新编剑桥商务英语初级第4单元TPI ppt课件剖析.ppt

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1、,新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(初级)(第三版)SUCCESS WITH BEC PRELIMINARY,Module 4,Contents,Section ASection BSection C,_,_,_,4.1 READING-International business,4.1 LISTENING-Views on import controls,4.1 SPEAKING-Imported goods,4.1 GRAMMAR-can,could and should,4.1 READING-Business2Business,1.importimp:t,imp:t2.exportiksp:

2、t,eks-,eksp:petitorkmpetit4.wholesaler5.warehouse6.audio product7.ban 8.fashion industry missionerkmin,进口出口竞争对手批发商仓库音响产品禁止服装行业危机委员;委托人;(政府部门等的)重要官员,Useful Words and Expressions,10.spokeswoman11.huge losses12.resign13.garment 14.clothing blockadeblkeid15.in favour of16.disastrousdiz:strs17.import con

3、trol18.import quotas kwtz,女发言人巨大损失辞职服装服装封锁支持、赞成损失惨重的、灾难性的进口控制进口配额,Useful Words and Expressions,promise kmprmaiz20.stock exchange21.appeal to sb.22.available 23.Rotterdamrtdm;,r:trd:m,妥协,折衷证券交易所,证券交易对 有吸引力有空的,能得到的鹿特丹,Useful Words and Expressions,READING,International business,1.Can you name ten class

4、room objects?What are they?,Classroom objects,2 Where was each thing made?How many were imported?,Discussion,projector 投影仪 laptop 笔记本电脑 screen 屏幕 loudspeaker 扩音器 microphone 麦克风 DVD player DVD影碟机 electronic board 电子板 recorder 录音机 platform 讲台 whiteboard 白板record player 录音机,P36,Background Information,E

5、U是European Union的缩写,由欧洲共同体(European communities)发展而来,是一个集政治实体和经济实体于一身、在世界上具有重要影响的区域一体化组织。1991年12月,欧洲共同体马斯特里赫特首脑会议通过欧洲联盟条约,通称马斯特里赫特条约(简称马约)。1993年11月1日,马约正式生效,欧共体更名为欧盟,欧盟正式诞生。总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔,共27个成员国。,欧洲联盟(EU),Background Information,欧盟的主要组织机构有:-欧洲理事会(European Council),-欧盟理事会(欧盟各国部长理事会,Council of European

6、 Union)-欧盟委员会(Commission of European Union)-欧洲议会(European Parliament),欧洲联盟(EU),Holland is a name in common usage given to a region in the western part of the Netherlands.The term Holland is frequently used to refer to the whole of the Netherlands.The capital is Amsterdam.And,Rotterdam,is the home of

7、 Europes largest port.,Holland,Map of Holland,North Sea,Rotterdam,Belgium,Germany,Rotterdam,Rotterdam a city and municipality in the Dutch province of South Holland,situated in the west of the Netherlands.It is the second largest city in the country,with a population of 603,425 as of March 2010.It i

8、s one of the Europes largest ports.,2.What is Christmas season?圣诞季节通常指从12月初到第二年的元月6号这段时间,商家会利用这段时间进行商品促销活动,相当于我国的传统节日春节。,Background Information,producer 生产商 customer 顾客 warehouse 仓库competitor 竞争对手port 港口,3 Tick the words you know.,wholesaler 批发商retailer 零售商consumer 消费者customs 海关 clothing 服装,clothing

9、/clothes/cloth,不可数,意思是“衣服的总称”。常译为“服装”,但比clothes更正式。,如:They wear much clothing here in Melbourne.Food and clothing are of great importance to our life.,clothing 服装,clothing/clothes/cloth,clothing,常用的表达有:一件衣服 an article/a piece of clothing冬装 winter clothing夏装 summer clothing防护服 protective clothing专用工作

10、服 special clothing,如:I have to wash many clothes every day.If you want to attend the party,youd better change into formal clothes.,复数名词(无单数形式),谓语动词用复数。意义与clothing相近,但意义比较具体。其前不可加不定冠词,也不可加数词,但可用 some,these,those,many,few 等词修饰。,如:Mother bought some cloth to make us new dresses for our birthday.,a)表示“布

