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1、1.Mrs.King was busy,so she didnt come to the English corner.Mrs .King didnt come to the English corner because she was busy.(because 引导原因状语从句)2.Nothing is wrong with your bike. There isnt anything wrong with your bike.(not anything=nothing)3.Lets go skating,shall we? What about Going skating?(Lets .

2、, shall we? What about? Why not.? Would you like to? Why dont you?)4.My parents arent at home at the moment. My parents arent at home right now . (right now = at the moment=此刻)5.They started to look for the lost sheep. They set out to look for the sheep. (start=set out=出发)6.He looked at me in surpri

3、se when I told him the news.He was surprised to looked at me when I told him the news.7.The workers are still working hard at noonThe workers are still working hard in the middle of the day.(at noon=in the middle of the day=中午)8.Class 4 will have a match with Class 5 this morning.Class 4 will play a

4、gainst Class 5this morning.(play against=have a match with=与.比赛)9.It was raining when I went home yeaserday. On my way home yesterday, it was raining.10.The eraser goes from one student to another.The students must pass the eraser from one to another.11.Go down this road,and turn right at the first

5、crossing.Walk along this road, and take the first turning on the right.(go down=walk along沿着.行走 在第几个路口左(右)拐turn left (right) at. taketurning on the left(right)12.John is a Japanese. John comes from Japan. ( come from= is from=来自. (是哪里的人))13.The other students must close their eyes.The other students

6、 must keep their eyes closed.(keep+名词+形容词:保持某种状态 keep our classroom clean 让我们的教室保持干净 keep ourselves healthy让我们自己保持健康)14.The headmaster took his place, and the meeting began at once.The meeting bagan as soon as the headmaster took his place.(as soon as=一.就)15.There is a hospital opposite the post off

7、ice.There is a hospital on the other side of the post office.(opposite=on the other side of=在的对面)16.She always works hard at English.She always studies English hard .( work hard at=studyhard=在方面学得努力)17.Which month do you like best?Which is your favourite month?(likebest=favourite=最喜欢的)18.Wei Hua had

8、 a very busy day yesterday. Wei Hua was very busy yesterday. (be busy=have a busy day=繁忙)19.Kate came to school late yesterday.Kate was late for school yesterday. (come tolate=be late for=迟到了)20.Dont hurry. You can finish the work by 10:00. Take your time You can finish the work by 10:00.(take ones

9、time=dont hurry=从容地做某事)21.Mr.Smith did not catch the last train yesterday because of rain. Mr.Smith missed the last train yesterday because of rain. (not catch=miss=没赶上,错过)22.There will be an important meeting. He must attent it.He has an important meeting to attend .23.I have no sisters. I dont hav

10、e any sisters.24.He spents 5 dollars buying that shirt. (no=not a 或 =not any) That shirt cost him 5 dollars.25.They got up early so that they could catch the bus. They got up early in order to catch the bus.( so that=in order to =so as to=为了)26.My mother boughtme a watch yesterday. My mother bought

11、a watch for me yesterday.(buy sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb.=给某人买某物)27.Why did you do that? What Did you do that for ?(for=为了. whatfor=why)28.He was surprised to find the light had gone out. To his surprise ,he found the light had gone out. (to ones surprise=使某人感到惊奇的)29.That morning she went to school in a

12、 hurry. That morning she hurried to school. (hurry to =go toin a hurry=匆匆忙忙地去做某事)30.The little girl took out her new toy to let her friends look at it. The little girl took out her new toy to show it to her friends. (show sth.to sb.=let sb. look at sth=给某人看什么东西)31.It rained very hard last night. The

13、re was a heavy rain last night.(rain hard=rain heavily=雨下得很大 转换成名词=a heavy rain)32.It will not rain tomorrow. If so, they will go to the park. They will go to the park if it does not rain tomorrow.33.The school needs English teachers very much. The school is in great need of English teachers. (needv

14、ery much=be in great need of=非常需要)34.He told Li Ming not to forget to give the message to his wife. He said to Li Ming, “ Dont forget to give message to my wife.” (tell sb. not to do sth变成间接引语时,改tell为say to;not to do sth. 改为Dont do改his为my)35.It is right to stop smoking. I t is right not to smoke any

15、 longer .36.Now I see what you mean. Now I understand what you mean. (see=understand=know=明白,弄清楚)37.He was kind enough to give me so much help. It was very kind of him to give me so much help.38.She didnt leave until the children were asleep. She left after the children fell asleep.39.Yesterday our

