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1、Friends老友记六人行中英文对照剧本第二季第二十二集Friends老友记六人行中英文对照剧本第二季 222 The One With the Two Parties 222 一个头两个大 Scene: Moondance Diner. Ross, Phoebe, Joey, and Chandler are sitting at the 那么,我来准备蜡烛和我妈妈的花边台布, counter, Monica is working. Monica is wearing her costume, including big fake 既然是瑞秋的生日,我认为, 我们要搞的特别一点,我想煮条鲑鱼

2、 breasts. MONICA: So, Ill get candles and my moms lace tablecloth, and since its 怎么? Rachels birthday, I mean, we want it to be special, I thought Id poach a salmon. ALL: Ohhh. MONICA: What? 问题是. 为什么我们总是要在你煮东西时开party? 那你当负责食物的筹委? ROSS: Question. Why do we always have to have parties where you poach

3、第二个问题. 为什么我们开party总要筹委? things? MONICA: You wanna be in charge of the food committee? 确实. 为什么我们不能就弄些比萨和啤酒ROSS: Question two. Why do we always have to have parties with committees? 乐一乐? JOEY: Really. Why cant we just get some pizzas and get some beers and have 对, 我同意. 我认为有趣的party大家都参与才有趣 fun? 我不能肯定我们

4、都行 ROSS: Yeah. PHOEBE: Yeah, I agree. Ya know, I think fancy parties are only fun if youre 好吧. 如果你们不希望搞特别一些,好. 你们别再想开任何party. fancy on the inside and Im just not sure we are. MONICA: Alright. If you guys dont want it to be special, fine. You can throw 乔伊,它们不是真的. 我塞了些东西在下面, ok, 它们是假的. any kind of par

5、ty you want. 看? honk honk. Joey is staring at Monicas breasts MONICA: Joey theyre not real. I start miles beneath the surface of these things, 哇, 就象色情书刊上的小丑. ok, theyre fake. See squeezes her breast honk honk. CHANDLER: Wow, its, its like porno for clowns. 我问过瑞秋的姐妹了, 她们都不能来. Ok, 嗯 所以, 我只有要请迪龙,艾玛和姗伦.

6、库珀 OPENING TITLES Scene: Central Perk. Chandler, Ross, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are planning Woah, woah, woah, uh, 不要姗伦.库珀. Raches birthday party. 为什么不能请她? 因为她 uh, 她偷东西. ROSS: I talked to Rachels sisters, neither of them can come. MONICA: Ok, um so, I still have to invite Dillon and Emma and Shannon

7、 也许不是她爱偷东西, Cooper. JOEY: Woah, woah, woah, uh, no Shannon Cooper. PHOEBE: Why not her? JOEY: Cause she uh, she steals stuff. CHANDLER: Or maybe she doesnt steal stuff and Joey just slept with her and never called her back. MONICA: Joey that is horriable. JOEY: Hey I liked her, alright. Maybe, maybe

8、 too much. I dont know I guess I just got scared. PHOEBE: Im sorry, I didnt know. JOEY: I didnt think anyoned buy that, ok. Rachel enters ROSS: Hi honey, how did it go? RACHEL: Agh, it was the graduation from hell. CHANDLER: Ya know, my cousin went to hell on a football scholarship. 而是乔伊和她上过床后就再也没打电

9、话给她. 乔伊,这太过分了. 嗨 我是喜欢她的, 好吧. 也许, 也许太喜欢了. 我不知道 我猜我是害怕吧. 对不起, 我不知道. 我想没人会买那个, ok. 嗨 亲爱的, 还好吗? Agh, 刚从地狱毕业. 你知道吗, 我表弟刚得到地狱的橄榄球奖学金. 当然, 这是一个很好的开玩笑的场合. 我妹妹从大学毕业了, 没有人想到. 真应了一句老话“会咬人的狗不叫”. RACHEL: Ya know, I mean this is supposed to be a joyous occasion. My sisters 那有什么问题?/ 我父母的问题. graduating from college

10、, nobody thought she would. Its a true testament to what 他们要做的就是坐在露天运动场, 骄傲地笑, 别再谈论离婚. a girl from long island would do for a Celica. MONICA: So what happened? 但是,不, RACHEL: My parents happened. All they had to do was sit in the same stadium, 他们在毕业演讲中间发生大争吵. smile proudly, and not talk about the div

