英语毕业论文80882:莎士比亚An Analysis of Shakespeare’s Tragedy World.doc

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1、An Analysis of Shakespeares Tragedy WorldAbstract Shakespeare(1564-1616)lived in the transition period from feudal society to capitalistic society. The greatest of all English authors, William Shakespeare belongs to one of those rare geniuses of mankind who have become landmarks in the history of wo

2、rld culture. Meanwhile the works of William Shakespeare are a great landmark in the history of world literature. Tragedies, especially the four great tragedies, stand for his greatest contribution. In Hamlet, the hero is rational and his plan is in-depth, but he always cant put his ideas into action

3、s. In Othello, the hero Othello is a brave hero. He loves and is loved. He always trusts others. From the characters in King Lear, we can see the depth and width of life the work reflects. King Lears tragedy goes through the whole work. Macbeth is the finally completed and the shortest of the four.

4、It is famous for its quick development. Every role and every story in Shakespeares tragedy world based on the four great tragedies make our heart and soul moving. Through analyzing the characters of the four great tragedies, this article tells people how to choose the right destination when they are

5、 facing sufferings and ridicule of life. And from them we can find the right way to live and act.Key WordsShakespeare; tragedy; disposition flaw; guilt; ambition 摘要莎士比亚(1564-1616)生活在封建社会和资本主义社会的转折时期。在所有的英国作家中,莎士比亚在世界文学史上是极少数里程碑式人物之一。同样其作品也是一个里程碑。从艺术上讲,莎士比亚的悲剧是莎剧中成就最高的,而其中又以四大悲剧为代表。在哈姆雷特这悲剧中主人公是理智的,计

6、划周到的,但却总难付诸行动。在奥赛罗里,主人公奥赛罗是性格刚勇的好汉,他爱着也被爱着。李尔王一剧的人物形象可以看出作品反映的时代生活广度和深度,李尔王的悲剧命运贯穿全剧的中心。麦克白是四大悲剧中最后完成的,也是悲剧中最短的一个。它以戏剧情节发展的快速而闻名。莎士比亚的以四大悲剧为代表的悲剧世界,其中各个角色,各个场景都深深震撼我们的心灵,本文通过四大悲剧主人公性格分析,指出了面对生活的苦难和人生的荒谬,人们应如何做出选择。我们从中一定会找到行事的方针和生活的智慧。关键词莎士比亚;悲剧;性格缺陷;罪恶;欲望 IntroductionWilliam Shakespeare was born on

7、the 23rd of April, 1564, in Stratford-on Avon, Warwickshire. He is one of those rare geniuses of mankind who have become landmarks in the history of world culture. Meanwhile the works of William Shakespeare are a great landmark in the history of world literature. During the 22 years of his literary

8、work he produced 37 plays, 2 narrative poems and 154 sonnets. But tragedies, especially the four great tragedies, stand for his greatest contribution.The disposition flaw in Hamlet which Shakespeare processes is over the perfect moral principle. In Othello, Othello always trusts others. But just thi

9、s nobility and innocence make him guilty. King Lears biggest weakness is that he cant distinguish what is the false flattery and what is the faithful emotion and sentiment. Macbeth describes that how an ambition makes somebody become a criminal from a famous minister and ends with an evil monarch. I

10、t reflects the awful result of the excessive and continuous ambition for people deeply.All in all, through analyzing the heroes characters, living background and their fate, this article tells people how to choose when they are facing sufferings and ridicule of life. And from them we can find the pr

11、inciple of doing something and wisdom of living. So when something very important happens, one can face it and deal with it more severely, one can shoulder the burden of life more easily. I believe people can learn more from good tragedy works. I. The Four Great Tragedies Heroes AnalysisA. A Tragic

12、HeroHamletHamlet is one of Shakespeares tragedies. Hamlet learns from the ghost of his father the fatal secret of his death at the hands of Claudis, his uncle, who marries the widow, has the cold body of the deceased. Hamlet lays a trap to catch his uncles conscience, breaks his engagement with Ophe

13、lia, kills the wary old counselor Polonius, and is sent off to England under the escort of the treacherous courtiers Rosencrantz and Guildenstein, to be put to death. On the way, he rises in the night, unseals their murderous commission, rewrites it and seals it with his fathers ring, having worded

14、it so that they themselves shall be the victims when they reach England. In a fight with pirates Hamlet boards their ship, and is conveyed by them back to Denmark, where he tells his adventures to his friend Horatio. At Ophelias grave he encounters Laertes, her brother; and presently, in a fencing b