11、”、“衣料”,是不可数名词。,b)表示用作某种特殊用途的布(桌布,台布等)。,如:I need a piece of cloth to clean the table.,H&M:全球时装零售连锁巨头,来自瑞典的连锁服饰店Hennes&Mauritz的缩写。公司成立于1947年,总部设在斯德哥尔摩,创办人是现任董事长史蒂芬皮尔森(Stefan Persson)的父亲。H&M是欧洲最大的服饰零售商,其官方网站为http:/。,Fashion industry crisis after EU import ban(page36),相关服装品牌,Zara:成立于1975年,通过快速地推出时尚又价格亲和

12、的服装,目前已经成为全球排名第三、西班牙排名第一的服装零售商。在全球56个国家,Zara拥有超过两千家以上的服装连锁店。然而,拥有如此庞大的零售系统,却能够保证从商品设计、试做、生产到店面销售,平均只花费三周时间的“极速供应链”,这称得上是时尚产业的“奇迹”,其官方网站为http:/。,Fashion industry crisis after EU import ban(page36),相关服装品牌,C&A:著名连锁平价时装零售品牌C&A公司于1841年在荷兰成立。至2007年底,C&A的零售业务横跨整个欧洲、拉丁美洲和中国,遍及全球20个国家,拥有超过1400家专卖店,并将持续扩张。其官方

13、网站为http:/www.c-and-。,Fashion industry crisis after EU import ban(page36),相关服装品牌,Key Points,在该文中意思是“被困住”。,stuck 是 stick的过去分词。如:I was stuck in the traffic in London.The little girl has been stuck in the elevator for 3 hours.,be(get)stuck:,常见的搭配有at a loss亏损,如:sold the merchandise at a loss赔本卖出货物stand t

14、he loss承受损失suffer losses遭受损失等,huge losses 巨大损失,Key Points,结合上下文,原本由中国出口的服装被扣 在欧盟各仓库中;因此该词组可译为“放行这些货物”。release还有”上映:为了演出、出售、出版或分发而发行“的意思。如:release a film/record/book发行一部电影、唱片、书籍,release these goods,Key Points,如:We are in favour of his marketing plan.,Key Points,be in favour of 赞同、支持,be in favour of 还

15、有其他两种含义“有利于”以及“以为受款人”,如:The judgement is in favour of their rival.They received an anonymous check in favour of their father.,restriction意为“限制,约束,限定”,后常加介词on,表示“对的限制”。如:The government placed restrictions on the freedom of news.政府限制新闻的自由。,import restrictions 进口限制,Key Points,flood 用作动词,含有比喻意义,表示“充斥:以丰

16、富或过多的东西充满”。如:Cheap foreign goods are flooding the market.,flood the market 像洪水般充斥市场,Key Points,Text Structure Analysis,LISTENING,Views on import controls,8.Listen to the radio news item and decide whether each Of the two speakers is for or against the import controls.(Page 37),该新闻报道中有三人发言,其中一人为主持人,另

17、二人分别为若奥和达格玛。1.答题信息在若奥的发言中的第二句“The European Union should protect European industry”以及他的最后总结“Stop the Chinese imports,support European producers”。因此该发言者若奥对进口控制持支持态度。,Key and Analysis,2.答题信息在达格玛的发言中的第一句“.we should import garments from Chinaat a good price.”和第三句“We are not at all happy with this situati

18、on”;以及第六句“The European Trade Commissioner should actto permit the clothes to leave the warehouse”。因此,该发言者达格玛对控制进口持反对态度。,Key and Analysis,European Trade commissioner Mr.Mandelson would take two opposite views about present situation into his account.In order to safeguard the profits of local clothing

19、 producers in countries like Italy,Spain and Portugal,EU Trade Commission would go on with the import restriction.On the other hand,EU would possibly subsidize the clothing retailers so as to maintain the balance between producing and retailing.,10.Do you know what happened next?Think of two possibl

20、e endings.,Suggested Answer 1:,European Trade commissioner Mr.Mandelson would put an end to import restrictions on condition that China takes initiative to cut down its import quotas to European Union.Thus clothing retailers could get supplies of the imported garments,whereas,with less imported clot

21、hing flooding into European market,local clothing producers could also gain their market share.,10.Do you know what happened next?Think of two possible endings.,Suggested Answer 2:,11.Listen to the rest of the news item to find out if you are right.,Todays headline is that China and the European Uni

