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1、北京理工大学珠海学院游戏策划书学生姓名: 王文濠 专业班级: 数字媒体技术一班 指导教师: 夏力前 工作部门: 数字媒体教研室 游戏名称地下狂飙游戏类型赛车竞速小组编号 小组组长 小组成员 小组成员及其完成任务主要章节作者第一章 概述1.1 简介1.2游戏特点1.3游戏风格1.4游戏配置 第二章 故事背景 第三章 游戏元素3.1游戏角色3.2游戏道具3.3实体对象 第四章 游戏机制4.1角色技能4.2、怪物技能4.3角色经验获得及升级规则4.4组队4.5行会规则4.6 PK规则4.7行会战争 第五章 人工智能5.1 新人类军人工智能5.2 外星生物人工智能 第六章 游戏进程6.1剧情任务6.2

2、场景地图 第七章 系统功能7.1游戏登陆流程7.2游戏界面7.3游戏操作设定后期整合目录第一章 概述61.1 简介61.2游戏特点61.3游戏风格71.4游戏配置71.5概述 英文版7第二章 故事背景10第三章 游戏元素123.1游戏角色123.1.1主要角色123.1.2主要NPC133.1.3次要NPC163.1.4怪物193.2游戏道具243.2.1装备系统243.2.2武器系统263.2.3防御系统323.3实体对象333.4消耗品列表34第四章 游戏机制364.1角色技能364.1.1“热情”类角色技能364.1.2“沉稳”类角色技能384.1.3“冷酷”类角色技能404.2、怪物技

3、能424.3角色经验获得及升级规则424.3.1经验获得方式424.3.2经验获得数量424.3.3升级规则434.4组队444.4.1组队方法444.4.2组队规则444.4.3物品分配原则444.5行会规则444.5.1组建行会444.5.2加入行会454.6 PK规则454.6.1决斗454.6.2恶意PK454.6.3赏金猎人464.7行会战争464.8重要系统公式474.8.1能量系统474.8.2攻击、防御、损坏度47第五章 人工智能485.1 新人类军人工智能485.2 外星生物人工智能49第六章 游戏进程516.1剧情任务516.2场景地图676.2.1一级地图:676.2.2

4、二级地图676.2.3三级地图69第七章 系统功能757.1游戏登录流程757.2游戏界面767.2.1游戏登陆界面767.2.2选择人物界面777.2.3创建人物界面787.2.4游戏主界面797.2.5人物属性界面807.2.6人物技能界面817.2.7装备及仓储界面827.2.8好友及行会界面837.2.9商品购买界面857.2.10制造界面867.2.11系统设置界面877.2.12鼠标右键菜单917.3游戏操作设定927.3.1键盘操作列表927.3.2鼠标操作列表93后记94第一章 概述1.1 游戏简介1.1.1游戏名称:地下狂飙1.1.2游戏类别:赛车竞速游戏1.1.3游戏描述:

5、 这是一款赛车竞速类的游戏,新颖的故事背景给玩家带来前所未有的挑战感,在这款游戏中玩家不仅可以驾驭各类跑车,而且还新加入的最新的跑车系列,如法拉利系列,兰博基尼系列和宝马M6等,“飙”的刺激毋庸置疑,另外,玩家对车辆进行改装的自由度也越来越高,同时游戏中的警匪追逐战用到的道具也越来越多,从现在开始警方不仅限于使用钉刺、路障或车体拦截等方式,高科技武器的加入无疑对游戏的难度有所提高,让玩家在游戏中体验到更多娱乐性。最后,游戏中图像的拟真度和游戏性能上有所加强,对路面、天气、光影做了很大的改善,所以相信这款游戏定能让玩家尽情的体验到游戏传达出来的速度感与刺激,现在就让我们一同感受吧。1.2游戏特点

6、游戏特点是一个游戏吸引玩家的主要亮点,更是市场宣传的主要卖点。本游戏三大模式是显著的特点:1) 最新跑车系列的加入:这款游戏中新加入了最新的系列,BMW系列中5系、M6,利系列中的法拉利F430、法拉利FF,兰博基尼系列中的2013款Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster等等让玩家更好的领略飞行的快感。2) 赛车改装:玩家可以自由的根据自身的喜爱设计一款属于自己的爱车,可自定义轮胎,后翼,贴纸,引擎,车牌、车身烤漆、涂装彩绘、轮圈、性能零件以及涡轮增压等,想怎么设计就怎么设计,随便玩家一怎么样的姿态在赛车道上角逐。3) 超真实的竞速场景:无可比拟的竞速场景成为了这款游戏的亮点之