15、out with him, is killed by Laertes poisoned sword, but not before he has stabbed his treacherous uncle and forced the fatal cup of poison down his throat. His mother Gertrude has just died from accidentally drinking the same poison, prepared by the King for Hamlet.It is a revenge play, like Kyds Spa

16、nish Tragedy, and like Tourneurs Revengers Tradey and so on. The Renaissance was a violent time and their theatres obsession with things like revenge proves it. But whereas most of Shakespeares contemporaries take, and created revenge-heroes who behave accordingly, Shakespeare creates a humane and s

17、ensitive hero who is appalled by the task appointed to him. Hamlet is a clear representation of Shakespeares tragic hero.As the plays tragic hero, Hamlet exhibits a combination of good and bad points. A complex character, he displays a variety of characteristics throughout the plays development. Som

18、etimes he is a human and sensitive hero, at other times he is melodramatically violent, cold-bloodedly callous, or even gleefully blood thirsty, both in word and deed. At first everyone sees Hamlet as a sensitive young prince who is mourning the death of his father, the King. In addition, his mother

19、s immediate marriage to his uncle has left him in even greater despair. The combination of these emotions leaves one feeling sympathetic to Hamlet. Then he becomes a very “human” character. One sees from the very beginning that he is a very complex and conflicted man, and that his tragedy has alread

20、y begun.Hamlets anger and grief- primarily stemming from his mothers marriage to Claudius- brings him to thoughts of suicide, which only subsides as a result of it being a mortal and religious sin. The fact that he wants to take his own life demonstrates a weakness in his character. His decision not

21、 to kill himself because of religious beliefs shows that this weakness is balanced with some sense of morality. Such an obvious paradox is only one example of the inner conflict and turmoil that will eventually lead to Hamlets downfall. This internal struggle is obvious from his best-known soliloquy

22、. To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous foutune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die-to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks

23、That flesh is heir to: tis a consummation Devoutly to be wishd. To die, to sleep; To sleep, perchance to dream-ay, theres the rub (From Act III Scene )“To be, or not to be,” shows Hamlet contemplating the idea of loyalty, acting upon ones morals and their relation to fighting against the challenges

24、of evil. Meanwhile, he doubts everything, including love. He hesitates, which makes him enter the tragedy. His tragedy shows the limitation of his thinking as a humanist. In that period, the power of enemy is very big. The beauty and the ugly are turned. The dream of humanist cant be realized. The s

25、truggle of hero must end with grey luck. Hamlets tragedy is the times tragedy. The liberation and freedom Hamlet goes after are too heavy. The sad that dream cant be realized makes him more sufferings. In addition, the limitation of Hamlet is also revealed by his far away from people. He just wants

26、to change the society by himself. He just remains himself. Though Hamlet has great wisdom and enough reason, its unrealized to do one thing by his own power. Also in that society, nobody wins at last by oneself.Hamlet is also a person who believes destiny deeply. Until the last stage of his struggle

27、, he still believes that there is a power which can decide someone to win or fail. He is tied by the old thought. So he hesitates, misses the opportunity and is passive.Hamlet, although a complex and unique character, clearly represents the tragic hero. Shakespeare wants to tell us that the real wor

28、ld is unreasonable, but he cant solve the question. Because of the limitation of time and rank, the great of Hamlet is that he can reveal ugly exists in the world bravely, but not how to sweep these sins. The original power Hamlet represents is on the stage of childishness. They havent enough power

29、to destroy evil. Maybe in the other words we can say that they are doomed to tragedy.B. Victim of CredulityOthelloOthello, a Moorish general of Venice, has promoted Cassio as his lieutenant; Iago, who was hoping for the promotion himself, makes plots against Cassio and Othello to exact revenge. Othe

30、llo has secretly married Desdemona, the beautiful daughter of Venetian senator Brabantio, and Iago determines to use Desdemona as the means of his revenge. Othello believed Iagos tricks, so that he killed his wife by his own hand. At last when he finds he has murdered his wife by mistake, he cant fa

31、ce himself and stabs himself in front of Cassio and dies on Desdemonas bed, beside her.Othello, due to his Moorish nature but at the same time morally white and untainted, can be considered grey with the opening of the play. His tragedy is caused by his naivet at trusting people too easily. In this

