本法)外文翻译.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、变动成本和完全成本介绍 这里所说的成本是指只包括在决策分析中用到的。对于许多决策涉及相对较小的变化从现有的实践和/或为相对有限时段,固定成本无关的决定。这是因为要么固定成本往往是不可能在短期内改变或管理者不愿改变他们的是在短期内。变动成本法定义变动成本的区别就在于固定成本和可变成本,为约定的形成的分类。一个产品的变动的成本“变动成本”。这通常是采取直接人工、直接材料,直接费用,变量的一部分。变动成本是正式定义为:会计系统中,变动成本是支付成本单位和固定成本的时期, 是将期间成本中的固定成本从帐务上注销的贡献。其特殊的价值在决策?(术语)销售-变动成本的贡献有时这个术语是指变动成本和变动成本为每


3、个工厂生产1000台3000美元的总成本,如果通过增加产出以一个单位成本上升至3,002美元,增加原油产量的变动成本0.2元。2.如果增加输出多于一种成本,增长总额的增长总额除以平均边际产量将给单位成本。例如,如果产量增加到1020单位从1000台和总生产成本的1,045这些单位是美元,平均变动成本是$ 2.25每单位。变动成本的确定是基于成本的分类和分离的固定和可变成本了。为了了解变动成本的技术,很有必要了解其中的意义。变动成本指的变动成本的生产或最后一个单位。它也被定义为一元钱的成本产生或多或少单位除了现有的生产水平。在这一方面,一个单位,可能意味着一个单一的商品,一打或任何其他措施的货物

4、。例如,如果制造公司生产的成本为X单位300美元和X + 1单位的成本为320美元,成本额外的一个单位,将20美元的变动成本。同样的,如果生产X-1单位归结为280美元,成本的边际单位(300-280 20美元)。与它的变动成本的体积成正比每单位产量和变动成本不变。它由原始成本,即直接材料、直接成本劳动和所有可变管理费。它不含任何元素的固定成本下,变动成本的分离技术。变动成本可以定义为该技术所呈现出来的成本数据的变动成本与固定成本显示分别为经营决策。它应该清楚地明白,变动成本的是一种不喜欢过程成本或工作成本造价。而它是一个简单的方法或技术分析的成本信息,指导管理中存在的问题进行了分析,找出影响

5、而计算出来的利润,因为变化的大量输出。有不同的短语被用于这一技术成本。在英国,变动成本是一项很受欢迎的短语,而在美国,它被称为直接成本和供应商,是用于代替的变动成本。可变成本就是另一个名字的变动成本。变动成本技术已经生下了一个非常有用的概念,给出了在贡献贡献销售收入较少的可变成本:(变动成本)贡献可以被定义为物质在之前的恢复利润固定成本。因此,贡献往的恢复,固定成本和利润等于固定成本加利润(C = F + P)。万一公司利润也不是制造贡献将遭受损失,就等于固定成本(C = F)。这就是所谓的收支相抵的观点。贡献的概念是非常有用的,在变动成本。它有一个固定的关系与销售。销售额的比例的贡献被称为P

6、 / V比保持同样的在给定条件下的生产和销售。变动成本的特点变动成本的主要特点如下:1成本分类变动成本的主要是区分变动成本与固定成本。它是可变成本的基础上,设计生产和销售政策厂商在继变动成本的技术。2股票/存货计价在变动成本对利润、库存/股票价值变动成本的测量。与之形成鲜明对比的是,它是在吸收的总成本法下的单位成本。3边际贡献利用变动成本技术的各项决定边际贡献作标记。边际贡献的区别是销售和中间产品的变动成本。它形成的原则来衡量不同产品的盈利能力或部门。变动成本优势和劣势优势1.变动成本是简单易懂。2.通过不收取固定费用的生产成本费用的影响,避免了不同的单位。3.可防止不合逻辑的弘扬存货计价的电








14、于完全成本费用控制的目的而变动成本是用来管理决策和控制。参考文献:见原文Emmannuel,E.,Otley,D.and Merchant,K.,Readings in Accounting for Management Control,Chapman & Hall,London,1992.Variable costing and Absorption CostingIntroduction The costs that vary with a decision should only be included in decision analysis. For many decisions t