11、orce. But nooo, they got into a huge fight 校长实在不得不停下来“嘘”他们. in the middle of the commencement address. Bishop Tutu actually had to stop and 但你们想知道, 你们想知道好消息吗? shush them. But you know what, you know what the good news is? I get to serve 我得接下来要端8个小时的咖啡 coffee for the next 8 hours. PHOEBE: Ok, so I gu

12、ess we dont invite her parents. MONICA: Well, how bout just her mom? CHANDLER: Why her mom? MONICA: Cause I already invited her. PHOEBE: Ooh, ooh, did you ask Stacy Roth? JOEY: Oh no, cant invite her. She also steals. Ok, 因此我猜我们不必邀请他父母. / 好, 只请她妈怎样? 为什么是她妈? 因为我已经请了她了. Ooh, ooh, 你请了Stacy Roth吗? 不,不,

13、不能请她. 她也偷东西. Scene: Monica and Rachels apartment. Chandler, Joey, Monica, and Phoebe are Ok, 生日蜡烛好了. 生日蛋糕在哪? Ok, 我们没有生日蛋糕, 我们有生日果馅setting up for the party. PHOEBE: Ok, here are the birthday candles. Wheres the birthday cake? MONICA: Ok, were not having birthday cake, were having birthday flan. CHAND

14、LER: Excuse me? MONICA: Its a traditional Mexican custard dessert. JOEY: Oh thats nice. Happy birthday Rachel, heres some goo. knock at the door 饼. 什么? 是一种传统的墨西哥奶油甜点. Oh 太好了. 生日快乐,瑞秋, 这是些糕. Dr. Greene. 哦,天啊,是瑞秋的爸爸. 你来有事吗? MONICA: answers the door Dr. Greene. Oh my God its Rachels dad. Whatre 什么? 她父亲

15、不能在她生日的时候来看看她吗? you doing here? MR. GREENE: What? The father cant drop by to see the daughter on her 不,不, 父亲可以, 但是 嗯, 我是她的室友,她不在,我可以birthday? MONICA: No no, the father can, but um, since I am the roommate I can tell you 传口信, 好吧. 就,再见. that shes not here and Ill pass along the message, ok. So bye-bye

16、. MR. GREENE: Ohhh, youre having a parteee. 哦,你们开party. 不, 不, 不是party. 只是一些人的惊喜聚MONICA: No, no, not a party. Just a surprise gathering of some people Rachel 会,瑞秋知道的. 嗯, 这是菲比,钱德和乔伊 knows. Um, this is Phoebe and Chandler and Joey. MR. GREENE: Ill never remember all of that. So uh, whats the deal? Rach

17、el 我从来就记不住这些. 所以 uh, 怎样进comes home, people pop out and yell stuff, is that it? CHANDLER: This isnt your first surprise party, is it sir? knock at the door, Monica answers to see Mrs. Greene MRS. GREENE: Hi Monica. Monica slams the door back shut MONICA: Chinese menu guy. Forgot the menus. CHANDLER:

18、So, basically just a Chinese guy. JOEY: Uh, hey, Dr. Greene, why dont you come with me, well put your jacket on Rachels bed. MR. GREENE: Alright, that sounds like a two person job. they walk into Rachels bedroom MRS. GREENE: Well, my goodness, what was that? MONICA: Sandra, I am so sorry, I thought

19、you were Rachel and we just werent ready for you yet. MRS. GREENE: You thought I was Rachel? CHANDLER: Yes because uh, you look so young. PHOEBE: And because youre both, you know, white women. bedroom? CHANDLER: NO! No, Ill take that for ya. 行? 瑞秋回来, 大家跳出来大叫,就这些? 这不是你的第一个惊喜party吧, 先生? 嗨 莫妮卡. 中餐馆拿菜单的