7、一,游戏对路面(沥青)、天气(雨、雾、雪、阴霾、冰雹、沙尘)、光影(火光,灯光,倒影)以及路旁栅栏等物品的纹理方面做了很大的改善与突破,驾车过程中动态天气效果将有全局性影响。4) 高科技武器的加入:这款游戏最大的亮点就是采用了高科技的模式,摆脱了以往仅限于使用刺钉、路障或车体拦截的方式,让玩家体现了游戏当中疯狂的变速刺激跟起伏感。5) 邀请模式:这款游戏不仅限于个人竞技模式,在游戏当中不管你充当着什么角色额都可邀请你的好友们加入,一共和你的小伙伴们进行竞赛、追逐,碰撞,摆脱赛道的拘束,完成目标任务。1.3游戏风格 地下狂飙是一款关于赛车竞速的游戏,画面壮阔、磅礴,通过逼真路面纹理,天气多样以及

8、光阴效果等体现出赛车竞速的激情,加上呈现在血红赛道上的多样式的,高性能的赛车让玩家更能体会到热火般的兴奋。另外,澎湃的背景音乐注重体现紧张的竞速险境和战斗的激烈。1.4游戏配置最低配置推荐配置CPUIntel 2.4 GHz 酷睿2双核,AMD 2.6 GHz Athlon X2Intel 四核CPU,AMD 六核CPU显卡AMD Radeon 3870,NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT,Intel HD 4000 集成AMD Radeon 7870或更高,NVIDIA GeForce GTX660或更高硬盘空间30G30G内存4G8G操作系统Windows Vista(SP2),

9、Windows 7,Windows 8Windows Vista(SP2)64位,Windows 7 64位, Windows 8 64位DirectX DirectX 10.1DirectX 11 1.5英文概述 Chapter one Summarize1.1 The content of the game: 1.1.1 The name of the game: Speed Underground 1.1.2 The type of the game: Car Racing Game . 1.1.3 The description of the game: This is a car r

10、acing game, the novel the story of the background to the players to bring unprecedented challenges, in the game, players can not only handle all kinds of sports, but also new to the latest sports car series, series such as Ferrari,Lamborghini and BMW M6 series, soaring stimulation, no doubt, in addi

11、tion, players to modification of degrees of freedom vehicle is becoming more and more high, at the same time, the games police chase used props also more and more, from now on, the police is not only limited to use pins, roadblocks or bodywork interception, high-tech weapons to join to the difficult

12、y of the game definitely has improved, let players in the game to experience a more entertaining. Finally, the game on the degree of verisimilitude and game performance of the image was strengthened, on the road, the weather, light and shadow made great improvement, so believe that the game will all

13、ow players to experience the game convey the sense of speed and stimulate, now let us together feel.1.2 The feature of the game: 1) latest sports car series : The game new joined the latest series, BMW series 8, M6, the ferrari F430, ferrari FF the series, series of lamborghini Aventador 2013 of the

14、 LP 700-4 Roadster, etc for players to better appreciate the pleasure of flying.1) car modification : Players can freely according to their own favorite design their own car, customizable tires, rear suspension, stickers, engine, license plate, car paint, coating, paint, wheels and components such a

15、s performance, we would like to how to design how to design, casual gamers how a stance on the race track.2) Super real racing scene: Incomparable racing scene became one of the highlight of the game, the game on the road (asphalt), weather (rain, fog, snow, fog), light (light, light, reflection), a

16、s well as articles such as roadside fence made great improvement and breakthrough in texture.4)The addition of high-tech weapons: The game model, the biggest bright spot is USES a high-tech limited to use the stud from the past, roadblocks or bodywork intercept, for players to reflect the game crazy

17、 speed fluctuation and exciting feeling.5)Invite mode: The game is not limited to personal competitive mode, in the game no matter what you ACTS as a role of the forehead can invite your friends to join, the total and your friends to compete, chasing, collision, get rid of the track, with goals and