32、play, there is a character Iago who is contrary to Othello in nature. He is the embodiment of evil. He manipulates the development of the play and all the characters in the play and leads a sorry tragedy.Iagos living gospel is “One who lives only for himself”. He takes every kind of measures to real

33、ize his benefit. Facially he is very good and honest. He just wants to get trust from Othello. His evil cant be counted and cant be ignored. Iago knows the weakness of Othellos character. Othello is born with white and untainted. He doesnt know he has trapped in others lie and injury. When Iago mani

34、pulates Othello, Othello unknowingly gives in to the temptation, even going as far as telling Iago I am bound to thee for ever (III. iii. 242). Othello at this point is completely taken in with Iagos mind poisoning and willingly submits to him, yielding to his trickeries. Inevitably with a little pu

35、sh from Iago, Othello slowly goes down the path of dark and pure blackness, with murder evident in mind. With Iagos tampering of his inner moralities, Othello turns black like a speeding snowball, once Iago set him on the right path. At last the green-eyed monster lures him to kill his wife and dest

36、roy his business, reputation and life. When Othello finds his mistake, even though at the end he seems repentant towards the deeds that he has done, he still lost. So he stabs himself and also lefts some words which are full of regret. Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate, Nor set down aught in ma

37、lice: then must you speak Of one that loved not wisely but too well; Of one not easily jealous, but being wroughtPerplexd in the extreme; of one whose hand,Like the base Indian. Threw a pearl awayRicher than all his tribe; of one whose subdued eyes,Albeit unused to the melting mood,Drop tears as fas

38、t as the Arabian treesTheir medicinal gum. Set you down this; (From Act Scene ) Many critics of Shakespeare like to talk about Othellos noble temper, and like to study the motivation of evil Iago. But in fact, Iago stands not only the envy of aspiration and flesh, and also a kind of aeriform individ

39、ualism. All in all, evil and good is expressed as a never-ending fight in Shakespeares tragedies. Evil and good is recognized as each quality manifests during a persons lifetime. But only at the moment of death is he able to look back and see what he truly is without hindrance of the other. C. A Tra

40、gic King Created by PowerLearKing Lear, the aging king of Britain, is old and wishes to retire from his position of King of Britain. So he determines to split his domain evenly between his three daughters: Goneril, Regan, and the young Cordelia. Because he makes a very foolish decision, so the trage

41、dy begins. He surrenders all his power and land to his two elder daughters as a reward for their fake demonstration of love towards him. This rash decision leads to his imminent downfall. Lear is soon to find out how much love Goneril and Regan actually have for him. Its late, he begins to go mad. A

42、t last, overcome by his sorrow, Lear collapses and dies besides his lone loving daughter.Tragedy has been proved to be the most moving in all the literate works. But many critics think that though Lear isnt the most perfect work, it has the strongest tragedy feature.The first reason of King Lears tr

43、agedy is that his knowledge to nature and society is wrong. More exactly, he doesnt know the society at all. As a king, he lives in a luxury and corrupt environment and he doesnt know how people live outside. He seems only power and respect. So he makes that foolish decision. The second reason of Ki

44、ng Lears tragedy is that his knowledge to humans rank and value is wrong. Lear doesnt know the relation between king and common people. He thinks he is a king and is different from others. His value is over everyone. He believes deeply that even though he isnt a king one day, he still can own respec

45、t from others. That foolish decision tells him that he is wrong.After expiring tragedy, his good side in his soul begins to unfold. We see he can not only be mild to other and also be sympathy to the weak. His power of character is not only showed in the curse of two daughters and also showed in the

46、 apologizing to his little daughter. With the development of play, we begin to excuse Lear. King Lear just like a fable, and tells us some philosophies of life. Gloucester begins to see clearly his two sons who is good and who is evil after losing sight. The same, Lear becomes sane after mad. The re

47、asons of Lears tragedy have some social reasons and also some individual reasons. It is a kings tragedy and also a commons tragedy. “Who am I” shows Lear awaking deeply. In fact, he begins to awake from his two elder daughters bad treatment. So he says, O, reason not the need! Our basest beggars Are

48、 in the poorest thing superfluous. Allow not nature more than nature needs, Mans life is cheap as beasts. Thou art a lady; If only to go warm were gorgeous, Why, nature needs not what thou gorgeous wearst, Which scarcely keeps thee warm. But for true need- You heavens, give me that patience, patience I need! You see me here, you gods, a poor old man, (From Act Scene )In the play King Lear, from the beginning to the end, the evil take the main hero. Though t


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