20、. 忘了菜单. 哦, 也就是个中国人. Uh, 嗨, Dr. Greene, 为什么不跟我来把你的夹克放到瑞秋床上. 好啊, 听起来好像需要两个人. 天啊, 怎么回事? 桑德娜, 非常对不起, 我以为你是瑞秋没料到是你. 你以为我是瑞秋? / 是啊 因为 uh, 你看起来太年轻了. 还因为你们都, 是啊, 白种女人. Oh, 我想念你们这些孩子. 哦, 我能把大衣放到卧室去吗? 我帮你拿. / Oh 好,谢谢. 真是一个绅士. 多谢. MRS. GREENE: Oh, I missed you kids. Well, should I put my coat in the 不! 不行, MRS

21、. GREENE: Oh well thank you. Such a gentleman. Thank you. Chandler 啊, 太好了, 很喜庆, 这么多气球. takes the hot pink coat and grimaces at it Ahh, it all looks so nice, so festive, all 我来的路上最好笑的是, 我. the balloons. Chandler, remembering that Joey and Mr. Greene are in the Ha-ha, 太好笑了, ha-ha. bedroom, throws her

22、coat in a cupboard The funniest thing happened to me on 我忍不住听完, 你知道吗, 但我实在要去the way here. I was.Joey peeks out 洗手间了,所以. PHOEBE: cutting Mrs. Greene off Ha-ha, thats great, ha-ha. I cant wait to 嗨, 一起去. / 什么? hear the rest of it, ya know, but I really have to go to the bathroom so. Hey, 是啊, 是啊, 好像我们都

23、是女生, 你知道, come with me. Yeah, yeah, itll be like were gal pals, ya know, like at a restraunt. 就象在餐馆. Oh, 很有趣, 来吧. Oh 天啊, oh 天啊, oh 天啊. Oh, itll be fun, cmon. they go in the bathroom Ok, 想想, Jack和Chrissy还要做什么? MONICA: Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Ok, 现在你的夹克已经安全放在床上了, CHANDLER: Ok, think, what wou

24、ld Jack and Chrissy do? JOEY: peeks back out Ok, now that your coat is safely in the bedr-, sees that oh, ok 我们可以回客厅了. 好 uh, 乔伊和钱德,我, 我想你们可以带the coast is clear oh, ok we can come back out in the living room. MONICA: So uh, Joey and Chanlder, I, I think its time that you take Dr. Greene Dr. Greene到你们

25、那边去了 over to your place. Uhh, 对, 当然, 嗯. 为什么又? CHANDLER: Uhh, yes, absdolutely, um. Why again? MONICA: Because thats where the party is you goon. See this is just the staging 因为party在那边,笨蛋. 这只是集结地. 对,是集结地. area. JOEY: Right this is staging. CHANDLER: Yeah, this more than anything else, is the staging

26、 area. 对, 还有更多东西, 这里只是集结地. 这显然挂错了房间. JOEY: as theyre walking out, Dr. Greene questioningly gestures at the Happy 好的,你们分到一号party Birthday sign over the door This is clearly in the wrong apartment. they all walk 而你们, 你们分到二号party 好的,小伙子们, 这边走,这边走. across the hall Scene: Later on in the hallway between

27、the apartments. Chandler is showing 钱德,你能不能派一点点女人到我们的party? people to the parties. CHANDLER: Alright you guys are off to party number one ushers 3 guys into 来了,是罗斯. Monicas apartment and you, you are off to party number two ushers four Ok, 他们来了, shhh. women into his apartment. Two guys try to follow

28、 and Chandler blocks them and 哦, 多谢你的美妙的晚餐. / 要谢你生出来shoos them off to Monicas apartment Alright fellas, lets keep it movin, let keep 了. it movin. 哦, 谢谢你送的漂亮耳环,太美了. 我爱MONICA: Chandler could you at least send some women to my party? buzzer 你. Oh, 现在你可以拿取换东西了, ok. goes off Alright thats Ross. CHANDLER:

29、 Ok, theyre coming, shhh. Runs into Monicas apartment and 现在我更爱你了. 惊喜. / Oh 天啊, 哦. grabs one last girl to take to his apartment RACHEL: Ohh, thank you for the wonderful dinner. ROSS: Thanks for being born. RACHEL: Ohh, thank you for my beautiul earrings, theyre perfect. I love you. ROSS: Oh, now you