15、hat involve relatively small variations from existing practice and/or are for relatively limited periods of time, fixed costs are not relevant to the decision. This is because either fixed costs tend to be impossible to alter in the short term or managers are reluctant to alter them in the short ter

16、m. Variable costing - definition Variable costing distinguishes between fixed costs and variable costs as convention ally classified. The marginal cost of a product “ is its variable cost”. This is normally taken to be; direct labour, direct material, direct expenses and the variable part of overhea

17、ds. Variable costing is formally defined as:The accounting system in which variable costs are charged to cost units and the fixed costs of the period are written-off in full against the aggregate contribution. Its special value is in decision making? (Terminology.) CONTRIBUTION SALES - MARGINAL COST

18、The term marginal cost sometimes refers to the marginal cost per unit and sometimes to the total marginal costs of a department or batch or operation. The meaning is usually clear from the context. Note Alternative names for variable costing are the contribution approach and direct costing In this l

19、esson, we will study variable costing as a technique quite distinct from absorption costing. Theory of Variable costing The theory of variable costing as set out in “A report on Variable costing” published by CIMA, London is as follows: In relation to a given volume of output, additional output can

20、normally be obtained at less than proportionate cost because within limits, the aggregate of certain items of cost will tend to remain fixed and only the aggregate of the remainder will tend to rise proportionately with an increase in output. Conversely, a decrease in the volume of output will norma

21、lly be accompanied by less than proportionate fall in the aggregate cost. The theory of variable costing may, therefore, by understood in the following two steps: 1.If the volume of output increases, the cost per unit in normal circumstances reduces. Conversely, if an output reduces, the cost per un

22、it increases. If a factory produces 1000 units at a total cost of $3,000 and if by increasing the output by one unit the cost goes up to $3,002, the marginal cost of additional output will be $.2. 2.If an increase in output is more than one, the total increase in cost divided by the total increase i

23、n output will give the average marginal cost per unit. If, for example, the output is increased to 1020 units from 1000 units and the total cost to produce these units is $1,045, the average marginal cost per unit is $2.25. It can be described as follows: The ascertainment of marginal cost is based

24、on the classification and segregation of cost into fixed and variable cost. In order to understand the variable costing technique, it is essential to understand the meaning of marginal cost. Marginal cost means the cost of the marginal or last unit produced. It is also defined as the cost of one mor

25、e or one less unit produced besides existing level of production. In this connection, a unit may mean a single commodity, a dozen, a gross or any other measure of goods. For example, if a manufacturing firm produces X unit at a cost of $ 300 and X+1 units at a cost of $ 320, the cost of an additiona

26、l unit will be $ 20 which is marginal cost. Similarly if the production of X-1 units comes down to $ 280, the cost of marginal unit will be $ 20 (300280). The marginal cost varies directly with the volume of production and marginal cost per unit remains the same. It consists of prime cost, i.e. cost

27、 of direct materials, direct labor and all variable overheads. It does not contain any element of fixed cost which is kept separate under marginal cost technique. Variable costing may be defined as the technique of presenting cost data wherein variable costs and fixed costs are shown separately for

28、managerial decision-making. It should be clearly understood that variable costing is not a method of costing like process costing or job costing. Rather it is simply a method or technique of the analysis of cost information for the guidance of management which tries to find out an effect on profit d

29、ue to changes in the volume of output. There are different phrases being used for this technique of costing. In UK, variable costing is a popular phrase whereas in US, it is known as direct costing and is used in place of variable costing. Variable costing is another name of variable costing. Variab

30、le costing technique has given birth to a very useful concept of contribution where contribution is given by: Sales revenue less variable cost (marginal cost) Contribution may be defined as the profit before the recovery of fixed costs. Thus, contribution goes toward the recovery of fixed cost and p

31、rofit, and is equal to fixed cost plus profit (C = F + P). In case a firm neither makes profit nor suffers loss, contribution will be just equal to fixed cost (C = F). this is known as break even point. The concept of contribution is very useful in variable costing. It has a fixed relation with sale

