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1、 本科生毕业论文题 目: The Emancipation Progress of Celie i n The Color Purple:A Womanism Perspective 从女性主义角度论紫色中西莉 的解放过程 THE EMANCIPATION PROGRESS OF CELIEI N THE COLOR PURPLE:A WOMANISM PERSPECTIVETHESISSubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements forThe degree of Bachelor of ArtsIn Furong College,

2、Hunan University of Arts and ScienceBy YuLiSupervisor: Guo WeifengMay 2011Furong College, Hunan University of Arts and Science湖南文理学院芙蓉学院本科生毕业论文任务书论文题目The Emancipation Progress of Celie in The Color Purple: A Womanism Perspective从女性主义角度论紫色中西莉的解放过程学生姓名专业班级英语0808学 号指导教师教研室(或外聘单位)起止时间2011年10 月 10 日 至 20

3、11 年 10 月 30 日毕业论文任务、目的与基本要求:主要参考文献与资料:Walker, Alice. In Search of Our Mothers GardensM. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983.Bloom, Harold. Alice WalkerM. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1989. Showaiter, Elaine. Modern American Women WriterM. N.Y: Macmillan Publishing Co.1993.White, Evelyn

4、 C. Alice Walker: a lifeJ. New York: W. W. Norton and Co.2004.伯纳德贝尔,刘捷译. 非洲裔美国黑人小说极其传统M. 成都:四川出版社,2000.陈健. 浅淡紫色的书信体风格J.南京:南京林业大学学报, 2004.郭栖庆. 美国全国图书奖小说评论集C. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001.曾竹青. 寻找母亲的花园的黑人女性主义传统兼谈爱丽斯 沃克的黑人女性主义观J. 湖南大学, 2003.毕业论文进度安排:1、选题: 2011年10月15日以前2、下达任务书: 2011年10月31日以前3、开题: 2011年12月20日4、撰写论文

5、: 2011年12月2012年5月5、中期检查: 2011年4月2日2012年4月30日6、答辩与成绩评定: 2012年5月30日之前课题申报与审查指导教师(签名): 年 月 日教研室主任(签名): 年 月 日系主任(签名): 年 月 日湖南文理学院芙蓉学院本科生毕业论文成绩评定表 (指导教师)毕业论文题目The Emancipation Progress of Celie in The Color Purple: A Womanism Perspective从女性主义角度论紫色中西莉的解放过程学生姓名专业班级英语0808学号08050818指导教师评语:建议成绩: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日

6、备注:指导教师评语应从以下几方面评价。1. 学习态度、纪律情况;2. 完成任务书规定工作情况(含对论文翻译的评价);3. 查阅和应用文献资料能力; 4. 综合运用专业知识能力;5. 独立分析和解决问题的能力; 6.内容的正确性和撰写规范化程度;7. 创新与成效。湖南文理学院芙蓉学院本科生毕业论文成绩评定表 (评阅教师)毕业论文题目The Emancipation Progress of Celie in The Color Purple: A Womanism Perspective从女性主义角度论紫色中西莉的解放过程学生姓名专业班级英语0808学号评阅人评语:建议成绩: 评阅人签名: 年 月

7、 日备注:论文评阅人评语应从以下几方面评价。1. 完成任务书规定工作情况; 2. 毕业设计(论文)的难度与工作量;3. 综合运用专业知识能力; 4. 内容的正确性和撰写规范化程度; 5. 创新与成效。湖南文理学院芙蓉学院本科生毕业论文成绩评定表 (答辩委员会)毕业论文(设计)题目The Emancipation Progress of Celie in The Color Purple: A Womanism Perspective从女性主义角度论紫色中西莉的解放过程学生姓名专业班级英语0808学号答辩时间答辩地点答辩小组成员姓名职务(职称)姓名职务(职称)姓名职务(职称)答辩委员会评语:负责

8、人签名: 年 月 日系毕业论文(设计)工作领导小组审查意见: 评定成绩 负责人签名: 年 月 日备注:答辩委员会评语应从以下几方面评价。1答辩准备情况;2. 口头表达能力;3. 逻辑思维能力;4. 专业知识掌握程度;5. 回答问题的正确性;6.论文(报告书)的规范及创新。 湖南文理学院芙蓉学院 本科生毕业论文开题报告书题 目: The Emancipation Progress of Celie in The Color Purple:A Womanism Perspective 从女性主义角度论紫色中西莉 的解放过程 学生姓名: 学 号: 专业班级: 英语08班 指导教师: 2011年12月