30、 can exchange them if you want, ok. RACHEL: Now I love you even more. they kiss and Ross backs her into her apartment and turns on the lights ALL: Surprise. RACHEL: Oh my gosh, wow. Monica. Oh my god. Mom. This is so great. MRS. GREENE: Happy birthday sweetie. RACHEL: Wow you, you. I had no idea. RO

31、SS: Really? RACHEL: No, I knew. ROSS: All right. hall. ROSS: What? RACHEL: What? 莫妮卡. Oh 天啊. 妈妈. 太棒了 生日快乐,亲爱的. Wow 你, 你. 我一点都不知道. 真的吗? 不,我知道的. / 是吗. Ok, 各位, 桌上有吃的和饮料. 穿过走廊. / 什么? 快去, 乔伊和钱德那里, 快去. 为什么? / 快去. 惊喜. 生日快乐,亲爱的. 爸爸! 他们都来啦, 都来了, 两人都来了? 真不敢相信. 你知道, 太可笑了, ok. 这是你的生日,你的Party. 我是说我们让他们在一起 MONICA

32、: Ok, everybody, theres food and drinks on the table. Go across the 对, 我们要不要再算一下. MONICA: Right now, Joey and Chandlers, go now. RACHEL: Why. MONICA: Just go. they walk across the hall ALL: Surprise. MR. GREENE: Happy birthday sweetpea. 如果他们处不来, 谁管呢 我管. / 对啊. 好, 你行吗? 行, 只能这样, 我实在没其他办法, 我的意思, 你知道, 我起

33、码看到好在, 我有两个生日parties和两个生日蛋糕. 哦, 实际上只有一个生日果馅饼. RACHEL: Daddy. Ad break. Time lapse. Still at party at Chandler and Joeys. Rachel is talking to 什么? Chandler and Ross. RACHEL: Both of them are here, both of them, both of them are here? CHANDLER: Well, we could count again. 是一种传统的墨西哥奶油甜点. 去和莫妮卡谈谈, 她是食物筹

34、委. 乔伊,乔伊. 嗨, 有些女孩走到我面前说, 我要你,丹尼斯, RACHEL: I cant believe this is happening. ROSS: You know what, this is ridiculous, ok. This is your birthday, this is your 还把舌头伸进我的喉咙. party. I say we just put em all together and if they cant deal with it, who cares. RACHEL: I do. ROSS: Thats who. CHANDLER: Look, a

35、re you gonna be ok? 我爱这个party. 快速排球问题. / 排球? 对, 我们在你的房间开了个球场. 哦, 你是不是确实不喜欢你那盏灰色的灯吧, 对RACHEL: Well, I have to be, I dont really have a choice, I mean, you know, I 吧? 乔伊, 一个女人刚才把舌头伸进我的喉咙, could look at the bright side, I get two birthday parties and two birthday cakes. 我根本没听见你说什么. CHANDLER: Well, actu

36、ally just one birthday flan. 丹尼斯! / Ok, 叫我. RACHEL: What? CHANDLER: Its a traditional Mexican custard dessert.Look talk to Monica, 听着亲爱的, 你能拖住爸爸吗?我想和妈shes on the food committee. Time lapse. Chandler runs out of the bathroom. 妈聊一会儿. Ok, 你觉得有什么籍口吗? CHANDLER: Joey, Joey. Hey, some girl just walked up t

37、o me and said, I want Uhh, 只要摆出“我就是和你女儿的那个人”的姿态就可以了. you Dennis, and stuck her tounge down my throat. I love this party. JOEY: Quick volleyball question. CHANDLER: Volleyball. Ok 各位, 我要大家那一片纸, 你的, 写下你记得最难堪的事情. 把笔套套上 JOEY: Yeah, we set up a court in your room. Uh, you didnt really like that grey Oh,

38、我还要你们不用笔的时候,因为很快会干. lamp, did you? CHANDLER: Joey, a woman just stuck her tounge down my throat, Im not even 嗨 Dr. Greene. listening to you. GIRLS VOICE: Dennis. CHANDLER: Ok, thats me. runs back RACHEL: Listen honey, can you keep dad occupied, Im gonna go talk to mom for a while. ROSS: Ok, do you h