16、teacher wasnt well.Yesterday our teacher wasnt in good health . (well=in good health=身体好)40.Are we all here today? Is everyone here today?41.It took me half an hour to do my homework last night. I spent half an hour in doing my homework last night. (sb.spend some time(some money)in doing sth.某人花费时间(

17、金钱)做某事)42.He usually gets up at six thirty. He usually gets up at half past six . (six thirty=half past six=六点半)43.Peter is taller than the other two. Peter is the tallest of the three.44.Lets have a swim in the West Lake this afternoon. Lets go swimming in the West Lake this afternoon. (go swimming

18、 =have a swim=去游泳)45.The wood bridge has been there for 100 years. The wood bridge has been there for one century. (100 years= one century=一百年)46.Dont get angry with him. He is but a child. Dont get angry with him.He is only a child. (but=only=只,仅仅)47.He left home in 1990 and has never been back. He

19、 has been away from home since 1990.) (leave home=be away from home=离家)48.Today computers are widely used in many ways. Today computers are used a lot in many ways. (widely=a lot=广泛的)49.The foreigners will get to Beijing in three days. The foreigners will arrive in Beijing in three days. (到达:get to

20、reach arrive in(大地方) arrive at(小地方))50.The teacher said, “ You must pay attention to your handwriting.” The teacher said, “ You must be careful of your handwriting.” (pay attention to= be careful of=注意,小心)51.The boss made them work 12 hours a day. They were made to work 12 hours a day.52.My daughter

21、 sometimes helps me clean the floor, wash the bowls and something like this. My daughter sometimes helps me do some cleaning . (clean the floor,wash the bowls = 拖地,洗碗,do some cleaning =做清洁之类的事,英语中常用do some (the ,much) doing做点什么事)53.Before night, all the fish were dead.All the fish died in the evenin

22、g . (before night=in the evening )54.She told her son to go to bed at 9:40 in the evening. She told her son to go to bed at twenty to ten in the evening.55.Dont make your shoes dirty. Keep Your shoes clean .56.I was not here just now. I was away a moment ago . (be not here=be away=不在 just now= a mom

23、ent ago=刚才)57.Is Tom in? I s Tom at home ? (be in= be at home=在家)58.Yesterday she asked someone to repair her watch. Yesterday she had her watch repaired . (have sth.done=请别人来做某事)59.He often goes to see his old classmates by bus. He often takes a bus to see his old classmates. (go to by bus=take a b

24、us to=乘公共汽车去)60.It is good that we get up early. It is good for us to get up early. 61.There was a sports meeting in our school last week. Our school held a sports meeting last week.62.Jack was the fastest runner in his class. Jack ran fastest in his class.63.It started on Thursday and ended on Satu

25、rday. It lasted three days. 64.Travelling by train isnt very expensive. Its not very expensive to travel by train.65.Therere people everywhere in the waiting-room. The waiting-room is full of people.66.If you dont have a ticket, you cant get on a train.You cant get on a train without a ticket .67.Pe

26、ople know Hangzhou well because of the West Lake.Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake.68.People can visit many places and buy very good tea and silk in Hangzhou.People can not only visit many places in Hangzhou but also buy very good tea and silk there.(not onlybut also=不但而且)69.How wougerful the cit

27、y is! What a wouldful city !(it is)70.Do you know how I can get to the cinema? Do you know to get to the cinema?71.I wont do it well if you don,t help me. I wont do it well unless you help me.,” Lily said. (unless=ifnot=除非)72.Chinese has the most speakers in the world.Chinese is spoken by the larges

28、t number of people in the world.73.What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you?74.Lily said that she was going to Beijing the next day. “I m going to Beijing tomorrow (直接引语中的 today, yesterday , tomorrow, next month 在间接引语中应换成:that day, the day before. the next day, the next month)75.I f

29、eel like eating something. I am hungry .76.Did you go to the park yesterday? You went to the park yesterday, didnt you?77.he cant do anything because he is very tired.He is too tired to do anything. (tooto=太以至于不能)78. Watching TV too much is bad for your health. It is bad for your health to watch TV

30、too much .79.Mr. White never has free time. Mr . White is always busy .80.His sister often wears green clothes. His sister is often in green.81.His room is bright. My room is bright,too. His room is as bright as mine. (asas=和一样)82.They decided that they would have the next meeting on Saturday.It was

31、 decided that the next meeting would be held on Saturday.83.It is very difficult to answer those questions.We have difficulty in answering those questions. (be difficult=have difficulty in=做某事有困难) 84.We also learned the way to greet people.We also learned how to greet people. (the way to do sth.(做某事

32、的方式)=how to do sth.(如何做某事))85.Im on my way to see my grandmother. She is ill in hospital.Im on my way to the hospital. My grandmother is ill.86.The No.15 bus will take you there. You will take the No.15 bus to get there.87.The supermarket isnt near my home. The supermarket is far from my home.88.Mr.

