外研版高中英语必修一第四模块阅读课 A Lively City教学设计.doc

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1、外研版高中英语必修一第四模块阅读课 A Lively City教学设计姓名金敏娟单位西乡二中课型阅读课课时第2课时教学对象高一(1)班是否采用多媒体是一、教材分析 A Lively City 是外研版必修一Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighborhood 中的阅读课文。这篇文章以对话的方式向人们展示了厦门市的地理位置,气候以及城市概况等。这样的方式简洁且易于接受,能使学生在对话间迅速了解这个城市的繁华,感受它的魅力和体验它的独特风情。阅读这篇课文后,学生可以认识他们自己所在的城市。本课内容包括:学生相互描述自己所在的城市;结合学生的实际情况,对课文内容进行整合,


3、他们能在英语上有大的进步。三、教学资源与策略本节课除外研版必修一教材、录音资料外,还借鉴了学英语报和金色教案中的一些好的方面,同时也通过互联网搜索了有关厦门的一些美丽的图片。主要采用的教学策略有: 任务型阅读教学法和交际式教学法。四、教学目标1. 知识与能力:1) 掌握文中的词汇和语言点。2)理解文章大意并能完成相应阅读任务。 3) 能够复述文章并介绍自己的城市。2. 过程与方法:1) 鼓励小组或搭档积极讨论,参与课堂活动,培养协作学习意识。2) 运用多媒体激发学生的兴趣,启发他们运用所学知识进行语言表达。3. 情感、态度与价值观:通过本模块的学习旨在让学生认识和欣赏祖国的大好河山,培养他们的

4、爱国情操。五、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 学会利用跳读、略读等阅读技巧获取信息,确定主题句。 2) 正确理解文章主题大意及细节信息。2. 教学难点:1) 学会用关键词句进行信息整合,复述课文。2) 如何是学生能积极参与,大胆表达自己的观点、见解。六、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneLeading-inStep TwoDiscussion and predictionReview some words and expressions by having students describing their own houses and city. Then show s

5、ome beautiful pictures of a city to have them use some adjectives to describe so as to lead in the topic A Lively City.Have students discuss and predict which city the text will talk about and which aspects it will focus on?1. A. Xian B. Shanghai C. Beijing D. Xiamen2. A. position B. weather C. buil

6、dings D. business district E. island F. food H. culture1. Take part in the activity actively2. Apprreciate these pictures and discuss some questionsDiscuss and predict the topic actively with each other 通过简单的描述来复习上节课的词汇既能快速将学生带入课堂又能引起他们对接下来话题的猜测,营造良好的氛围,进而通过图片的展示让学生试着用恰当的形容词来描绘这座生机勃勃的城市,引出课题-A Livel

7、y City。通过讨论猜测的形式锻炼学生的积极思考的习惯,在此基础上阅读下文会更有目的性。Step ThreeReadingHave students read the text quickly in five to eight minutes to get the mian idea and important information.一. Choose the correct answer.1. John Martin is visiting _.1) Xiaolis hometown2) a town near where Xiaoli lives3) a shopping mall2.

8、 Xiaoli lives _.1) on the island of Gulangyu2) in Xiamen3) in a town to the northwest of Xiamen3. John and Xiaoli are _.1) at Xiaolis home2) driving around the city in a car3) on a train4. Which is the most interesting part of the city?1) The western district2) The eastern district3) The Gulangyu is

9、land4) The northern district.二. True or Forse.1. John and Xiaoli havent seen each other for six years.2. John has never been to China before.3. Xioali enjoys living on the coast.4. There are very few tourists in northwest of Xiamen.5. There are a lot of high-rise buildings on Gulangyu island.6. Ther

10、e are some interesting buildings on Gulangyu island.Read the text quickly to find the main idea and important information. Then finish the exercises.Pay attention to detailed information.1. 训练学生能在短时间内有效地提取信息,完成相应的阅读任务。2. 培养学生的阅读速度与阅读技巧,形成良好的阅读习惯。注意细节性信息,准确理解文意。Step FourFurther ReadingStep FiveConsol

11、idationListen to the text carelfully and then leave them time to have a further understanding of it and then finish following exercises.一. Answer questions1. How does John Martin describe Xiamen?2. Whats Xiamens weather like?3. What about the businness district?4. How is the Gulangyu island?二Fill in

12、 the blanks.1. Position:On the_, by the seaside. In the _ of Xiamen2. The city:_, interesting and lively.3. The people: _ 4. Climate:Pretty_and_in summer, _ in winter.5. Business district:lots of_ _ have been put up; there are some great _.6. Western district: there are some pretty _. 7. Gulangyu Is