18、tasks completed.1.3 the game style: About the need for is a car racing game, picture, magnificent, majestic, through the realistic road surface texture, the weather variety and time effect reflects the passion of racing car, combined with present in red blood on the track of the material, high perfo

19、rmance cars for players can experience the excitement like the heat more. In addition, surging background music pay attention to reflect tension racing danger and fierce battle.1.4 a game configuration CPUIntel 2.4 GHz 酷睿2双核,AMD 2.6 GHz Athlon X2Intel 四核CPU,AMD 六核CPU显卡AMD Radeon 3870,NVIDIA GeForce

20、8800 GT,Intel HD 4000 集成AMD Radeon 7870或更高,NVIDIA GeForce GTX660或更高硬盘空间30GB30GB内存4GB8GB操作系统Windows Vista(SP2),Windows 7,Windows 8Windows Vista(SP2)64位,Windows 7 64位, Windows 8 64位DirectX DirectX 10.1DirectX 11显存512MB3GB 1.5 game play: This game page using the mouse the left key control, choose singl

21、e-player or multiplayer mode, enter the interface, a introduceition and start button; When choosing the introduction button system will introduce you to the game and related characters of introduction; When click the start button will be prompted to players into the first level, the stipulated time

22、to 60 seconds:Water village: (1) the first level is Beijing spirit is at the top of the game interface will display a dialog box random 10 variety show characters and its related avatars (in order from left to right), players need to be in the bottom of the 6 * 8 random characters little picture in

23、a dialog box interface to find related to the first picture of characters (such as: son, father, mother), the second head is related characters (such as: son, father, mother), the third. And so on. And use the left mouse button in the 6 * 8 dialog box (zola game interface screen will move to the rig

24、ht) to find out and press the corresponding character, system will be in your press people to order to order, if you select the corresponding character sequence errors, the system will also cease to you for the next head is corresponding to the input and will be deducted in the rest of the time for

25、4 seconds. At the same time, you a minute remaining time is slowly reduced. On the contrary, if the player every point of a corresponding order related avatars, 1 second time will increase; If the first round of 10 to deal with, system will be in the interface of the original dialog above randomly a

26、ssigned to the next round of 10 head, and then the previous operation. This total of two random 10 head for players to infinite stage mode.If the player within the prescribed time, 60 seconds passed, the system will prompt players into the next level, the stipulated time to 60 seconds:(2) in ningxia

27、 descending: similar to the first level of play, but different players need below 6 * 10 in a dialog box interface to find related to the first picture of characters (such as: son, father, mother) with the left mouse button to press the corresponding character after the system will be arranged accor

28、dingly, if you select the corresponding character serial number error, the system will also cease to you for the next head is corresponding to the input and will be deducted in the rest of the time of 6 seconds; At the same time, time also slowly reduced. On the contrary, if there is no point to a c

29、orresponding order related avatars, 1 second time will increase; If the first round of 10 to deal with, system will be randomly assigned to the next round of 10 head, then step on the operation. A total of three random 10 head first, for players to recruit.If the player within the prescribed time, 6

30、0 seconds passed, the system will prompt players into the next level, the stipulated time to 60 seconds:(3) yunnan wenshans black: similar to the previous two imprison the game, but different players need below 6 * 12 in a dialog box interface to find related to the first picture of characters (such

31、 as: son, father, mother) with the left mouse button to press the corresponding character after the system will be arranged accordingly, if you select the corresponding character serial number error, the system will also cease to you for the next head is corresponding to the input and will be deduct

32、ed in the rest of the time for 8 SEC. At the same time, time also slowly reduced. On the contrary, if there is no point to a corresponding order related avatars, 1 second time will increase; If the first round of 10 to deal with, system will be randomly assigned to the next round of 10 head, then st

33、ep on the operation. This total of four random 10 head for players to recruit.If the player within the prescribed time, 60 seconds passed, the system will prompt players into the next level, the stipulated time to 60 seconds:(4) the shandong weihai crowing island: similar to the previous three shut

34、the game, but different players need below 6 * 14 in a dialog box interface to find related to the first picture of characters (such as: son, father, mother) with the left mouse button press the corresponding characters after the system will be arranged accordingly, if you select the corresponding c