32、s. The proportion of contribution to sales is known as P/V ratio which remains the same under given conditions of production and sales. Features of Variable costing The main features of variable costing are as follows: 1.Cost ClassificationThe variable costing technique makes a sharp distinction bet

33、ween variable costs and fixed costs. It is the variable cost on the basis of which production and sales policies are designed by a firm following the variable costing technique. 2.Stock/Inventory ValuationUnder variable costing, inventory/stock for profit measurement is valued at marginal cost. It i

34、s in sharp contrast to the total unit cost under absorption costing method. 3.Marginal ContributionVariable costing technique makes use of marginal contribution for marking various decisions. Marginal contribution is the difference between sales and marginal cost. It forms the basis for judging the

35、profitability of different products or departments. Advantages and Disadvantages of Variable costing TechniqueAdvantages 1.Variable costing is simple to understand. 2.By not charging fixed overhead to cost of production, the effect of varying charges per unit is avoided. 3.It prevents the illogical

36、carry forward in stock valuation of some proportion of current year抯 fixed overhead. 4.The effects of alternative sales or production policies can be more readily available and assessed, and decisions taken would yield the maximum return to business. 5.It eliminates large balances left in overhead c

37、ontrol accounts which indicate the difficulty of ascertaining an accurate overhead recovery rate. 6.Practical cost control is greatly facilitated. By avoiding arbitrary allocation of fixed overhead, efforts can be concentrated on maintaining a uniform and consistent marginal cost. It is useful to va

38、rious levels of management. 7.It helps in short-term profit planning by breakeven and profitability analysis, both in terms of quantity and graphs. Comparative profitability and performance between two or more products and divisions can easily be assessed and brought to the notice of management for

39、decision making. Disadvantages 1.The separation of costs into fixed and variable is difficult and sometimes gives misleading results. 2.Normal costing systems also apply overhead under normal operating volume and this shows that no advantage is gained by variable costing. 3.Under variable costing, s

40、tocks and work in progress are understated. The exclusion of fixed costs from inventories affect profit, and true and fair view of financial affairs of an organization may not be clearly transparent. 4.Volume variance in standard costing also discloses the effect of fluctuating output on fixed overh

41、ead. Marginal cost data becomes unrealistic in case of highly fluctuating levels of production, e.g., in case of seasonal factories. 5.Application of fixed overhead depends on estimates and not on the actuals and as such there may be under or over absorption of the same. 6.Control affected by means

42、of budgetary control is also accepted by many. In order to know the net profit, we should not be satisfied with contribution and hence, fixed overhead is also a valuable item. A system which ignores fixed costs is less effective since a major portion of fixed cost is not taken care of under variable

43、 costing. 7.In practice, sales price, fixed cost and variable cost per unit may vary. Thus, the assumptions underlying the theory of variable costing sometimes becomes unrealistic. For long term profit planning, absorption costing is the only answer. Variable costing versus Absorption Costing After

44、knowing the two techniques of variable costing and absorption costing, we have seen that the net profits are not the same because of the following reasons: 1. Over and Under Absorbed Overheads In absorption costing, fixed overheads can never be absorbed exactly because of difficulty in forecasting c

45、osts and volume of output. If these balances of under or over absorbed/recovery are not written off to costing profit and loss account, the actual amount incurred is not shown in it. In variable costing, however, the actual fixed overhead incurred is wholly charged against contribution and hence, th

46、ere will be some difference in net profits. 2. Difference in Stock Valuation In variable costing, work in progress and finished stocks are valued at marginal cost, but in absorption costing, they are valued at total production cost. Hence, profit will differ as different amounts of fixed overheads a

47、re considered in two accounts. The profit difference due to difference in stock valuation is summarized as follows:a.When there is no opening and closing stocks, there will be no difference in profit. b.When opening and closing stocks are same, there will be no difference in profit, provided the fix

48、ed cost element in opening and closing stocks are of the same amount. c.When closing stock is more than opening stock, the profit under absorption costing will be higher as comparatively a greater portion of fixed cost is included in closing stock and carried over to next period. d.When closing stock is less than opening stock, the profit under absorption costing will be less as comparatively a higher amount of fixed cost contained in opening stock is debited during the current period. The features which distinguish variable costing from absorption costing are as follows. a.In absorpt


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