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1、Satans rebel hero image in paradise lostIn the Bible, the meaning of Satan is “to obstruct, oppose, meaning that obstruct the will of the Lord God, and he is also Gods enemy. It is variation of angle and b brought mankind disaster. The symbol of Satan is dragon.AndIsawanangelcomedownfromheaven,havin
2、gthekeyofthebottomlesspitandagreatchaininhishand.Andhelaidholdonthedragon,thatoldserpent,whichistheDevil,andSatan,andboundhimathousandyears,In Paradise Lost, Satan was originally a large archangel beside the god, because of his dissatisfaction with the Son of God took the throne and has a higher sta
3、tus than him. Out of jealousy, he chose human as his weapon to revenge God, Satanin the guiseofa serpenttemptsEve topicktheforbiddenapple from theTreeofLife. Success lure mankind lost the Garden of Eden this piece of paradise. In addition to the simple desire catalyst, Milton creating more circumsta
4、nces which made catalysts work. Gods attitude, the Son of gods satisfaction, Satans struggle, Satans provocative speech, Satans trick . present a more three-dimensional process of an angels falling, more importantly, Milton make such a fallen angel with many mortal emotions of human beings.First of
5、all, Satan in Miltons book is considered to be a hero, there is no doubt that he represents Miltons revolutionary ideas. He dared to fight against the highest authority and this kind of spirit show us his heroic. to fight for peace and freedom, to overthrow the dictatorship of God, he led the rebel
6、angels to fight against with God. In the poem is Satan who first suspects the absolutecommands which are nonsense but people must blind obey that. So he led his troops to resist, and set wars with the God.In the first round, he failed; he did not throw in the towel and lose his spirit. He is far-sig
7、hted and premeditated, he creates the salvo, the heaven armiesareunpreparedto cope with it in the clash, even God in heaven, also predicted that they may lose hill. After being dropped to hell, Satan knew it clearly that God is more powerful than him, but he did not want to lose the leadership. He g
8、ot one idea that he will destroy Gods plan, seeking an indirect retaliationBut he was advocating freedom; he solicited the views of others in the hell Parliament. He struggled to find human ancestor in the Garden of Eden. He also promoted the theme of the poem. Satan thought: God and the angels were
9、 equal in the wisdom, what is the only difference between them is strength. God created all things was not out of kindness and love, but for his selfish purpose obtain permanent sincerity and yield from everything he created. Satan also believed: God is heaven tyrant, should not hold infinite author
10、ity to the public”, Satan hated the kind of slavery. “knowledge forbidden?Suspicious, reasonless. Why should their lordEnvy them that? Can do they only standBig ignorance, is that their happy state,The proof of their obedience and their faith?.”In Satan opinion, the reason that God forbid men and an
11、gels to acquire knowledge is to make mankind stay in ignorance forever, making them infinitely worship him. Moreover, the glamorouswords that Satan tempted Eve eating the forbidden fruit sounding rhetoric are a declaration of opposition to ignorance. Satan praise the wisdom tree which can make peopl
12、e distinguish good and evil!We also can see Satans heroism that: at stake, he always be fearless and step forward. For example: When the rebel leaders decided to send someone out of hell through the chaotic border to detect the actual situation of the New World, all of the rebel angels hesitated,gla
13、nced questioningly at one another, because it will took big risk. Satan stand up without hesitation.Satan was a hero, with courage, leadership and statesmanship. When Satan said to his frightened companions in a powerful voice to wake them up, he reveals his heroic leader style. Satan is a hero, not
14、 only because he dared to resist and had the courage to pursue freedom, but also because he show us his indomitable spirit and optimism. At the beginning of the poem, Satan lay in Fire Lake of hell and endured the torment of fire and destruction of suffering, but he did not lose his heart, his indom
15、itable spirit will not be destroy. In the famous poem, Satan expressed his feelings in this section: “what thought the filed be lost?All is not lost; the unconquerable will,And study of revenge, immortal hate,And courage never to submit or yield,And what is else not to be overcome;That glory never shall his wrath or mightExtort from me.”From these verses we can see that Satans spirit of optimism and determined attitude. Although Satan finally failed, mentally he is a real winner.参考文献:(英)Mller U.B., Die Offenbarung des Johannes(约翰的启示录), Gttersloh 1995(英)John Milton, Paradise lost M London 1667