江苏省灌南县实验中学七级英语上册《Unit3 welcome to our school Integrated Skills》教案 牛津版(可编辑).doc

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《江苏省灌南县实验中学七级英语上册《Unit3 welcome to our school Integrated Skills》教案 牛津版(可编辑).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省灌南县实验中学七级英语上册《Unit3 welcome to our school Integrated Skills》教案 牛津版(可编辑).doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、 江苏省灌南县实验中学七年级英语上册Unit3 welcome to our school Integrated Skills教案 牛津版一、教学目标:1)、会用本课时的四会单词。2)、词组 fromto,get up, go to school, all kinds of , borrow.from 3、句型It is a long way from my home to the school. It takes her about twenty minutes to get to school二、教学重难点:句型:It is a long way from my home to the s

2、chool. It takes her about twenty minutes to get to school.三、教学过程:A How do you get to school?Step I 呈现1 与学生就他们的学习和生活进行交流,在复习学过的内容的同时,导入A部分的话题。教师说:How many classes do you have every dayWhat time does your first class begin2 教师利用图片向学生介绍交通方式。教师说: I get to school by bus every day. Sometimes I ride a bike

3、 to school. 将 by bus 和ride a bike 写在黑板上,同时呈现take a bus. Walk和by bike.教师还可以提问:How do you get to school every day? 验证学生掌握情况。Step II 听力训练1向学生介绍课本A部分的情境,指导他们进行听力训练。2 通过与学生问答的方式。核对答案。教师说:How does Millie get to school?What about Amy? How does Sandy get to school3 向学生呈现A2部分的背景,指导他们先完成部分表格,再带着问题听录音,补全表格信息。4

4、 接着向学生介绍A3 部分的情境,指导他们听录音并根据A1和A2 的信息完成 Millie 的文章。Step III 展示1 安排学生组成四个小组。开展调查, 并完成表格。教师说: Here is a table. Please work in groups of four and make a survey.NameHowHow long2给学生几分钟时间准备,而后每个小组派一个代表将调查的结果向全班进行汇报。 B Speak up :Do you have a libraryStep I 呈现1 教师与学生就 My school 为主题,进行口头交流。一方面复习原有知识,另一方面导入B部分

5、的话题。教师问:Do you like your school? Is it big or small? What do you have in your school? Do you have a building? Is it tall? How many floors does the building? Which floor is your classroom on? Do you have a library? Is it open every day? What can you do in the library? Are there many books in your lib

6、rary?2 在与学生的交流过程中,呈现reading room, all kinds of , borrowfrom 等Step II 听力训练1 向学生呈现课本B部分的图片并介绍语境。教师说:Amys cousin, Shirley, wants to know more about Amys schoolPlease listen to their conversation and answer this question: What place are they talking about?2 播放录音,鼓励学生带着目的听录音并找出答案: They are talking about

7、the library.3 为学生提供T/F 判断题。要求他们再听录音并完成正误判断。(1)The library in Amys school is big .T2 It is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.F3 The reading room is only open in the afternoon. T4 There are many books in the library. T5 Amy often borrows CDs from the library. F4 核对答案Step III 操练1 为学生播放录音,要求他们跟录音朗读对话。如需要可多跟读几遍。

8、2 组织学生分角色朗读对话。教师说:Students on the right play the role of Amy. Students on the left play the role of Shirley .Then we change the roles, OK?Step IV 展示1 鼓励学生两人一组。根据课本上的对话,发挥想象编写一段新的对话。教师说:Would you like to introduce your own school? Do you have a library, a hall, an art room, a reading room or a music room? What do you know about these placesWhat do you often do therePlease work in pairs and make new conversations about your school在此环节中。教师还可让学生就My favourite place in the school 等话题进行讨论。2 教师选择能力不同的学生上台表演。Step X 家庭作业1. 熟读今天所学内容。2. 背诵B部分的对话。3. 预习Study skills


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