35、haracter serial number error, the system will also cease to you for the next head is corresponding to the input and will be deducted 10 seconds in the rest of the time; At the same time, time also slowly reduced. On the contrary, if there is no point to a corresponding order related avatars, 1 secon

36、d time will increase; If the first round of 10 to deal with, system will be randomly assigned to the next round of 10 head, then step on the operation. This a total of five random 10 head for players to recruit.Game combined with classical find figure series and RPG elements, players in the game to

37、cultivate character, complete the task, the upgrade of all kinds of cattle B skills. Also can use a variety of props, to help you overcome the difficulties in times of trouble, find the target. In addition, players can also buy the related items to help recruit, props such as: invincible interferenc

38、e: players can take 20 cake interfere with your opponent, pay attention to this item is used in the multiplayer mode grows, the second: players can spend 30 + 5 seconds cake on the remaining time, golden eyes got talent: players can 第二章 故事背景第一章 无法改变的命运 David出生在位于美国华盛顿州国王县的小城,塔克维拉是“二战”之后美国的贫困地区之一。塔克维

39、拉地处西雅图南缘,当地居民大部分是工人,他们在附近波音公司的工厂、西雅图港和仓储厂工作。而 David的母亲正是在波音公司里面工作,其父亲则是当地一名有名的地下飙车党成员之一,但是不幸在几年前因为一桩交通事故死亡了,当时 David也只有十岁,因此从那之后 David家里的主要收入都是来自母亲在工厂里赚到的每月1500支撑着。生活的贫困不得不让 David早早就失去了在跟别的孩子一样在学校学习的权利,每天他都呆在家里等着母亲下班,每天陪伴着他的也就是四堵墙还有一部父亲留给他的模型车,那也是他惟一的玩具。从小缺少童年小伙伴的他生性非常的孤僻,即便成年只有的他也是独来独往。他唯一的消遣活动就是跑到

40、附近的下地停车场观看比赛地下飙车。也正因为如此,经常挨到母亲的打骂,因为他父亲的死。其实 David母亲不知道,他一直有一个梦想就是跟他父亲一样成为一名出色的飙车手。即便如此,只要有飙车比赛David还是会不管母亲的极力反对溜到那里去欣赏飙车饼梦想着早晚一天能够出现在那赛场上。Mark,一名当地的小混混同时也是一名地下飙车手。第二章 梦想的诞生在地下场玩车的人群大多都是爱车发烧友,一些城中富二代,他们飙车不仅仅局限在某一段路或在某条环路举行,参加的车辆除了简单的几款如富康、捷达、夏利,还有许多的跑车名贵车和一些改装车,改装的部分多于车胎、轮毂和排气管,车身也就是多贴一些动感漂亮的贴纸进行装饰,

41、他们的赌注有时只是一顿饭,或是请卡拉OK,有时则是指明赌本下注。 最近的地下飙车人群日益复杂化,飙车的路线从环路、赛道、闹市到僻静的工业园区,无处不在。改装的车辆从法拉利、保时捷、奥迪TT到斯巴鲁、三菱EVO、宝来、高尔夫、POLO。一些改装的车,除了车身是原车型的外观,内部零件已经全部更换,甚至搭载了比原车马力更大的发动机。改装费用动辄花费几万元甚至几十万元,赌资飙升几千元。直到有一天,地下场正好有一场顶级的比赛,听说比赛的赌本达到了十万元,巨大的赌本不仅吸引了很多前来观看的观众,最关键的是比赛的双方分别是现金地下车场纪录保持者Chris以及新晋车手Leo(跟 David年龄一样大)。这样壮

42、观的赛事当然那少不了热衷于赛车的David了。比赛开始了第三章 新的领域成就经过几年的发展人类才意识到大量新人类的“生产”已经开始影响人类社会了。新人类的出色表现也让人类产生了嫉妒心理,这种嫉妒心理带来的就是对新人类的歧视,正如联盟成立以前不同人种之间的歧视一样。所以新人类只能像奴隶一样做一些低级的工作,获得可怜的收入来维持生活,并且没有政治上的权利。还是那句古语:那里有压迫那里就有反抗。他们只能默默的承受这些,等待着机会第四章 头衔的诱惑 为了解决地球人口问题,人们在地球周围建造了很多人造的大型卫星,有的比月球还要大好多倍,这些星球有的被专门用于种植食物,有的被专门的用来堆放和销毁垃圾。而在