22、on have just announced that an end to the clothing blockade has been agreed.,Key Points,今天的标题新闻是:中国和欧盟已经宣布中止服装封锁。,类似的词组还有如:reach a decision做出决定reach a conclusion 得出结论,Key Points,reach an agreement,达成协议,取得一致意见,5.stock exchange 证券交易所 也可叫做stock market。,Key Points,3.import quotas 进口配额,promise 妥协,折衷如:mak

23、e a compromise 做出让步。,SPEAKING,Imported goods,12.In pairs,discuss why a European company decides to import goods.,Less energy will be consumed.Natural environment will be better preserved.Large numbers of local workers are set free to pursue jobs with skills.,Suggested Ideas:,GRAMMAR,can/could/should

24、,情态动词,情态动词没有人称、数的变化。情态动词的否定式为:情态动词+not(nt)构成。在问句中情态动词应位于主语之前。can表示现在的能力和可能性I can speak English and Spanish.(ability)我能讲英语和西班牙语。(能力)He cant finish the work before he goes home.(possibility)他回家前不可能完成作业。(可能性),can、could、should,could 表示将来的可能性和过去的能力Our shops could be empty next week.(future)我们的商店下周可能要无货可卖

25、了。(将来的可能性)I couldnt speak to him yesterday.(past)我昨天没能和他通话。(过去的能力),情态动词can、could、should,情态动词,can、could、should,Can/Could I/we 引导的一般疑问句表示请求许可、主动提议。Can/Could you 引导的一般疑问句表示要求。Can I leave early this evening?(permission)我今晚可以早点走吗?(请求许可)How can I help you?(offer)我该怎么帮你?(主动提议)Could you sign this form for m

26、e?(request)你能否在表格上签字?(要求),情态动词,can、could、should,should表示提出建议、征求意见和给予劝告The European Union should protect European industry.(recommendation)欧盟应该保护欧洲的工业。(建议)You shouldnt be rude to customers.(advice)你不应该对顾客态度粗鲁。(劝告),情态动词,can、could、should,如:The alarm will go off at 7 oclock.除此之外,go off 还有很多其他意义,常用的有“离开、

27、出发”;“爆炸”;“进行”等。如:He went off without saying goodbye.It was said that a bomb went off on the train.The concert went off well.,Key Points,go off,发出巨响,如:Is Mr.Smith available?available还可表示“可用的”如:First-aid kits should be kept available any time.,Key Points,available,可得到的,如:Please read this dossier on ma

28、rket researching if you have time.,Key Points,dossier,卷宗、档案,如:I bring the charger with me in case the battery is flat.,Key Points,flat,没电的,除此之外,flat的常用意义很多,如“单调的”;“跑气了的”;“漏气的,尤指轮胎”等。如:This is a flat film which attracts few audience.I was late for work today because of the flat tyre.He threw a bottle

29、 of flat beer away.,Key points,flat,1.You should give him a call as soon as possible,give reasonable explanations and promise it wont happen again.,Suggested Answers,Work in pairs.Take turns as student A and Student B in each of these situations.(page 38),2.You should talk to your colleague face to

30、face sincerely and analyze the influence his behavior will bring to the company.,3.Youd better help your boss keep his records first.But then youll have to teach him how to keep his own records by explaining the importance to him.,Suggested Answers,4.If you want to be promoted,you have to learn anot

31、her language which will be of great help to your job;on the other hand,you may also improve your performance in work by attending advanced training courses or by meeting your targets.,5.You should refuse to make excuses for your colleague by making him aware of the serious outcome of his behavior an

32、d the bad effect on you.,Suggested Answers,6.You have to pay special attention to your clients name by writing them down on your notebook;or you may check their names each time to avoid embarrassment before you meet them.,READING,Business2business,teleconference:,电话会议、远程电信会议;即“a meeting in which the

33、 people taking part are in different places,but they are linked by a telephone line”。是不同地方人员参加同一会议的很好方式,既省时又省力,方便快捷,在商务中应用广泛。,Background Information,business2business也可缩写为B2B。数字2夹在两个business中间形式独特。其文体效果是吸引读者的眼球,激发读者的好奇心。实际上数字2是英文单词to的谐音,而且与两个business中无任何空格,既节约了标题空间又具有独特意义,表示“先进的通讯方式拉近了国际商务之间的距离。”,也点