9、8日 论文题目The Emancipation Progress of Celie in The Color Purple:A Womanism Perspective从女性主义角度论紫色中西莉 的解放过程课题目的、意义及相关研究动态:课题目的:通过对爱丽丝沃克紫色中女主人公西莉的命运从受压迫到身体、精神以及经济方面的解放的研究,探寻出在种族歧视以及性别歧视的不平等社会里,黑人女性要怎样才能实现自己的独立和自由,同时也指出,艾丽斯沃克创作的这部小说为黑人妇女及世界上所有妇女争取自由和解放的斗争指引了一条光辉的道路。课题意义:上世纪70年代末,美国黑人文学出现了崭新的局面,一批黑人女作家异军突起

10、,斐声文坛。爱丽丝沃克(Alice Walker,1994-)就是其中之一,她的长篇小说紫色(The color purple,1982),于1983年获得美国文学创作的最高奖项普利策奖。小说中,沃克以独特的视角、富有表现力地描写了女主公西丽从受奴役到觉醒的心灵历程。本文认为女性情谊在西丽的觉醒过程中发挥了重要的作用。她重新确立自己的精神信仰,并凭借自己的手艺取得经济上的独立,最终摆脱了男性对她的束缚,由一个逆来顺受的受压迫者成长为一位在经济、思想以及生活上独立的女性。国内外一些学着从不同的角度对这部小说进行了研究,本文将对其进行简单地梳理、介绍和评述。 研究动态: 紫色一开始就受到许多批评者

11、的青睐。许多美国评论家从黑人女性如何寻找自我、书信体风格、叙述技巧等方面对这部小说进行了研究。例如,罗宾霍尔(Robyn Warhol)认为小说的情感冲击,不是来源于个别读者的个人能力,而是小说的叙事技巧,尤其是聚集和复调技巧的运用。而国内的研究主要分为五大类:对主人公西丽人生历程女性意识觉醒的论述;对沃克“妇女主义”主张的探讨;对紫色书信体风格、叙述模式的探析;小说中宗教意识解析以及透过小说对作者的写作立场和民族意识的研究等。课题的主要内容(观点)、创新之处:课题主要内容:论文主要包括五大部分:第一部分为引言,介绍作者艾丽丝沃克的家庭、教育和事业背景、紫色的主要内容和西方文学评论家对紫色的评

12、论;第二部分主要介绍了作为本文理论基础的妇女主义。第三部分将主要讲述小说中黑人妇女所受到的双重压迫。第四部分主要介绍耐蒂、索菲亚和莎格对西莉的觉醒中起的至关重要的作用以及黑人女性取得解放的必经途径。最后为结语,紫色中处于父权统治下的女主人公西莉,在姐妹的帮助下加上自己坚持不懈的抗争,最终摆脱了男性对她的束缚,获得了独立和自主。同时也指出,艾丽斯沃克创作的这部小说为黑人妇女及世界上所有妇女争取自由和解放的斗争指引了一条光辉的道路。课题创新之处: 本课题对爱丽丝沃克紫色进行了比较全面的分析,并在分析紫色作品之后有转锋投射作者本身的经历。课题对姐妹情进行了分析,揭示了人性的美。最后还重点对小说的写作

13、形式进行了分析介绍。所以本课题创新地将小说作者,小说内容意义,和小说形式很好地结合起来。课题从情理方面综合阐述,会让读者对小说紫色有一个更深度的理解。研究方法、设计方案或论文撰写提纲:研究方法:调查法、观察法、文献研究法、信息研究法、论文提纲:引言第一章 女性主义和妇女主义第一节 妇女主义的背景:美国女性主义第二节 沃克对妇女主义定义第二章 紫色中黑人妇女的双重压迫第二节 作为女性:来自黑人男性的性别歧视和暴力压迫第二节 作为黑人种族:来自白人种族的种族压迫第三章 黑人妇女的解放之路 第一节 西莉解放过程中的姐妹情谊以及其角色第二节 解放之路结论完成期限和预期进度:1、选题: 2011年10月