43、这些星球上工作和生活的大多数都是新人类,因为那里有更多的辛苦的工作。新人类大量的聚集,以及人类管理的松散使得新人类有机会策划与人类的分裂计划。第五章 新人类的膜拜 5000年1月1日,新人类已经积攒了足够的能力与地球对抗 ,最终他们宣布独立,成立了自己的国家。他们每一个人都努力的工作,因为他们心中有一个自己的目标,他们想过上和人类平等的生活,而不是永远的给人类作奴隶。他们把今天叫做“自由开端”也把今天叫做0年1月1日。人类腐败的政府认为一直做他们奴隶的新人类跟本不可能有能力和发展了近1万年的人类相抗衡。而且新人类也是人类造出来的,所以他们并不在乎所谓的新人类独立的事情,这正好给了新人类发展的机

44、会。当新人类发展壮大的时候,地球正在为了一些无聊的事情争吵。有的人认为应该把新人类更加合理的运用,比如高科技方面,有的人反对,怕新人类学会了先进的技术之后与人类为敌。而人类最统一的思想就是不给新人类主权。理由是人类制造了新人类。第六章 难逃厄运 在5112年12月(新人类时间112年12月),新人类为了拥有自己的主权正式与人类宣战。这样大规模的战争正式开始,就这样战斗了50年还没有分出明显的胜负,因为新人类在哪个方面都非常出色,但是人数比较少,而人类虽然一些生理机能没有新人类出色,但是他们人数众多,而且组织有序。让新人类得不到任何便宜。地球上的人类百姓已经非常厌倦了战争,不停的死人,不停的逃难

45、。新人类也是如此。然而,地球政府的强硬态度让战争不得不继续下去。这个时候新人类已经可以自己制造新人类了。而人类也不会在继续制造新人类,因为他们知道在制造更多的新人类就是制作自己的敌人。当新人类掌握了这个技术的时候,胜利的天平向着新人类的那边倾斜了。人类开始越来越愤怒。他们使用了大规模的核弹,来摧毁卫星。新人类也用他们自己的激光技术摧毁了月球上地球军的军事要塞。5202年(新人类时间202年),战争正式停火。原因是人民开始大规模暴动。人类和新人类都是如此,所以双方签署了停战协议。开始了和平的时间。第七章 新战火的点燃 在50年的战乱时期,只有一个地方没有受到攻击,那是一个农业种植的大个卫星。好多

46、人类和新人类因为逃避战乱都跑到了那个星球,在那个星球上没有人类和新人类只分。他们只有一个信念就是叫世界再也不要有战争。叫世界永远和平。代着他们的信仰他们宣布独立,他们只根据他们的信仰来做他们的事情,既不依靠人类也不依靠新人类。他们成为了真正意义上的国家。第八章 新战火的点燃 人类在酝酿了很长时间之后终于在 5323年(新人类323年)在次发动战争.而新人类也不可能放弃以前的事业 为了保护自己也参加进了战争.而中立的国家为了让战火不再燃烧的更旺,他们也参加进了战争,他们作战的目的是要让和平到来,他们每次都会再2边打得不可开交的时候出现,来阻止战争的继续.所以他们成了人类与新人类的眼中钉,但是人类和新人类又都不会先对中立国宣战,因为他们都不想多一个敌人.在这个混乱的局势里,分不出来对于错,只是靠自己的信仰和信念作自己认为正确的事情.在这里语言的对话已经变得苍白无力,相对换来的是炮火的声音和爆炸的声音.战争就这样继续着. 第三章 游戏元素3.1游戏角色游戏中的角色分为以下几类: 1)主角:系统已经选定的角色David,玩家以第一人称进入游戏。2) 主要NPC:游戏中非玩家控制角色,主要作用是与玩家进行对话交流,作用包括与主要角色进行任务的分配与完成,与玩家进行互动。主要是Mark。3) 次要NPC:游戏中飞玩家控制角色。


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