13、land:_, with some interesting architectureRetell the textXiamen is one of the most _cities on the_. The climate is _and wet in summer , but it can be quite cold in winter. Every year, many_ come to Xiamen to spend their holidays,especially in summer. Its_has put up a lot of high-rise buildings recen

14、tly. And there are some great_. The western district is the most interesting part of the city. Its got some really_. Xiamen is famous for Gulangyu Island. Its a _island with some really interesting_.Listen to the text carefully once again to get more detailed information. Then answer the questions.A

15、ccording to the text, put corret answers on the blanks.Try to rerell the whole text. Put appropriate words in the blanks.通过听录音一方面培养了学生听的能力;另一方面进一步加深了学生对课文内容的理解和对细节信息的掌握,形成对文章框架的正确认知,从而增强阅读能力和语篇分析能力。通过填空的形式考查学生对于细节的理解,既简单又易于抓住重点。通过给短文填空的形式进行课文的复述一方面降低了难度,另一方面让学生能学会在一片文章学完后自己能用几句话简单进行讲述,锻炼了他们的概括能力。Ste

16、p six Summary Step seven HomeworkSummarize the text in several sentences.1. A lively city-Xia Men2. Some information about the city3. How to describe a cityWrite a short passage of your hometown using following words and expressions. Location and area population landscape and rivers climate nature a

17、nd environment history life and culture specialty (特产) local flavor (风味小吃) economyReview the whole lessonTry to describe their hometown with following informatiion.对本节课进行概括和归纳通过作文的训练考查他们对课文的习得,同时也锻炼了他们的书面表达能力。七、教学评价 作为一堂阅读教学课,这节课的总体构思还是很合理的。首先通过复习上一课的词汇来为新课做一个铺垫,进而以提问的形式引出新课,充分发挥了学生的主动性。紧接着通过讨论和猜测的形

18、式来预测文章的内容,加强后面阅读的目的性,也有益于学生积极地思考。在阅读环节,以任务的形式分别培养学生用跳读、略读等技巧进行信息提取、整合和归纳,具有较强的指导性。同时,整个教学里也将听、读、说和写很好地联系了起来,达到了新课标要求的综合技能的整体锻炼。当然,这节课也存在一些不足,比如时间安排的不尽合理,后面显得有点仓促,在提问方面涉及面有点窄,问题设计的稍有难度,板书太简单等等,希望今后能进一步提高。八、教学反思 在整个教学过程中我利用略读跳读等阅读技巧,识别关键词及确定主题句等方法来培养阅读能力,掌握推测概括的阅读方法和策略,并通过相应的练习来巩固;理解文章结构框架及复述课文;结合学生的实

19、际生活,对教材整个模块的内容进行了整合,通过创设多种情景活动,使学生积极参与课堂活动,主动踊跃地发言,并描述自己去过的或喜欢的城市,进行激烈的讨论,整个课堂总体来说气氛比较活跃,学生和我配合默契,他们积极回答问题,踊跃发言,大胆地展示自我,课堂轻松愉快,教学过程比较流畅,教学效果明显。然而我也存在着一些问题,自身还有很多不足之处和需要学习改进的地方:今后在时间安排要尽量合理,教学所设计的活动要尽量考虑学会的实际,做到立足学情,积极改进自己的不足,取得更大的提高。九、板书设计Module4 A Social Survey - My neighbourhood - A Lively City 1.

20、 Text structure: the position -the weather - the buildings and business district - Gulangyu island2. Summary: 1) A Lively City - Xiamen 2) Something about Xia men 3) How to describe a city专家点评(交大附中 陈江丽)1. 教材分析和学情分析比较到位,能够深入细致地分析教材的内容和学生英语学习的基础。2. 教学目标定位不准确。教学目标中的知识技能目标提到“掌握文中的词汇和语言点”。在后边的教学环节中没有显示为了

21、让学生掌握文中的词汇和语言点教师做的教学活动。3. 在阅读环节中教师设计很多教学活动。例如第一次阅读后的活动是根据文章填空和正误判断;第二次阅读的活动是回答问题和填空。总体来看,这些教学活动有很多重复的地方。每次阅读的策略不同,教师的阅读后活动也应该不相同。例如在第一次阅读后,通常都会设置main idea 的问题;在第二次scanning阅读后,通常会设计有关文章细节信息的问题,目的是让学生尽快熟悉文章。第三次阅读后设置一些深层次理解的问题。例如评价性问题,发散思维的问题等,目的是让学生能够用所学的语言做事。教师的阅读策略和方法应该与读后活动相匹配。活动应该突出梯度性,不应该是原地踏步的活动多次出现。


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