14、15日以前2、下达任务书: 2011年10月31日以前3、开题: 2011年12月20日4、撰写论文: 2011年12月2012年5月5、中期检查: 2011年4月2日2012年4月30日6、答辩与成绩评定: 2012年5月30日之前主要参考资料:Walker, Alice. In Search of Our Mothers GardensM. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983.Bloom, Harold. Alice WalkerM. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1989. Showaiter, E

15、laine. Modern American Women WriterM. N.Y: Macmillan Publishing Co.1993.White, Evelyn C. Alice Walker: a lifeJ. New York: W. W. Norton and Co.2004.伯纳德贝尔,刘捷译. 非洲裔美国黑人小说极其传统M. 成都:四川出版社,2000.陈健. 浅淡紫色的书信体风格J.南京:南京林业大学学报, 2004.郭栖庆. 美国全国图书奖小说评论集C. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001.曾竹青. 寻找母亲的花园的黑人女性主义传统兼谈爱丽斯 沃克的黑人女性主义观J.

16、 湖南大学, 2003.指导教师意见: 签名: 年 月 日开 题 报 告 会 纪 要时 间年 月 日地 点与会人员姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)会议记录摘要: 会议主持人:记 录 人: 年 月 日系工作小组意见负责人签名: 年 月 日摘 要这篇论文主要从女性主义方面研究爱丽丝沃克紫色中女主公西莉的解放过程。小说中沃克并不仅仅局限于描写非裔美国妇女的悲惨遭遇,并且旨在为所有在父权制和性别歧视下压迫下的妇女指引一条光辉的道路。小说中的黑人妇女遭受着双重压迫,一方面是来自黑人男性的性别歧视压迫,另一方面则是白人对她进行的种族歧视压迫。她重新确立自己的精神信仰,并在姐妹的帮助下

17、成长为一位在经济、思想以及生活上独立的女性。她寻求自由和解放的方式正印证了艾丽斯沃克的妇女主义。论文主要包括三章:第一章主要介绍了作为本文理论基础的妇女主义。第二章将主要讲述小说中黑人妇女所受到的双重压迫。第三部分主要介绍耐蒂、索菲亚和莎格对西莉的觉醒中起的至关重要的作用以及黑人女性取得解放的必经途径。关键词:妇女主义; 黑人妇女; 压迫; 解放AbstractThis thesis examines the protagonists emancipation process from womanism perspective in Alice Walkers novel The Color

18、Purple. Walker does not limit herself in describing the sufferings of African American women but suggests to all women a path to follow in order to free themselves from the evils of patriarchy and sexism. The black women suffer double oppressions of sexism and racism from both the black men and the

19、white people. Celie, the protagonist, rebuild her belief and free herself physically, spiritually and economically. Their ways to liberation also formslots of elements of Alice Walkers womanism, which is defined as black feminism or feminism of the color. The thesis is divided into three chapters. I

20、n the first chapter, womanism is interpreted as the theoretical basis of the thesis. In the second chapter, the thesis focuses on the double oppressions on the black women .The third chapter is about the sisterhood relationship with Nettie, Sofia and Shug who are the key elements in this emancipatio

21、n process and the black womans fighting back to achieve her liberation. Key Words: womanism, black women, oppression, emancipationContents摘 要.iAbstract .iiIntroduction.1Chapter1 Feminism and Womanism. .31.1 The Background of Womanism: Feminism in America.31.1.1 The First Wave of American Feminism: 1

22、840s to 1920s.31.1.2 The Second Wave of American Feminism: 1960s.41.2 Walkers Definition of Womanism.7Chapter2 Double Oppression on the Black Women in The ColorPurple.152.1 As Women: Sexual and Violent Oppression from the Black Men.152.2 As Black People: Racial Oppression from the White People.19Cha

23、pter 3 Black Womens Approach to Emancipation.23 3.1 Sisterhood and Its Role in Celies Emancipation Process23 3.1.1 The Role of Nettie .23 3.1.2 The Role of Sofia.24 3.1.3 The Role of Shug.26 3.2 The Road of Emancipation.273.2.1 Physical and Sexual Freedom.273.2.2 Spiritual Freedom.293.2.3 Economic F