34、出了文章的主题全球通讯。,Key Points:,Question:,How to make your teleconference effective?,Can you answer the following questions?,1.What are the good ways to connect people in different parts of the world?,2.Which is better,working in office or working from home?,3.Should time differences be taken into account

35、when teleconferences are prepared?,Can you answer the following questions?,4.What advice will you give to manage a teleconference?,5.When will you send out the agenda to the participants?,6.How much time will you need to prepare a question?,7.When can I press the mute button?,4.2 Business Skills,Bus

36、iness communications,4.2 SPEAKING-On the phone,4.2 WRITING-Dealing with complaints,4.2 GRAMMAR-will for offers and promises,4.2 LISTENING-Telephone messages,Business Skills,1.printer cartridges k:trid2.description3.pass the message on to plaint5.cancel 6.extension number 7.Pharmaceuticals,fa:msju:ti

37、klz8.budget 9.plasmaplzm screen TV,打印机墨盒种类;性质;描述 把留言转给 投诉 取消分机号码医药用品预算等离子电视,Useful Words and Expressions,Business Skills,10.freight freit forwarder/fwd/货运商 11.Distributor 发行人,销售商12.containerkntein 集装箱 13.production manager 生产经理,厂长14.Madrid mdrid 马德里(西班牙首都),Useful Words and Expressions,Business Skill

38、s,Madrid,Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain.It is the third-most populous municipality in the European Union after Greater London and Berlin,and its metropolitan area is the third most populous in the European Union after Paris and London.,Map of Spain,SPEAKING,On the phone,1.What will

39、you saywhen making a call?,On the phone,2 What will you respond when answering the phone?,Discussion,Can I help you?Can I leave him a message?Id like to speak to,please.Ill give it to you Ill call back laterThis is,of,Can I say that back to you?Does she have your number?Ill ask to call you when she

40、gets back.Ill pass your message on to Im sorry,the line is busy.Who is calling,please?Would you like to leave a message?I am afraidis not in her office at the moment.,A:receptionist of Smith&Sons.,On the phone,B:Caller who wants to talk to the manager,Speaking,Practise saying the short exchanges wit

41、h your partner,Office supplies,On the phone,Speaking,copy paperprinter cartridgeinkenvelopediarysealing tapemarkerstonerribbonfile holderglue,打印纸墨盒墨水信封笔记本胶带记号笔调色剂彩带文件夹胶水,WRITING,Dealing with complaints,Letter of complaints,Structure of the letter,1.投诉事由2.详述事件/投诉理由3.提出要求以及解决方案,Letter of complaints,Ti

42、ps you should keep in mind,Firstly,be courteous,professional but firm.Secondly,be reasonable.Thirdly,be specific about what is wrong.Fourthly,tell how we have been hurt.Fifthly,keep it short,to the point.Sixthly,state consequences,Key rules:accurate,brief,clear,Dealing with complaints,Structure of t

43、he reply,1.Apolgising for the problems,Key rules:accurate,brief,clear,2.Giving an explanation,3.Solution,Dealing with complaints,Useful language:,I apologise forPlease accept my apologies forI would like to apologise forUnfortunatelyThe problem was due toWe had a problem withI would like to offerI c

44、an offerPlease accept,GRAMMAR,“will”for offers and promises,“will”表示提议和许诺,Work in pairs,Suggested answer to prompt 1:,Wholesaler:Please accept my apology.I will check why there is such a problem.And I will have your order delivered as soon as possible.Whats more,I will offer 5%discount on the order.

45、,Suggested answer to prompt 2:,Freight Forwarder:Yes,Id like to.I will send the information to you as soon as possible.Would you like me to send it by fax or via email?,Suggested answer to prompt 3:,Manufacturer:Yes,I will find it out as soon as possible.I will keep you informed when I get the exact

46、 date.,Suggested answer to prompt 4:,Importer:Yes,I would.I will call the warehouse to find it out.But would you like to speak to the warehouse yourself?That would make things easier.,LISTENING,Telephone messages,Leaving/taking a message,Dos and Donts,-Be concise.-Speak clearly.-Identify yourself.-S

47、tate your purpose of calling.-Leave/take a message as detailed as possible.,-Can I leave a message for?-Would you like to leave a message?-Could you spell your names,please?-Can I take your name and number?-I will pass your message on.-Let me check that.-Could you repeat that,please?,Useful expressions:,


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