33、Zhang began to teach English 15 years ago. Mr.Zhang has been an English teacher for 15 years.89.He went to New York in 1998 and 2000. He has been to New York twice.90.Mr. Zhang will go to Australia next month.Mr. Zhang will leave for Australia next month.(go to=leave for=动身去)91As a tourist city, Han

34、gzhou is famous. Hangzhou is famous as a tourist city. (be famous for因而著名 be famous as作为而著名)92.As usual,he visits the Summer Palace once every six months.像往常一样,他照例六个月去颐和园一次 He usaullyvisits the Summer Palace once every six months.93.Mary dreamt that she could travel along the Changjiang River one da

35、y. Mary dreamt of traveling along the Changjiang River one day.94.My sister doesnt like to get married in the church,and I dont like to get married there,eight. My sister doesnt like to get married in the church, neither do I .95.The girl preferred death to marrying an old man. (prefer A to B喜欢A甚于喜欢

36、B)The girl preferred to die rather than marry an old man. (prefer A rather than B喜欢A而不喜欢B)96.John married a girl from a rich family two years ago.John got married to a girl from a rich family two years ago.97.My son does well in drawing. My son is good at drawing .( do well in = be good at=擅长)98.He

37、stays at home on rainy days. He stays at home when it is rainy (raining) .99.The shoes are so small that he cant wear them. The shoes are too small for him.100.I think he doesnt like the colour. I dont think he likes the colour.101.Ill go there tonight. Ill go there this evening . (this evening =ton

38、ight=今晚)102.I have much work to do. I have a lot of work to do.103.I was excited when I saw many books in the bookstore. I was excited to see so many books in the bookstore.104.But some books would cost more than I have. But I didnt have enough money to buy some books.105.During last summer vocation

39、, I decided to find a part-time job.During last summer vocation, I decided that I should find a part-time job .106.We usually have lunch at school. We often have lunch at school.107.Jim didnt answer the questions correctly.Jim didnt give correct answers to the questions.108.My grandfather is too sic

40、k to talk to us. My grandfather is so sick that he cant talk to us.109.John was given a bike by his mother. Johns mother give him a bike. 110.Mike was told how he could learn English well. Mikes teacher told him how to learn English well.111.Many workers built this factory in 2000. This factory was

41、built by many workers in 2000.112.He asked me,” Where are you going?” He asked me where I was going .113.My brother asked me what I was going to do. My brother asked me, “What are you going to do?”114.They have studied English for 10 years. They began to study English 10 years ago.115.He went to the

42、 class at 9 oclock. He didnt go to the class until 9 oclock.116.There were many Chinese friends at the party. Many Chinese friends went to the party.117.I have 2 chairs in my bedroom. THere are 2 chairs in my bedroom.118.Learning English well is very important. I t is very important to learn English

43、 well.119 It is ten oclock when the film will start. The film will start at ten oclock.120.Dont forget to bring your glasses! Remember to bring your glasses!121.My mother is not (in) at home. My mother is out .122.He spent 30 dollars buying this book. He paid 30 dollars for this book.123.She does we

44、ll in English. She is good at English.124.Were always busy with our work. We seldom have free time .125.The boy is very young. The boy cant understand it. The boy is too young to understand it.126.I dont think maths is as interesting as English. I think maths is less interesting than English.127.Of

45、all the boys in the class,John runs the fastest.John runs faster than any other boy in the class.128.Hurry or you will be late for school. If you dont hurry, you will be late for school.129.He came only after the game was over. He didnt come until the game was over.130.The box is so heavy that I cant lift it. The box is too heavy for me to lift.131.Jane couldnt sing well .I couldnt sing well,either. Neither Jane nor I could sing well.132.We have to finish the work today. The work has to be finished today.133.The thief was caught b


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