24、reedom.31Conclusion.33Bibliography.36AcknowledgementsIntroductionThroughout the ages, women have always been part of literature. They have inspired many writers, whether dramatists, novelists, poets or essayists. Unfortunately most works often depicted women as the inferior gender, a passive object

25、that could not survive on its own and that could do nothing for itself. Women, in literature, could only exist through the eyes, minds and lives of men but never for themselves. Many of Walkers works are inseparable from her life experience. She is very proud of her origins and she believes that the

26、 grace with which we embrace life, in spite of pain, the sorrow, is always measure of what has gone before. She was born in Eatonton, Georgia on February 9, 1944. Her father was a sharecropper and she is the youngest of the eight children in her family. At the age of eight, Walker was accidentally i

27、njured by a BB gun shot to her eye by her brother. Then she set out to learn to write poetry in order to ease the loneliness.Alice Walkers epistolary novel, The Color Purple, is one of the best literary works that vividly depict the sufferings of African-American women from patriarchy sexism and rac

28、ism. The Color Purple does not only describe but goes beyond that purpose. In fact, Alice Walkers true intention from writing this novel is not only to give voice to black women but also to provide them with a path to follow in order to emancipate themselves and get their freedom. Walker shows us th

29、e evolution of her major character, Celie, from being a sexually abused child to a passive wife and finally to an emancipated woman.Chapter 1Feminism and Womanism1.1 The Background of Womanism: Feminism in AmericaFeminism in America has a long history and it is not an invention of a singleperiod of

30、time. Here, this thesis just focuses on the 19th and the 20th centuries to give a very general account of American feminism from the perspective of history time and different types of schools.1.1.1 The First Wave of American Feminism: 1840s to 1920sIn 1848, the first Womens Rights Convention, organi

31、zed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and other women who had been denied a place at the international anti-slavery convention in London in 1840, was held in Seneca Falls, which marked the beginning of the first wave of American Feminism. The convention passed the Declaration of Sentiments, which was primar

32、ily drafted by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equalThe history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on thepart of man toward woman ” (Schneir 77).In 1869, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony establi

33、shed the National Womens Suffrage Association . In the same year, Lucy Stone founded the American Womans Suffrage Association. Both of the two associations were devoted to promote a suffrage amendment of women to the Constitution. In 1890, the two organizations merged into the National American Woma

34、ns Suffrage Association, which later became the League of Women Voters. The first wave of American feminism focused on the suffrage right for women but was not very successful. However, there was some progress in the reform of property laws and educational opportunities and “it did lay some of the i

35、ntellectual groundwork for the second wave of American feminism ” (Madsen 6).1.1.2 The Second Wave of American Feminism: 1960sThe second wave of American feminism began with Betty Friedans The Feminine Mystique, which was published in 1963. Later, Friedan founded the National Organization of Women (

36、NOW) in 1966, marking the formal beginning of the second movement of American Feminism. The main concern of the movement was against different kinds of discrimination, especially sex-based, of women in a patriarchy society. With the development of feminist activism, feminist theories in the areas of

37、 literature, politics, philosophy and history also began to rise. Many womens study programmes emerged in America. “The first full Womens programme was set up at San Diego State College in 1970” (Leitch 325). The intended aim of the organization was “to change the sexist bias of traditional educatio

38、n and social practices” (Madsen 15). In literary critical field, traditional criticism became the target of feminist theory because of its blindness to gender. The pioneer in this field was Kate Miller, the author of Sexual Politics (1971). Other critics working in this field included Ellen Moers, E

39、laine Showalter, Patricia Meyer Spacks, Sandra Gilbert, Susan Gubar, Nina Baym and so on. They aimed to help people recognize womens value by criticizing the images of women in literary works and “define a tradition of womens writing by finding and publishing the work of neglected writers ” (Madsen

40、15-16). Different schools of feminism also appeared during the two periods of feminist movements, such as Liberal Feminism, Marxist Feminism, Psychoanalytic Feminism, Ecofeminism, Socialist Feminism, Feminism of Color and so on. And it was the Feminism of Color that shaped the real backbone of Alice Walkers womanism.American feminism continued, more and more colored women gradually realized that they had been excluded from the mainstream white feminism, which only paid attention to white middle class women. Therefore, different kin


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