39、ave any ideas for any openers? you should be ok. Back in Monicas party MONICA: Ok people, I want you to take a piece of paper, here you go, and write down your most embarassing memory. Oh, and I do ask that when youre not using the markers, you put the caps back on them because they will dry out. Ba

40、ck in Chandler and Joeys party 嗯, uh, 还好吧,你的心血管科.游戏? 不是游戏,罗斯, 今天有个女人死在我的台上. 对不起. 看我的工作好在这. 我台上所有的恐龙都是死的 嗯, 我刚才注意到有些人把它大开着,你必须推进笔帽 直到你听见嘀响一声. 刚特, 你要去哪? 我 嗯, 我有点想也许. 不. 不行,你不能走. RACHEL: Uhh, lets just stay clear of Im the guy thats doing you daughter and 听着, 我不是想为难大家,但是 ROSS: Hi Dr. Greene. So, uh, ho

41、ws everything in the uh, vascular 不,这好玩. 来,我们刚开始. 这, 这是你的笔. MR. GREENE: Its not a game Ross, a woman died on my table today. 听着,如果你想走,尽管走. ROSS: Im sorry. See thats the good thing about my job. All the dinosaurs on my 不行, 她又会喊住我的. 好吧, 我会帮你出去. / 什么? table are already dead. Back in Monic

42、as party Shh. 等会, 我转移视线. 那时,马上走出MONICA: Listen you guys, I dont mean to be a pain about this but, um, Ive 门别回头看. noticed that some of you are just placing them on. You wanna push the caps until 我想喝点东西. you hear them click. she demonstrates, Gunther starts to walk to the door 哦, 我, 我去帮你拿. 你要什么? Gunth

43、er, wherere you going? 威士忌. 威士忌. 好的, 我马上带着你的威士忌加GUNTHER: I um, was sorta thinking about maybe. MONICA: No. No you cant go. No this is fun. Come on were just getting 冰回来. started. Here, heres your marker. PHOEBE: Listen if you wanna go, just go. GUNTER: No, shell yell at me again. PHOEBE: Alright, I

44、can get you out. GUNTHER: What? 纯的! / Cool. 不,不,不,不,不,不, 纯的, 不加冰. 我明白. Oh hello 罗斯, 你去哪了? 嗨. Uh, 我去洗手间了. PHOEBE: Shh. In a minute, Im gonna create a diversion. When I do, walk 好清掉大马哈鱼甜点. Oh, 纯威士忌. 你知道吗, 那是瑞秋父亲quickly to the door and dont look back. Back at Chandler and Joeys party MR. GREENE: I thin

45、k I need a drink. ROSS: Oh, here, I, Ill get it for ya. Whadya want? MR. GREENE: Scotch. 的饮料. Oh, 我也喜欢. 不那么纯, 纯威士忌. 失陪? ROSS: Scotch. Alright, Ill be back in 10 seconds with your scotch on the rocks 嗨, 嗨, 你去哪 uh, 想溜走? 我去取我夹克你的香烟. / 不. 不行. in a glass. MR. GREENE: Neat. ROSS: Cool. MR. GREENE: No no n

46、o, no no no, neat, as in no rocks. ROSS: I know. Back at Monicas party MR. GREENE: Oh hello Ross, where have you been? ROSS: Hi. Uh, I have been in the bathroom. Stay clear of the salmon mousse. 为什么不行? 不是, 嗯, 看,是因为,那是,那是集结地. 如果你进去, 就会破坏整个party的气氛. 所以, 我想你还是带的你的威士忌回那边,我去帮你拿香烟. 眼镜,一起. / 没问题. 上次不早说. Ok

47、, 第一个人最难堪的事情是, MRS. GREENE: Oh, scotch neat. Ya know, thats Rachels fathers drink. ROSS: Oh, mine too. Isnt that neat, scotch neat. Would you excuse me? walks 莫妮卡, 你的party令人非常失望. 非常out in the hallway, Mr. Greene is walking out of Chandler and Joeys apartment 有趣. Hey, hey, where you uh, sneakin off to mister? MR. GREENE: Im getting my cigarettes out of my jacket. ROSS: No. no. MR. GREENE: Whadya mean no? ROSS: No, um, see cause that, that is, that is the staging area. If you go in there, itll ruin the whole illusion


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